
i'm lost in it ;(. i'm almost at the end but i can't figure out what to do now. i'll post a screenshot tomorrow. but this game is quite frustrating for people like me who get lost easily ;(
DrunkPanda said:
ugh, am i the only person who thinks this level sucks hardcore? :sleep:

Dropping cars on zombies doesn't suck hardcore. It's just hardcore.
Until I got near the end (still not done yet), Ravenholm was my favorite part. Creepy as hell though.
DrunkPanda said:
i'm lost in it ;(. i'm almost at the end but i can't figure out what to do now. i'll post a screenshot tomorrow. but this game is quite frustrating for people like me who get lost easily ;(

Please do so ican help u.
Alientank said:
Dropping cars on zombies doesn't suck hardcore. It's just hardcore.
yeah, the level was pretty fun until those stupid super fast zombies and the stupid mutated zombies showed up.
the best part of that level is the spinning fan u get to turn on, because you get to break the fan off with the manipulator and then chuck it at people. If you think those sawblades were deadly, ohhh u gotta try that big blade. chopping people in half with that thing is beautiful.
the uberfast zombies added a wicked twist to the game makes the game play much more faster.... which is a reason why i like PC games over console games.
Me not like this level. Annoying to say the least.
Those poisonous headcrabs remind me of spiders, so they creep the hell outta me.
Are you kidding? This level sucks??? Gratuitous use of the gravity gun will cause this level NOT to suck, I promise you. Circular saws flying into zombies? Getting stuck in certain materials? Dropping cars? The spinning blade turrets?

No, my friend, this level certainly does ot suck.
Some parts were confusing. But for the most part this level is pretty linear. I wish that there was a help entity that you could activate like the floating trailling balls in unreal tournament 2004. That would be so helpful.
The coolest part of Ravenholm is fighting those super fast zombies. I hate them but I love blowing them away with the shotgun.
there's one zombie that "throws" black headcrabs at you....evilness. PLaying on hard, and the only time i died in there, thanks to the phys-gun, was walking into a spinning blade that i just started. Finding your way can be quite diffucult....but........."just look up"....
Ravenholm added the right touch of horror :D. But Father Gregori creeps me the hell out. I figured he'd be killing them to put them out of his misery/he's a holy man.. but that burning.. hanging alter that you see when you first encounter him.. my god.. what the hell is wrong with him?
i like all the levels upto now ..

Ravenholms was awesome i did get killed twice tho once by the zombies and once by a radiator lol

i shot the radiator in the air and it bounced of a roof and landed on my head and killed me it was so cool
The zombies jumping over the roof tops and you taking them down with the shotty mid-air is gaming at it's finest. Playing on easy is great fun because when the zombies suprise you they don't do too much damaged. Hard would be very interesting.
I loved Father Gregori, one of the funniest/best characters in the game so far. In a way, he really reminds me of an inquisitor from the Warhammer 40K universe-meets-Sniper from Saving private Ryan. I really loved the way he started praying as he shot from the roof and then crossed himself at the end. Oh, and I also liked how he blew the headcrab off some fast-zombie and screamed "Find light in Christ, My Brother!"

But my favorite line of all was this.
"I See you have already met my *nearly maniac laughter* congregation"

Thanks :)
You've gotta be kidding me!

The whole time I was in Ravenholm I was like, "This is the BEST sequence in the history of all computer games EVER."

Father Gregori was my favorite character so far, liberating his congregation from their enslavement and sending them to heaven through death. Creepy, but cool and noble in a bizarre sort of way.

The gravity gun was crucial in this level...it would have been nearly impossible without it. As for the super-fast zombies, they were AWESOME. They made me literally scream out loud several times -- something I haven't done while playing a game since, well, the original Half-Life. They're not that hard though once you get used to them. When you first fight them, they're a nightmare. But after you realize how they approach, you can take them out fairly easily.

Usually they climb up a pipe or a ladder, to the rooftop you're on, and that pipe or whatever rattles. You can get in a good headshot with the shotgun or the revolver or with something you pick up with the gravity gun from there if you're vigilant.

I was sad when this section ended and I was back to fighting combine soldiers for a short time.

Another thing though...Father Gregori tells you the place you're going to after Ravenholm is worse than Ravenholm, and I was totally freaked out, but it turned out being a relatively short cave trek, and if you play it cautious and mostly use the crowbar it's not too terribly challenging. Too bad.
The place right after the mine shaft with the snipers i had a sweet ass scene. I jumped into one of the train carts with a sniper window right above me. so i whipped a nade and chucked in the window. i hear "grenade!", boom!, then a 2 second silence pause...and then BAM! the combine sniper slams down hard right on the roof of the train i was in. twas incredibly sweet. i cant WAIT to see some goddamn single player mods come out with the physics. sorry, mp physics are absolute garbage compared to hl2 sp.
RakuraiTenjin said:
Ravenholm added the right touch of horror :D. But Father Gregori creeps me the hell out. I figured he'd be killing them to put them out of his misery/he's a holy man.. but that burning.. hanging alter that you see when you first encounter him.. my god.. what the hell is wrong with him?

You mean after seeing your entire congregation turn into zombies and being the long survivor all alone wouldn't make you lose a screw or two? If I was a priest and see everyone in town who i work to give salvation turn into something so unholy then being all alone it would make me a little insane too. I wonder what gregory do in the day time, I noticed a roof with a bunch of health pack and a case of beer bottles in at top a roof with a chair.

