Rate the last movie you watched (DON'T POST SPOILERS Y' EEJITS)

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The Secret Life Of Happy People: 8/10

The whole time the movie was going I always had the "You f*cking didn't" impression towards Thomas's father/girlfriend.
The ending was good, made a huge impact on the whole movie. It's the endings that make you look back at what's happened.
Cloverfield 9/10

Great movie.

It's basically what I wanted the Blair With to have been if that were a big-monster-trashing-a-big-city movie. My suspension of disbelief faded two or three times, but over all it was a great ride.
Hot Fuzz 9/10 Wasn't as awesome as I heard, but still really awesome
Deliverance - 8/10
High Fidelity - 7/10
Battle Royale - 7/10
The Simpsons Movie - 10/10

The Simpsons are back on top in my book with this movie. It was definitely fresh and their old humor put into good use. The movie rekindled everything the Simpsons used to be before they started to slide.

Honestly, this was a superb series to movie transition.

Lololol Harry Plopper. :D


Yeah maybe i messed up with the Surf's Up thing, wasnt as funny ofc, maybe i meant animation film instead of funny...I dunno

Monsters Inc ftw.

Superbad - 10/10

Superfunny. American Pie beater.

Ratatouille - 8/10

Good laugh. Graphics in these films just never cease to amaze me, theyre just getting better and better.
Superbad - 5/10...

After watching it again it's damn boring and full of retarded sex humor.

The cops are awesome though.

Minority Report - 9/10...

If the future was like this I'd be so looking forward to it.
Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas - 6/10

Most messed up movie I have ever seen!
Ratatouille - 8/10

Few good laughs, great graphics.

Cloverfield - 7/10

Totally tense in parts, but the boring bits broke it up a bit too much and weren't interesting in the slightest.

Also -

I really wish they hadn't done the close-up with the monster at the end, but oh well.
I finished watching Eragon just over half an hour ago. I'm not sure if I've posted a review about Eragon on here before, but I give it 6.5-7/10. There seemed to be a lot missing in the story lines. I've not read the book so I don't know for certain what was missing, but it was still obvious even to me that there was a lot missing. The animation was good though, and I think Jeremy Irons is really good in it! (Jeremy rocks!) The door is definitely left wide open for a sequel so I can't wait for that!
Charlie and the Chocolate factory. 8/10 Johnny Depp made a great Willy Wonka, but some the screenplay decisions were a little off from the original Gene Wilder version though. (i.e. omitting the fizzy lifting drinks/wind tunnel scene) Though it was necessary in order to work in the new screenplay direction, which mostly included the past childhood experiences of Willy Wonka. (BTW: I know this movie is almost two years old, I haven't exactly been Mr. Exclusive with movies lately :P )
No Country for Old Men = 9/10

Damn good movie... I never been so disturbed and amused by a psychopath killer before. The dude is more creepy than Hannibal Lecter from Silence of the Lambs.
No Country for Old Men = 9/10

Damn good movie... I never been so disturbed and amused by a psychopath killer before. The dude is more creepy than Hannibal Lecter from Silence of the Lambs.


Just saw this last night, and I've gotta say it was just fantastic. Easily one of the best flicks I've seen in the last couple of the years, if not one of the best films I've ever seen. Gripped me from start to finish, real tense stuff. Towards the end I think it lost me a little, but I can't say that detracted from the pure awesome that lead up to it.

No Country for Old Men - 9/10
Friday Night Lights - 9/10

Football movie, thought it'd be crap as a result (like usual), but damn it this was one damn good movie.

Having almost ALL the music by Explosions In The Sky just made it so much sweeter.

And omg did i cry...
Rambo (2008) - 1000000000000000000/10


Now im sure some of you are sat there thinking 'yeah sure, youre watching a movie thats not even due for a few months', but I dont care, id post the link if the forum staff would let me...

***k...me...this movie was absolutely awesome in every sense. Sure hes getting old, but damn it, he can still make an AWESOME Rambo movie. Just as good as the first if I dare to say.

Epic win, so worth the wait. And dear god, SO much more gruesome, dirty and just...graphic. Almost disgustingly so...but hell yeah it makes the movie stand out!
A State of War 7/10

A war movie about the Falklands Conflict. It's from the viewpoint of an Argentian soldier. Pretty good.

Rambo (2008) - 1000000000000000000/10


Now im sure some of you are sat there thinking 'yeah sure, youre watching a movie thats not even due for a few months', but I dont care, id post the link if the forum staff would let me...

***k...me...this movie was absolutely awesome in every sense. Sure hes getting old, but damn it, he can still make an AWESOME Rambo movie. Just as good as the first if I dare to say.

Epic win, so worth the wait. And dear god, SO much more gruesome, dirty and just...graphic. Almost disgustingly so...but hell yeah it makes the movie stand out!

PM please. :P
I really REALLY would, but ive just been told it was the Workprint version thats getting nuked everywhere..

So just 2 hours after it was posted up on the forums I use, the link was removed...:(

I know thats kinda convenient, but if I could upload it from my PC somehow I would.
The Prestige - 9/10.

Outstanding, I love Nolan, Memento is possibly my favourite film ever. There is no-one in hollywood really like him atm imo. Having Bale and Jackman cast was excellent, I really like both actors. Interms of pure entertainment the film won, never once did i feel it dragging or anything and, much like Memento, once I had finished watching it I was left thinking about the story, the characters etc.

