Rate the last movie you watched (DON'T POST SPOILERS Y' EEJITS)

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I Am Legend: 9/10 (though, that rating might be flawed 'cause I saw it in an IMAX and IMAX makes everything better)

Will Smith was superb in this. His emotions and actions seemed genuine, and his fear was instilled in me while watching. I can't imagine how hard it must have been for him to make it convincing (same deal with Hanks in Cast Away). I didn't like how the woman and boy came in so late. There wasn't enough time to develop that relationship. And the boy didn't have any lines, wtf. The ending seemed rushed as well, and the CGI could have been better. But overall, it was a very convincing movie, mainly due to Smith.

And IMAX kicks ass (first time).
The Simpsons Movie - 8.9/10...

Hilarious! Had a blast watching it.
I Am Legend - 9/10

I don't care what anyone says. I loved every minute of it.
There Will Be Blood - Absolute Masterpiece/10

I'll have a nice, long, full review coming soon, but this will suffice to tell everyone they need to see this movie. I went to the midnight showing last night and it was incredible. A true tour de force. If it's not the absolute best movie of the season, it is in the top 3. It's my favorite movie this year, hands down. You all owe it to yourselves to take in this experience of a movie. I'd watch it again simply for Daniel Day Lewis' expressions.

Go. Watch. Enjoy. Paul Thomas Anderson, you're my new hero. :cheers:
I think the last film I watched was Hot Fuzz (definitely 10/10). Before that (I don't think I posted anything about this) I saw Doom (8/10).
The Kingdom - 9/10...
Fantastic, pissed me off in quite a few spots.
Evan Almighty - 6.5/10

It's an enjoyable film, few laughs, not the greatest ever, though. Even your a regular HL2.net member (read: Atheist), you'll still enjoy it, I did.
Starship Troopers - 7/10 - Very fun movie. Good that it revels in it's over the top cheesiness.

Alien Versus Predator - 0/10 - NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO. NO NO NO NO. NO.
Mischief - 8.2/10...

Funny movie about a boy and his friend from the late 1950s are in the process of entering adulthood, and of course a bunch of crazy shit ensues.
Aliens versus Predator 2 - 1/10

Only thing keeping me from rating this a 0 is the fact that a pregnant woman gets face raped. There was barely any noticeable gore in the film.

Next - 7/10

Normally I don't like Nick Cage, but the idea was neat. The ending was crazy as shit.

I Am Legend - 9/10

Great movie, great performance from Smith. I shed a manly tear halfway through. :(
Alien vs. Predator 2 - 7/10

Seven out of ten because there were NO F*CKING PARACHUTES IN THIS MOVIE. By that I mean everybody's shit got f*cked up. Even little kids and babies got their shit wrecked. F*ckin' BABIES! And the predator was ballsy. Now that was a good AvP movie, because you had a town overrun by aliens, and you had one predator kicking the shit out of them, and the humans called in the National Guard but they weren't shit against the aliens.

And the predalien was cool. I was hating on it when I first saw it, you know, but it was cool. It's hard typing this up and not posting spoilers, because that was some shit between the predalien and the predator.

Oh and the predator does shoryuken at one point in the movie and punches through the goddamned street. Right through the street and leaps out as aliens are escaping into the town. That's not really a spoiler, it's just awesome. And some other really cool stuff happens but I can't talk about it in this review. Suffice to say that the particular Yautja in this movie, Wolf, he's the ballsiest predator ever. He's the cleaner of predators. FFS, he has a whip made out of alien teeth. ALIEN TEETH. This movie was badass.
City overrun with aliens. Predator kills them. Some humans get ripped up along the way. Seriously, what more could you want? There's no pleasing some people.

Haters. 95% of you probably don't know jack about the Yautja and the Internecivus Raptus enough to appreciate this movie anyway.
Did all the aliens consist of Predaliens or were there some "normal" aliens too?
City overrun with aliens. Predator kills them. Some humans get ripped up along the way. Seriously, what more could you want? There's no pleasing some people.

