Rate the last movie you watched (DON'T POST SPOILERS Y' EEJITS)

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Brick - 10/10

Excellent film. I didn't understand it all the first time (story is a bit complicated), but second viewing and I was just left jaw hanging. Perfectly executed. Now one of my favourite movies.
Make sure you watch it twice, very worth it.
Not really a movie, but the HBO Series John Adams


Completely sucked.
Death at a Funeral - 7/10 - Funny but not side splitting.
Cougar Club - 4/10

Typical American Pie-like movie, except this one has an actual plot that doesn't suck incredibly hard! Unfortunately, they still had to "spice up" the movie with stupid adolescent jokes. It's watchable, sure, but just download or hire it, don't buy it. It's got some funny moments, but nothing to write home about.
Monty Python And The Holy Grail: 10/10

This is a nominee for the funniest movie ever.
Beetlejuice - 10/10. So unmistakeably Tim Burton! i thought it was hilarious; Beetlejuice himself is an amazing character, so funny yet horrible with it.
Ratatouille - 8/10 - Really good, but not really memorable.
Cloverfield - 6/10...

Could've been so much better.

For instance, killing Hudson at the beginning of the movie. :|
And shortening the party, ffs.

Needed a lot more action too, christ, Hud says he's documenting? Well he should've had the camera pointed at the action a helluva lot more often than he did.

And why did they all feel the need to follow Rob on his suicide quest? If he wanted to go find his girl so badly that's great, Hud and Marleena should've took off.

Also, they explained **** all as to where the hell the monster came from!

Oh, since I've got the DVD... I guess I'll see what happens after the credits, since apparently there's more footage?
edit : Nope. :|
casino royale 9/10 great bond movie. I was sand still am surprised at how good Daniel Craig is. I can't wait for the new one now :D

*runs around in hysterics*
Cloverfield - 6/10...

Could've been so much better.

For instance, killing Hudson at the beginning of the movie. :|
And shortening the party, ffs.

Needed a lot more action too, christ, Hud says he's documenting? Well he should've had the camera pointed at the action a helluva lot more often than he did.

And why did they all feel the need to follow Rob on his suicide quest? If he wanted to go find his girl so badly that's great, Hud and Marleena should've took off.

Also, they explained **** all as to where the hell the monster came from!

Oh, since I've got the DVD... I guess I'll see what happens after the credits, since apparently there's more footage?
edit : Nope. :|

Why the **** do you need to have everything explained to you
The Butterfly Effect: 8/10
For some reason, I really, really like this movie. There are so many reasons to hate it -- the plot holes, Ashton Kutcher, etc. -- but I love mind**** movies. I love these types of movies. Movies that have to do with plot distortion and jumping around a lot, slowly revealing more and more to the story. Movies like this and Vanilla Sky which get overall lukewarm reviews... I love 'em.
Why the **** do you need to have everything explained to you

It's not the need t have Everything explained, but a little exposition on the monster would have been nice
Black Hawk Down - 8/10

Finally watched it. Very gripping battle and a good round of actors but not the best war film I have seen.
The Mist - 7/10

It was OK, but not really gripping. The CGI seemed kind of out of place, didn't convince me (even though I rarely complain about CGI in movies). The ending was pretty intense.

Black Hawk Down - 8/10

Finally watched it. Very gripping battle and a good round of actors but not the best war film I have seen.

What is the best war film you have seen? Or at least better than Black Hawk Down. BTW I'm not saying here that it's the best war movie.
Black Hawk Down was great but some of it was edited, as always, from the real thing to make it more 'watchable' for the masses.
I thought Black Hawk Down was a mess of noise and gung-ho backslapping. There wasn't a single character I cared about and by the end I was quite bored. I'll take something like Platoon or Glory over this gun wankfest any day.
Full Metal Jacket is my favourite war movie. SPR is okay, but it's not the kind of movie I would watch after I've already seen it a few times. I will always watch FMJ if it's on tv.
Saving Private Ryan remains my favourite movie of all time.
Casino (1995) - 8.5/10

First time I saw it. Awesome movie, but the ending could've been better. I mean, what happened to DeNiro's daughter?
I thought Black Hawk Down was a mess of noise and gung-ho backslapping. There wasn't a single character I cared about and by the end I was quite bored. I'll take something like Platoon or Glory over this gun wankfest any day.

