Rate the last movie you watched (DON'T POST SPOILERS Y' EEJITS)

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Walk Hard - 9/10. Hilarious by any measure. First film in a while that made me laugh out loud.
I Now Pronounce You Chuck And Larry - 7/10

Funny, although it was basically just a string of gay jokes. The high score is because of Ving Rhames.
Stranger than fiction 7/10

Doesn't hold the same amount of goodness as much as the first time I watched it. It definately is a film where it's decent when watched more than once. The plot is good and the progression is slow, just not enough to stay fresh through a second run. I Watched it on the encore channel hoping it would still hold up for a second run.Although, watching it again reminds me that Will Ferrel can play a semi serious role.
I agree with your review, Ennui. The shower part made me lol, though.. They drop the soap, and while it's falling it goes all slo-motion, then Ving comes and picks it up... haha.
Stranger than fiction 7/10

Doesn't hold the same amount of goodness as much as the first time I watched it. It definately is a film where it's decent when watched more than once. The plot is good and the progression is slow, just not enough to stay fresh through a second run. I Watched it on the encore channel hoping it would still hold up for a second run.Although, watching it again reminds me that Will Ferrel can play a semi serious role.
I love that movie. Will Ferrell does well with the role, I was a little touched by his character... but mostly I just fell in love with Maggie Gyllenhaal's character.
I agree with your review, Ennui. The shower part made me lol, though.. They drop the soap, and while it's falling it goes all slo-motion, then Ving comes and picks it up... haha.

Hahahah, yeah. Then he started dancing. Truly epic.
National Treasure 2: Book of Secrets - 2/10 - Apparently excitement and action means cutting the scene into 2000 different camera angles and speeding up the music.

Oh, and besides the lackluster action, the rest of it sucked too.
I am Legend: 9/10 Interesting, exciting, and strangely funny.
A Christmas Story: 7.5/10 Classic.
Live Free or Die Hard: 8.5/10 +1 from the last time, 'cuase it has the F-word like it's supposed to. Still has the jet scene though:|
Team America 9/10

Fuck yeah!

"But the only thing that can fuck an asshole, is a dick... with some balls."
Dawn of the Dead (2004 Remake): 1/10

Awful. This movie sucks compared to 28 Days Later. Typical Hollywood garbage, laden with too much pop culture and cheap scares and not enough good filmaking or the desperation in better zombie films like the original Night of the Living Dead or 28 Days Later.
I bought the 2004 version of Dawn of the Dead recently...it was okay, but yeah, nothing like 28 Days Later...28DL was an epic zombie movie...DotD had a few exciting sequences near the beginning, but after that it was an hour of boredom with the occasional zombie attack until they finally haul out in those shuttles...
Hitman - 5/10

Too many facepalm moments outweighed... well, not much else.
Meh, 28 Days Later isn't really a proper zombie movie per se, but I will agree on that it's a lot more intense than Dawn of the Dead in a few places and it does have a lot more sense of desperation than DotD, probably due to the fact that in DotD they are in a fully stocked mall. ;)
DotD 2004 is a lot better than the incredibly boring original one.

Ratatoulie - 8.2/10...

Funny, not as good as The Incredibles though.
I Am Legend - 5/10

In a nutshell, 28 days was a superior film. A little more in depth though, and IAL is just a bit silly. The CG sucks, the plot's a little far fetched (for want of a better phrase) with all of the god baloney and it kind of craps on itself mostly due to pointless story elements - such as the "boss" vampire appearing at every ill turn.
- such as the "boss" vampire appearing at every ill turn.

Cheers for spoilers :|

The Bourne Supremacy - 8/10

Really enjoyed it, not your everyday action film, very inteligently made imo. But SHACKY CAM! ARHHH!

The Bourne Ultimatum - 9/10

The return of shacky cam, but I thought they tied everything up nicely, and the action was brilliant. Better than Casino Royale imo.
AVP Requiem - 5/10

Theres no known actors in this for a reason. Just like the last one really.

Got bored half way through and watched something else.
The Bourne Ultimatum - 9/10

The return of shacky cam, but I thought they tied everything up nicely, and the action was brilliant. Better than Casino Royale imo.

Got this for xmas.

It really does start exactly after Bourne left the apartment in Moscow, no arsing about with backstory. It actually takes awhile to get to New York, its over within 45 minutes or so of Bournes phonecall to Landy.

Some things i didn't get, one, Marie's brother? How did he know who Bourne was when he went into his apartment and Bourne is sitting there? Did i miss something here? Was there a scene explaining this?

Bourne buying the Guardian? which conviently has the article about him? Why was Bourne going to London in the first place?

Nicky coming into the office in Madrid? It was hinted they had a relationship too?

Who was the guy Bourne murdered in the training facility? Was that some kind of final test? To murder some indescrimantly?

