Rate the last movie you watched (DON'T POST SPOILERS Y' EEJITS)

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Ghost in the Shell 2: Innocence 7/10

Lawdy. I thought I'd finally found an anime without all the rambling crap.....till the rambling crap started.

That being said, the first half was really engaging, and that parade scene in the city absolutely blew my mind. After that however, I just completely lost track of the plot when they got to Kim's mansion thing.

Overall it was pretty good, it could have done with a lot less of the philosophizing though, that started to really grate on me after a while.

EDIT: I saw the season 1 boxset for $30 today, anyone think this is worth buying?
Night of the Living Dead 8.5/10

Outlaw 6/10 Silly but interesting subject matter.

That thing you do 7/10 Sickeningly nostalgic at times but enjoyable overall
Wanted: 8/10

Awesomely stupid, but a lot of fun. Have a couple of beers first.
Ghost in the Shell 2: Innocence 7/10

EDIT: I saw the season 1 boxset for $30 today, anyone think this is worth buying?
Personally, I hate the movies, mostly because of the up-its-bum philosophising you identify above. To say it's absent from the series wouldn't be correct*, but the action and characterisation takes front seat. A pretty solid series (though it's not strictly in any continuity with the original Manga or the Movies). Personally, I prefer the second, though many disagree.

* Most ridiculously, a lot of the philosophy comes from the little tanks with the children's voices... there's one episode which is 99% of them sitting around discussing the nature of such and such. Most insane of all, the Japanese original has only one voice actress for the entire squad. Not the most watchable 20 minutes of animation ever created it must be said.
EDIT: I saw the season 1 boxset for $30 today, anyone think this is worth buying?

Get the Tv series, yes it does have some talk talky exposition and all but it's really good and the action is kickass. BTW I hated the movies as well.

If you've got a technical mind (double points if you're an engineer), and want something that's both extremely down-to-earth and total mind-****, I highly recommend it. Don't expect to understand it completely with one viewing, but it's brilliant.
Personally, I hate the movies, mostly because of the up-its-bum philosophising you identify above. To say it's absent from the series wouldn't be correct*, but the action and characterisation takes front seat. A pretty solid series (though it's not strictly in any continuity with the original Manga or the Movies). Personally, I prefer the second, though many disagree.

* Most ridiculously, a lot of the philosophy comes from the little tanks with the children's voices... there's one episode which is 99% of them sitting around discussing the nature of such and such. Most insane of all, the Japanese original has only one voice actress for the entire squad. Not the most watchable 20 minutes of animation ever created it must be said.
Yeah, the series is definitely worth watching, even if its central 'laughing man' plot can be super-confusing - especially when you're trying to hurriedly read subtitles, or, alternatively, listening to an imperfect translation in bad voice acting so that you don't have to take your eyes off the beautiful animation. The whole first series is 'pretty good' all through and then suddenly ramps up to 'amazing' in the last six or so episodes. And then the final fifteen minutes is annoying.
Oh excellent, well that movie was all I've really seen of Ghost in the Shell so far, besides that weird ps1 game they had all those years ago, but if the series is a lot better than I may as well just buy both seasons.

If you've got a technical mind (double points if you're an engineer), and want something that's both extremely down-to-earth and total mind-****, I highly recommend it. Don't expect to understand it completely with one viewing, but it's brilliant.

This movie is ****ing awesome.

Check this out, beware if you haven't seen Primer this is spoilertastic:
Get out of here, Holden!
Good reference. <3

I don't know whether it was intentional, but considering the Ghost in the Shell topic, it's stuck in a referential circle of awesome.

edit: goddamnit cache lying to me.
I've had that movie on DVD for ages. I just need to get around to watching it. D:

EDIT: If that's an anti-hotlinking image it looks bizarrely similar to the logo I believe you intended to link.
The Universe Season 2 - 8.5/10

Awesome show yet again, and its amazing all this stuff goes on above our heads as we scurry about. I wish I had a show like this when I was younger too. can't recall any like it
Zero Day - 8/10

Christ this movie is disturbing.
Star Trek - 9/10

good re-boot for the series. also the least star trek-y star trek movie ever ..which isnt that bad cuz of all the references to the original series they inserted throughout. Bones stole the movie, and bana wasnt all that great as the villian but overall it was well cast (spock could have used more humour)
equilibrium - controversial opinion time again/10

this movie is purest **** yet everyone loves it O_o

It's got nice action yes BUT at the same time it's also stupidly anticlimactic. The film is riddled in plot holes like that ****ing kid, the gun swap thing (good he swapped one gun but what about the other 3 he used in the fight in question >_>) and the fact that christian bale can't hide emotion for **** but nobody notices it. Oh and by the way for an emotionless dictatorship there are alot of people who are emotional even when taking their pills, like:

the guards look of fear when they're about to get shot
du pont *****ing himself when he's about to die
brandt always ****ing smirking >_>
the fact that the lack of emotion nullifies violence but everybody has a gun? I know its a dictatorship but that still betrays logic.
and why ask preston how he feels if you always assume he takes prozium. It's a totally ****ing redundant question.

Anyway fanboys be damned this movie sucks.
Year Zero -shit/10

Barely laughed seeing this movie. I would have rather slept in that see this free movie with a friend. not recommended...what was i thinking??
Didn't realize everyone loved it.
It pretty much got panned by critics.

