Rate the last movie you watched (DON'T POST SPOILERS Y' EEJITS)

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Just on a reminder on how good Batman and Robin was: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AJWpmPGCR1c
Why doesn't the new Batman have rubber nipples?

Iron Man
Very good the second time again. I also noticed some stuff I didn't the first time.
The militia called themselves the 10 rings. The bald guy has a jewelled right which he twists the first time we see him. He also is not actually killed. Have the Leader, Mandarin and Abomination all been set up for the future Avengers films. Haven't Iron Man 2 and Hulk 2 been confirmed?
The Dark Knight - 10/10...

Best movie I've seen all year, best superhero movie I have ever seen.
Heath Ledger is ****ing maniac, I ****ing cried when I realized that's the only time I'll ever see him perform like that on screen ever again. ;(
The Dark Knight:


Not really worth rating. This isn't a summer popcorn flick, it's not a vehicle for any actor, and it's not just good fun. This is a film with something to say, and that says it very well, and will probably leave you in a very sweaty seat by the end.

Theres been some backlash recently over people praising Ledger's performance, saying that any time a hot young male actor dies everyone feels so bad people will ignore any flaws and just praise him up and down. It's my opinion that if Ledger gets a posthumous Oscar, he'll have earned every single bit of it.
I'm going to go see it, then give it a shit score so you can all rage in your pants.
Even better. I wont see it, and then give it a shitty score.

Haven't even seen Batman Begins yet either...
7.5 for Jumper!

Has someone been slipping you happy pills? ;)
I thought Jumper was a real good movie. A GREAT idea, with not utter shite acting *Though not the best...* and some funny moments. I liked it enough to give it an 8 *I think*
You guys are messing, right?

Jumper was one of those movies that had me glued to the screen in disbelief at just how awful it was.
The Dark Knight - 9/10, Heath Ledger is ****ing riveting
Batman and robin looks like a damn cartoon. It looks like the nightmare before christmas. It looks like crap.

The Dark Night, however, was the best thing ever to have touched my eyeballs.
The Dark Knight 10/10

Everyone on these forums must see this in theater. As soon as possible. I'm pumped to see it again.
The Dark Knight: 9.5/10
Heath Ledger was great, and Aaron Eckhart was fantastic. The movie flowed quickly and the action sequences were riveting. When you don't want a long movie (2.5 hours) to end ever, it's a great one.
The Dark Knight: 9.5/10

-.5 for the painful batman voice
Edit: And Scarecrow pussification
The Dark Knight - 9/10 - Felt nothing like the first film; Ledger was indeed fantastic.
Wall-E 9/10 Best. Pixar. Movie. Ever :D

Also loved the short at the start. Reminded me of portal :)
Jumper 4/10
I was surprised how awful and corny it was. The idea for the film was great and the reason i watched it, but unfortunately the way it was pulled of was terrible.
Super High Me - 4/10

now, don't get me wrong, i love weed, but this "documentary" was nothing more than a vaguely lame pothead comedian basically smoking as much as possible and demonstrating what a pathetic fixation and reliance he has on the drug and being very boring. bah
I agree with Super High Me - it sucked and was boring, and the comedian sucked ass.
National Treasure Book of Secrets: 8/10

I liked it, I like these types of movies, it was similar to the first which I also liked. Nicholas Cage is a good actor imo (**** off). If you disagree with me about anything I just said you go can **** yourself.

EDIT: Sorry double post.
Sorry for the triple post, but I just saw Starship Troopers 3, and I see it hasn't been rated yet, so I'll do it. Oh, and I have not seen #2, nor do I plan to.

Starship Troopers 3 - 9/10

First: The CGI is bad. It's as if a bunch of University kids did it for a test or something. It's not absolutely horrible, but, it's not the best either.

Second: Casper Van Diem has a raspy voice in this one. It's like he started chain smoking after the first film. Makes him sound more 'bad-ass' imo.

Third: The main base for the Federation is called 'Terran Command'. I thought that was kind of cool.

Fourth: The whole human race (except political protectors (who in this world are hung if they disagree with the federation) are Atheists. They kill you if you believe in God and are open about (so you can believe in God, just don't tell anyone.) Although, that changes in the end, you can see for yourself.

Ok, so now the the actual 'review'.

The movie is almost exactly like the first one, except for a few differences. First is that it's a bit more serious then the first one, there is still alot of humor in it though. The first one was pretty much either action or light-hearted scenes (except a few 'serious' ones like when Diz dies). Second is that there isn't as much action, I think they knew the CGI was weak, so they put less in, even though there is still enough to make it enjoyable. The propaganda style TV sequences are still there, and they are just like the first one. There are also a few new aliens, like these little grenade bugs, those are pretty cool. It's really hard to review without giving any story away.. You'll just have to watch it. Trust me when I say that it's similar to the first one, and it's a good movie, definitely worth a watch, has alot of references, and even kind of continues the story from #1.

Story spoiler!

Rico leads a team of guys in mech suits (which is BAD ASS) and kills a 'brain-bug' the size of like quarter of a planet, then they use a thing called a 'q-bomb' to 'crack a planet'. That's at the very end though.

All in all, it's a good cheesy b-movie to watch, just like the first one, although no movie ever could surpass the awesome-ness of the first one.
^^ Didn't even know Starship Troopers 3 was released yet. Will have to check it out.

In the mean time...

Stargate Continuum 8/10 It was highly enjoyable a lot better than the other film "Ark of truth". It has all the best elements from the series, and provides a good conclusion to the whole Baal thing. A must see for Stargate fans.

(Yes I copy pasted the last 2 sentences from someone else's review :P)
Wall E - 9/10

Fantastic film. Instantly loveable characters. I thought the idea of mixing in the education aspects (eventhough the director said he didnt mean to do it) was going to make this film turn into a documentary more than a film, but its pulled it off in style.

Had me laughing alot, feeling emotionally attached, loved it. Wall E seemed so...human in ways. SOunds stupid but watch it and youll see what I mean.
X-Men 3 - 4/10

When it first came out I would've given it a 7, but when I rewatched it the other night I was so bored. The acting was at a new low, the plot was full of holes and seemed to have been written over a night. The dialogue in particular was just ridiculous and so full of cliches it could've been Rambo. Even the action scenes were lame and unimaginative.

hey, imo, this was pretty good. Being that the cast worked with real SWAT agents and police officers in LA, they portraited law enforcement pretty well (at least when SWAT is needed). The gunfights were pieced together well and the overall story was actually existing.
SWAT was cliched and chessy as ****, but I still enjoyed it.
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