Rate the last movie you watched (DON'T POST SPOILERS Y' EEJITS)

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Seven - god damn man, this was absolutely brilliant. 10/10, as much as I want to give it 7.

Extremely clever, from the killer's plot and its credible religious overtones, through the contrast between Brad Pitt's pop culture references and Morgan Freeman's command of literature (the script knows what it's talking about) and the clever connections between the murders (Greed was Sloth's lawyer) to the way the rainy cinematography, the brutality of the murders, and the desperate, yearning characters (especially Gwyneth's fantastic "I don't want to bring a child into this world" scene) combine to create the unnamed City as a nexus of sin and despair, where apathy is as murderous as wrath: the pit of Hell itself.

I hated the ending...man did that to a women you loved...you wouldn't just give him a quick and easy death, you'd make suffer. But yes otherwise a cracking film.
Diary of the Dead - as shit as Land of the Dead.
Death Race - 7.7/10

It was an alright movie, it was a typical gladiator movie in a prison with armoured cars and guns. Wasn't as good as Transporter 1 and Natalie Martinez. :P
Tropic Thunder: 8/10
Pretty funny. Tom Cruise's casting was perfect.
Underworld 2 - Lame/10

Shitehouse movie made with zero premise that only men that have never been with a women watch religiously and profess to like openly. Very, very poor. Only good thing is seeing the protagonist naked.

I know someone who I can easily and exactly relate that to.

I forgot the last movie I saw... might've still been Charlie Wilson's War :/
Donnie Darko - 8/10

Very weird, but enjoyed it. Amazing soundtrack.
I hate that ****ing movie.

Die Another Day - 9/10

Still like it better then Casino Royale. Although they are both awesome.
House of 1000 corpses- 4/10

total crap. Some of the sets were interesting however.
Death Race - 7.7/10

It was an alright movie, it was a typical gladiator movie in a prison with armoured cars and guns. Wasn't as good as Transporter 1 and Natalie Martinez. :P

You mean Death Race 2000? The old movie about killing people and the French with cars?



Death Race 2000 - 8/10

I loled heavily at this movie. The United States has had the proverbial shit hit the fan, and goes to war against france, and now there is a national event called the death race where you get scores for killing people with your car, in which you rig up with people killing things, like spikes and shit. The end was crazy, but it still had me laughing.
Tropic Thunder - 7/10

Pretty awesome, but there were a few longish sections without any real laughs or action which broke up the pace a bit. Downey was brilliant, Cruise even more so, which is both unexpected and completely unsurprising given he was cast as a total ****wad.
American Psycho - 8.5/10 - I loved every aspect of this film. I just feel it had a lot of wasted potential.

Of course, though it's so often quoted. it's still so bloody awesome... "And though I can hide my cold gaze, and you can shake my hand and feel flesh gripping yours and maybe you can even sense our lifestyles are probably comparable... I simply am not there."
Die Another Day is the worst of the Brosnan Bonds and shit compared to Casino Royale IMHO.
Casino Royale is one of the best bond movies and Die Another Day is easily the worst O_o
Donnie Darko- 6.5/10

eh, kind of interesting. I think people play it up because the last ten minutes or so are so hard to figure out.
Matilda- 7/10

oh, how I remember this movie. Too bad is has about nothing on Roal Dahl. That man is and was a damn genious.

EDIT: you know what, make it an eight out of ten. Plus, it was directed by danny devito, who just got about ten cool points added on.
Misery - 8/10...

Creeeepy. Massive D: @ the hammer scene
oh, how I remember this movie. Too bad is has about nothing on Roal Dahl. That man is and was a damn genious.
You know he was also an asshole, right? :D

I remember reading a segment written by Graham Greene about a conversation he'd had with Roald Dahl. Dahl had said to him: "Graham, you should really get into writing children's books. It's so easy. The stupid little fuckers will swallow anything."

If this is true, I believe this makes him more awesome rather than less awesome.
You know he was also an asshole, right? :D

I remember reading a segment written by Graham Greene about a conversation he'd had with Roald Dahl. Dahl had said to him: "Graham, you should really get into writing children's books. It's so easy. The stupid little fuckers will swallow anything."

If this is true, I believe this makes him more awesome rather than less awesome.


well, whatever. I still like his shit.
He was one also one of those anally retentive authors who has a heart attack if anything is changed from book to movie so he basically flipped when wiilly wonka came out. He was a real *******
He was one also one of those anally retentive authors who has a heart attack if anything is changed from book to movie so he basically flipped when wiilly wonka came out. He was a real *******
Yeah, what an assh*le for not wanting his work compromised by some money grubbing, pander-to-the-masses filmmaker! :rolleyes:
i would agree with you if it weren't for the fact that the movie was really good however
side note, I had a teacher once that was exactly like willy wonka from the 70's movie.
You know he was also an asshole, right? :D

I remember reading a segment written by Graham Greene about a conversation he'd had with Roald Dahl. Dahl had said to him: "Graham, you should really get into writing children's books. It's so easy. The stupid little fuckers will swallow anything."

If this is true, I believe this makes him more awesome rather than less awesome.
Oh well, he's still awesome and his writing is still great. I love the man! Scrumdiddlyumptious!
Any of you read Dahl's book on his own childhood?
Yep, Boy. AFAIK there's another autobiographical one that has more to do with his experiences in the RAF but I can't remember that well. But I loved every single one of his books.
Yep, Boy. AFAIK there's another autobiographical one that has more to do with his experiences in the RAF but I can't remember that well.

Going Solo - cracking little book.
Ghost in the shell Stand Alone Complex 1st and 2nd gig - 9/10

****ing brilliant :D

Only thing that I can complain about is that the series is dense with dialogue that it can be very hard to follow at times and it seems that some characters intentions thus get swept under the rug.
Deep Impact - 7.5/10...

One of the better disaster movies I've seen, it was actually somewhat more believable than most.
Going Solo - cracking little book.

Yep, that's it. I read it a bunch, just like everything else he wrote for kids (some of his adult fiction is weird as hell btw).
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