Ravenholm is scary

It's been awhile since I played, but I very much remember a corpse being thrown at me in a vent followed by the mad scientist rofling away with his "I'm going to take over the world" cackle because of it. I rofl'd too.

I can't see what's scary about Ravenholm either.
It's been awhile since I played, but I very much remember a corpse being thrown at me in a vent followed by the mad scientist rofling away with his "I'm going to take over the world" cackle because of it. I rofl'd too.
Picturing that made me rofl :LOL:
How scary was that part in F.E.A.R. when Alma came crawling at you through the air vent? Dam, That was freaky. I seriously couldn't play that game alone.

Doom 3 was great at the start, a few scary bits, like when the portal to hell first opens up and your standing there with that scientist as you watch him turn into a zombie. After that its cheap frights, graduly getting more boring through the game. For the record though, I think the story line was good.

Hl2 focuses on more action, story line, and adventure then scariness. However I think Valve added Ravenholme, and kept the whole Zombie idea so that there would also be a slight scary factor thrown in there too. Hl2 was by far the most fun to play.

F.E.A.R. would be the scariest, making it less fun to play then HL2 in my opinion.
When I first played FEAR, I came to hate that crackling radio noise coz I just KNEW that something scary was gonna happen, I just didn't know when and where.

The Silent Hill series has some scary parts, but the best aspect is the creepy/surreal atmosphere of the games, it's one of the main reasons I like the series. I just finished Origins recently and I must say it's a fine addition to the series, the atmosphere's still there, very SH1-ish, overall great game.
No way, Ravenholm has nothing on Ecco the Dolphin. That said, yes, Ravenholm was pretty freaking creepy.

I was nearly pissing myself when I played that game. I was about 3/4 and had to have someone sitting in the room if I dared to go into the deep :LOL:

Anyway, Ravenholm wasn't scary at all. It's part of a game and you just have to remember that.
Ravenholm can't render the game impassible due to the 'scariness'. Harden the f*ck up!
Greetings, I'm new here (as one can never be registered in enough forums).
I did find Ravenholm to be a bit scary at first, but then I learned how to handle fast zombies, and from there I became notoriously unable to become frightened while playing through Ravenholm.

On the subject of other scary games, I do still find Doom 3 to be somewhat scary, not because I see "myself" (the game's character) as being in danger, but rather because of the game's nature of spawning monsters out of sight, the fast speed at which monsters can reach and harm you (playing as Veteran) and the overall dark (literally, not metaphorically) ambience of its levels.

I haven't played "F.E.A.R", but I've played Resident Evil and I never found it to be scary in the slightest.
Fast Zombies would have been better if they did damage as opposed to just taking up screen space.
I thought Ravenholm was kind of tame. Then again, not my kind of horror. I was way more freaked out by the Advisor Pod Room in Episode 1, and the hatching Advisor in the barn during Episode 2. Very disturbing.

Agreed. The hatching advisor scene is freaky as hell. For the all-out intimidation factor, though, I still gotta go with the closing sequence of LL.

And Ravenholm? It's got its moments The first sight of the fasties jumping over rooftops in the distance was masterful, but that was as scary as it got for me. For the grav-gun capable player, the level is a friggin' turkey shoot.
Yep, I didn't even get slightly upset about the relative meagerness of ammunition, since I've always been keen of using the grav-gun as much as possible (for great justice, or just fun).
...it wasn't HATCHING. Even Alyx said it was on life support.

Your dying grandmother is not hatching.
But again the vort said there were advisors, yet unhatched. I think its not wrong to say that they are hatching despite the fact they talk in a wierd manner.
I haven't played "F.E.A.R", but I've played Resident Evil and I never found it to be scary in the slightest.

You should definitely give FEAR a try, you won't be disappointed. As for the Resident Evil series, I agree, I always saw them more as action games than "scary" games, although that doesn't deduct from their awesomness.
Ravenholm isn't scary at all. I don't find games scary in general though.
Although one time i was playing CS;S at 1 A.M and there's a volume controller on my keyboard which i knocked and turned the sound up to full. Then a guy runs round the corner and sprays me with the MG. Was not nice! :p
You should definitely give FEAR a try, you won't be disappointed. As for the Resident Evil series, I agree, I always saw them more as action games than "scary" games, although that doesn't deduct from their awesomness.

