Rate the last movie you watched (DON'T POST SPOILERS Y' EEJITS)

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Dead Man - 7/10

Too slow at times, and the soundtrack can get grating (especially towards the end). Otherwise, it's a pretty interesting take on the western genre.
The Shining: 9/10
Modern horrors need to be more like this film; maybe not like this one, but more like older horrors in general. Today's horrors (like every single one released in the past four years) relies on blood, gore, and cheap scares. The Shining truly scared me. It was one of the few movies that actually mad my heart beat faster and harder. Fantastic.
Wristcutters: A Love Story - 8/10

Good, weird movie.

God, I love this film so much. Hilarious years ago, hilarious now.

''Surely you can't be serious?''

''I am serious... and don't call me Shirley.''

And the ''It's a [place] with [appropriate people] in it, but that's not important right now'' gags... :laugh:
I know Numbers will get a kick out this - he's probably seen it 100 times :E

Taegukgi (aka Brotherhood)
Moving, very realistic and gritty war drama set in the Korean War following two brothers pressganged into the defence of Pusan with the South Korean Army that captures the brutality of civil war beautifully. Honestly I don't think I've ever seen a more depressing (in a good way) movie - really tugs at the heart strings at times. Although Jin Seok was so irritating that you kind of had to wonder why the older brother bothered at all :D Great movie - highly recommended.

I love you. <3 :P
Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street - 10/10 - Absolutely bloody nothing wrong with this movie. It just established Tim Burton as my favourite director, Johnny Depp as my favourite actor and Helena Bonham Carter as my favourite actress. In fact, it has inspired me to perhaps dress up as Sweeney for Halloween. The idea of going up to people's doors and greeting with "'ow about a shave?" with razor in hand is too irresistible.
Oh Christ, my mind is so full of barbers and blood that I forgot about the other movie I saw today.

Jumper - 3/10 - Load of shit.
I thought that was a bit shite tbh, the characters were all caricatures I felt. I actually never finished watching it.

Aye. Brotherhood started off well, I was invested in the brothers, but soon descended into sillyness and sentimentality.
Run Fat Boy Run - 8/10

Good romantic comedy, and Simon Pegg is great as usual.
Run Fat Boy Run 6.5/10
Simon Pegg should not do any movies without Nick Frost.
Sure,there's some funny bits here and there.Like Dylan Moran's butt and bath scenes and David Walliams "Mr Mann" esque character from Little Britain.Apart from that, it's pretty mediocre.David Schwimmer should stick to his usual gig.
Playing wimpy and whiny sitcom characters.

Cloverfield 7/10
If you don't blink, you might see the monster for a millisecond.
Can you say "Hypelicious"!?

Rambo 4 9/10
What can i say?Sylvester Stallone is one of my idols.So,how could i not like this movie?Seriously, it is a great action movie and very violent i might add.
There's a lot of bits and pieces flying and the body count is huge.
The overall feel and setting of the movie is very reminiscent of the original though.

No Country for Old Men 7/10
Great performance by Javier Bardem.Definitely Oscar worthy.
Besides that,the direction is pretty lousy and unsatisfying compared to Coen Brother's
other work.Tommy Lee Jones seems to be playing the same character in every other movie.
And wtf was with that speech?

I should be a ****ing critic or something.
Ok,i'll stfu now.
Run Fat Boy Run 6.5/10
Simon Pegg should not do any movies without Nick Frost.
Sure,there's some funny bits here and there.Like Dylan Moran's butt and bath scenes and David Walliams "Mr Mann" esque character from Little Britain.Apart from that, it's pretty mediocre.David Schwimmer should stick to his usual gig.
Playing wimpy and whiny sitcom characters.

I think people who did not like this film were expecting something along the lines of SOTD or Hot Fuzz, eg, Peggs over the top and quite wacky at times comedy, when this turned out to be a rather more straight laced comedy, people were let down.

I knew what kind of comedy this was going to be going, and It was actually better than I thought it would be.
Cloverfield - 7.7/10

After the opening party scene where the audience got to know a little bit about everyone, it felt very epic. The scale of destruction was very impressive. We know only what they know. I liked that. I forget who said it, but they were right. Once the monster was shown, all mystery was lost. It didn't feel the same. The novelty wore off. In some parts, the dialog was absolutely cheesy and some scenes were downright unrealistic. "GOTTA GO BACK AND SAVE THE GIRL!" The ending felt abrupt, but thank god it was over. They survived way too many times.
Well at least I'm glad I saw it on the big screen, cause I probably wouldn't have liked it as much if I had just rented the DVD.
Atonement : 8/10

I have heard people saying this flick is all abt Romance. yeah!! Indeed.

After watching one would really made a blurb in his mind and ask himself where the fu(|< is Romance?

Still I have given the points on the basis of the acting of Characters, locations chosen for filming and for showing some sense to British Accents.


The Messengers : 3/10

After finish watching this movie, a friends ask them a questions among themselves who the **** was messengers?

1 friend : "I think the messed up girl"

2 friend : No' It was a Boy!

1 friend : no U dUmb **** it was Crows!

2 friend : :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: Indeed!!!
Kingdom Of Heaven - 7/10.

Mostly for battle scenes and Eva Green being fine as hell. Bloomey just couldn't convince as a leader of men. Interesting to compare it with Assassin's Creed. No Gladiator however.
You have to admit though, Bloom was ripped.


Just sayin'.
Rambo - 9/10. great action nom nom

No Country for Old Geezers - 10/10. Nom nom nom.
No Country for Old Men 7/10
Great performance by Javier Bardem.Definitely Oscar worthy.
Besides that,the direction is pretty lousy and unsatisfying compared to Coen Brother's
other work.

I can understand the speech bit, but saying the direction is lousy is pretty out there without elaborating
Yeah, I know its an opinion and all....but thats about as close as an opinion can come to actually being wrong. :D
Atonement - 9/10. Wow! this film was something else altogether. Maybe the saddest love story since Titanic.
We Own the Night


Had some great action scenes, but the writing was a bit durrr.
The Darjeeling Limited - 8.5/10

This was a really good movie. I really enjoyed it. You'd have to read about it for you to get an understanding of what it's about, but I recommend it as a rental if you want to watch a good movie and aren't craving anything action oriented.
I can understand the speech bit, but saying the direction is lousy is pretty out there without elaborating

Maybe not lousy.How about poor?The fact is, if it wasn't for Javier Bardem's and Josh Brolin's performance this wouldn't have been noticed nor nominated at all.The Coen's are getting pretty stale these days if you ask me.
Look at their past three movies.They can still get a good performance out of an actor though.
I give them that.
Yeah, I still don't understand what makes it poor though. This isn't a case of my thinking that the direction just isn't that bad, this is a case of me (and a whole heck of a lot of other people) thinking the direction is hands-down brilliant. So you can understand my surprise.
There Will Be Blood - 8/10. I'm gonna have to give this one another shot. Frankly I didn't see what all the fuss was about. Sure the performances were great, but the movie just wasn't that intriguing.
Maybe not lousy.How about poor?The fact is, if it wasn't for Javier Bardem's and Josh Brolin's performance this wouldn't have been noticed nor nominated at all.The Coen's are getting pretty stale these days if you ask me.
Look at their past three movies.They can still get a good performance out of an actor though.
I give them that.

But you still haven't elaborated as to why their direction is poor.
Rambo 4: 6/10

Never was a fan of the originals, this one seemed like more of the same. Some parts were cool, other parts were meh. The story seemed to progress much to quickly and I felt like I must have missed a large part of the movie somehow, because it ended much sooner than i expected. Also, some of the gore was stupid.
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