rate the PC above you thread

  • Thread starter Thread starter ATI4EVER!
  • Start date Start date
Bah, give me your new pc [Matt] ;)

AMD XP 3000+ Barton
Asus mobo(don't remember right now..)
1gb ram
40gb hdd 7200rpm
ATi X800 Pro

everything is good.....yet, awkward har drive. Only 40gb?

1.8ghz p4
768mb ram
ATI radeon 9600XT
40gb HD
80gb HD (for ripped DVDs)
17" CRT
6/10 ATI4EVER! That processor is old and slow. Someone do mine it's in my sig.
well i would give you a 6/10, but that would be the saem as mine. Considering you have a....PCI card, that will unfortunately go down 2.5 points. Your cpu isn't that bad, but could be improved. Your hard drives are fine, one large, one small (like me). so the final verdict....


Well, i mean, it's not a bad computer, but if you compare yours to mine, then well it wouldn't make since to give you something that "good"

This is why, maybe we should push it up to 20 instead of max being 10. Becasue cases liek this are confusing.

1.8ghz p4 northwood
768mb ram
ATI radeon 9600XT
Viewsonic 17" CRT
Dual format dvd burner
CD burner
80 gb maxtor
40gb western digital

3999 3dmarks

P.S (this is why you should have a AGP/PCI express card, compare my 3dmark with his...)
OK yeah, that looked awesome, BEFORE writing your verdict, write a summery and then put the final verdict in spoiler format. It gathers up the suspense.

to do spoilers write "
" w/o the quotes, then the text and then end with "/SPOILER]" w/o the quotes, and with a bracket before the /spoiler. (I couldn't put the bracket or else it would have put that text in spoiler format.. It just gathers up the suspense and is fun.

1.8ghz p4 northwood
768mb ram
ATI radeon 9600XT
Viewsonic 17" CRT
Dual format dvd burner
CD burner
80 gb maxtor
40gb western digital

3999 3dmarks
ATI4EVER! said:
P.S (this is why you should have a AGP/PCI express card, compare my 3dmark with his...)

The reason his score sucks is becuase its a Fx5200, hell a geforce3 would put that thing in it's place. the bus system the card has nothing to do with his score, a Fx5200 on agp would perform just the same.
I don't think so.

Your processor if i am correct, is an athlon xp, it has a pretty high clock speed considering its amd, that's good. 1gb ram, niiiiiiiicccce. Windows XP...pro, whatever. 22" very very nice. HD is good, AIW 9800pro, not the best....but still very good. And the result is....


I think that is fair.

1.8ghz p4 northwood
768mb ram
ATI radeon 9600XT
Viewsonic 17" CRT
Dual format dvd burner
CD burner
80 gb maxtor
40gb western digital

3999 3dmarks
2.13ghz AMD Athlon XP 2600+
512mb Ram
Sapphire 9800PRO 128mb
DVD/CD burner
120gb Seagate

Prepare to be completely owned by the godliness of my computer

AMD Athlon XP 1600+
1024mb 266mhz DDR
Geforce 4 ti 4200 64mb
19" CRT
CDRW and CD drives
Win XP Pro
390gb hard drive space (60gb Seagate, 80gb WD special edition, 250gb Maxtor w/ 8mbcache)

1400ish in 3dmark'03
9500ish in 3dmark'01 se
i dont even remember the specs of my PC? its been that long... haha no.

2.4c @ 2.8
abit IS7g
1gig mushkin pc3500 (the stuff that used to blow nigs away)
9800 pro
viewsonic A70F+
audigy 2 zs
logitech Z680's

i wanna pop a 6800GT in there, but i got too much going on in paintball and i need money for a car, doubt its gonna happen. maybe for xmas :thumbs:
OK assholes, the title of the thread is "rate the PC above you thread" that means you effing rate the PC above you, not just put in ur specs OK?

a 2.4ghz P4 is pretty good, but since it's overclocked I will up the points. 1gig of Ram is obviously cool, as well as a 9800pro, it aint the fastest, but it's fast enough. The viewsonic is the saem one i have!!!!! YAY!!!!! but it's only 17" which is not cool. 17" is the standard, but it really would have been better to have a 20" or more. soundcard is good. Full 5.1 soround sound, which is awesome! and the verdict is...


And now for salmon man's PC which [stupidly] didn't get rated.

The athlon is actually really crappy. 1gig ram, will up your score, 1gig is very useful. Your geforce 4 is aging, it's not even a 4600, but at least it is a Ti and not MX. Your moniter is close enough to 20" to count as one, and that is sweet. You have no dvd drives, but at least u have a cd burner, but you will get no extra points for having a cd burner. you have HD space galore. This is a very tricky computer to give a score too since some things are good, and other things are bad. But i will try.
And the verdict is...