Was it better than the first? On paper that sounded great, but turned out to be a steaming pile.
Almsot all were normal aliens, but then you had a predalien 'boss'.
Was it better than the first? On paper that sounded great, but turned out to be a steaming pile.
You know, the second was really much better. I disliked the first one. It was a little stupid, and the only 'redeeming' factor in the movie was Scar, the main predator. The problem with the first movie was there wasn't enough action, what action they had wasn't that good, and there was a bunch of talky human stuff. The pacing of that movie wasn't great, either.

But in this movie, they thrust you into the action from the onset. All the human segments of the movie are watchable; I actually found myself intrgued by some of the human protagonists' sidestories and their actions in the movie. They're not too big a focus once the shit hits the fan, but neither are they a bother.

And you get a lot of good action. One of my problems with the first movie was there weren't enough aliens. This movie does not have that problem. It's much, much, much more an action movie than a horror movie, so don't go in expecting to be scared.

Although when my friends and I watched it Saturday night, some dumbass parents brought their little, little kids to the movie, and those poor things probably crapped their pants. I heard one kid from the front row (I think it was a girl) say, "Mommy, that thing is gonna kill us!" when one of the aliens showed up onscreen.
Charlie Wilson's War - 8.5/10

about the lead up to american arming of the mujahideen against the soviets during the afghanistan occupation mid 80's

Philip Seymor Hoffman was almost unrecognizable as a CIA operative - great performance ..the movie whitewashed some of the uglier aspects of america's involvement in afghanistan but overall it was enjoyable
Aliens Vs Predator 2: 1/10

I went with my mates to see it but i wanted to see No Country For Old Men. We agreed to see AVP2 anyway and see NCFOM the next time. Worst film i've ever seen. Don't get me wrong, i enjoy corny sci-fi films as much as anyone (Gotta love Starship Troopers) but this was ****ing awful.

Seriously its just an excuse for the aliens to do that tiny mouth chomp thing they do, and it gets old after the 3rd time you've seen it done in the first 10 minutes. The only redeeming features of this film, is that they decided to go with puppets instead of CGI and the puppets/animatronics look fantastic. Also, if anyone watches the tv shows "Rescue Me" or "24" you'll be pleased to notice 2 regulars of that show playing the main roles. Thats about it.

This film is everything thats wrong with hollywood.

No Country For Old Men - 9/10

This is the film everyone should be paying money to see instead, because this is fantastic. A simple story told extremely well by people who know exactly what they're doing. My only problem with it is that the end is hard to interpret. Its a simple, brilliant and incredibly intense film.
City overrun with aliens. Predator kills them. Some humans get ripped up along the way. Seriously, what more could you want? There's no pleasing some people.

Haters. 95% of you probably don't know jack about the Yautja and the Internecivus Raptus enough to appreciate this movie anyway.

See, I do want something like this, but done by Cameron or Scott and more in keeping with their own writing that has spawned the two fantastic films Alien and Aliens or in the same direction that the Dark Horse comics took the Alien plot, which was with the eventual destruction and alien infestation of Earth. I think one of them was planning on this but AVP put them off continuing. I may be wrong there, though.
Did all the aliens consist of Predaliens or were there some "normal" aliens too?

One Predalien acting as an alpha male to a legion of drones. Actually, it was more like a Queen because it impregnated (read: faceraped) a bunch of pregnant women at one point.
See, I do want something like this, but done by Cameron or Scott and more in keeping with their own writing that has spawned the two fantastic films Alien and Aliens or in the same direction that the Dark Horse comics took the Alien plot, which was with the eventual destruction and alien infestation of Earth. I think one of them was planning on this but AVP put them off continuing. I may be wrong there, though.
Well with regards to the comic, the infestation was very Earth Angel-esque. I kept thinking of that book while watching the movie.

Toll said:
Actually, it was more like a Queen because it impregnated (read: faceraped) a bunch of pregnant women at one point.
And everyone else it came across. Also, spoilarz.
Basically yeah. With that said I'll admit the preggos giving birth to the chestbursters was ****ing hot.
I am legend 7/10

yeah pretty good not a great ending though
Before the Devil Knows You're Dead - 9/10

With this and There Will Be Blood, I had a helluva great weekend for movies.

