Rate the last movie you watched (DON'T POST SPOILERS Y' EEJITS)

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Iron Man - 9/10...

Best super hero movie I've ever seen, right up there with X-Men and Batman Begins.
Better than Batman Begins? :O

/me cranks the interest scale from mild to moderate
The Mist - 8.5/10. Pretty darn good. Also, if you're an atheist, please bring tissues, as seminal fluid will most certainly be released during a certain scene. If you're a girl then too bad
Unfortunately, I know next to nothing about Iron Man. :P

Take my opinion with a grain of salt.

I just thought the story, acting, and action was all so very awesome and badass.
The Mist - 8.5/10. Pretty darn good. Also, if you're an atheist, please bring tissues, as seminal fluid will most certainly be released during a certain scene. If you're a girl then too bad

I almost cried, do I get an atheist cookie?
Iron Man - 8.5/10 - Very, very enjoyable. Gwyneth Paltrow looked mighty fine ^_^
American Pie - 8.5/10...
Still hilarious.

American Pie 2 - 8.5/10...
Just as funny.

American Wedding - 7.5/10...
A little too over the top on attempts to gross out and -10 for getting rid of Ozzy.
Audition - 7.5/10
Very disturbing japanese film with one very grim scene which just left me opened mouthed!
Palindromes - 4/10. I've really got to start making better excuses when my film studies' housemate starts suggesting films. They're nearly always made by some ass-hated director who thinks they're a visionary for including some 'done somewhere else but never particularly well' device and they always think that the cleverest thing you can say about a subject is nothing at all. "It is better to keep your mouth closed and let people think you are a fool than to open it and remove all doubt" after all.
Iron Man - 9/10

While my score may be biased because I'm a huge fan of the comic, this was movie was up there with Batman Begins. It's not 100% accurate to the comic, as it never is, but it's close enough. Robert Downy Jr. pulled off Stark amazingly. If you go see it, wait until after the credits. Those of you who follow Marvel comics won't be disappointed.
The Fast and the Furious: Tokyo Drift - 4/10


Jet Li's Fearless - 7/10

Amazing fighting as to be expected but very dodgey acting, as to be expected.
Iron Man - 8/10

Very good for a comic book movie. Definitely the best Marvel one. Not quite Batman Begins good, but worth the trip to the cinema. Downey Jnr was great :E
Iron Man - 7.8/10. I enjoyed it, but this movie would have been shit if Downey wasn't cast.
Iron Man: 7/10

Yeah, it was pretty good - Downey rocked. I think it started to splinter when they revealed the villain simply because, you know, it just wasn't convincing.
Iron Man: 7/10

Yeah, it was pretty good - Downey rocked. I think it started to splinter when they revealed the villain simply because, you know, it just wasn't convincing.

That's pretty much what I said :) although I gave it an 8 :P
Forgetting Sarah Marshall - 9/10

A million times better than what I thought it would be, Russell Grant was actually really good in it. Some ****ing hilarious scenes. Enjoyed it a lot.
The King of Comedy - 8.5/10

Very funny movie. Saw it on Film4.
Forgetting Sarah Marshall - 9/10

A million times better than what I thought it would be, Russell Grant was actually really good in it. Some ****ing hilarious scenes. Enjoyed it a lot.

Yeah, I can totally see why she hooked up with that Fat English Bloke who does the stars on TV :P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P
teeth - 0.05 / 10

basically it's a bad movie. But the really, really dumb part is that every guy (including her gyno) in her life tries to rape her essentially. Then the ONE guy who doesn't try and rape her (her step brother) she tricks, so that he will have sex with her...and then she bites his penis off.

How does that make sense? "Everybody else raped me...so that one guy who didn't try and rape me..yea I'm gonna go punish him, that'll teach him!"
Did you expect something else from a movie about raperaperape?
The Hitcher- 8/10

I violent remake based on the original released in the 80's. I just can't help but wonder who that psychopath guy was. A fomer CIA/KBG agent? Ex-Marine gone crazy?
The Hitcher- 8/10

I violent remake based on the original released in the 80's. I just can't help but wonder who that psychopath guy was. A fomer CIA/KBG agent? Ex-Marine gone crazy?

