Rate the last movie you watched (DON'T POST SPOILERS Y' EEJITS)

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The Darjeeling Limited - 8/10

Good flick. Makes me want to go to India.
The Darjeeling Limited - 8/10

Good flick. Makes me want to go to India.

My friend just saw that, and she said the exact opposite :P

She also said, how the hell does a train get lost? It's on a track.
George Carlin: It's Bad For Ya: 8/10
His new HBO special is really hilarious. I dunno what else to say, really. One of the better stand-ups of his.
10,000 BC - Should have went to In Bruges/10
I was expecting action sequences strung together by a lose plot. I was very, very disappointed. There is a plot, and it sucks balls. This film is crap.

I dont get why everyone hated this movie so much. I mean, I thought it was entirely mediocre, but a lot of people really really hated it. Also, did anyone catch the mistakes they made in cg? There was one point where some CG fire was playing backwards, and the flames were getting sucked into the torches lawl.
August Rush: 8/10
I really liked this movie. Though the fact that a modified Szamar Madar by Venetian Snares was used in the movie may be swaying my rating. Nah; it really was a good movie.
August Rush: 8/10
I really liked this movie. Though the fact that a modified Szamar Madar by Venetian Snares was used in the movie may be swaying my rating. Nah; it really was a good movie.

So so wrong! I already put my review on the previous page, but this movie was absolute shit in so many ways: Boring cinematography, average music (and it's a musical), cheesy dialogue, ridiculous plot, unlikable actors, cardboard cutout characters, and you can predict the entire plot if you saw the trailer or if you've seen/read Oliver Twist (and no, ripping off a famous book didn't make it any better).
So so wrong! I already put my review on the previous page, but this movie was absolute shit in so many ways: Boring cinematography, average music (and it's a musical), cheesy dialogue, ridiculous plot, unlikable actors, cardboard cutout characters, and you can predict the entire plot if you saw the trailer or if you've seen/read Oliver Twist (and no, ripping off a famous book didn't make it any better).

Apparently there are people in the world who enjoy this film however.
The Simpsons Movie - 8/10. Was quite funny, liked the plot, loved spider-pig!
Horton Hears A Who - 8/10

I thought it was cute. I actually liked Steve Carrell in this movie, and Jim Carrey did a great job.

George Carlin: It's Bad For Ya: 8/10
His new HBO special is really hilarious. I dunno what else to say, really. One of the better stand-ups of his.
While I'm thinking about it, please tell me if you've seen Lewis Black's new show and if it's any good. I can't stand to go near Comedy Central unless stand-up shwos are on.
Rush Hour 3 - 6/10

Fun, but not as much as the previous two. Which I might go hire now, because it actually made me want to rewatch them. I can't decide if that's a good or bad thing.
Paprika 9/10 - HOLY SHIT! You cant explain this movie you have the experience it.
Horton Hears A Who - 8/10

I thought it was cute. I actually liked Steve Carrell in this movie, and Jim Carrey did a great job.

While I'm thinking about it, please tell me if you've seen Lewis Black's new show and if it's any good. I can't stand to go near Comedy Central unless stand-up shwos are on.

As most "let's take a stand-up comedian and give him a 30 minute show," it sucks. Better than most, but saying something is better than shit isn't saying much.

300: 7.5/10
I haven't watched this since getting out of theaters. Still a good action flick.
Ghost Rider - 10/10. Now a very close second (after V for Vendetta) in my-all-time-greatest-films. Absolutely awesome!!!! :D
Ghost Rider - 10/10. Now a very close second (after V for Vendetta) in my-all-time-greatest-films. Absolutely awesome!!!! :D


Horton Hears A Who: 8/10
Good, family fun with good voice actors, good story (can you get any better than Dr. Seuss?), great animation and, not forgetting to mention, the acid-trip yellow fluff ball. It's a bit silly at times, as expected, but, as any good children's film, there's humor for older people at well.
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind 9.8/10