Going through that place was nuts for me. Being attack by fast zombies while being laugh at by a nutty priest is not my ideal was to go through town. Still useing those blades was pretty fun.
in my opinion it is good but tries to kinda have the same erieness as a game like Resident Evil. Im still laughing as how you guys got lost tho lol as seriously how can you get lost? the only doors that are open are the only doors you can go thru, just follow the straight lines to the door :)
I have to admit tho when you open the first door and you see the running zombie for the first time, that was pretty freaky :)
Yeah, nailing the "crazy-monkey-zombies" (TM) in midair was priceless. Ravenholm was certainly an amazing chapter.

ONE lame part of Ravenholm, sadly: waiting for the platform to take you to the church could have been much better. Having all the "crazy-monkey-zombies" (TM) climb up one pipe could have been better. I was expecting them to also come up the other drain-pipe, and was praying that they'd jump down from higher rooftops.

I wanted to make it across nearly dead, waiting for some serious fight for survival, so bottlenecking them was kinda lame.

screaming zombies=beautiful music!

Ravenholm kicked ass so much..I had been waiting (im)patiently ever since I saw the video clip to play that chapter and when I did..I fell in love!


Fire is your friend

And so is the gravity gun
lmao...fire is not your friend when you fight the zombies that throw headcrabs...if you set them on fire, they just end up throwing flaming headcrabs at you...lol

and for those of you who love/hate the fast zombies...that's not the last time you'll see them...though next time they'll be easier to kill :)
Were you people really that scared? I didn't even flinch. When I first saw a fast zombie I was just "Oh, that zombie is moving kind of fast, ok, shot to the headcrab, gone." People were telling all these horror stories and I was actually getting nervous about going to ravenholm since it was getting dark outside, and I don't like to play scary games in the dark.

Also, hearing Gregori talk just inspired me to keep on keepin on, because every time I heard him from behind a door I was hoping maybe I would get to see him. But no, he was always across the way, never wanting to help me.
Ravenholm was my favorite level. I jumped in joy once I entered this town.

Weirdly enough, I also jumped in joy seeing the daylight outside. :)
was so cool going to ravenholm, altho when i was there i just wanted to leave it creeped me out. plus those fast zombies were a bitch, always attacked u while u were on a roof so u couldnt run away :(
I just loved that bit when Gregori send over the moving platform, zombies climbing up the drainpipe, and when I saw the face/headcrab, I just used one shotgun shell and watched them fall to the ground. Priceless .... :D

I did get stuck on the bit where all the zombies were spawning though, I was pumping Shotgun shells into zombie's heads, shooting the flaming barrels at them, and still they came. I pulled the lever, saw the thing (claw) move and thought "How the hell am I going to get up there alive", and then (after 5 minutes of searching and having that Multiple-Poision-Headcrab Zombie swarm me with the poision headcabs, and having normal zombies staggering after me), I finally found that stack of boxes onto the roof, jumped to the ladder, climed up and that Rotting Zombie leapt RIGHT in my face !. I nearly jumped out of my chair !

If you played Ravenholm right through and didn't get jumpy, scared or got a sudden relief when you saw the light at the end of the mines, you definatly watch to many horror movies ! :P
I loved Ravenholm... but I was definately relieved to get out of there... *shudders*

Ugh, fast zombies... I blocked the door.. and they came in through the ROOF! *huddles in corner*
SHIPPI said:
I loved Ravenholm... but I was definately relieved to get out of there... *shudders*

Ugh, fast zombies... I blocked the door.. and they came in through the ROOF! *huddles in corner*
lmao I did the same thing, I thought I was being really clever blocking the door, never even looked up at the skylight haha
Ravenholm is genius. From manipulator madness to headcrab infestations and everything in between. Not that you can only find paintcans in Ravenholm, but it was there I first realized you could fling a bucket at an enemy and they'd get covered in paint, a sweet, sweet effect. The blades, the endless waves of enemies, all the new aliens you come across, it's just perfect, and damned creepy when you're playing alone in the dark.
Ravenholm was great. I was playing from about 2-5am(i got stuck :rolleyes:) at night with all the lights off and omg what a ****ing atmosphere. Parts were really creepy. Valve did a very good job.
But those black headcrabs and the zombies they stick to just take a STUPID amount of shots to kill, on hard anyway. You can hit them with 3 grenades and they dont die ffs.
Reaktor4 said:
Ravenholm was great. I was playing from about 2-5am(i got stuck :rolleyes:) at night with all the lights off and omg what a ****ing atmosphere. Parts were really creepy. Valve did a very good job.
But those black headcrabs and the zombies they stick to just take a STUPID amount of shots to kill, on hard anyway. You can hit them with 3 grenades and they dont die ffs.

Haha yeah, that's the first thing I tried. Got my SMG out and fired all three 'nades right at him. Those things are awesome but just too hard to fight on Hard. I avoided them and their headcrabs altogether. Normal 'crabs only take three shots, but 10-12 for the black ones? You'd think there wouldn't be much left after you put that many holes in one. /shrug
I liked Canals, but I was not blown away by it. But I was by Ravenholm. I love to paint them white (by shooting that white paint tin to them) and then throwing a radiator to the dumb undeads :)
I found this level way too tedious. Just when you thought you had finished with the Zombies... THERE WERE MORE! ARGH!

I couldn't wait for this level to finish or some new physics puzzles to come along.

All that blood and gore is wasted as A: Its just plain creepy and B: I don't like it... hehe
White paint flammable?

What is this I hear about the white paint in Ravenholm being flammable? Has anyone tried to paint a poison zombie and then burn him?