Shall try out! And I agree with you, fellow human (right?).
The first time i played ravenholm i didnt want to play it when i was by myself i was so scared! But i got over that, now i think its the best lv in the game.
Fast Zombies would have been better if they did damage as opposed to just taking up screen space.

Theres no such thing as fast zombies! The new movies with fast zombies in suck :p Keep zombies slow, I love bashing them with my crowbar
But again the vort said there were advisors, yet unhatched. I think its not wrong to say that they are hatching despite the fact they talk in a wierd manner.

Sure, there are some unhatched ones. We just never saw any.
Eazy jeez!!

jezz u guys i was 10 when i passed this level and now am nerly 12,but anyways just turn up music on loud..turn off ur half life 2 sound and whalla there is also this thing called ..............THINKING ITS JUST A GAME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I too was scared in ravenholm!

Not scared like silent hill 1, or condemned scared - it was a different kind of scared, like i just knew zombies would keep coming.

Kind of a panic!

It feels a lot better once you are off the floor, which isn't very far into the level.
Ichthyosaurs, yes.


I must admit, zombies are getting very old. The most important factor in making an enemy scary is - they must be dangerous enough to keep you on edge. Being scary looking and sounding helps, but actually being dangerous is the most important. Ordinary zombies really aren't that dangerous unless you're at some kind of severe disadvantage or space is really tight.

In any normal situation -- including most circumstances in Ravenholm -- zombies are just so easy to avoid (unless there's a huge crowd of them after you) that it's rare for one to get close enough to take a jab at you unless you're hopeless or not paying attention. 8 out of 10 times a zombie does any damage to me it's when they punt a physics object at me. And when they do manage to hit you with their claws, they don't do a whole lot of damage, not even on hard difficulty.

The only thing in their favour is they're horrific looking, but that effect too is seriously diminished with exposure, and the fact that zombies are one of the most common enemies in the games and are also the most frequently used enemies in most custom maps and mods doesn't help much either. I wish I was still scared of them, but I'm not.
when i first played HL2, i opened it up, started a new game and ran away until i was sure that the bit with gman in the train was over. but now i can take ravenholm(just about lol). it really is a matter of how old you are.
Hm, I was on edge from when I entered Ravenholm for the first time to when I entered the first building in Ravenholm for the first time. It's hard to be scared after the "kill it with fire" moment shortly after meeting Grigori.

Nova Prospekt wasn't scary at all, though getting crushed at the end of it before I found the exit was annoying.

The scariest part of HL2, I think, was the beginning of Sandtraps. Yeah, I get scared in weird places. I still think the whole coastal section is my favourite part of the game, though.
Doom is not scary,it's get-your-biggest-gun-and-pah-pah-pah-pah-badda-badda-weeeee-ohno-ohmygodimintheacid-thehellwithyouall-iloveit-pah-pah-pah-cacodemonsdieinpain-ohmygoditsarocket-ihatecyberdemon-pah-pah-pah-badda-badda-zzap-zzap-hell-hell-dammitineedammo-marinesrule-die-die-die-die-die-zzap-zzap-zzap-zzap-weeeeergh-godhelpm-badda-badda-pah-paf-ratta-ratta-wholefthispinkycuttest-aaargh-die-die-die-run-run-run-dammitimdeadman-run-run-run-ohmygodimintheacidagain-run-run-run-jump-jump-jump-rocketjump-wowifoundBigF..BOOOM!!!
jezz u guys i was 10 when i passed this level and now am nerly 12,but anyways just turn up music on loud..turn off ur half life 2 sound and whalla there is also this thing called ..............THINKING ITS JUST A GAME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You bumped a year old thread just to say that?!
I liked in FEAR when you had to walk down the bloody hospital hallways.

Ravenholm is just badass, Grigori rules the world.

Grigori for Prez '12
I was kinda scared of Ravenholm, but, I play horror games all the time. Fast zombies are there just to make you jump, they do naff all damage. I find the poison zombies the scariest though because of the fact that you get 1hp if you are hit. Then you walk off and get shot
I am prlly going to get to finally play half life 2 sometime this week or the next. If I have my sound off but subtitles on will it tell me when fast zombies are coming?
No, is the simple answer to that. You don't get sound effects on subtitles, and you hear the fast zombies before you see them (I think).
I wasn't scared in the least. In fact, the only time that i've ever been scared when playing a game is in Doom3. now thats some scary shit.