Rate the last movie you watched (DON'T POST SPOILERS Y' EEJITS)

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Saving Private Ryan was too patriotic for my liking. Even though it was losely based on real events, it struck me as a little contrived and far fetched - an exercise in tugging at your heart strings. Band of Brothers was better.

I don't see the cliches you talk of in Glory and Platoon. Both are centered on wonderful charatcers (something I didn't find in SPR), their lives, but not the war - just how it affects them. With Black Hawk Down and, to a lesser extent, SPR, it seemed like the charatcers were shoehorned in as an afterthought.

Band of Brothers is definitely far better than Saving Private Ryan, i'm with you there. I love SPR but you can't compare a mini-series to a film fairly. As for Glory, Platoon and SPR, I see them as all on equal terms when it comes to their characters. Every character seems to get its fair share of the drama and the only ones i really found contrived are Willem Dafoe and Tom Berenger. Those two were so obviously the "good" and "bad" characters in the film that they stuck out like sore thumbs. Also i thought Platoon was trying too hard to be Apocalypse Now's little brother. As for Glory... well its probably just my prejudice against the director who made the film, because that guy always has to make films where white people save other cultures. Glory, Last Samurai, Blood Diamond, all those films fit the archetype established with Glory, which i didn't think much of.
The Fly: wtfithinkimgunnapuke/10


*thinks of the puke in the movie*

Starship Troopers-?/10

I've no idea how to score this, because I'm not exactly sure whether it's a satire or not. On second thoughts if it's a satire 7/10, if not, 4/10.
Then again, if I score it the way most score 300(the movie), 9.5/10
Its a satire.

"A man murdered his wife this morning, was caught at midday, and tried and sentenced to death in the afternoon. Tune in tonight for his execution"

Definitely a satire.
Apocalypse Now Redux - 11/10...

Still the best film that I've ever seen, it'll probably always be in the #1 spot in my top ten list.
Half-Life: The Movie- 8/10 action bits were good, a bit long, some of the CG looked a bit off, but good.
I would agree with the general consensus that Band of Brothers is better than Saving Private Ryan. I really enjoy both of them, but BOB was so epic.
theres only so much you can fit into a movie and still have a solid story though. but ya, BoB was great
Band of Brothers - Part 7 'The Breaking Point' - 100/10

This I think is the best episode, awesome way of showing wartime emotions, as well as awesome action. Couldnt help but sit there slowly shaking my head in disbelief as the shells came raining in on them in the woods.

Alien vs Predator Requiem - 7/10...

Way better than the first and it was very much watchable.
Stand By Me 10/10

Man that film made me want to be a kid again, really worth watching.
Crash 7/10

Had some decent characters and I liked how the story was told. I thought the little girl should have died tho.
Diary Of The Dead - 8.2/10

Good film overall, some of the acting was a little squify and the final third of the film was a little underwhelming but I enjoyed it more than Cloverfield which for a film that managed that on a fraction of the budget was impressive.
I really enjoyed some of the character deaths too.

Better than Land Of The Dead? Well I enjoyed lotd, and although the end of this was better in the way it
went back to Romero's bleak endings
I think I enjoyed lotd more.
12 Angry Men - 10/10. You'll laugh, you'll cry, you'll love every minute of it. A true classic.
He Was A Quiet Man - 9/10

Very good movie, but totally not what I expected. I expected a lighthearted comedy with an awkward Office Space Milton-esque character finding love, but it wasn't that... at all. What I found was:
Fight Club

I can definitely recommend it though.
21 - movie: 6/10; Kevin Spacey's sexiness: 10^372690/10

Predicable, boring through some parts, but as long as Kevin was on screen, I was entertained.
Forgetting Sarah Marshall - 8/10
Hilarious. Its got its fair share of comedy and drama, and its pretty decent drama too. Jason Segel is a little too self-loathing at times but there's some great moments because of it. Like getting drunk and playing the muppets theme song on piano. Mila Kunis is ridiculously gorgeous in this film as well.
Dune - 5/10...

Action sequences and special effects were great, everything else was so slow and boring as hell.
Il Postino - 8/10

Recommended. Italian film set in the 1950s about an awkward postman who becomes friends with Pablo Neruda & things ensue.
Blood Diamond - 9/10

An awesome movie about a very important subject. DiCaprio is a terrific actor.
Gone Baby Gone - 7/10

Good film but not as good as the book. Isn't that always the case though? Anyway, Casey Affleck was really good as Pat Kenzie and Ben Affleck's direction was pretty good too, save for a few dodgy edits.
Futurama: Bender's Big Score - 8/10

About as awesome as I expected, started off a bit lame but picked up pretty quickly. Couldn't shake the sensation that it should've ended about an hour ago by the time I was near the end, though. Guess that's what they get for making it way too similar to a regular episode. Still, awesome. :)

Picked the Fry/Lars thing way too early. :P
Stand By Me 10/10

Man that film made me want to be a kid again, really worth watching.
Anyone else think Stephen King is at his best when NOT doing horror? Stand by me? The Green Mile? The Shawshank Redemption?

EDIT: just watched the mist. Was very good but not in the same league as those previously mentioned... The Mist gets bonus points for an unhappy very non Hollywood ending.

Star Wars Episode 2: 7/10

Better than that cack Episode 1. The scenes on Naboo in the countryside were beautiful.
Juno & Superbad
Both overrated, but Superbad was much better. It was actually funny. Juno is witty and clever, but barly entertaining and not funny at all.
Naruto Shippuuden Movie

'twas awesome, expected nothing less. Am a huge fan of the series and it's about time they finally released this :P

Lethal Weapon Films - 10/10

About just as mint as the Die Hard films but the fourth Lethal Weapon was definately better than Die Hard 4. Great action, great acting and hugely humourous (especially 3 and 4). Real treat.
Red Alert 2 Intro - 10/10
Every time I see the zeplins flying through the streets of New York city and see those glorious words: "Westwood Studio Proudly Presents" I remember why I loved Westwood and I watch the Soviet invasion with bliss.
Dreamcatcher (2003): lolAHHH!lolOMGWTFISTHATlolololol/10

I liked it.
Fatal Fury: The Motion Picture - 8/10

Eh, it's not great in the voice acting, and some points are cheesy, but I loved seeing some old characters return from previous Fatal Fury movies.
The Last Samurai - Icriedattheendagain/10

Great film.

Ironman - Betterthantransformers/10

Very, VERY cool film.
I am Sam 8/10

They paired the cutest little girl in the world with the sappiest story in the world. You would have to be soulless to put her in a foster home.
Braveheart in 720p: 9/10 Hell yeah. I hadnt seen this move in a long time. Forgot how good it was. The HD-ness made it so very awesome.
iron man 8/10

I enjoyed it, good fun :)

Cool to see samuel l jackson at the end. Lots of comic book references in it, the obligatory stan lee appearance. They have definitely left it open for a sequel and I think it will be the mandarin. Only thing I was disappointed with was that I wasn't too impressed with the main villain really :|
25th Hour. 8.5/10

Very good, but some parts (teacher/student thing) seemed totally pointless, like a whole different and unrelated story just tacked on to the real plot.
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