8 out of 10? The same Hitcher remake that came out a year or two ago and sucked huge donkey nuts? I would give that movie a 5/10 at the best, and 4 of those 5 points are purely because it has Sean Bean / Trevelyan in it.
8 out of 10? The same Hitcher remake that came out a year or two ago and sucked huge donkey nuts? I would give that movie a 5/10 at the best, and 4 of those 5 points are purely because it has Sean Bean / Trevelyan in it.
Trevelyan from Goldeneye 007? is THAT who that actor was? I knew he looked familiar. :|

Why did you think the movie was so bad? Granted, the acting wasn't grade A or anything, I though it was suspenseful tbh.
It was just a very uninspired, generic remake of a movie that was pretty uninspired and generic to begin with. It was entertaining, but it falls under the category of blatant horror slasher violent B-movie, not one of those secretly good A-movies masquerading as a B-movie. It really just didn't have much to offer, even if it did what it set out to do pretty well.
It was just a very uninspired, generic remake of a movie that was pretty uninspired and generic to begin with. It was entertaining, but it falls under the category of blatant horror slasher violent B-movie, not one of those secretly good A-movies masquerading as a B-movie. It really just didn't have much to offer, even if it did what it set out to do pretty well.
Yeah, but still. It was the anonymous character with no past records that made it interesting. "Who was that guy?" was what got me thinking the whole time, and not just about what other movies Sean Bean played in either, but SB's character in the movie himself. I never watch slasher flicks much (or any horror movie tbh, they just don't scare me), so I don't know what a good horror movie is. :|
I loved the original 'The Hitcher'. Superior.

Also King of Comedy ftw.
It was just a very uninspired, generic remake of a movie that was pretty uninspired and generic to begin with. It was entertaining, but it falls under the category of blatant horror slasher violent B-movie, not one of those secretly good A-movies masquerading as a B-movie. It really just didn't have much to offer, even if it did what it set out to do pretty well.

horror movies in the last 12 years hav been terrible anyway imho I onli liked 28 days later.
30 Days Of Night - 8/10

Best Vampire film I've seen since The Lost Boys.

Brutal and bloody :D
Did you expect something else from a movie about raperaperape?

Well I didn't know what to expect, I knew it was going to be bad, I just had to discover exactly how bad. I would have figured the male gyno...who had made a career out of touching vaginas, would be the one guy to not try and rape her...guess I was wrong.

Obviously this gyno violates all his patients, which explains why he's been in business for so long....:sleep:
Truth or Dare? - A Critical Madness - 0.000000000001/10

This is probably the absolute worst movie I've ever seen, and it's hilarious because I knew it was this bad since I watched it like 15 years ago. Guy catches his wife cheating on him, leaves, and starts to hallucinate in order to justify his self mutilation through Truth or Dare. I recommend this movie, amazingly, if you need something to laugh to tears over at how horrible it is.

IMDB - http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0092118/
The Boondock Saints - 10/10

One of the coolest, greatest films ive seen in years. THIS is how Mob films, and gunfights, should be done.
The Boondock Saints - 10/10

One of the coolest, greatest films ive seen in years. THIS is how Mob films, and gunfights, should be done.

With lots of cheese?

No no, Goodfellas and The Departed are how mob films should be done.

Armageddon - 3/10...

...It had cool special effects?
The Departed was good yeah, but it has DeCrap-pio in it so it looses points for moi.

3/10 for Armageddon? The hell man?!
Quite generous, but I love my destruction so... It earns 3 points of lots of it.

It was just barely watchable though, with cringe worthy dialogue and scientific inaccuracies up the ass.
Of course, I only watched it because my Astronomy professor brought it in for us to watch to cite what exactly was wrong with it, but he did say that the scenario itself is highly plausible... sending a team onto the asteroid to blow it up.
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