I sadly don't really know much about Sydney Lumet, but I plan on changing that. Iloved the style and direction of this film. The cuts and jumps in time and story worked well in telling what the movie was truly about, which, surprisingly enough, is not the heist. I went in thinking it would be more focused on the robbery and what happened afterwards, but it's not, really. I mean, it is, but this movie is no heist movie, it's a character study. A very fine character study at that.

Philip Seymour Hoffman, Ethan Hawke, and Albert Finney all bring their A-game, with Hoffman and Hawke being the most notable. Marisa Tomei would be forgettable if not for her incredibly fine body, which we are given a few good looks at. I've never really payed attention to her in movies before, but goddamn is she hot.

Very little action in the film, which serves it well. Oh, and the score is wonderfully placed and fits in well with the mood. There's one piece of music that I want pronto.

So, if you enjoy finely crafted, well-acted character studies, this is a film you should check out. It's too bad this wasn't more widely seen.
forgot to mention I watched the classic bogart film The Big Sleep a few days back ..classic film noir with Bogart as Philip Marlowe ...Lauren Bacall is at her finest, William Faulkner's script from the raymond chandler novel is simply brilliant as is direction by Howard hawkes ..the same creative team that made Bogarl and Bacall's To Have and Have not ...a must see for lovers of film

the Big Sleep 9.5/10
We Own the Night - 5/10

Meh. It must be me, but every film I've seen of late has been mediocre. Even with such a great cast the story of this film was enough to drag into the realm of me not giving a shit about any of the characters.
i am legend

I am legend- just saw this movie with a bunch of my friends. I was hooked on it for a good 3/4 of the movie, but at the end it really came apart. The ending was sloppy and rushed, and really took away from an excellent story. I'd say overall 6.9/10
I Am Legend: 9/10 (though, that rating might be flawed 'cause I saw it in an IMAX and IMAX makes everything better)

Will Smith was superb in this. His emotions and actions seemed genuine, and his fear was instilled in me while watching. I can't imagine how hard it must have been for him to make it convincing (same deal with Hanks in Cast Away). I didn't like how the woman and boy came in so late. There wasn't enough time to develop that relationship. And the boy didn't have any lines, wtf. The ending seemed rushed as well, and the CGI could have been better. But overall, it was a very convincing movie, mainly due to Smith.

And IMAX kicks ass (first time).

I hated it.

Typical character who once had a family loses it all and is now alone in a world where he has to make sense of the circumstances and survive and hope that one day things are better for him. Give him a hot car, make him physically fit, and add a dog so that he isn't alone and he can cling on to something for the lack of a better element.

Oh hey - let's add fast zombies as the bad guys. But wait... they can't go out to the dark, because... gasp, they'll burn to death!.

All he had to do was wait a few more nights till the other character (why the hell do you bring your son to a dangerous area?) made contact with him. At least that's what I think since most of the time I wasn't really focusing on the plot, if there was any.

And the CGI sucked.
The CGI really did suck. Even if everything else in the movie was great, it still would've bothered me.

Lamest. Monsters. Ever.
I don't know why, but it sort of reminded me of the CGI in I Robot. It was considerably better in that film... but it's on the same level of fail.
all those who have seen I am Legend ..have you never heard of the Omega Man?


isnt it pretty much the same premise?

Seeing as they're based on the same source material, yes.
Same premise, but a few key differences. The main difference is that in The Omega Man, Heston is immune to the plague thanks to an experimental vaccine he takes right before succumbing to the disease. In I Am Legend, Smith just happens to be one of the million or so survivors who happen to be immune. Another obvious difference is that Neville is not battling against vampiric predators in the original, but rather albino half-deads who shun any type of technology.
No Country For Old Men - 9.0/10

Great movie. No music throughout, incredibly tense.
There were lots of flaws and holes in the plot, and the CGI really did detract from the experience. I'm going to see it again with friends in a normal theater. I'll see if that does anything to my impression of the movie.
I was fairly pleased with the movie for most of it, and thought it got enough things right that I was willing to overlook the few flaws in it and enjoyed it up until the very end. I don't think that the ending they went with was worthless, but it seemed very much like they set it up for something similar to the book's ending, and then just threw it all out and went with something brighter.
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