Rate the last movie you watched (DON'T POST SPOILERS Y' EEJITS)

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Pointless but funny as hell. That's Tarantino, he always has 'pointless' dialogue in his films.

I didn't find it entertaining at all in this film. I know he likes dialogue, but in all his other movies it fits the premise well and helps build the characters. This was not the case for Deathproof, as a majority of the dialogue was pointless and boring. I guess it's just not my thing to see a bunch of women talking about stupid shit.
Star Wars Episode III: Revenge Of The Sith

The only good part of the movie is the end, because that's when I can stop watching
No Country for Old Men - 10/10

It was that good. The Coen Brothers + Cormac McCarthy = unadulterated genius.
**** sake. Why do we have to wait till January for No Country for Old Men.

The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford - 9.2/10. Brilliant cinematography from Roger Deakins (who also did No Country for Old Men). Casey Afflek imo gave the best acting performance of the year.
The Mist - 9/10

Kinda cheesy in parts, but really does the book credit. And it has one of the best endings ever.

Agreed. Very good movie. Some of the acting wasnt so good, but the ending makes up for it.
The Golden Compass - 3/10

Hrmm, it never exactly pulled me in. I have two theories on this not grabbing me:

1 - it was poorly translated from the book


2 - it wasn't really meant to be translated from book to film.

I haven't read the books, but I have a feeling they surpass what I saw last night.

The I Am Legend trailer was awesome though.
The Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer: 3/10

Pretty terrible, but it kept me off the streets for all its 85 minutes.
Golden Compass - Buy the Book / 10
Seriously. Buy the book.
Appleseed - 7/10

I liked the animation and all, but I couldn't stay very focused on the story. The action was pretty good though.

Running Scared - 9/10

A lot of people have told me what a crock of shit this movie was. Whatever. Pretty damn ****ed up, Paul Walker playsd a good New Jersey mobster guy, and a ludicrous amount of cursing. Lol at a guy getting his crotch blown off with a handgun at point blank.


What was the deal with Joey packing that stash of firearms into his car at the beginning if he turned out to be an undercover cop? What did he have to worry about, did I miss somthing?
A Bridge to Terabithia - Awesome
Next - Great
U-571 - Great
The Good Girl - Good
Proof of Life - Okay
Transformers - Great
The Chumscrubber - Great
Black Cloud - Okay
Elizabethtown - Great

I'll list more later
Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix - 6/10

Like the book, the only really good parts were the fight scenes, and even then they should've done it spell for spell as the book described. Would have been better. Not a bad movie, just lackluster compared to the others.
Transformers - holyshitmeganfoxisf*ckinghot/10

Holy shit, Megan Fox is f*cking HOT. Awesome movie, too. Nice and Actiony.
Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix - 6/10

Like the book, the only really good parts were the fight scenes, and even then they should've done it spell for spell as the book described. Would have been better. Not a bad movie, just lackluster compared to the others.

They shudda used a hotter actress for Cho Chang, like Kristen Kreuk or something.
Had a Star Wars Marathon.

Star Wars: The Phantom Menace - 7/10 - Not as long as I remembered it to be, the plot (what plot there was) moved along briskly which was good and bad, depending on what you expected the film to be. Jar Jar and Jake Lloyd were err... "Bombad" choices, per se. Nevertheless, Qui-gon, Yoda and Palpatine gave a lot of class to the film and the action sequences were thrilling. Special mention must be given to the Darth Maul sequence, as I felt it was not over the top compared to the later prequel fights, giving more weight and tension to the battle.

Stars Wars: Attack of the Clones
- 8.5/10 - I enjoyed this a lot more than I thought I would, compared to my earlier viewings. I absolutely loved the atmosphere of the film... dark, industrial... very grungy. Certainly trying to imitate Empire, but I feel that this succeeded a lot more in making the tone... Geonosis and its factories, Kamino and the seedy underbelly of Coruscant helped achieve it. Of course, the love scenes were clunky, but there weren't many of them and they didn't intrude as much as I thought they did. The action from when Anakin and Padme land on Geonosis to the arena and beyond was very enjoyable. Special mention must be given to Anakin's quest to save his mother, I felt it was quite well done.

Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith - 8/10 - Unfortunately a bit flat until Anakin turns to the dark side, but the latter half is probably the best the prequels have to offer. Palpatine is an effective villian, Anakin's loss of sanity is riveting and the downfall of all that was good definitely leaves the film with little optimism. Ties up the loose ends nicely.