I dont get it. You like Platoon and Glory, but not Saving Private Ryan? Because Saving Private Ryan has a bad script? How in the world is it bad compared to those two? They all have cliched parts, but Platoon and Glory are filled with far more cliches than SPR.
I thought Black Hawk Down was a mess of noise and gung-ho backslapping. There wasn't a single character I cared about and by the end I was quite bored. I'll take something like Platoon or Glory over this gun wankfest any day.

Yeah this, I enjoyed it but part of me :| while watching it. I also couldn't care about them because they came across a bit DUR!
I think a lot of how people react to BHD has to do with what they come into it with. I'm the same age and nationality as many of the soldiers in the movie, and the feeling that it left on me was definitely not gung-ho. It made a very strong impression about how much of a horrifying mess modern day warfare is, and that it hasn't somehow become less horrifying since Vietnam.

I did also read the book, and while there is of course some editing and compositing of characters, it seemed to me that the writers worked very hard to still get the story as correct as they could.

I'd rank SPR above it, but I have a very high opinion of SPR.
I think a lot of how people react to BHD has to do with what they come into it with. I'm the same age and nationality as many of the soldiers in the movie, and the feeling that it left on me was definitely not gung-ho. It made a very strong impression about how much of a horrifying mess modern day warfare is, and that it hasn't somehow become less horrifying since Vietnam.

I did also read the book, and while there is of course some editing and compositing of characters, it seemed to me that the writers worked very hard to still get the story as correct as they could.

I'd rank SPR above it, but I have a very high opinion of SPR.

Agreed. Whilst Black Hawk Down was very visceral, that's that really struck home for me. It's thanks to this movie that I changed my mind about joining the TA/British Army because of how horrifying combat can be when your on the other end of an explosion.

Not to say it changed my mind completly - the Mark of Cain, and as of recently, the Battle for Haditha, really changed my train of thought, too, but still, it made an impression to me. Not to mention it had quite a few of my favorite actors in it which was nice.

The problem with Black Hawk Down was the way it showed combat. On the one hand, it was very appealing to the leather neck **** YEAH FIGHTING stereotype because of the way it showcased a vast amount of weaponary and combat scenarios, but on the other hand it also showed these people getting torn to shreds and blown up in really horrifying ways.
Black Hawk definitely got the horror part across to me, it's one of the only war movies that actually made me feel a bit sick watching it. It might have been too visceral. :P
The problem with Black Hawk Down was the way it showed combat. On the one hand, it was very appealing to the leather neck **** YEAH FIGHTING stereotype because of the way it showcased a vast amount of weaponary and combat scenarios, but on the other hand it also showed these people getting torn to shreds and blown up in really horrifying ways.
That's always there in war movies, though. There's always a stress between, on the one hand, the condemnation of war, the horror of battle, the moralising or the undermining of morals - and, on the other hand, the visceral enjoyment that a viewer finds it very hard not to experience, and a film-maker finds it very hard not to build his battle scenes with (if it weren't exciting, we'd call it a bad film). That tension exists in SPR, Platoon and FMJ as well.
Oh, I agree, but the difference I saw was that Black Hawk Down was based around a more modern conflict. You see and hear a lot about how combat and fighting has changed over the years, and how it was a lot harder and bloodier in the past, which is reasonably true considering the technology, methods, scenarios and circumstances. Whilst Platoon and FMJ had all these horrible scenes showcasing some truely nasty stuff, it never really dawned on me that warfare was like this now.

I'll be blunt: I was pretty niave when I first wanted to enlist and always thought that the country with the most money had the best defence and armourment for protection, the best weapons, the best tactical command, etc, but then I saw Black Hawk Down, a story based around a conflict fairly recent, and it was exactly like Platoon and FMJ like you said, it was just I expected to see something different because of the time it was based around. I was pretty shocked at what I saw.

