Rate the last movie you watched (DON'T POST SPOILERS Y' EEJITS)

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Dumb & Dumber 10/10

Pretty much the perfect stupid movie. It will always be a classic to me.
Crank 9/10

I had a ****ing blast and I'm glad I watched it
Not a movie, but Gargoyles

**** yes/10

The cartoon? I loved that.

Speaking of cartoons I loved and haven't seen in forever... Anybody watch King Arthur & The Knights of Justice?

Loved that as a kid.

My favorite character was the Warlord Blackwing.

I always seem to like the badguys.
Superbad - 0/10...
It's all in the title. :|

Stargate - 7.5/10...
Awesome action sequences but it tends to drag a bit but it did set up the awesome series.

Harold & Kumar Escape from Guantanamo Bay - 7/10...
I had fun watching it, not as funny as the first but it got me to laugh a little bit.
Wall-E 9/10

F**king awesome movie about an awesome robot whos lonely, meets a new female robot mate, and makes baby robots together, but not before saving mankind from extinction.

I swear I've seen a similar robot to Wall-E's design before ripped from some older movie back in the 80's. Can't remember the name of that movie though.

minus one point though for the strange and disturbing state of the human survivors aboard the Axiom. (For those of you who haven't seen the movie yet, you'll see.)

Wall-E 8/10
over rated
Have you no heart?!?! Think of the poor robots!
Hancock - 5/10

Pretty rubbish, 4 stars alone for having Will Smith in it.

Wanted - 9/10

Jolie...Jolie...Jolie...Oh and curving bullets...and Jolie...

Hellboy 2 - 8/10

Loved the comedy and fun aspect of it all, much better than the first.

Get Smart - 9/10

8.99 recuring points for Anne Hathaway. She is FINE.
Dark City - 5/10...
Meh, I woke up this morning, had a cup of coffee and some cereal and this was on the TV.
Had a cool look and all, but it bored me to death.
Arashi no yoru ni: 9.8/10

Great story, but the story gets out of hand when they decide to climb the mountain.
Great visuals and nice mix of art and cgi. Gets a little sad at times, disturbing at others.
Get the **** out.

It's not a ****ing action movie it's more or less an autobiography of one marine's time in Iraq during the Gulf War.
Seriously? By showing the guys parents ****ing, then him ****ing his girlfriend, the masturbating to pictures of her, followed by watching some dude **** another marines girlfriend? Great autobiography of a marine :/
That isn't the the entire movie, but for the most part, it was about the boredom a lot of soldiers went through during the Gulf War. I thoroughly enjoy the film and I'm glad it involved little to no action.
Oh don't get me wrong, I enjoyed watching the squad walking through the burning oil field, seeing the highway of cars that were blown up in an airstrike, but it didn't last long enough to get a point. Then again, when he and his spotter were watching the tower, and Command decided to drop an airstrike, that was a pretty good sceen. The film seemed to have been overshadowed with sex and masturbation though, being that that was really all that happened during the first half of the movie.
Stargate Continuum 8/10

A little too short, and less appearance of jack o neil, but still good.
Yeh I dont care for Jolie much either, she looks like a horse for crying out loud.
Sweeny Todd - 7/10

Like tomato sauce with your pies much, Mr. Burton?
Batman - 9/10...
Jack Nicholson IS the Joker... but we'll put him to the test on Friday.

Batman Returns - 7/10...
Meh, Danny Devito as the Penguin was cool and all as was Michelle Peiffer(?) as Catwoman but, this one just wasn't as great.

Batman Forever - 6/10...
Meh meh, too slapstick.
Val Kilmer fails.

Batman & Robin - 4/10...
:|... Arnie as an Austrian Mr. Freeze? Uma Thurman as Poison Ivy(okay well, she was decent.)...
George Clooney fails.

Batman Begins - 9.5/10...
Christian Bale IS the Batman.
Jack Nicholson sucked ass as the Joker. Also, Batman and Robin a 4? Knock it down to 1.
Stupid Sci-Fi movie: The thing in the water.



Sci-Fi movies suck ass. -.-
Batman - 9/10...
Jack Nicholson IS the Joker... but we'll put him to the test on Friday.

Err, excuse me, but Mark Hamill IS the Joker, thank you very much. At least until I get a look at The Dark Knight.
Huh, didn't realize people disliked Nicholson as the Joker.
I thought he was crazy enough and fit the bill perfectly... aside from the rubber mouth extension.

As for Batman & Robin, despite it being a shitty Batman movie... it was fun to watch.
They were all pretty fun to watch really.
Err, excuse me, but Mark Hamill IS the Joker, thank you very much. At least until I get a look at The Dark Knight.

I agree with this statement very much, although I think Heath may best him.
Batman and Robin was by far one of the most cheesiest films I have ever seen, but it was still fun to watch, kinda like Independance Day really. Bale stole the best batman award in just one film, Clooney just needed a /facepalm when he starred as it, and as for Batgirl, oh my god I could have thrown myself out of window in horror.
Mission to Mars: Whythe****didIwatchthis/10

Yeah, my thoughts after watching it too.

I've seen a billion movies since I last posted here, but I'll stick with the last one for now.

Curse of the Golden Flower - 7.5/10 - I loved the cinematography, Chow Yun Fat and the last battle. I didn't like so much the melodrama (it was enjoyable at times, piss annoying at others i.e. the youngest brother's stand) and the ending.
Zombie strippers 6/10 actually pretty good. Some fun moments here and there. Like seeing naked zombies dancing and pulling arms off.
..what an asshole...

anyway, The Dreamers...

I honestly have no idea how to rate it.
L change the WorLd 6/10

It was ok but it just isn't death note at all really and the pacing and direction of the story is all over the place. In places the direction gets so bad you almost completely forget about things that happened merely moments ago and along with plot holes you could drive a tank through O_o
L change the WorLd 6/10

It was ok but it just isn't death note at all really and the pacing and direction of the story is all over the place. In places the direction gets so bad you almost completely forget about things that happened merely moments ago and along with plot holes you could drive a tank through O_o

? is that an anime?
The Dark Knight - 9.5/10

Pretty much the best superhero movie ever, and one of the best summer blockbusters to come out in years. ****ing awesome.
The Dark Knight - 10/10

PERFECT! Best superhero movie hands down by far!
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