Rate the last movie you watched (DON'T POST SPOILERS Y' EEJITS)

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Children of Men - 10/10

I really don't see how that movie could be any better. Every time I watch it I'm blown away.

the scene where they're walking down the stairs with the baby and everyone ceases fire and just stares at it wonderously is one of the most intense things in any movie EVER. Jasper's death is ****ing lame too.
Children of Men - 10/10

I really don't see how that movie could be any better. Every time I watch it I'm blown away.

the scene where they're walking down the stairs with the baby and everyone ceases fire and just stares at it wonderously is one of the most intense things in any movie EVER.
Totally agreed. It's a beautiful scene. It's also quite sad because if you look closely
you can see that at least two people get shot dead while watching the baby.

No Country for Old Men
I don't know what to make of this film. I would not call it bad, not be a long shot, but I'm not sure how good it was either. There's not much action but it is very tense. There was no talking in the cinema either (which is unusual for the place I was in), though there wasn't that many people watching it. I think the ending was good (though I can see that many would hate it) but I just want to damn well know whether
he killed the girl or not. The checking of his boots suggests that he did but we don't know. AHHHHHHHHH!

I would certainly recommend this film though, but not to the impatient or people who just want to see an action film/thriller.
Edward Scissorhands - 9/10 - I wept like a baby.
Thank You For Smoking - 9/10

What's there not to like about this film?
Sweeney Todd - 8/10. I thought this was great. Nice and gory too.
Battlestar Galactica: Miniseries - 8/10
Battlestar Galactica: Season 1 - 8/10
Battlestar Galactica: Season 2 - (halfway thru) 9/10 so far

BSG is ****ing awesome. I have Season 3 on deck and I'm eagerly awaiting 4 :D
Raiders of the Lost Ark - 9/10...
I'll will never tire of watching these films.

The Temple of Doom - 7.2/10...
One of the weaker Indies tbh but still immensely fun to watch.

The Last Crusade - 11/10...
The best Indy movie ever! (and will remain so until I see the new one.)

I want to be buried with the boxed set.
Garbage movie, shits all over the poem, ridiculous characters, ridiculous everything. Dialogue was similar to a very long but boring RPG. I have a feeling that it was made mostly for the novelty of 3D effects. Never ask Beowulf what his name is, or he will incessantly yell it in your face: "I AM BEOWULF!"

2/10(1 for making some of the scenes look realistic, 1 for padding out Jolie)
I actually consider Terminator 2 to be the only movie that is better than the original. The first Terminator just didn't do it for me.
Cloverfield 9/10

I like the idea of using the film perspective as a part of the story, I just wish the camcorder was more stable.
1.) War- 4/10 (Huge plot holes and no believability.)

2.) The Bourne Ultimatum- 9.8/10 (****ing awesome.)


Gripping. Horryfing. Dizzying.

I hope they make a sequel.
I will find where you live and brick in your mouth. :|

Can I join also. T2 was by all means better than the first. There is no doubt about it. T2 had the same powerful plot and characters as T1 did, only thing was that it had awesome special effects, which instantly makes T2 far more awesome.
I want to join in too :) T2 is god and T1 is nothing in comparison (still good but T2 is so much better)
The wire Season II - 10/10. Seriously one of the best shows I've ever seen. Each season is like a 13 hour movie. Can't wait for season III.
I want to join in too :) T2 is god and T1 is nothing in comparison (still good but T2 is so much better)

Can I join also. T2 was by all means better than the first. There is no doubt about it. T2 had the same powerful plot and characters as T1 did, only thing was that it had awesome special effects, which instantly makes T2 far more awesome.

I will find where you live and brick in your mouth. :|

What's it like in the world of wrong?
Aye. T2 was a good, cheesey action movie, but the original slays it. Gritty, dark - and no nice terminator that becomes best friends with a little boy and goes on an adventure ;)
T1 just seems waaay too 80's for me to take it seriously. I think some particular parts of the film just haven't aged that well, but other parts remain brilliant.
T2 cheesy? It was leaps and bounds more mature, thought-provoking, and mindblowingly awesome than the camp of T1.

T2 is the main reason the franchise is looked back on so fondly.
The Rock - 8/10

Pretty good action flick. Connery is such a legend.

Six days, seven nights - 9/10

Good comedy, Harrison Ford looked suprisingly old though :S

Into The Wild - 9/10

Really made me think about my life
Family Guy: Blue Harvest - 8/10

OK, Family Guy went downhill very quickly, despite the slight kick it got in Season 5, so I was unsure whether I fancied this before watching it, even being a Star Wars nerd.

It was absolutely terrific. Chock full of great humour, and Peter (or Han :p ) noising the TIE fighter attack on the Falcon had tears rolling down my cheeks.

I think Family Guy is soon to be finished, because it really has become lacklustre, but this was a nice spin-off.
Terminator 1 > Terminator 2.

Juno - 8.3/10. The first 15 minutes seemed it was trying to be too witty for its own good, but I really enjoyed it. Michael Cera and Jason Bateman ftw. Anyone catch the minor Arrested Developement reference?

Watching 4 Months, 3 Weeks & 2 Days tonight, heard nothing but good things about it.
You're all focking nuts. I wish my monitor would let me punch people over the internet. :flame:
Terminator II >>>>>>>> Terminator 1. Just go back and watch T1 and realize how badly it's stood to the tests of time. TII still seems like an awesome action flick rather than an aged, corny robot movie (a la T1)
I watched Terminator quite recently - it's still kick ass.
I watched Terminator quite recently - it's still kick ass.

Me too. In fact it was just the other week, and I watched them one after the other. Terminator is just much better; it's a really great film that manages to get something across the second one doesn't.
Too much Shakespeare.

EDIT: Also, by damn the teaser is a brillaint piece of trialer-craft. I like a good trailer almost as much as I like a good film.

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