I don't know if many others would have liked it but it really got to me.
Ghost Rider - 10/10. Now a very close second (after V for Vendetta) in my-all-time-greatest-films. Absolutely awesome!!!! :D

How the **** do you dare put V for Vendetta next to Ghost Rider....
Harsh Times - 8/10

Story-wise it wasn't as intense or interesting as Training Day, but the acting was absolutely sublime. Christian Bale proves yet again that he can perform outstandingly in any role he ****ing wants to.
I Am Legend w/Will Smith: 9.5/10

The most epic viral apocalypse movie ever! :O Bests even dawn of the dead and 28 days later imo. Shuffle and moan zombies are overrated. :/

Originally, I would have given the movie by itself only an 8.5 or so, but the three anime + comic style short stories served to improve the awesomeness of the main picture that much more.

Hint > If you haven't seen this movie yet, watch the main picture first, or you'll totally blow the awesome factor of the whole thing. ;)
Are You F*cking Serious?

Yes I am being serious. i loved it and thought it was excellent. But if you didn't like it then fine, that's your opinion, but in my opinion I think it deserves 10/10. So I don't care what anyone else thinks or says.
Honestly it was a pretty legitimate question. The odds were better that its someone trying to get a laugh than making a real rating.
I would put Ghost Rider down there with Daredevil and Electra as the shittiest movies ever.

Also, Just watched Dan in Real Life. 8/10. Acting was pretty good except for Dane Cook who was trying too hard to not be stupid like he usually is... which resulted in him being stupid. But the rest of it was good. Made me uncomfortable though... I cant stand watching situations like that.
Why is everyone taking it so badly that I gave Ghost Rider a very high rating? What's it to you if someone gives a film a high rating? I don't see anyone else on here getting criticised if they give films low ratings. Why is it always me who gets picked on for posting MY OWN OPINION??? I'm getting ****ing sick of it and I want it to stop. NOW. :frown:
If just... that movie was so horrible. If it was just mediocre, I'm not sure many people would complain. But giving Ghost Rider a 10/10 is really just trolling in this thread, lol.
Why is everyone taking it so badly that I gave Ghost Rider a very high rating? What's it to you if someone gives a film a high rating? I don't see anyone else on here getting criticised if they give films low ratings. Why is it always me who gets picked on for posting MY OWN OPINION??? I'm getting ****ing sick of it and I want it to stop. NOW. :frown:

Why the hell did you vote that shitty movie a 10/10? It sucks!
In My Opinion It Was Not Shitty!!! How Many ****ing Times Do I Have To Stress That That Is My Opinion??? I Will Not Say It Again!!!
In My Opinion It Was Not Shitty!!! How Many ****ing Times Do I Have To Stress That That Is My Opinion??? I Will Not Say It Again!!!

I rate this post a 3/10. The acting came off as over-the-top, and the repeated use of capitalization and exclamation points created a constant atmosphere of tension and anger which quickly wore thin. It was sort of entertaining but I wouldn't read it again.
Knocked Up: 9/10

16 Blocks: 8/10

The Iron Giant: 10^23647/10

I've been on a moviefest.
In My Opinion It Was Not Shitty!!! How Many ****ing Times Do I Have To Stress That That Is My Opinion??? I Will Not Say It Again!!!
Think about it for a sec: if someone were to haul off in a thread about how they thought Da Vinci was a talentless hack of an artist, and they didn't offer any sort of justification for it, what would be the most reasonable conclusion for you to make about that person?

And to boot the entire point of this thread is to share what you thought of movies and then discuss it. A rating thats way outside the norm for a movie is going to be met with a response that is outside of the norm.
This is so not a big deal, respect each other's right to an opinion even if they don't want to validate it by explaining.
shoot em up. 9/10.

Balls to the wall deliberately so far over the top action film with intentionally head in your hands cheesy one liners and bloody but 'bugs bunny' slapstick violence that makes you laugh both at it and along with it. Think Max Payne 2 minus the the film noir comic book sequences and a heavy metal soundtrack throughout every action sequence...

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