Rate the last movie you watched (DON'T POST SPOILERS Y' EEJITS)

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Big fish 9/10

fantastic film

One of my teachers did a lot of the CG work on that movie, so I have to watch that one soon.

The Postman: 9/10

Fantastic film, haven't seen it in too long so watching it again was a ride. If you haven't seen it, get your hands on it and watch it now.

Agreed. A lot of people I know either didnt like it, or didnt watch it out of some hate for Kevin Costner. I thought he and the movie were f-king awesome.
Hitman - 7/10

Great action but the love interest was just stupid and was not needed. Too much of a personality but at the end of the day, its required in a film.

*SPOILER*4km with a sniper rifle, and the crosshairs were directly in the center of his head, when you consider that at a mile range, wind speed and direction, humidity and gravity pulling the bullet down are huge factors to put into cosideration, there is no way, that will have been a kill.*END SPOILER*
Hitman 5/10

Completely differnet from the games and a stupid plot twist

Killing the president to physically copy him and take his place? O_o

no need for a love interest, hitman talked too much, alot of action (bad and good) and was it just me or was nearly everyone bald (not just the assassins)
Beowulf - 7.5/10

Didn't see it in 3D, unfortunately. Wasn't showing in English. But it was still enjoyable even in 2D. Yeah, it condenses a lot and its "interpretation" of the tale might piss off diehards. But as somebody who does not give a single flying **** about the original poem, I thought the plot did well enough. And while the visuals sometimes fall into the uncanny valley, they're still very impressive nonetheless.

Definitely prefer it to 300. Maybe that's because the technology kind of disarmed me, but I think it just worked better any way. And for all of the machismo glory 300 wrapped itself in, not once did it have a scene as cool as...

A guy cutting off his own arm while dangling from a fire-breathing beast before slicing open its throat and ripping its heart out.

Beowulf did. And with addition of naked Angelina boobs (real or not), it tops out. No question.
Holy shit, there are Angelina boobs in Beowulf?

****, I hope it's still showing around here. Suddenly I give a shit.
Might as well be. They put in the bare minimum of effort to keep her from appearing totally nude. And the tail and high heels added to the whole "sexy demon bitch" look.
Yeah, that was the best part of Beowulf. The rest of the film was shite

Beowulf- 5/10
Hot Fuzz - 7.5/10

what the hell was that? the movie took a dozen or so turns ..just when you thought it was a comedy it pulls a murder mystery or an action film ..suspension of disbelief kinda crashed around the end ..but it was fairly entertaining

I think brits make better movies when they dont try to emulate american films ...although this movie could be seen as a parody of those films
Hot Fuzz is all comedy - in particular the action sequences and tongue in cheek murder mystery parts. It really doesn't get any more British than this, and there's certainly no emulation going on. Like Shaun of the Dead, it's just another extended episode of Spaced set in a different location :)
I havent watched spaced so I have nothing to go on ..the over the top action sequences kinda ruined it for me ..the showdown was entertaining but it didnt quite fit with the rest of the movie ..at least cinematically not thematically
The Prestige - 9/10

Enthralling, interesting, well-made in every aspect, superb acting, and I didn't understand it until the very end. Can't believe I've not watched it before now.
Black Hawk Down-10/10 (we should all know why)

Behind Enemy Lines 2-10/10 great movie,buy it
Sunshine - 8/10
I liked it better for the sci-fi elements than the horror/thriller ones, but on the whole I enjoyed it quite a bit. It managed to hit that eerie note between despair and fascination very well. Also -

The crew members slowly dying off thing didn't feel cliched at all somehow. How'd they do that? :|

The Prestige - 9/10

Enthralling, interesting, well-made in every aspect, superb acting, and I didn't understand it until the very end. Can't believe I've not watched it before now.
Yuss. :D
Sunshine was pretty awesome. I'm not entirely sure about the horror part myself, I felt they could have gone another way with it.

