Rate the last movie you watched (DON'T POST SPOILERS Y' EEJITS)

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Pirates of the Caribbean : At World's End - 7.9/10...

Didn't find it as boring as everyone led me to think it would be.
The ending left a huge opening for a 4th movie though. :|

Enemy at the Gates - 8.9/10...

Fantastic war movie from the Russian perspective, can't believe I never saw it before.

A Bridge Too Far - 8.9/10...

Great, a classic.

AvP:R - 2.5/10...

What the **** movie did you see, Darkside? This was horse shit.
The action was decent though.

Lost Season 2 - 9/10...

Fantastic, loved every minute... working my way through Season 3 now.

House Seasons 1 & 2 - 9.10...

Can't understand 70% of the medical jargon but watching House's interactions with patients and co-workers is hilarious.
You know, the second was really much better. I disliked the first one. It was a little stupid, and the only 'redeeming' factor in the movie was Scar, the main predator. The problem with the first movie was there wasn't enough action, what action they had wasn't that good, and there was a bunch of talky human stuff. The pacing of that movie wasn't great, either.

But in this movie, they thrust you into the action from the onset. All the human segments of the movie are watchable; I actually found myself intrgued by some of the human protagonists' sidestories and their actions in the movie. They're not too big a focus once the shit hits the fan, but neither are they a bother.

And you get a lot of good action. One of my problems with the first movie was there weren't enough aliens. This movie does not have that problem. It's much, much, much more an action movie than a horror movie, so don't go in expecting to be scared.

Someone who shares the same opinion as me finally!
Hot Fuzz - 9/10

Fantastic movie. Funny, witty, subtle, with lots of guns and old people firing them.
Well elaborate on what was so terrible about CoM? Sure there were some pointless things in there, but they also had some brilliant cinematography in it too. Especially the scene when the infant is crying and everything just completely stops for several minutes, and as soon as they leave the area it just starts up again. That part was well done with a perfect emotional atmosphere.
Granted this movie could have taken a deeper, more epic approach, but it wasn't about overthrowing a goverment or anything, it was about a small specific group of people.

I'm really confused. I thought you gave this movie a 6.5, but then just defended the one thing you didn't like. :\

Pretty sure Ryan and Samon enjoyed the movie and are questioning how low a score 6.5 is.
Well elaborate on what was so terrible about CoM? Sure there were some pointless things in there, but they also had some brilliant cinematography in it too. Especially the scene when the infant is crying and everything just completely stops for several minutes, and as soon as they leave the area it just starts up again. That part was well done with a perfect emotional atmosphere.
Granted this movie could have taken a deeper, more epic approach, but it wasn't about overthrowing a goverment or anything, it was about a small specific group of people.

What? You gave it a 6.5. I'd have given it an 8.
What? You gave it a 6.5. I'd have given it an 8.

6.5 is a pretty good score when I rate movies. Anyways, thats just a 1.5 lower than your score?

to get an 8-10 it has to be something I'd buy and watch several times.

Probably should have put idiocracy at a 6.5 though.
Underworld - 7/10. I had low expectations before i watched this movie so some parts of the film surprised me. I believe the 'feel' and atmosphere of the movie was very well done and made the story a bit more interesting. Action scenes were decent but usually when the CGi werewolfs weren't involved. They should have used them with a bit more subtlety.
A History of Violence - 7/10. Twas alright. Nothing to write home about.
Tristan & Isolde - 8/10.

Much better than i expected, Ireland looks really nice in it :P
Appleseed 7/10.

The Warriors 9/10. What a kickass movie.

The Heartbreak Kid 4.5/10.
Monster: 9/10
Awesome, awesome, awesome, awesome, awesome...
No Country For Old Men - 9/10

This is the film everyone should be paying money to see instead, because this is fantastic. A simple story told extremely well by people who know exactly what they're doing. My only problem with it is that the end is hard to interpret. Its a simple, brilliant and incredibly intense film.

Agreed. Standout film and good performances throughout. The ending is hard and ambivalent to a degree but very memorable.

Sweeney Todd. 7/10

Just another Tim Burton Movie really, think Sleepy Hollow crossed with the Corpse Bride (as it's a film version of the stage Musical), throw in a rather chesty looking Helena Bonham Carter and Johnny Depp with a big Wig and Bobs your uncle. Not bad, but not standout.