Nonetheless the film still had some total badass moments, intelligent too, the close quarters improvised fighting was as awesome as ever. I couldn't help but smile at the end either.
Sir, I disagree quite strongly with this statement!


I tried rewatching the old DotD a few weeks ago and I just couldn't sit through it.

I remember watching it before and thinking it was great, but I was bored to tears this time around.

It really does start exactly after Bourne left the apartment in Moscow, no arsing about with backstory. It actually takes awhile to get to New York, its over within 45 minutes or so of Bournes phonecall to Landy.

Some things i didn't get, one, Marie's brother? How did he know who Bourne was when he went into his apartment and Bourne is sitting there? Did i miss something here? Was there a scene explaining this?

Bourne buying the Guardian? which conviently has the article about him? Why was Bourne going to London in the first place?

Nicky coming into the office in Madrid? It was hinted they had a relationship too?

Who was the guy Bourne murdered in the training facility? Was that some kind of final test? To murder some indescrimantly?

1) There isn't a scene showing that Marie's brother knew who Bourne was but obviously Marie must have introduced them, or at least told him about Bourne, since they must be a few months gap from the end of the first film, to the second while they are in India.

2) He went to London because he wanted to find that security reporter, he always picks up the papers for intel, and he said on the phone to him, that he has been reading his articles for some time, or at least implies it, since the camera shows Part 2 or 3 - Special Report, so he knew this reporters source knew all about him.

3) Nicky coming into the office in Madrid startled me a bit also, but she must have been working with or for the dude who was staying there, forgot his name. They didn't have a past relationship, Nicky was there as an adviser or scientist apart of Bourne's training program, thats why she wanted to help him, to right the wrong's she made, because the training was so harsh.

4) I believe the guy he shot in his training was the REAL Jason Bourne, so that he could change his identity from David Webb to that of Jason Bourne, offically a dead man. I think it was also to see that he could kill someone just like that under orders.

Thats how I saw it anyway.
1408 - 9/10

Great film. A friend of mine recommended it, didn't know what to expect, but it turned out to be quite an original and disturbing movie. Plus John Cusack did a great job in this one.
Superbad- 9/10

The ending was cheesy, and the movie dragged at a point or two, but otherwise it was perfect. The cop subplot was great!
Sweeney Todd - 10/10

Don't have a single complaint, superb film. GOGO Tim Burton and Johnny Depp.
Sweeny Todd- 8/10

Extremely Emo film. Too much dramatic irony to handle. Really fake blood, but that's what made it brilliant and funny.

I tried rewatching the old DotD a few weeks ago and I just couldn't sit through it.

I remember watching it before and thinking it was great, but I was bored to tears this time around.

I never saw the original Dawn of the Dead just the original Night of the Living Dead, which I thought was a much scarier and artistic film than Dawn.
Dawn of the Dead (1978) is an epic among horror films. A cult classic.
The Fountain - 9/10

I loved this, Clint Mansell's score hit the mark completely. Jackman was intensely watchable, great performance. I liked the present day story arc the most. The photography was gorgeous.
Just on TV:
Ridiculously inaccurate in many, many ways.
I Am Legend - 8.4/10

My "partner" didn't quite like it as I did, though I found it quite enjoyable from beginning to end.


Adam Sandler is Adam Sandler and his support actors are usually the same people in every one of his movies. They're still entertaining and pretty funny to watch regardless. This particular movie starts out pretty funny as he starts scratching the surface with the time remote, as the movie progresses the choices in his life; work or family starts to take its toll, the remotes goes crazy and the movie goes through his life based around work, his family life gets ****ed. During the middle toward the end, the movie starts to get depressing in a way and barely carries any hard laughs just as much as it starts out.

Big + for having Kate Beckinsale in the movie, she is so delicious.
I Am Legend - 7/10

I enjoyed it for the most part, except for a couple of things.

The monsters, for one. Everything up until the 'unveiling' was totally atmospheric and tense, but as soon as you see them it destroys everything that set it apart from any other zombie/vamp thriller. The CG and design of them were pretty horrid, but I was also dissapointed that they didn't delve further into their intelligent side. After they set the trap for Will it seems like it's gonna get interesting again, but like so many other movies I've seen recently, nothing really comes of it (ie - Land of the Dead, wtf?).

Also, the ending. And for that matter everything after he meets the other survivors. Meh.
Will Smith was great though, you really get a sense that he's actually been through it all. Plus he got through an entire movie without saying "aww hayall naw." (minor spoiler there, sorry if anyone had their hopes up :P)
Cassandra's Dream - 7/10

Not Woody Allen's best, but still a good movie.
The Fountain - 9/10

I loved this, Clint Mansell's score hit the mark completely. Jackman was intensely watchable, great performance. I liked the present day story arc the most. The photography was gorgeous.


I love The Fountain.
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