1.8ghz p4 northwood
768mb ram
ATI radeon 9600XT
Viewsonic 17" CRT
Dual format dvd burner
CD burner
80 gb maxtor
40gb western digital

3999 3dmarks
edit2: **** it, but take back calling me an asshole.

edit: since i cant edit my post from before.... salmon gets a 2/10.
you really don't get it. You, screwed up, and didnt give salmon a verdict, therefore, you have to rate my one, not his!!!!

My one is above yours (hence the title "rate the PC ABOVE you thread") I gave you a score, and i gave salmon a score (even though he was not ontop of me) becasue you did not. AND YOU MUST ALWAYS END YOUR POST WITH UR SPECS!!!!!!!

1.8ghz p4 northwood
768mb ram
ATI radeon 9600XT
Viewsonic 17" CRT
Dual format dvd burner
CD burner
80 gb maxtor
40gb western digital

3999 3dmarks
dude your an idiot, im an ex-mod here i think i would know how to read a thread. my post above yours was just to rate salmons PC because i cant edit my other one.

also, you get a 1.5/10 :thumbs:

2.4c @ 2.8
abit IS7g
1gig mushkin pc3500 (the stuff that used to blow nigs away)
9800 pro
viewsonic A70F+
audigy 2 zs
logitech Z680's

this thread does NOT deliver
ATI4EVER! I guess that's a realistic score for my comp, I MAY be getting a P4C 2.8ghz but that just depends on if my dad will buy my current cpu as it's all he needs to put together a good system, he already has my other spare parts. What score would you give me if I did get the 2.8ghz P4C, and for xmas I'm definitely getting a 6800, probably GT. And ST. Igneri I give you pc a:

8/10, probably 8.5/10 if you get a 6800GT, the only thing holding you from a 10/10 is getting an Athlon 64 3400+ or higher, and an X800XT PE, everything else is good.
YES!!!! he used the spoilers!!!!!! i thought everyoen was gonna ignore me.!!!

Well let's see, switching to a PC with a 2.8ghz P4 isn't going to do to much difference if u already have 2.2. I think. But by switching to a 6800, that would be cool. I don't know what the psu requirements are, but if for some reason you can't make it, I would just buy the very fast 9800XT (that's right, not the x800*)

*The x800 has 12 pipelines which i think is too much for ur 2.2ghz P4. If you want em to explain, how pipelines work and crap, PM me becasue i REALLY don't feel like explaining.
The 6800 has 16 pipelines which is really not going to work with a 2.2 ghz cpu, it might work with 2.8ghz. Again PM me if u wnat me to explain. And hey, the 9800XT is fast enough, sure the x800 is twice as fast, but the 9800XT is fast enough.

[IF] you had a 6800 with a 2.8, i would give you a 9/10


remember to PM me if u would like me to explain.

1.8ghz p4 northwood
768mb ram
ATI radeon 9600XT
Viewsonic 17" CRT
Dual format dvd burner
CD burner
80 gb maxtor
40gb western digital

3999 3dmarks
wakkywheel said:
^6.5^ Due to the rather weak processor and gpu...
My rig:
Intel P4 3.0 GHz HT
MB Asus 865 PE
1G 3200
Softmod X800Pro ViVo now almost an XT, althoug slightly lower clocks.
19CRT(Can't remember exactly but I think it's from Hansol)
3Dmark 2003 11000, I get more after a fresh install of WXP but I don't remember how much...

yes maybe this thread is a bad idea. newsflash buddy but my cpu is right on par with an a64 3200+ according to all benchmarks which totally demolishes your cpu. have a nice day! :thumbs:
ATI4EVER! said:
OK assholes, the title of the thread is "rate the PC above you thread" that means you effing rate the PC above you, not just put in ur specs OK?
Then why the hell do you keep adding your specs to ALL of your posts? Are you retarted :dork:?
Well, seeing as nobody has posted their specs above, i'll post mine.

Pentium 4 2.4 C HT (Northwood) (Gigabyte Mobo Not Sure Which Model)
1024 PC3200 DDR Ram
Gigabyte X800 XT PE
Liteon DVD Drive/ CD-RW Drive
80 GB Seagate
bmw: 7/10 - can't expect much more with that processor.