Still, very epic.
The hard sci-fi in Sunshine combined with how generally intense and well-made the movie was COMPLETELY makes up for the questionable horror movie stuff. It's one of my favorite sci-fi movies.
Bad Boys 2 - Was on TV the other night, haven't seen it in ages. Easily one of my favorite films. 10/10.
Hot Fuzz - 7.5/10

what the hell was that? the movie took a dozen or so turns ..just when you thought it was a comedy it pulls a murder mystery or an action film ..suspension of disbelief kinda crashed around the end ..but it was fairly entertaining

I think brits make better movies when they dont try to emulate american films ...although this movie could be seen as a parody of those films

That was what Frost and Pegg were most certainly going for. In no way did the both of them think what they were writing was serious.

EDIT: I mean Wright and Pegg, sorry.
Lost - Season one 69/10
I am so geting season two. Lost is just amazing. :thumbs:
Black Hawk Down-10/10 (we should all know why)

Behind Enemy Lines 2-10/10 great movie,buy it

Neither of those movies are 10/10 worthy. BHD is a good 9, but nothing more, and behind enemy lines 2 i think of as a 5 or a 6.
Back to the Future - 10/10

Awesome! I really love this movie, plot, setting, story - all of it. I remember the first time I saw it - will he get his parents to fall in love AND get to the clock tower in time to get home?!

Also, the score is terrific.
Mr. Brooks - 8.2/10...

What a trippy American Psycho-esque flick.
Superbad 9/10

Oh my god... I just now was able to watch this movie.

This movie was great! It's the first genuinely funny movie I've seen in a super long time. And the best part is, it didn't feel like it was trying hard at all to be funny, it just went with it.

Some parts of this movie made me laugh tremendously hard.

Like that part where Seth collapses and hits that chick in the forehead. "WHAT THE ****!" hahahaha
Deathproof 9.5/10 great.

TOO MUCH POINTLESS DIALOGUE! Seriously, sometimes I was wondering if Tarantino made it for no reason other than to pat himself on the back. Don't get me wrong, I love his movies, but it would have been so much better if he traded a big chunk of the dialog for more Stuntman Mike backstory/action.


Planet Terror, on the other hand, was always entertaining and never dry.
Beowulf - 7/10 - Entertaining; though the plot attempted to move at the speed that 300 did, which was certainly not suitable for a movie of this kind. What was there was perfectly fine, but I felt that in this case some extra character development would have gone a long way to give it more of an emotional punch. Still, very entertaining and had one of the funniest names I've heard in quite a while... Wigluff :laugh:
Superbad - 8.9/10...
Comedy gold, reminded me a lot of my high school life.
300 ..8/10 ..could have shaved off at least 30 mins for a more enjoyable movie ..the stifling patriotism got to me a bit as did the allagory to modern day conflicts but enjoyable for the fight scenes nonetheless
^^ *sigh* at least I hope you didn't watch it thinking it's a movie based on history...
considering I've been reading/collecting Frank Miller comics for over 20 years ...no
Terminator II: Judgment Day. 10/10. Still one of my favorite movies of all time. Man, they don't make em like they used. to.
Little Children - 9/10

Beautiful movie, very well done.

I missed the first 10 minutes of it though. Damn.
The Mist - 9/10

Kinda cheesy in parts, but really does the book credit. And it has one of the best endings ever.
Aliens - 10/10 - Good god, if they renamed this movie to simply "Despair", I would have no qualms. This movie just sucks the life and energy out of you (to partially quote Ebert).
TOO MUCH POINTLESS DIALOGUE! Seriously, sometimes I was wondering if Tarantino made it for no reason other than to pat himself on the back. Don't get me wrong, I love his movies, but it would have been so much better if he traded a big chunk of the dialog for more Stuntman Mike backstory/action.

Pointless but funny as hell. That's Tarantino, he always has 'pointless' dialogue in his films.
The Kingdom - 8/10

I'll slap a person who hasn't watched it yet. 2 hours of intense moments. A muslim terrorist movie btw...
Black Hawk Down - 9/10

I still can't see where people are coming from when they say this movie is 'Americanized' when, if anything, this is probably the most horrifying modern day warfare films out there, or at least one that's done well. When I wanted to join the Army (the British, natch), this was the film that put me right off it.

There's something about the way the film is shot and presented that I really love, too. Not sure what as I'm no film techie bluff, but the casting is pretty damned good, too. Seen it a few times now but it's always going to be a favorite.
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