Rate the last movie you watched (DON'T POST SPOILERS Y' EEJITS)

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Scream 2 - 5/10

Hilariously bad with shitty acting. It tries too hard to be a parody of itself.
Andromeda Strain 8/10

Very good and didn't mess with the book
Then you must be psychic, but then again the movie was based on a Stephen King story so a "bad" ending was to be expected.
I didn't predict they'd shoot themselves, but when they did I knew help would come along. It was a dumb decision too, since surely anyone with a brain would've waited until a monster came along before they did it.
The Matrix Series (back to back HD) - 11/10

Epic. My new HDTV kicks butt and so does these movies. Why the hell is Matrix Revolutions rated 45 on Metacritic?
I didn't predict they'd shoot themselves, but when they did I knew help would come along. It was a dumb decision too, since surely anyone with a brain would've waited until a monster came along before they did it.

Well, in all honesty, when they saw what they'd be up against... I'd probably want to off myself before I got eaten by those things too.
Especially that gargantuan beasty that walked over their car.
Bloodrayne: .25 /10
The .25 was for, of course, the wimminz

Before that it was...
Sleepy Hollow: 8/10
Watching Depp faint a 1000 times is funny
The Faculty - 8.5/10...
Awesome, fairly funny in a cheese kind of way.
Basically a science fiction version of Scream.
Charlie Wilson's War: 9.5/10

Fantastic in every way. Its pace was good, the writing was fantastic and the actors sold the parts.
Mad Men 9.5/10

Not a film, but a TV drama series about an Advertising agency and it's staff set in the early 1960s (the golden age of advertising). well worth renting/buying if you see it around.
Yeah the first was awesome, but 2 and 3, despite having good action sequences, were downright terrible.

Completely agreed with. But what can you expect from guys (The Wachowski brothers) who think 'cool' is making their actors wear sunglasses at every given opportunity even when it makes no sense whatsoever (in nightclubs, in sewers, etc etc..). Sunglasses outside when it's sunny = cool. Sunglasses at night in a basement = dork :rolleyes:
The only good thing about The Matrix 3 were the mech thingies. It reminded me of something like Front Mission 3.

OSS 117: Cairo - Nest of Spies - 8/10

Pretty funny French movie. A bit like Pink Panther meets Austin Powers. It's not amazing, but you should watch it for Jean Dujardin's performance alone. Funniest guy I've seen in a movie in a long time.

Jack... (don't watch past 1:35 unless you want a spoiler.)​
Austin Powers 3 - Heh. Lots of laugh out loud moments even after seeing it several times. :P
Juno - 7.5/10

A pretty good movie with a witty dialogue, but I don't understand why it was often rated as the best movie of the year, nor why it holds a spot at IMDb's Top 250.
Yes it is. Frodo stabbing alien Jon Stewart in the face with a pen = completely priceless.
Fear - 7/10

Though sometimes cheesy and illogical, this thriller has charming performances, and an exciting climax. And <3 Witherspoon.
Jumper - 7/10

Not bad really. Good for a rainy Sunday afternoon anyway. Kind of supports my view that Hayden Christensen isn't that bad when not being bogged down by terrible, terrible scripts and parts.
300 - 9/10...
Still love it, the booming soundtrack is so awesome and the action scenes are so adrenaline pumping.
I saw 300 too last night. Pretty lol, but it's not a good movie to rewatch.
The only time I really enjoyed watching 300 was at the theater.
The Mist - 5/10

Dodgy script and not all that scary. Predictable ending.

I hate the horror genre, but I thought it was the best horror movie I've seen in a while. I have still yet to watch the Orphange though. Daranont did a pretty good job. It was 7.5/10 good imo.
Anyone who watches 300 and thinks it has homoerotic undertones should really grow up. :|
Even though in reality, nearly everyone in that part of the world back then enjoyed both sexes, iirc.

Invasion of the Body Snatchers - 8.9/10...
Still gives me the chills after all these years.
If 300 was a realistic account of Sparta, it would just be two hours of men sexing boys.
Anyone who watches 300 and thinks it has homoerotic undertones should really grow up. :|
Even though in reality, nearly everyone in that part of the world back then enjoyed both sexes, iirc.

Invasion of the Body Snatchers - 8.9/10...
Still gives me the chills after all these years.
However, there were homoerotic undertones. You can't deny.
If 300 was a realistic account of Sparta, it would just be two hours of men sexing boys.


Kinda wanna see that.

Proper edit

Death Race 2000 8/10. +8 for awesome.
Run Lola Run 8/10 +10 for amazing, -2 for sometimes a bit :|
The Triplettes of Belleville 9/10, best animooted film for some time, LoL.
Danny Deckchair - lol/10

Funny movie, but romantic. Good movie to watch with ya missus
Requiem For A Dream: 9/10

This movie. Wow.
This movie...
I'm having trouble finding words.

I heard about this movie before, but never really paid too much attention to it. I finally got a hold of it and watched it and if there's one word that describes this movie it's powerful. Throughout watching, you're more intrigued by the characters and the paths they travel down. I don't know when, but this movie went from "is this going anywhere" to "this is a masterpiece." The first half makes for a slow start and a slow build up, but the last half goes by so quickly, it's done before you know and it impacts you so much that you wouldn't think that feeling would come from a movie. It sends such a strong punch. If you can make it through the first half, the second half is something to cherish. Movies don't normally put out so much feeling, so much grit, impactfulness and thought.

[edit] I want to clarify something. I wasn't meaning that the first half was a complete wash. It's needed for the character study and keeps you occupied. It does seem to drag on a little, but once that last half hour kicks in. Damn.
The Mist was goddamn brilliant. But the ending...oh man, I dunno.

Requiem For A Dream: 9/10

Definately a powerful movie I'd almost go as far as a 10/10, because the movie was just simply that powerful. It suceeded in what it wanted to do, and I don't see how it could've been done better.
Shoot 'em Up 9/10

Dear god, it's as if this movie was made for me.
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