Rate the last movie you watched (DON'T POST SPOILERS Y' EEJITS)

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Disturbia - 9/10

Really good Horror Thriller (I think thats what it is, I dunno), best one I've seen in a LONG time, good character development and suspense and all that. I loved it. Watch it if you haven't yet.
Saw it when it was called Rear Window. Bazing! But I'll actually have to give it a look, I've been hearing suspiciously positive opinions recently.
Grindhouse (both movies) - 8.5/10

Planet Terror was a good action flick, you could tell that Tarantino obviously directed it (guy gets shot in the arm with a little pistol, and it blows his arm clean off).

Death Proof was kind of boring, but the couple of action bits were fantastic, I liked it just for the first crash and the chase at the end.

Kurt Russel got his ass BEAT.
The Mask

I loved it as kid, but it's a bit :cheese: , still made me laugh though & Cameron Diaz is :angel:.

Back when I was 12, a definite 9/10 :D
The Last King of Scotland - 7/10

Great and everything, but something about it didn't sit with me so well. Could have been the way it transitioned from scene to scene so rapidly, never really giving anything time to sink in. Still a great story, and the lead roles were played fantastically.
I entered the film with no expectations, although I generated a few along the way. And I don't even see what was so brilliant about the characters.

you just said:
I was waiting for something profound to bleed through

You claim that you didn't have expectations, but you spent the film in anticipation of something profound.
The Last King of Scotland - 7/10

Great and everything, but something about it didn't sit with me so well. Could have been the way it transitioned from scene to scene so rapidly, never really giving anything time to sink in. Still a great story, and the lead roles were played fantastically.

When I saw the mutilated woman, I practically "died" there on my seat. It was just sick..
you just said:

You claim that you didn't have expectations, but you spent the film in anticipation of something profound.

I came in knowing nothing about the film outside of a few uninformative trailers. I developed expectations while watching it. After a good 40 minutes into the film, I was expecting the plot to build itself into something bigger (motivated in part by the film's fiery introduction), or to give more insight into U-North's shady practices.

So when the climax of the film is a car bomb that I've already witnessed - and I don't see why the movie felt the need to rewind itself in order explain it - I only asked "So what?".

Maybe the film does rest on its characters, in which case I'll probably have to see it again with that in mind for another evaluation. But it's not like I "****ed up" watching it the first time. I just don't think it went anywhere particularly interesting.
Airplane! 9/10
I've seen this movie so many times yet the jokes never get old therefore i'm giving it a 9/10 and i'm sure others will agree with me
The Matrix Revolutions 7/10

It ain't that bad, I still quite enjoyed it. Although I am a matrix fanboy :P
There Will be Blood - 7/10
Great atmostphere. Great acting. Good cinematography. Alright story. Slightly annoying soundtrack. Little to no plot. Directionless. Dull at times. An ending with no closure at all.
When I saw the mutilated woman, I practically "died" there on my seat. It was just sick..
Yeah, it was pretty shocking if only because there wasn't really anything particularly violent or disturbing before that and the movie was already into about the last third. Actually I was kind of sitting there waiting for them to justify the R16 rating on the case. That and the torture scene about did it. :P

(*hopes noone saw silly ninja-edit*)
There Will be Blood - 7/10
Great atmostphere. Great acting. Good cinematography. Alright story. Slightly annoying soundtrack. Little to no plot. Directionless. Dull at times. An ending with no closure at all.

Yet a 7.
8mm - 7/10

I don't like Cage much to be honest, but I do enjoy 8mm, even though it is a bit OTT. Worth a watch if you like your thrillers.
10,000 B.C.


Big budget movie, just slightly less than big budget, and it shows. Otherwise fun to watch.
Dead Silence - 0/10...

Terrible, had some ****ed up scenes like
Mary Shaw having herself be turned into a human puppet and well... that's it.
Spoiler tags in case anybody actually wants to watch this shit.

Jumper - 6.8/10...

Actually wasn't that bad, horrible acting on everybody's parts but it was fun to watch.
I really enjoyed it okay. Although admittedly I've not read the manga.
I dislike most anime but Akira is great.

Also, stintage I've read the manga (yes, all of it) and I actually prefer the movie.
The Orphanage - 8/10

Cool how the story can be seen in two ways - without anything supernatural occuring, and the opposite.
The Orphanage - 8/10

I thought it was as average as you could get for a horror film. All the scares (all...both of them) are jump scares and the rest of the time is spent trying to develop a scary atmosphere that isn't scary at all after the "big reveal" halfway through the film. Its formulaic as anything, not scary and save for one scene its not really worth watching.

The Orphanage - 4/10
Rewatched all 3 season of Arrested Development - 10/10. I've never laughed so hard, it still hurts. Greatest TV comedy ever. By far.

Check it out - http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0367279/maindetails

You can watch them for free here - http://arresteddevelopment.msn.com/

We Own the Night - 6.9/10. I enjoyed it, great performances from Phoenix, Duvall and Walhberg. Some parts had a Max Payne feel to it. A slow first half, but it picked up.
Six Shooter 9/10.

A short, black comedy. Essential viewing material - go see!
Gone baby gone - 7/10 It was up and down for me.
Next - 7/10

Good movie to just watch, nothing that special. Although his powers would be BADASS to have.

I gave it an 7 rather then a 6 because Jessica Beil is a fox.

It didn't get higher because
half of the movie is a vision
Jumper - 6.5/10 - OK if you don't have to pay to watch it; otherwise I'd spend my money on another film.

Snatch - 9/10 - 2nd time I've watched it. Loved it again.
Next - 7/10

Good movie to just watch, nothing that special. Although his powers would be BADASS to have.

I gave it an 7 rather then a 6 because Jessica Beil is a fox.

It didn't get higher because
half of the movie is a vision

Next deserves a 0 out of 10 if anything. Terrible in every single way and doesn't even have internal consistancy
Cloverfield. "Edge of my seat" good. Overall 8/10

visuals 8/10
sound 9/10
camera 6/10
intensity 9/10
Hud 6/10
other characters 7/10

Liked: The "reality" effect.
Disliked: Hudson was kind of a goofball throughout.
I liked the fact that they called him Hud as in heads up display, like the lens through which you see everything

excellent film, I found my self on the edge of my seat and taken back a few times on the movie (the best bit when they are in the tunnels :D) and most of the effects were amazing.

The reason it won`t get a nine is because
they never explained where the hell it came from (and I`m ****ed if I`m doing countless hours of research on the web, when the movie should have given a hint), and the end was a kick in the balls.
Also, throughout the film the creature looked amazing, then again
at the end, when it eats HUD, the effects look shit, not only does it look like a smaller creature than is stomping up Manhatten, but it looks like a badly rendered Saturday Morning kids show. The effects in AVP2 where better than this bit, and they had a smidgen of the budget.

Saying all that, it was a really good film that just left me empty at the end, after all the excellence that had gone before.
Hitman - 7/10...

Actually not that bad, although they turned 47 into a guns-a-blazing action hero instead of a stealthy mofo and they gave him a sort of love interest, I would've killed that bitch the second I saw her. D:

30 Days to Night - 8.1/10...

The Fountain - wat/10

This is like a one and a half hour long lead-up and no film. It's hard to hate it though when everything else was so great. :(
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