In all honesty, it's really not that bad, it's a great action flick that borrowed heavily from books like 1984 and Fahrenheit 451.
Seconded Yorick, that would be epic.

I love Equilibrium purely for the action and imagery. The writer/director is an egotistical, pretentious dickwad. I watched it with his commentary once and wanted to punch him in the face about every other sentence. He thinks the movie is some kind of masterpiece, like he's the Orwell of cinema. Yeah, dude, you really reinvented the wheel there with your generic and mostly uninspired dystopian movie.
Stranger than Fiction 9/10

Really enjoyed this film. It was a treat to see Will Farrell play a more complex role than the drunkard and it also reminded me of The Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless mind, and a few others. Will Farrell just like Adam Sandler are much smarter folks than people think
Stranger than Fiction 9/10

Really enjoyed this film. It was a treat to see Will Farrell play a more complex role than the drunkard and it also reminded me of The Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless mind, and a few others. Will Farrell just like Adam Sandler are much smarter folks than people think

Hey, I totally saw this movie the other day as well. It was pretty cool. I really liked it. The only thing I thought was kinda weird was the ending parts. I thought the flow of it kinda changed too weirdly and they kinda hyped it up too much and whatnot.

Overall I'd give it an 8.

If you've got a technical mind (double points if you're an engineer), and want something that's both extremely down-to-earth and total mind-****, I highly recommend it. Don't expect to understand it completely with one viewing, but it's brilliant.

I disagree.

It's a good idea, a time-travel film that actually uses time travel as something more than a gimmick, but the moment it starts to get really interesting (when they discover someone else using the time machine) is the moment the filmmaking/storytelling utterly and completely falls apart and becomes the equivalent of a dramatized news report.
It's admirable what was done on such an incredibly small budget and its a fantastic attempt for a debut filmmaker with no experience, but there are so many flaws and horrible mistakes with the storytelling that it renders the film a much larger mind-**** than it actually should be.
I love Stranger than Fiction. Maggie Gyllenhaal is so so so SO attractive in that movie.
I love Equilibrium purely for the action and imagery. The writer/director is an egotistical, pretentious dickwad. I watched it with his commentary once and wanted to punch him in the face about every other sentence. He thinks the movie is some kind of masterpiece, like he's the Orwell of cinema. Yeah, dude, you really reinvented the wheel there with your generic and mostly uninspired dystopian movie.

See, now I am actually going to order the DVD to listen to this moron.

Haha, I just checked his IMDB credits - he's scheduled to direct Metal Gear Solid (the director has to be inherently pretentious to ever do justice to this gloop) and he's responsible for Ultraviolet.
he's scheduled to direct Metal Gear Solid

D: D: D:

See, now I am actually going to order the DVD to listen to this moron.

I might watch it again now aswell to listen to him, but got to say I don't want to watch again >_>
Hey, I totally saw this movie the other day as well. It was pretty cool. I really liked it. The only thing I thought was kinda weird was the ending parts. I thought the flow of it kinda changed too weirdly and they kinda hyped it up too much and whatnot.

Overall I'd give it an 8.

yeah Best Buy had it for $3.99 and thats a bargain if you asked me. Great film and like mentioned Maggie Gyllenhaal is very cute and attractive in that movie. Problem in real life is that when most women give me free homemade cookies, they weigh about twice as much as i do and its kinda scary
Slumdog Millionaire - 8.2/10

Tight film making, the sort I've come to expect from Danny Boyle. Considering the setting, and the depravity of the story, it still comes off as a bit light. Though the concept is certainly contrived, the film has been made with such passion and such joy and such drama that that contrivance is forgiven. Probably not worth all the big hype but a quality show nonetheless.
To be quite honest I really liked Equilibrium, in my opinion it was the cheesy fight scenes that brought it down a lot. For example, that scene in that forbidden zone or whatever where Christian Bale kills a bunch of guards, strikes a pretentious pose then the lights explode around him.

and the fact that christian bale can't hide emotion for **** but nobody notices it.


My sister and I were watching it and every scene it'd be "he fcuking smiled AGAIN!"
Slumdog Millionaire - 8.2/10

Tight film making, the sort I've come to expect from Danny Boyle. Considering the setting, and the depravity of the story, it still comes off as a bit light. Though the concept is certainly contrived, the film has been made with such passion and such joy and such drama that that contrivance is forgiven. Probably not worth all the big hype but a quality show nonetheless.

I agree with all of this.

Casablanca - 9/10

Just fantastic. There's never a dull moment and everything about the film just feels so alive and fun. Even when people are being murdered and the Nazi's are invading Paris.

"I am shocked! SHOCKED! To find that gambling to going on in here."
"Your winnings sir."
"Thank you very much."
the good shepherd ............./10

I dont know. I watched it and I got bored, I imagine if this sort of film interests you it could be really good but it just didn't grab me and when I noticed it was nearly 3 hours long on the box I just gave up at the 30 min mark.
I love Stranger Than Fiction.

Frost/Nixon: 8/10
Gets pretty intense for people sitting around talking.
Thank you for smoking 8/10

I thought it was pretty good.

Jackass Number two 9/10

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