Rate the last movie you watched (DON'T POST SPOILERS Y' EEJITS)

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The reason it won`t get a nine is because
they never explained where the hell it came from (and I`m ****ed if I`m doing countless hours of research on the web, when the movie should have given a hint), and the end was a kick in the balls.

That wasn't the point of the movie, the point was that it was filmed right there and then, at the time of the attack just by some random bystander with a camera. I much preferred it to the usual generic ''this is where it came from and this it's weakness, let's kill it'' that most monster movies have for a plot.
Exactly. Personally I hated that they even showed the monster close-up at the end, let alone adding in a scene to explain away it's origins. Who cares? More smashy less talky.

Also, main dude goes through all that to save whos-her-face and doesn't even get a little boobage? Not even moments before their inevitable death (and on camera)? Sup with that?
I hated the up close shot at the end as well. It kinda lost that "one group among millions" vibe right then.
Next deserves a 0 out of 10 if anything. Terrible in every single way and doesn't even have internal consistancy

Eh, your being too critical, it's a good movie to watch if there is nothing else on TV. In actuality for the movie I'd give it around a 5-6/10, but like I said - Jessica Biel is fine, so she gets it an extra point.
I think the camera actually ruined a lot of the experience for me (For Cloverfield). The whole idea of using a shaky cam is a great idea but they didn't need to exaggerate it only to make half the audience sick (In the theatre I went too, pretty much everyone felt a little sick.). Moderation is key, and Cloverfield definately didn't have moderation
The scene where she comes out with the towel around her just made me skip a beat. Shes so stunning...painfully fine.

U-571 - 8/10
U-571 - 8/10

Are you kidding me? German destroyer sailing alone through the Atlantic with a recon plane way beyond the range of any German airbase? Sailors that directly disregard orders from their commander? One torpedo causes the destroyer to turn into a giant fireball?
That wasn't the point of the movie, the point was that it was filmed right there and then, at the time of the attack just by some random bystander with a camera. I much preferred it to the usual generic ''this is where it came from and this it's weakness, let's kill it'' that most monster movies have for a plot.

That may be, but then that concept alone doesn't really make for a decent movie.

I like backstory, I like to know why things are the way they are, it helps a lot with immersion into the universe the writers are trying to convey and without that, as good as the result of Cloverfield may have been, it meant it basically amounted to a lot of annoying people running around dodging a monster for an hour.

They still could have given this information using the "shakey-cam" approach, as they did with the many news reports etc, instead they felt the need to put the backstory in some Japanese Manga comics and a viral website, which means there is a backstory the writers wanted explored, they just didn't put it in the movie.

It amounts to, if you don`t have the internet, you don`t get the full story, if you don't have the time, or really, the enthusiasm to chase things omitted from the movie, you don`t get the full story.

It's the same as if they cut out the whole of the Derelict and Chestbursting scene from Alien, you still have this creature running around causing mayhem, but you miss out on the rich backstory and imagery associated with that.

Anyway, like I said, it was a decent movie, but not perfect.
Are you kidding me? German destroyer sailing alone through the Atlantic with a recon plane way beyond the range of any German airbase? Sailors that directly disregard orders from their commander? One torpedo causes the destroyer to turn into a giant fireball?

Well if every film was based on realism itd be even worse. Dont be so critical :)
The Fountain - wat/10

This is like a one and a half hour long lead-up and no film. It's hard to hate it though when everything else was so great. :(

I love nearky everything about this movie.
Well if every film was based on realism itd be even worse. Dont be so critical :)

If a film is depicting a "historical" event and is set in a realistic environment, I would expect some measure of realism. The destroyer would want to turn towards a submarine to shrink its profile and present the steeper angled armor of the prow against a torpedo rather than turn it's side to the submarine. Oh yeah, and with 5 minutes of training, the cook learns how to steer a German submarine. Also, underwater submarine warfare didn't even exist during WW2.
The Mist 8/10

Terrible CGI, but I really liked the rest and OH SNAP @ the ending.

EDIT: On second thought, the CGI wasn't overall terrible, some parts just stood out as very poor and just stuck to me. Overall it had quite decent effects.
If a film is depicting a "historical" event and is set in a realistic environment, I would expect some measure of realism. The destroyer would want to turn towards a submarine to shrink its profile and present the steeper angled armor of the prow against a torpedo rather than turn it's side to the submarine. Oh yeah, and with 5 minutes of training, the cook learns how to steer a German submarine. Also, underwater submarine warfare didn't even exist during WW2.

Its American film industry. Hell even Black Hawk Down was wrong.
Hitman well what can I say, it was bad.

I don't know if you can make a good movie wherein the worlds best hitman is so conspicuous and lacks any socials skills.
But the things that bothered me about this movie had nothing to with that. I could take that for granted.

What bothered me is how they thought they could appeal to the fans of the series.
The movie is really made for no brainer teens, while the material it uses is a slow paced thinkings man
adult themed third person shooter. The kind of people that would enjoy hitman and enjoy hitman the
movie are pretty different. It's like they could have made a good movie, they had the budget, they had the
skills, but they just didn't feel like it. It does succeed really well in communicating to us how hollywood sees us.
I was annoyed that he formed an emotional link with someone...thats so unlike the game. Then again, I can kind of see how they would have to say its 'based on' the game, suggesting their not following it entirely, as, if you think about it, would it be possible to even make a film about the game without adding something the viewers can relate to?

