Rate the last movie you watched (DON'T POST SPOILERS Y' EEJITS)

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stemot said:
He forced his statements down your throat, yet you didn`t notice until the end of the movie?

All of the dead films have social commentary, from Night to Land, it`s the way all his movies have been done, for you just to notice in his latest, then to go on attack it for this, I dunno, it`s a little strange considering your a big zombie movie fan.

The plot I thought was far from ridiculous, the zombies are evolving, the dumb shufflers were just the start of the zombie awakening which started in Day of the dead with Bub, and earlier in the town at the start of Day.

If Romero had made another film of a group of survivors trapped in a house/mall/bunker, people would have complained.
He furthered his vision of a zombie holocaust by making them smart enough to make the audience believe, that finally, man could be wiped from the planet.

I rate this as his second best film behind Dawn.

Oh, and the movie made me luagh a few times as well, especially the "someone shot the lttle fat man line", loved it.

Seems it`s split fans right down the middle though, but at the end of the day, he`s furthered his vision, added something new to an overcrowded genre, and id now talking of another sequel, I can`t wait.

I could have worded my post better. I was aware to some extent of the social message he was trying to get across during the film, it was pretty blunt, but didn't realise that that was all there was to the movie untill the end. For most of the time I was waiting for it to 'get good', and in awe of the poor acting (I had a similar experience when watching the sequal to Cube - glued to the awfullness of it all)

That's the difference. In his previous movies I enjoyed the plot, the characters, the tension, the story. In Land of the Dead I was bored from start to finish, and enjoyed none of these. I was also aware that his previous movies attempted to make similar observations, but that isn't why I (and I believe most people) enjoyed them. I would have criticised these movies too if they only succeeded in beng a vehicle for Romero to make a rather obvious point. Luckily, they're also good zombie flicks. Land of the Dead isn't.

//edit -

The fact that we're even discussing the social and politcal message the director is trying to get across rather than talking about people getting their brains eaten speaks volumes ;) We'll have to agree to disagree on this one.
Mission Impossible 3 - Very Intense movie. 9.2/10 Great for what it was. Great action story was good and again very very intense!
Warbie said:
I could have worded my post better. I was aware to some extent of the social message he was trying to get across during the film, it was pretty blunt, but didn't realise that that was all there was to the movie untill the end. For most of the time I was waiting for it to 'get good', and in awe of the poor acting (I had a similar experience when watching the sequal to Cube - glued to the awfullness of it all)

That's the difference. In his previous movies I enjoyed the plot, the characters, the tension, the story. In Land of the Dead I was bored from start to finish, and enjoyed none of these. I was also aware that his previous movies attempted to make similar observations, but that isn't why I (and I believe most people) enjoyed them. I would have criticised these movies too if they only succeeded in beng a vehicle for Romero to make a rather obvious point. Luckily, they're also good zombie flicks. Land of the Dead isn't.

//edit -

The fact that we're even discussing the social and politcal message the director is trying to get across rather than talking about people getting their brains eaten speaks volumes ;) We'll have to agree to disagree on this one.

I suppose we will, but to be honest, I didn`t see the messages until I was reading a few Zombie boards on the net, so they were not that evident to me.
I thought the acting was alright, nothing award winning, but when have the dead series ever been that acting wise? I especially thought Cholo and Kuaffman played great parts.
He twisted it on it`s head in this part and tried to make the zombies appear the victims, in some respectes this worked, but you still ended up rooting for the people, well, I did anyway.
I find it very interesting what he has done with the zombies in this movie, and can`t wait to see where it is headed in the next film.
He did something new, for which he should be applauded not criticised.

I guess anyone who doesn`t like has enough resons not to, and I can`t be arsed defending it, but like Day, which was also badly recieved until a few years after it`s VHS launch, this will become a classic in many peoples eye`s.

Besides, it could`ve been worse, coulda been Resident Evil:Apocalypse. :p
Mission Impossible 3: 7.5/10

Great little action movie. Although i have to admit, it felt more like Alias the move than a Mission Impossible movie. Still think the first one is the best, but MI:3 was shitloads better than number 2 could ever hope to be.
Jason X -4.1/10

The movie itself was farfetched which I did not like about it. Obvious plot. Obvious deaths. Obvious characters who lived at the end.