A few questions though:
When did the original Angier(Jackman) die? In the flashbacks at the end we see Angier using the machine for the first time, he is shocked when the duplicate appears on the stage and comes down towards him smiling, Angier(in the machine) is shocked and so shoots him.

So the original Angier is alive still, this means that at his first performance of the 100 shows of the Transported Man he kills himself in the tank? With the duplicate appearing on the balcony? Then this process is repeated with each duplicate drowning each night for the duplication of a new one to the balcony?

Also why did Borden hate Angier so much? Because he tried to kill him? I mean Angier's wife did drown and all...

Also I was wondering which brother loved which woman in Bale's characters case. The more arrogant one loving Scarlett Johanson's(sp?) character(as seen in the dinner scene where he acts the cock) and the other loving Sarah? I know both of them played/disguised as 'Fallon' too. The man hung is the actual biological father of Jess too? The twin being her uncle?

I thought the scene btw where Borden and 'Fallon' say goodbye was really sad.
I really REALLY would, but ive just been told it was the Workprint version thats getting nuked everywhere..

So just 2 hours after it was posted up on the forums I use, the link was removed...:(

I know thats kinda convenient, but if I could upload it from my PC somehow I would.

Oh well, thanks anyway...

The Prestige - 9/10.

When did the original Angier(Jackman) die? In the flashbacks at the end we see Angier using the machine for the first time, he is shocked when the duplicate appears on the stage and comes down towards him smiling, Angier(in the machine) is shocked and so shoots him.

So the original Angier is alive still, this means that at his first performance of the 100 shows of the Transported Man he kills himself in the tank? With the duplicate appearing on the balcony? Then this process is repeated with each duplicate drowning each night for the duplication of a new one to the balcony?

Also why did Borden hate Angier so much? Because he tried to kill him? I mean Angier's wife did drown and all...

Also I was wondering which brother loved which woman in Bale's characters case. The more arrogant one loving Scarlett Johanson's(sp?) character(as seen in the dinner scene where he acts the cock) and the other loving Sarah? I know both of them played/disguised as 'Fallon' too. The man hung is the actual biological father of Jess too? The twin being her uncle?

I thought the scene btw where Borden and 'Fallon' say goodbye was really sad.

For the first question, I don't think we can know who is the original.
Cloverfield - 10/10

I am going to see it again tonight. Yes!
Shoot 'Em Up - 9/10

Best action movie ever. I loved it.

Rush Hour 3 - 7/10

Wasn't up to standards with 1 and 2. Still good, though.
"I know who killed me" - shitty movie, but lindsay lohans tits are nice and I can bare with the freckles.. 3/10.
Cloverfield: 7/10

It didn't strike me as it did other people.
Minority Report - 9.0/10

It's been years since I last saw it, and, my god, the entertainment hasn't worn thin in the least. One of the greatest "whodunit" movies ever.

One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest - 9.5/10

Classic exploration of society and what we do with those we deem as mentally handicapped. It's both hilarious and heart-breaking at the same time(I nearly cried at the ending). It is THE standard by which American film should be judged. If you haven't seen this film, do yourself a favor and go out and buy it.
Cloverfield: 7/10

Started very slow and finished abruptly. The middle section was pretty good, but the fact the film was only 85minutes didn't help at all.

I also got motion-sickness quite alot during the panicky camera swinging :dozey:
28 Weeks Later - 7/10 - Lots of people did lots of stupid things. Other than that, enjoyable, but not near the original by any standard.
Superbad - 5/10

What the hell.. Everyone I know loves this movie and says it's the funniest.. It's completely average.. And it's not even that funny, there were a few 'heh' moments, that's about it.

I also got motion-sickness quite alot during the panicky camera swinging :dozey:

hah, I haven't seen it, but at the movie theater here, they put up a bunch of warning signs mentioning the sickness, if you get sick atleast half-way through the movie, they give you a refund.
The Mist - 6.5/10

I haven't read the book, so I can't judge how good of an adaptation it is. On the film's own merits, I'd say it was good at delivering tension and some scares. And it does a good job of making you hate the movie's true villain. But its allegorical subtexts got really heavy-handed at times. I don't need the film to explain the social commentary that was buried into whatever previous scene just transpired. And the pace was very plodding at times. How long do I have to watch a car slowly drive down a foggy road while sweeping music plays? I also didn't like the rushed development (or sometimes total lack of it) when it came to some characters. For instance:

It seemed like they were going somewhere with Dayton's neighbor in the beginning, but then he's just dropped off the face of the screen. I kept waiting for him to pop up at some point, but it never happened. Then there's the cute, young couple who are given a make-out scene just ten minutes prior to the girl's death, as if Darabont threw it in as an afterthought once he realized nobody gave a shit if they died.

Ollie was the ****ing man though.

Any way, all of this could have been forgiven if it weren't for the film's closeout. I will have to respectfully disagree with the others in this topic and say that the ending sucked. The problem isn't that it's bleak. It's that it tries to serve up one extra kick in the balls after another seemingly out of the blue, with no reason or point. As effective as it might have been at provoking my anger (albeit for all the wrong reasons), I don't think it helped make the film any better than it would have been without it. I just wiki'd the novel and that is the ending it should have gone out with. Instead, it feels like the film's pulled some gruesome joke on you, with scant plausibility to boot. It's not powerful or well executed. It's just glib.

So... screw this movie. I gave it an alright score, but still. At least it's not like the stupid gorefests that idiot masses seem to love these days.
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