For example, Rush Hour. They added in more action and fight scenes because they felt it would appeal to a wider audience, aka getting more money.
The Mist 8/10

Terrible CGI, but I really liked the rest and OH SNAP @ the ending.

EDIT: On second thought, the CGI wasn't overall terrible, some parts just stood out as very poor and just stuck to me. Overall it had quite decent effects.

Yeah, the ending was pretty WHAAAT!
Yeah, the ending was pretty WHAAAT!

The ending made me happy. I am tired of predictable happy endings that you can see from half an hour away. I am also tired of endings that are predictably surprising (any heist movie or M. Night movie). August Rush was like poison to my soul. I want someone to make a seemingly happy or funny movie like a romantic comedy where the main character dies in a surprising and unexpected way half way in. Like they just randomly get hit by a car and the whole movie plot gets derailed.
Well if every film was based on realism itd be even worse. Dont be so critical :)

Oh man, you suck. When it comes to anything that isn't fantasy based, realism always takes the cake over hollywood crap.
Into the Wild (Again.) - 10/10...

Fantastic. :D:D

The Omen(2006) - 6/10...
Meh, valiant attempt at a remake... but obviously just a cash in on the 6/6/06 release date.
There Will Be Blood 8/10
This was more of an art movie than a story movie. The music and cinematography were pretty cool. And of course Daniel Day Lewis. But I have a feeling that it would suck to watch on a small screen without theatre style sound.

We Own the Night 4/10
Very predictable cliched cop movie. It would have been okay if it didn't try to be more dramatic than it really was. There is about 15 minutes of story and 10 minutes of action with the rest filled out with filler shots.
For example, Rush Hour. They added in more action and fight scenes because they felt it would appeal to a wider audience, aka getting more money.
Cause honestly, who goes to a Jackie Chan movie to see fighting? :rolleyes:
I missed out the 'americans' part, as they actually felt it wouldnt appeal to them, if you dont believe me you can watch the 'making-of'.

So quit breaking my sarcasm detector please :D
The Mist - 9/10...

Holy. Fuck.
Incredibly intense, hands down the best horror movie I've seen all year.

First ending to really leave me speechless.
Juno 9/10

A feel good movie without the cheesiness. I also fell in love with Ellen Page.
The Mist - 10/10. Wow! I don't know what to say about this movie. It started out meh but damn it escalated to the best horror movie I've seen in a loooong time.
The Mist - 10/10. Wow! I don't know what to say about this movie. It started out meh but damn it escalated to the best horror movie I've seen in a loooong time.
Just watched this. It's definitely not flawless but it overcomes any real problems by being really good in certain areas. My only two real gripes are the fact that
a) theres one character that anyone with a brain should have beaten to death with a broomstick ten minutes into the movie
b) I'm undecided whether the ending gels with the rest of the movie. The whole movie is too thought out for it to just be random, but the significance escapes me.
I've seen this movie a couple of times now and each time I watch it reinforces my 10/10 rating, it's a really really great film.

The only thing is I hate the kid, Christopher, he totally had it* coming to him.
He's such a brat, after everything his parents did for him, he graduates from college and just flat says **** you to them. :|

*the ending
Yeah, plus it* could totally been avoided if he wasn't stubborn to the point of stupidity.

*the ending
Well, not so much stubbornness...
he was damn hungry so he had stuff racing through his mind and managed to **** up and grab poisonous berries that resembled the non-poisonous ones.

Because of this movie, I've disregarded all thoughts I've had about doing what he did. :|
Yeah, but
He was 20 miles from a major highway, a few miles from forest service cabins stocked with food and supplies, and the river he couldn't cross that prevented him from going back had a hand-operated pulley to cross something like a mile downstream from where he was. If he had brought a map instead of brashly and foolishly saying "I don't need it" and leaving it behind, he could have probably survived.
And I still want to do what he did, just somewhere more temperate and with a contingency plan (and not quite as extreme in general).
Yeah, but
He was 20 miles from a major highway, a few miles from forest service cabins stocked with food and supplies, and the river he couldn't cross that prevented him from going back had a hand-operated pulley to cross something like a mile downstream from where he was. If he had brought a map instead of brashly and foolishly saying "I don't need it" and leaving it behind, he could have probably survived.
And I still want to do what he did, just somewhere more temperate and with a contingency plan (and not quite as extreme in general).

True, and yeah... going to Alaska would be the last place that I'd want to hike out to... even though I love cold weather.
Punch Drunk Love - 8.5/10

Paul Thomas Anderson is definately the best director/writer around at the moment.
Wild At Heart - 5/10

Spastic editing, aimless direction, questionable weirdness (Wizard of Oz wtf?), and too much melodramatic acting. Although it gets points for being occasionally funny (as well as violent), having a main theme song I can't get out of my head, and Willem Dafoe getting his head blown clean off. That was great.
Into The Wild - 7.5/10

A really good film. Emile Hirsch does a great job as McCandless as well as the supporting cast (especially Catherine Keener). My beef comes from Sean Penn's direction and the editing. Penn breaks the fourth wall constantly throughout the film simply because... he can. There doesn't appear to be any motive to it otherwise. The first half of the film drags comparably to the second half and why in the world did Penn use zooms so much instead of dollies? Still, it was a really good and occasionally sad film.

Deadwood Season 2 - 9.5/10
Motherf*cking good.
Gone baby gone - 6/10 not so much as expected.

There will be Blood - 7/10

First 50 minutes of movie is simply awesome. Eli's acting was classic too.

Rendition - 7/10 Egyptians are too horny.
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