Star Wars: A New Hope - 9.5/10 - Extremely enjoyable, lovable and still feels modern for a film that is thirty years old (the result of some technical touch-ups notwithstanding). Alec's Obi-wan is a great character, and having his back story nowdefinitely adds to it. The Battle of Yavin is as compelling as it was and I certainly prefer the space battles in this compared to the prequels... great care is made with set-up, the fuel up and preparation of the droids, the launch etc.

Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back
- 9.5/10 - Not much to say about it, except to mention the solid character development, the desperate snow battle and the scenes on Bespin which were much better than I remembered them to be.

Star Wars: Return of the Jedi - 8.5/10 - Though my favourite back in the day, I'm kind of disappointed at the final battle now. The snow battle in five gave a lot more desperation than this supposed all climatic ending and I'm not blaming the ewoks for it. The Emperor/Vader/Luke scenes were very fitting though, and a it's very emotional to see both the downfall of the Emperor (huzzah) and then the death throes of Anakin. Certainly moving to look back at the prequels to see what he has become and to see his final redemption. Must say I nearly shed a tear.

I really should add a point to each movie for the stellar music of John Williams. A lot of the emotion in the films can be attributed to his score, particular mention to the music in the prequels, which added a lot of weight to the sometimes thin dialogue. The original films scores are, of course, classics and do not need any elaboration.

'twas certainly a great night of movies... lot of nostalgia, lot of enjoyment. Superb job, Lucas.
I totally read droid as druid. Time to lay off the WoW...

I'll be seeing I Am Legend this friday, so I hope it's worth it. It certainly looks good from the previews.
Golden Compass

Zzzzzm, woo a polar bear fight!..zzzz

Bioshock - 10/10

Its practically a movie :P

The Bourne Identity - 7.8/10...

Fairly entertaining, bought the book because of it.

Lost Season 1 - 9.1/10...
God damn am I glad I decided to give this series a chance!
Mostly awesome characters(save Charlie and Shannon... they're terribly annoying.), great plot that keeps you guessing.
And I love how the island is practically a character itself.

I'm on disc 3 of Season 2 atm... still pretty great, a little disappointed in the 'monster' that was making all of those crazy noises though.
Event Horizon - 7/10

Entertaining, but I find it hard to believe anyone can actually think this movie does scifihorror better than Sunshine (which I give 9/10). I enjoyed the actors, mostly. Lawrence Fishburne and Sam Neill are both the shit, and they managed to sort of make up for the occasionally cheesy dialogue/plot of the movie.
The books suck hard.

Wouldn't know, haven't even read it yet.

I just found it at Barnes & Noble for $5 so I figured what the hell.

Ghost Rider - 3/10...

Friend let me borrow it, I returned it with my own fresh shit packed in the dvd case. :|
The Kingdom - 9/10

Its about time they made a film about terrorist bombings that showed it the way it is. They didnt try and censor anything, it was really in your face, this is how it happens stuff.

Really, REALLY good i thought.
I Am Legend - 9/10

I haven't seen Omega Man, which was also based off of the book I Am Legend, but this movie was very good. Although the ending could have been stronger, it doesn't detract from the movie. There were some funny parts that helped lighten the mood, but overall it is a very somber movie. This is probably one of the best performances by Will Smith( although I heard he was good in The Pursuit of Happyness), and I highly recommend this film to anybody that is looking for something a little different from the usual holiday movies.
Knocked Up - 8.9/10

Lewd, crude and straight from the heart romantic comedy. You can't miss it.
I Am Legend - Are you motherf*cking kidding me!?/10

I have to wonder whose idea it was to attach the name I Am Legend to this? I'd call it an abortion, but it actually wasn't too bad for the first hour or so. Then it became so utterly shitty I cringed for the rest of it. I was alright going with the re-imagining, up to a point. Will Smith is a military scientist? Ok, fine. He has the dog from the beginning? Well, that cuts out a great part of the book, but ok, I'll allow it. He's working on a cure? Cool. Blatant Apple advertising? Yeah, fine, whatever, it's typical.

But then they have to completely rape it. Up the ass, with a spiked dildo. A five foot long spiked dildo. And that's only the description of the last half hour. The very end is a completely different story. That was when they pulled the dildo out of the ass and stabbed it into the eye for a good ol' skullf*ck. And no, I don't mean a mindf*ck like David Lynch, I mean they raped my brain with the stupidity and cliched nature of it. I had to suppress yelling out "WHAT THE F*CK!?" in the theater.