The only reason I watched that movie was because I wasn't tired at 4 in the morn' and didn't feel like sleeping.

Edit: There shouldn't be a space between the 4.1 and minus sign.
Shamrock said:
Jason X - 4.1/10

The movie itself was farfetched which I did not like about it. Obvious plot. Obvious deaths. Obvious characters who lived at the end.

The only reason I watched that movie was because I wasn't tired at 4 in the morn' and didn't feel like sleeping.

You gave Jason X a 4.1? Are you insane. -10/10

Effects could have been made by some random guy who doesnt know about effects. I could act better, oh man rolf movie.
Raziel-Jcd said:
You gave Jason X a 4.1? Are you insane. -10/10

Effects could have been made by some random guy who doesnt know about effects. I could act better, oh man rolf movie.
Edited the previous post! :D

The only good thing I liked about that movie was... Hmm... This will take me time to think about it. Oh thats right.. It sucked.
Shamrock said:
The only good thing I liked about that movie was.

I'm pretty sure there was a sex scene. Even that was abysmal. I only watched it because a friend came over and had the DVD. Felt like kicking the shit out of him 1/3 through.
Saving Private Ryan - 10/10 - I've watched this movie time and time again, and it just leaves me in awe everytime. Out of the many WW2 films I have seen (including the classics, like Bridge over the River Kwai) this one is my favourite. I think it's just the impact that the movie leaves on you after viewing it, a feeling of devastation. In fact, I would say it's my favourite movie.

Band of Brothers
- 10/10 - After watching SPR again, it motivated me to start watching this once more (I have the boxset ^_^). A TV mini series that is definitely worth watching (and hell, even that guy from Friends isn't too bad).
M:I3 - 7.5/10 - It was ok I guess, didn't leave too much of an impression on me.
The Magdalene Sisters 9/10

A very well done little Irish film about how pentinents (sort of) were treated in Ireland in the 1960's. Point deducted becuase the director made out that all the clergy associated with places like that were cruel and disgusting.
Munich - 9.1/10... Spielberg still hasn't lost his touch.

Saw 2 - 6/10... tbh, it was rather retarded and the ending was quite laughable.
House of the Dead - -2/10

That had to be the worst movie I have ever seen. Even worse than Jason X, though I only rate it higher because I like this director more.
Shamrock said:
House of the Dead - -2/10

That had to be the worst movie I have ever seen. Even worse than Jason X, though I only rate it higher because I like this director more.
You like Uwe? The man is a f*cking disgrace.

Evil Dead - 9/10
So damn good, even though it's a bit cheesy and old as shit. Gotta love Bruce Campbell.
Icarusintel said:
You like Uwe? The man is a f*cking disgrace.

Evil Dead - 9/10
So damn good, even though it's a bit cheesy and old as shit. Gotta love Bruce Campbell.
The only reason I like Uwe is because he throws out SHITTY movies, and he still tries to create good ones. He is a persistent little bugger, and I respect that.

His movies on the other hand suck horribly.
kinda meh was my reason for docking 2 points. :p
Harryz said:
March of the Penguins - 8/10. I want a baby penguin now!
Yeah, but then it will grow into an adult and you'll have to flush it.
Bad Santa - 8/10

Billy Bob Thornton is actually pretty funny in this movie.
Samon said:
I don't understand.

Well, I enjoyed the movie, but felt that it was missing something important. Something...
Last two movies:

Jurrasic Park: The lost world -- 8/10
Coldblooded -- 8.5/10 (I rented it on a whim, and it turned out to be really funny in some spots, and its a pretty interesting plotline compared to other movies)
Gods and Gerals.... 7.5/10
to long of a movie for me, and not really my style.

Now I watched the first Friday movie (Have seen all of them at least 4 times each)
I give that one a 443247284287597582358489569275/10 great movie just like all of them.
Grizzly Man - 7.8/10. Timothy was a bit cuckoo, but I have to give him credit for getting that close to a grizzly bear.
Napoleon Dynamite 4/10
Meh, a little bit original, wasn't funny, not entertaining and not with a deep message.
Crash - 9/10

Won best picture Oscar for 2005. Rightly so.
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