The Kingdom 7/10

I think Peter Berg isn't a half bad director (I genuinely liked the rundown, mindless as it was), and this is pretty well made film, but the way it flips from a tense political examination, into an action movie in the final third,with heroic rescue (and red shirt noble sacrifice) kind of ruins it.

The Wire 10/10

Not a film, a TV series by HBO, but just about the finest TV show going (better than LOST, BSG, House, The Sopranos, etc, etc). Basically the series follows the lives of people on different sides of the tracks in Baltimore, one side being the Police/politicians trying to keep law and order and the other side being the drug dealers. Might not sound that interesting, but each series is effectively a 13 hour movie, rather than a series of episodes and it extremely well acted and never patronizes the audience. Series 1 - 4 are available, go rent/buy the first one now, you won't be disappointed.
American Gangster - 9/10 - Very well acted and scripted film. Movie was indeed bloody long, but the only reason I'd look at my watch was not because I was bored but because I had to go to the toilet urgently and did not want to miss a minute of it. If anything, it was a bit anti-climatic.
Home of the Brave - 7.5/10

My brother rented this, expecting it to be action packed (it has Samuel L. Jackson, after all), but turns out it is just a story of a few solders after they come home after Iraq. About 10 minutes of action (lots of action in those 10 minutes, by the way), rest is just the solders dealing with their lives after the war.. It was pretty good. Jessica Beil is still hot even with only one hand, 50 Cent gets sniped in the lung, Sam Jackson rips out his sons lip ring, good movie, worth a watch.

Pootie Tang - 10/10

I just watched it for the first time in a long ass time yesterday.. This is one of my favorite movies. I love it so god damn much, Chris Rock plays 3 characters.. With one character he gets mauled by a gorilla at the steel mill where he works, very funny. Dirty Dee and Bad Biddy are awesome bad guys, and Pootie Tang has a magic belt that he beats people with.. I love this movie, just watch it..

Ong-Bak - 10/10

Probably my favorite martial arts movie ever. It's awesome to see people get their asses kicked. Watch now.
The Wire 10/10

Not a film, a TV series by HBO, but just about the finest TV show going (better than LOST, BSG, House, The Sopranos, etc, etc). Basically the series follows the lives of people on different sides of the tracks in Baltimore, one side being the Police/politicians trying to keep law and order and the other side being the drug dealers. Might not sound that interesting, but each series is effectively a 13 hour movie, rather than a series of episodes and it extremely well acted and never patronizes the audience. Series 1 - 4 are available, go rent/buy the first one now, you won't be disappointed.

:cheers: Could not have said it better myself. Best show on television, easily.

American Gangster 7.5/10

Not a bad film, but its problem is that for the scope of its story, it doesn't deliver. For all the drug trafficking and police corruption in the film, its all just there to give Russel Crowe and Denzel Washington room to act and little more. Basically it lacks everything that makes other gangster films like Goodfellas, Godfather II and even shows like The Wire so ****ing good.

I didn't mean to plug The Wire again, but really, if you enjoy gangster films or cop shows, you'll ****ing love The Wire. Its the best of both worlds, without any of that episodic instant crime-solving bullshit you see in Law & Order or CSI, and its just ****ing brilliant.
I didn't mean to plug The Wire again, but really, if you enjoy gangster films or cop shows, you'll ****ing love The Wire. Its the best of both worlds, without any of that episodic instant crime-solving bullshit you see in Law & Order or CSI, and its just ****ing brilliant.

I think The Wire deserves a plug. Here's Charlie Brooker reviewing it: -


If you are reading this..go buy/rent it now. :D
American History X - 9/10

Came on yesterday on FX. It's hilarious when movies like this go on censored television. It's especially bad for this movie because the replacement audio filters are at completely different audio pitches and emotional intensity. Quite funny to watch.

But no matter, this movie is still very powerful and full of tension, and every time I see it, Edward Norton impresses me with his acting abilities.
American History X - 9/10

Came on yesterday on FX. It's hilarious when movies like this go on censored television. It's especially bad for this movie because the replacement audio filters are at completely different audio pitches and emotional intensity. Quite funny to watch.

But no matter, this movie is still very powerful and full of tension, and every time I see it, Edward Norton impresses me with his acting abilities.

hah, I was watching that on fx too, a lot is censored "I will freaking smoke you!"
I thought Will Smith was awesome in that movie. The CGI and ending kinda ruined it though.

Juno: 9/10
Could have used more of whats-his-name

The kid? Michael Cera?