To anyone thinking of going to this movie I recommend going for the first hour and leaving after the "twist," if it can be called that. The director, writers, and producers should be ashamed of themselves. This is I Am Legend in name only.

Juno - 9.5/10

Thank god I watched this film as well this weekend. It really counteracts my feelings toward I Am Legend.

I want to say, up front, that I totally have a crush on Ellen Page. Also, it doesn't hurt that she's actually a really good actor. She carries this movie effortlessly. I couldn't take my eyes off of her, she's that good. Oh, and the rest of the cast was also incredible. I could go on forever describing everyone's part and how good they were at it, but I'll just say it's a helluva cast and I didn't see a poor performance among them.

The script is hip and self-referential, which can kill a movie for me if done wrong, but this was so fun, funny, and I never felt it was taking itself too seriously. It was funny where it wanted to be, it was sad where it needed to be. The emotions registered with the audience perfectly, which I find to be a rare occurance these days.

This movie is for everyone looking for a truly funny movie that actually has heart and soul. If, for no other reason, see it for Ellen Page, who is set to have an incredible career so long as she keeps making good choices. She has the talent, I just hope it isn't wasted.
Tell us how you really feel, Icarusintel.

I am Legend - 8/10

The ending sucked, but the rest of the film was great. Never read the book nor watched any of the original movies, including Omega Man and "Last man on Earth"

So I finally got around to seeing this one. Not quite sure what to make of it. I liked the way the plot progressed, but cringed at the dialogue at times. I liked the special effects, but thought that the direction could have been better. I liked the depth of characters in the film, but was disappointed in how many of them (mostly the Transormers) weren't properly fleshed out.

Much of this can be attributed to Michael Bay's direction. He tends to cut to different shots every 3 seconds or so. The beginning scene with the helicopters coming into the military base must have contained about 50 different cuts to different camera angles. Even a simple scene of a girl running to give something to a soldier had 4 different cuts:
- Long shot of the girl running
- Quick cut to a view of the girl running that's slightly left of the previous shot
- Quick cut to a closeup view
- Quick cut to yet another closeup view
And this whole "shot" takes a mere 3 seconds. This is probably why most of the characters in the film speak at a break-neck pace. If they didn't Bay's editing would cut them off mid-sentence. ;)

This tehnique of his can become even more jarring during the action scenes. The camera keeps jumping from one angle to another, from shots at a distance to camera shots up close, and in the later battles moves literally from one fight to another. I was actually getting confused at who the robots were battling because the camera kept switching all over the place.

Despite the direction, I thought the film as a whole was pretty good. I would rank it with other films in the B-movie category, and compared to them, would probably give it a 7/10
Spiderman 3 - 5/10 - Five out of ten because half of the scenes in the movie worked, and the other half were utter bullocks.

The more I think about the movie, the worse it becomes... so it'll be a 5/10 for the time being.
(Zack Snyder's) Dawn of the Dead - 9/10
Loved it. Fantastic style. Easily the best zombie flick I've seen.

Kiss Kiss Bang Bang - 8/10
Cool, but Rob Downey is alot better in smaller doses (which he'd know all about).
The Warlords -7.5/10

Pretty cliche storyline/plot, but good acting and a few good moves. But alot of unnecessary but sweet fighting scenes. Had subtitles (My knowledge of chinese though i am one sucks bawls).

P.s. The movie was rated NC16, don't ask how i managed to sneak into the theatre.
Juno - 8/10

Great movie. Ellen Page and Michael Cera are hilarious, plus the end scene was all sorts of "Awwww D:"
28 Weeks Later- 6.8/10

Not anywhere near as good as the first. The plot was kind of bland, and obviously just leading into the next one.

Still, one of the better zombie movies out there.
Golden compass 6/10

It was just okay really. A number of things were different from the books and I hated the ending as it ended sooner than the book did. :flame: Also I hated the kid that played Lyra.
I Am Legend - 7/10

I found it entertaining (opening scene has Will Smith hunting deer out of a bright red Mustang at 60 MPH !?) , but it goes downhill after the turning point.

The best part was when Will Smith strangled his dog.
farv?l falkenberg - 9/10
leningrad cowboys go america 8/10
a scene at the sea - 3/10
perfume - 9/10
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