Rate the last movie you watched (DON'T POST SPOILERS Y' EEJITS)

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Shoot 'Em Up: 9.8/10

Ive only watched 4 minutes of it so far, but already Clive Owen has killed a man with a carrot, delivered a baby during a shootout, and severed an umbilical cord with a bullet. A 9.8 is the lowest score this movie can get.
I Am Legend - 7/10

I found it entertaining (opening scene has Will Smith hunting deer out of a bright red Mustang at 60 MPH !?) , but it goes downhill after the turning point.

The best part was when Will Smith strangled his dog.

Woah woah. Doesnt it premier on 25 Dec? P.s. Wtf is a Baloon? balloon.
Ratatoulli - 10/10.

Blood hilarious. Has to be the funniest animation I've ever seen. Also had a good story and was constantly smart and entertaining.
The Bourne Ultimatum - 8/10

Second watch, but the first was a crappy bootleg and I couldn't really hear it. Thought it was great, but it's a little boring in parts. Also it becomes painfully obvious after about a half hour that Matt Damon really only has one expression.

Anyone else thinking a Bourne game on the Assassin's Creed engine would be better than caramel-coated sex with nuts on the inside? (well, almost)
Ratatoulli - 10/10.

Blood hilarious. Has to be the funniest animation I've ever seen. Also had a good story and was constantly smart and entertaining.

Have to agree. Its a much more 'for the adults' concept but remains funny for the kids too. I loved it, good laugh every time.

I Am Legend - 8/10

First 3/4 = awesome.

Last bit seemed rushed and was over far too quick. Still pretty good though, also funny in quite a few places, yet remains serious throughout.
Phone Booth: 8/10
For a movie which places you watching a guy talking on the phone for 1.5 hours, it's incredibly entertaining and action packed.
Of Mice and Men:10/10
great movie,very emotional and touching(sorry,but it kinda moved me,especially if you read the book)

also,Phone Booth is as thrilling as phone chats can be(I really saw it,but I don't want to leak info in case anybody hasn't seen it
Lord of War- 9/10. Awesome movie. Finally the bad ass doesn't bitch out and change his evil ways.
Die Hard 4.0 - 9/10

Not as good as the 1 and 3 but better than 2. As good as action gets, an exellent plot for an action film, the bad guy aint your typical bad guy if you get me. Some of his wise cracks were hilarious, very, very entertaining.
I Am Legend - 8/10

All I`m going to say is,
gutted about Sam.

Immense film.
1408 - 8.5/10

Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas - 9/10

Fear and Loathing is an amazing movie. Hunter S. Thompson is truly one of my heroes (HST, not Raoul Duke), and Johnny Depp is perfect for the role. Plus he's cool besides.

I'm seeing Sweeney Todd tonight, I hope it's good.
Live Free or Die Hard - 9/10

I don't know why everyone hates it, the action starts straight from the start of the movie, it was all fantastic. I liked it, funny moments, etc. Typical action movie.
I Am Legend.

They ****ing stole my story though :angry: I wrote a very very similar story for my creative writing class.
Charlie Wilson's Secret War 8/10

Great movie. Important omissions, factual errors, and biased POV kinda bring it down.
The Incredibles

just watched it on ABC family.


it was incredible to watch!
National Treasure 2 - 17.984/30. Was sort of fun to watch but that's about the only good thing I can say about it.
Walk Hard - 0/10...

My friends dragged me along insisting it was hilarious.

They were wrong.
I Am Legend 8/10 - great film, although I agree with the rest that said the ending sucked
Sweeny Todd - 9/10

Tim Burton has yet another masterpiece on his hands with this one. He took a big risk by casting both Johnny Depp and Helena Carter as leads, but they both proved that their talents reach further than just acting. They may not have the most powerful singing voices around, but it definitely works out nicely. The supporting cast worked extraordinarily well, with Sacha Baron Cohen proving that he has what it takes to be a great actor. Burton's beautiful cinematography fits this musical very well, and fans of the theater version should be quite pleased despite some of the songs missing.
Golden Compass 5/10

Requires one extra hour of movie time. (The damn story moved too fast)

Requires 1st and 2nd company to fight better. Requires Magisterium to have machine guns. Kill those withces!
The Simpsons Movie - 6/10
Funny, but as Homer says at the beginning of the movie, "Why pay for something you get for free on TV? You're all suckers."

Rush Hour 3 - 7/10
I would've given this a 6/10 for being the most lackluster of the Rush Hour movies, but I gave it an extra point for George, the French taxi driver.

The Kingdom - 8/10
To Have and Have Not 9/10


Bogart and Lauren Bacall, directed by Howard Hawkes from a screenplay by great american novelist William Faulkner based on a story by Hemmingway

dialogue is better than 99% of movies made today, the acting is top notch especialy the on screen interplay between Bogart and Bacall (they'll later marry) ..a true film classic
Kelly's Heroes - 9/10

What a film. Always did love this one, much more than The Dirty Dozen but that's still a good 'un, too. Sutherland playing Oddball is hilarious.
The Kingdom-10/10
greatest movie I've seen in a looooonnnnnggggg tiiiimmmmeee
40 Year Old Virgin: 8/10
After revisiting this from over two years (and initially hating it), it turns out it's not too bad of a movie.
Sunshine- 7.2/10 for the first part

1.0/10 for the last part.

Why the hell did they make it into a slasher film? The movie was so good up until the weird shit at the end.
War 0/10

Honestly, wtf... It's 2007 and they still make retarded movies like this.
What i watched this xmas:

Muppets christmas carol 10/10

the railway children 7/10

chitty chitty bang bang 9/10
Zodiac - 8/10.

Bought the Dvd after seeing it in the cinema, was only 10euros, really engrossing if a tad hard to follow at times([particularly the first time i saw it in the cinema). The actual murders(the second one notably) were a bit stomach churning.
A Christmas Story:7/10
a classic,but,after watching the 24-hour marathon,it kinda sucked
Blade Runner, Final Cut - 10/10

It can't be anything other than a 10. It looks amazing (in HD especially) and flows slightly better than the director's cut. Blade Runner shows a glimpse the most convincing sci-fi future i've seen.
Pan's Labyrinth - 7/10
From what I've heard of this film I was expecting better, though it was quite a good film. I liked both the civil war and fantasy elements, but I think that because they were both present in the film neither was explored enough. You end up with bits of two films stitched together rather than one whole film. I really would have liked to see both the faun and the monster with the eyes in his hands explored a bit more, especially the latter. A bit of backstory to him would have been nice. Good film, overall.
Die Hard - 10/10

Watched Christmas night. Perfect Christmas movie, imo.
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