Rate the last movie you watched (DON'T POST SPOILERS Y' EEJITS)

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16 Blocks - 9/10


Emotional ending too....
Crank 7/10

I downloaded it cause it was mentioned here, and I'll be dammed. It's a delightfully weird over the top film.
I loved Crank. Jason Statham is the perfect guy for any badass character. Doubt he could do much else though :P
The Incredibles - Brilliant/10
This film was even better than I remember. Also, Bob's boss at the start of the film looks exactly like a tiny, thin Brian Cowen (Ireland's new primeminister who came into power in the exact same way as Gordon Brown except people in Ireland don't whine about it. I think the British people just try to find reasons to slag their government)
Hancock - 8/10

The 3rd Mummy - I fell asleep/10
The action was there, but in all honesty, stop making these shitty movies.
1408: 5/10
I don't know. I guess it just didn't meet my expectations. Whenever I think psychological thriller based on a Stephen King novel, I always get a little tingle thinking maybe it'll be half as thrilling as The Shining. But... :(

When I saw the title, I thought it was going to be a medieval war movie. :/

Shoot em Up - 8/10

Clive Owen is so hilarious when shooting thugs up
The Shining - 8/10

I read the books years ago but only sat down to watch the film last week. I love Kubrick and this didn't disappoint. The soundtrack was amazing.

Wall-E 9/10

Beautiful CGI and a beautiful story...it had me almost in tears at the end of it.

The Dark Knight 9/10

Wow. Just...wow!
Dragon: A Bruce Lee Story - 8/10

Superb acting, very interesting, and cool/funny action sequences. This guy really was a legend.
Wanted 8/10

It's been a couple weeks since, but man was it awesome. Pewpew extravaganza.
King of Kong - f*ckyes/10
Steve Wiebe is a true American hero.

I love that film. I was seriously surprised not to see that get nominated for Best Documentary last year at the Oscars
cloverfield (again) 9.5/10

I don't see what everyone dislikes about it. It's a great movie
Resident Evil : Extinction - 6.5/10...
Decent action movie up until the retarded end fight.

The Mummy - 8.5/10...
Love this movie.
The Bank Job - 7/10

Interesting plot, but it wasn't really that gripping or anything.
Step Brothers - 7/10

helluva lot better than i thought it would be
aside from a bit of a lull in the middle, it was consistently funny and entertaining!
Grandma's Boy - 7/10

slightly crappy but pretty funny regardless
Batman: The Dark Knight - 9/10 - Great movie. Bit long, but it was a good watch.
American Psycho - 8/10

I enjoyed this, full of humour with a very dark twist, and Bale put on such an awsome performance.
Lost In Translation: 9.5/10
After watching this when I was younger and hating it, I gave it another viewing after some encouragement by someone who absolutely adores it COUGHSAMON. Watch it.

This Film Is Not Yet Rated: 9/10
A documentary about the rating system in America. Really, really interesting.
Apocalypse Now Redux - 8/10.

I still say it is much more effective without the added French Plantation and Bunny scenes. Original is close to a 10/10 for me. Fat Brando still gave a haunting performance even though his physical appearance didn't live up to the build-up. Martin Sheen is absolutely fantastic. I love most everything about Apocalypse Now.

Redux, not so much.
Network - 9/10

My favourite part has to be: "I'M A HUMAN BEING GODDAMMIT! MY LIFE HAS VALUE!"
Iron man 9/10 great film still
mamma mia 2/10 total crap

going to see batman soon (yes I am late to this party but remember i was away)
Diary of the Dead - 7/10 - Quite cheesy, but I love zombie movies!
I really tried to like Diary, but it was just bad. I even liked Land, too.
I really tried to like Diary, but it was just bad. I even liked Land, too.

I liked it, I also liked Land, I like what George has done in rebooting his Dead franchise. Maybe a "Cloverfield" like cam wasn't the way to go for many viewers, but I always get the impression that George likes to try something new in each Dead film, and maybe it's just me, but I thought it worked.
Equilibrium - 8/10

If there is one martial arts style I want to learn, it would be ****ing gun kata.
Pineapple Express - 10/10

OMFG I lol'd. This movie is epic. Particularly if weed is involved in your movie experience.
I like enjoying life :p

also I'm not exaggerating, this is the funniest movie I've seen since Superbad a year or two ago. Partially because I am the target audience, and partially because it's really well written and entertaining.
I really tried to like Diary, but it was just bad. I even liked Land, too.

Its the other way round for me, I really didn't like Land.

Though I can see where you're coming from, Diary did have some pretty bad acting in it, and sometimes when the guy was asking questions to people it really got annoying. Wouldn't have minded to see what happened to the people who survived either, but I guess it would be too long unless everyone died :P
Brian Regan: Standing Up 9/10

One of my favorite comedians
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