Anyways, here's mine:

P4C (the 512k cache/800Mhz bus one) @ 3.2Ghz
Abit IC7G max-II
Zalman 7000 all copper quiet fan/heatsink
2048MB PC3200 Low Latency Corsair Ram @ 400Mhz
EVGA 6800 Ultra 256MB
Sony Dru-510A DVD 4x +/- RW
Two 120GB SATA Maxtor DiamondMax 9+ Hard drives full of good shit
19 inche dell monitor/keyboard from my old 1.3ghz P4
microsoft ball mouse (hate the way laser mice are still engaged after picking up)
430 (or 420 maybe, I forget) Watt Antec TruPower
Noblesse black case
non-special 2 channel speaker system w/ subwoofer
wireless access to my school's T3, pretty sucky actually, too many people on it.
WOW!!!! EVerything is very very good!!! OMG!!!! But you have a mouse with a ball.


1.8ghz p4 northwood
768mb ram
ATI radeon 9600XT
Viewsonic 17" CRT
Dual format dvd burner
CD burner
80 gb maxtor
40gb western digital

3999 3dmarks
... is this normal?

2.0ghz p4
712 mb's ram
GF FX5900

and i get 2663 in 3Dmark... is that normal?
You have a pretty nice processor, unfortunately it's not FX, but im not taking away points for that ;). I quote "MSI ATI RX9800 PRO" I'm guessing that's a 9800 pro, and the x is a typo? Anyways, that's pretty good....but the standard for a 9800 pro is 256mb...Ram is just OK, now adays 512 is the standard, so yeah. 160GB raid 0...very nice....umm I'm not sure if that drive is a DVD one, or for just CDs, so I'm going to count it as a CD Burner. And sweet, you have a floppy drive!! (old school!) and the verdict is....


1.8ghz p4 northwood
768mb ram
ATI radeon 9600XT
Viewsonic 17" CRT
Dual format dvd burner
CD burner
80 gb maxtor
40gb western digital

3999 3dmarks

And people, really remember to rate the PC above you, it is VERY annoying to not get ur PC rated. You post, rate, and put ur own specs.

And, if you do not rate the PC above you YOUR ONE WILL NOT BE RATED


1.8ghz p4 northwood
768mb ram
ATI radeon 9600XT
Viewsonic 17" CRT
Dual format dvd burner
CD burner
80 gb maxtor
40gb western digital

3999 3dmarks
You should upgrade your processor.

7 out of 10

ABIT IC7-G mobo
P4 3.0 Ghz "C" (Northwood)
1024mb RAM PC3200 (DDR400)
Saphire 9800 Pro 128mb 256bit
Western Digital 80gb 7200rpm 8mb buffer
16x DVD
52x32x52x CD-RW
Viewsonic p95f +b 19" CRT
3DMark03 Score: 5900
poseyjmac said:
yes maybe this thread is a bad idea. newsflash buddy but my cpu is right on par with an a64 3200+ according to all benchmarks which totally demolishes your cpu. have a nice day! :thumbs:

Ahh.. Sorry I didn't see your overclock, heh no wonder I thought it was weak.... I think I'll give it a 7.5 then.
for pressure...

You have a nice processor, Northwood Core revision C which is very good. obviously, you have good enough Ram, 1gb. Your 9800pro is fast...but not the fastest, and it doesn't have 256mb ram. Uhh...80gb might not be enough for these days, but its not bad, so im not adding or taking away points for that. CD Burner is standard, and you don't have a dvd burner. (only reader.) CRT is good, 19" is cool. And the verdict is


1.8ghz p4 northwood
768mb ram
ATI radeon 9600XT
Viewsonic 17" CRT
Dual format dvd burner
CD burner
80 gb maxtor
40gb western digital
this is the computer im getting

(939-pin) AMD ATHLON 64 FX3
1GB (512MBx2) PC3200 DDR400
Western Digital Raptor 36.7GB 10,000RPM Serial ATA 150 8MB Cache WD360GD
nVidia GF 6800 GT 256MB
7/10, still has some life in it, and can play pretty much every game out now.

This is my old system in my sig, I have an A64 3500 / MSI K8N Neo 2 / 1GB OCZ Platinum 3200 2-2-2-5 on order :D
this thread is really going to die, becasue some people (like whoever posted before Hitman) just put their specs and expect some1 to rate them when they themselves have not rated whoever was above them! I don't know about you...but that pisses me off...especially when it's me who was above.

And Hitman, you didn't say what videocard you have! how do you expect us to rate it!!!