I myself would give it a 7/10. I probably enjoyed it as much as I would be able to enjoy a good movie. I'm not feeling up to movies though (last time I went to a theater to see a movie was the summer of 2006), so there is some of my own preference toward other activites taken into account there. One of my problems with the film was that the dialog dealt out too many clever one-liners, making me focus more on the script than the scene and characters. Also, it felt too God damn indie at times (and by that I don't mean it in a way as to be the polar opposite of a commercial film). The relationship that was being built between Bateman's character and Juno was getting to be really interesting, but I'm not sure if they really could have carried it on that late in the film and still have it resolve the way it did.

As for I Am Legend...

I felt much more sympathy for the ****ing dog when it died than Will Smith's character when he did. Watching it was a shithouse experience to be honest.
Enchanted: 7/10

Amy Adams and James Marsden played their parts really very well.
Futurama: Benders Big Score - 8/10

Really enjoyed it. More than I thought I would. For me, better than the Simpsons movie.

Futurama's back, baby!
Tale of Two Sisters - 8/10

Brilliantly shot and acted. The pacing was slow yet deliberate, which helped the creepy parts stand out more (and they were pretty ****ing creepy). However, it takes awhile to explain itself, and even then it leaves you wondering at the end. Still, I liked it quite alot.

I found the title to be a little misleading, though. :P
No Country for Old Men 9/10

Great film no matter what people say about the ending. All the characters were excellently cast and the cohen brothers show their amazing directing skills. Intense stuff
Also, it felt too God damn indie at times (and by that I don't mean it in a way as to be the polar opposite of a commercial film). The relationship that was being built between Bateman's character and Juno was getting to be really interesting, but I'm not sure if they really could have carried it on that late in the film and still have it resolve the way it did.[/spoiler]

Yeah i'm with you there, the start of the film was so painfully indie it made me cringe a few times, but after the first ten minutes the corny one-liners stopped and thigns smoothed out.

I'd give Juno a 7.5/10

Its a good film, that has its charm, but to me its like this year's "Little Miss Sunshine". A good indie thats well-written an acted with plenty of charm, but not something that i'd rave about (besides Ellen Page)
I thought the beginning was awesome. Rainn Wilson's character had me cracking up with all those ridiculous phrases. The intro was really cool i though too.
Double post lawl.

Cloverfield: 9/10

Loved it for the most part. The CGI is absolute sex, and the atmosphere and mood were excellent. Characters were pretty believable, monster was believable, meyhem was believable. Only things I didnt really like was one of the characters who didnt have enough showtime to make any connection with, and one scene that was out of place for a movie that for the most part kept everything realistic.
Ooh, just to copy...

Cloverfield 9/10

Flaws would include rather poor unremarkable acting, slightly poor dialogue in parts and a few slight realism issues. However, the incredible production, scope and overall mood made it one of the best films I've seen this year.

Cloverfield 10/10. Wow this movie was intense; think Children of Men on steroids. See this movie. That is all.
AVP - R - 8/10

I enjoyed the action and the effects (which for such a low budget were excellent), didn`t have as much of a problem with the acting as some other wither.

Guess that makes me the a 29 year old looking twelve year old :D
Employee of the Month (Not that shit comedy!) - 8/10

Granted, I only caught the last 20 minutes of it so I didn't really make shit sense of it, but I lol'd the whole way through those 20 minutes. Looked like a crime film with a hint of dark humor. A DOOUBLE-DOUBLE-CROSS leading up to a hilarious ending. I liked it.
cloverfield 8/10


camera dude was annoying, my only problem besides being short
Cloverfield: 6.5/10

Not terrible, but not stellar. Overall a confusing movie with some small gems of beauty and some stinking piles of garbage. At times it was inanely predictable, at others enjoyably fresh. The acting stank in some places and shined in others. However, the writing was pretty bad throughout.
Cloverfield: 7/10

Good film, executed pretty well for the most part. I didn't mind the acting, but i found that while striving to make the film realistic with its handheld approach, i just wish that in some scenes they said "screw it" and gave the actor a steadycam rig instead.
Cloverfield 8.5/10 I thought they did shaky cam perfect. Great tense movie. Story was 100% what i wanted effects and monster were amazing.
Trainspotting - 9/10

Danny Boyle you ****ing legend.
9/10 Cloverfield. Basically everything everyone else has said. Alot of people were complaining about the ending and lack of information but I thought it was a very creative and believable way of presenting a story that would have been lost if those aspects had been changed. I really enjoyed it.
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