Regardless of how much the story has changed from the book and actual events (I haven't read it), it still showed that having all this gear and tech often means nothing in the field and that was what really got me thinking. Then I started getting more into the War on Iraq, soaking up whatever combat footage I could get, be it horrifying, Ogrish-like material or (thankfully) just seeing our boys getting out of a situation alive and well. Watching the videos that unfortuantly did show some pretty horrid stuff, it connected perfectly with what BHD showcased.

To put it simply, as much as stuff has changed since the major wars, from WWII to Vietnam, it still never got any less bloody. I was just stupid enough to think that we had improved all this military tech and awareness over the years until we had become an unstoppable, invincible force that all the TV ads suggest we are. I'm just glad I did my research.


Munich - 9/10

Really enjoyed this. Fantastic cast, great acting, really gripping, tense stuff. Good flick.
Hmmm I watched the first 10 mins of Munich and got bored, never finished watching it. Might dig up the DVD and give it a chance, forgot I even HAD it.
Yeah, it's quite long, and theres a few parts that drag somewhat but overall I really enjoyed the flow of the film.
They all have cliched parts, but Platoon and Glory are filled with far more cliches than SPR.

Saving Private Ryan was too patriotic for my liking. Even though it was losely based on real events, it struck me as a little contrived and far fetched - an exercise in tugging at your heart strings. Band of Brothers was better.

I don't see the cliches you talk of in Glory and Platoon. Both are centered on wonderful charatcers (something I didn't find in SPR), their lives, but not the war - just how it affects them. With Black Hawk Down and, to a lesser extent, SPR, it seemed like the charatcers were shoehorned in as an afterthought.
Why the **** do you need to have everything explained to you

Just would've appreciated a little explanation as to where the hell this beastie came from.

It's like, out of no where it just pops into existence?
Well it is from space - it really could be from absolutely anywhere. The little folks on Earth ain't gonna be able to make heads or tails of it. I haven't seen the film but I think if they explained that stuff - stuff that is of no relation to the film itself or the chaps filming it - it would probably kill it for me. Exposition for the sake of exposition an all that.
Well it is from space - it really could be from absolutely anywhere. The little folks on Earth ain't gonna be able to make heads or tails of it. I haven't seen the film but I think if they explained that stuff - stuff that is of no relation to the film itself or the chaps filming it - it would probably kill it for me. Exposition for the sake of exposition an all that.

Yeah, I'm probably just a little too interested in the backstory behind it all.
Moral of this thread is that Band of Brothers is better than any war movie.
No Country for Old Men - 8/10...

Great, got damn intense after the first hour.

Ending was a bit sudden but I'll cope.
Band of Brothers will always be the best for me, since it brings up all the characters from the start and when some were killed it really got to me.

The ending of Carentan when that cleaner lady was asking Malarkay to take the washing of all those guys who were killed including Blyth, I haven't been moved liked that from a film in a long time.

Apart from the scene of them dropping into Normandy early on and the Battle of the Bulge episodes of BoB which both shocked the **** out of me, I would say We Were Soldiers was the film that put me off war the most. It is largely Americanised, but I think it still stays true to the very grusome and hellish nature of the battle, fighting for 3 days straight in blaring heat against an enemy as scary and persistant as the Vietcong not to mention being outnumbered.

Other than that SPR again an obvious one, especially the assault of the beach itself which I think was done and captured extraordinaryly well and

the scene where the medic was hit and the squad just looked on helplessly as he died, just made me feel sick to watch.

The morale of the story is, you must be ****ing insane or ****ing stupid, or both, to want to join the army, especially since wars nowadays arent thought on morale grounds but on the basis of economic and expansionist politics. Once the bullets start flying, then all politics go out the window, its then just merely about survival. Why would someone want to voluntarily want to put themselves through that, I would only do it if I knew there was no choice, like another World War on our hands but the only countries daft enough to pull that off now simply dont have the resources.

Bad Boys - 6/10

Humourous parts but the action was poorly directed, just had no flow or structure whatsoever, just loads of guys firing guns randomly with explosions thrown in, hopefully the second will be an improvement which it was if i remember.
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