1.8ghz p4 northwood
768mb ram
ATI radeon 9600XT
Viewsonic 17" CRT
Dual format dvd burner
CD burner
80 gb maxtor
40gb western digital

3999 3dmarks


mine, updtaed

3ghz p4
1gig ddr
160gig hd
x800pro flahed to a xt pe, yep i have a bootleg x800xt pe
give ya a 8.8 ;)

on order

(939-pin) AMD ATHLON 64 FX3
1GB (512MBx2) PC3200 DDR400
Western Digital Raptor 36.7GB 10,000RPM Serial ATA 150 8MB Cache WD360GD
nVidia GF 6800 GT 256MB
Ooooo!!! Much tasty hardware on that upcoming rig! yum yum yum! Athlon FX 53 anyone? 1gb of ram is pretty deliciuos although it doesn't use one stick, but 2 512 sticks, which isn't as good, so that will decrease score a tiny tiny bit. I'm guessing you are using registered Ram right? FXs don't work w/o registered ram so....yeah. You do have one medium/big problem: Hard drive size is crazy small! 36gb?!?! you have got to get another one, not replacing it but you canhave a raid or something, having something that small will deduct about 2 points. And you have the best videocard out! (well tied with the x800xtpe) and the verdict is...


No doubt you would have gotten full 10/10 if you had a bigger hardrive. well actually that ram thing would have gotten you a 9.90/10 but whatever, close enough.

I'm not sure when exactly 3dmark05 was released, but i wasn't aware of it until yesterday, so if you have 3dmark05, post both your scores, 3dmark03 and 3dmark05, I myself still do not have 3dmark05. Can you get it at Target and bestbuy, or do you have to order it online? anyone know?

1.8ghz p4 northwood
768mb ram
ATI radeon 9600XT
Viewsonic 17" CRT
Dual format dvd burner
CD burner
80 gb maxtor
40gb western digital

3999 3dmarks

(I am fully aware that 3dmark05 requires a 2.0 ghz cpu, but i can safely overclock it, to 2.0)
ATI4EVER! said:
Ooooo!!! Much tasty hardware on that upcoming rig! yum yum yum! Athlon FX 53 anyone? 1gb of ram is pretty deliciuos although it doesn't use one stick, but 2 512 sticks, which isn't as good, so that will decrease score a tiny tiny bit. I'm guessing you are using registered Ram right? FXs don't work w/o registered ram so....yeah.
Please please know what you are talking about. ;)
Socket 940 uses Registered RAM.
Socket 939 uses regular DDR memory.
1 stick of 1GB memory generally have much higher timings than 512MB sticks and having 2 sticks of 512MB will not slow his PC down. Infact it will speed it up! (Dual channel memory)

And 36GB isn't small for a drive for his OS and programs.
I have my drive partitioned with a 25GBs for my OS and Programs. ;)
Ok yes, you are right my bad. 940 is the only one to need registered ram in athlon systems, (939 is new, (kind of) so i need to get used to it ;)) And i hate to brake it to you, but having two sticks [of ram] will be slower than having one stick, even if it does have dual channel memory, it will still be slower. And 36gb not being small for a hard drive? I'm sorry, but you are greatly mistaken, I currently have 2gb left in my 40gb hard drive, games now adays are packing many gigabytes, so games, plus apps, music, photos, it all adds up a lot quicker than you think. I will not change my verdict.

And [no flaming intennded] for an admin, you should know that if you go into a "rate the pc above you" thread rate the effing pc above you!!! I know i keep bitching about this, and I too am getting annoyed about it, but it is reall really really annoying when your PC does not get rated in a thread where it is supposed too!

FINAL VERDICT: N/A Did not rate PC above his

1.8ghz p4 northwood
768mb ram
ATI radeon 9600XT
Viewsonic 17" CRT
Dual format dvd burner
CD burner
80 gb maxtor
40gb western digital

3999 3dmarks

Current system:

Cooler Master Praetorian case with 430w antec truepower
Intel Pentium 4C @ 3256mhz ( 1GHZ FSB )
1GB DDR500 @ 2.5-4-3-8
Abit AI7 motherboard
BFG GeForce 6800 GT OC @ 415/1150
SB Audigy 2 ZS w/ Logitech Z-560 / Sony MDR-V300's
2x80gb 7,200's
19" NEC Mutlisync FE991SB
Logitech cordless MX duo

Upgrades coming up:

AMD Athlon 64 3500+ ( 90nm )
MSI K8N Neo2 skt 939
1GB OCZ platinum 3200 ( 2-2-2-5 )

Ok then, I'm rating your PC.

1.8 ghz?! PFFT
768 MB ram? You aren't squat without a gig.
9600xt? OMG. . . i can hand-draw frames faster than that POS can.
17" monitor? Hope you got your trifocals on.
80 gb maxtor? Too small for me.

All in all. . . I'd have to rate your system as a weaksauce out of ten.

Also, i have to deduct points for your inane blabbering about 1 stick of ddr being faster than a DC setup.

AMD 2800+
1 gig pc3200 DDR (Dual Channel)
2x 120 gig WD (Raid 0)
A400gt 6800GT
21" HP monitor
Sorry hitman, you posted while i was writing up my assesment. Dude, you don't need to upgrade that rig. . . save your cash bro.