Ravenholm's Sobbing Zombies

Which bathroom, and yes, it gets pretty bad. Doom3 was pretty scary, i did feel tense when playing it.
haha I was always afraid to continue playing Half-Life.

truth of the matter is, this fear is useless phobia .. I wish I could over come it. I suggest when you play it have a serious face expression .. get angry a little, imagein you're in a real fight, go for it.
(got this idea from watching Detective Conan)
yeah those screams are pretty badass ... but just pretend like they killed your best friend or something ... and get ANGRY!! ARRRGHGHGHGH
I would do that to the combine .. but the zombies are probably just people ..
How do they scream when they have a headcrab over their head..

Maybee they are alive and aware but cant control their body beacuse of the headcrab-control..
if they are braindead.. hmmm??

and 2: they gotto scream REAALLYY loud for the sound to come through the headcrab itself..

EDIT: Oh and the screams sound Very clear/Clean...
i mean.. if you hold your hand over your mouth and scream..
the sound becomes... you know..
She said:
and 2: they gotto scream REAALLYY loud for the sound to come through the headcrab itself..

Being on fire would make someone scream like that.
Being on fire would make someone scream like that.

Then hold your hand over your mouth.. does it sound so Clean???
She said:
How do they scream when they have a headcrab over their head..

Maybee they are alive and aware but cant control their body beacuse of the headcrab-control..
if they are braindead.. hmmm??

and 2: they gotto scream REAALLYY loud for the sound to come through the headcrab itself..

EDIT: Oh and the screams sound Very clear/Clean...
i mean.. if you hold your hand over your mouth and scream..
the sound becomes... you know..


;) i am right am i??
do answer my question...
loolll! :LOL:

Well CLEARLY there is some kind of cavity between their mouth and where the headcrab is attached. Vocal cords are stil very much intact so there is easily enough room for a scream to come out!!

Or you just tell yourself "Do i really give a crap? IT screams that's cool i'll leave it at that "
(geek debates!! Well if Picard rerouted auxilliary power from the main drive INTO the warp coolant device....tHen maybe....just maybe he could have beaten that Romulan warbird!!)
She, there is a space between the headcrab and the head, and they did scream pretty loud, what they said did sound muffled, and If you can't see how the sound might be disturbing to some people...
She, there is a space between the headcrab and the head, and they did scream pretty loud, what they said did sound muffled, and If you can't see how the sound might be disturbing to some people...

Ok.. i didnt know there was a space between the headcrab and the head... i thought it was a "Alien-movie facehugger thing"..

and If you can't see how the sound might be disturbing to some people...
then what? :p
I'll put it this way, as I have before: Look at the zombies in Ravenholme... they look fresher than the ones at Black Mesa did. Their arms and claws don't look as elongated, and the gash in the chest doesn't seem to have metamorphosed into a mouth yet... it's just a few ribs and some organs.

Furthermore, when the headcrab pops off, we can see a head with what appears to be a mutilated mouth, instead of the picked-clean skulls that were visible through the headcrabs in Half Life.

My theory is that A: The headcrab only takes control of the motor nervous system of its host (to control the muscles and whatnot), leaving the central nervous system intact until later, when it digests the head, and B: The headcrab must supply the host body with oxygen somehow (possibly via some sort of tube through the mouth, which may also connect to the spine) until the chest maw is complete (assuming it then breathes through that).

If the semiconscious host was injured before the headcrab's assimilation into its new body (as seen on the Gonomes) was complete, the host's pain response might be strong enough to override the headcrab's control slightly and allow the host to scream.
Brian Damage said:
If the semiconscious host was injured before the headcrab's assimilation into its new body (as seen on the Gonomes) was complete, the host's pain response might be strong enough to override the headcrab's control slightly and allow the host to scream.
ok listen....
how is being set on fire so much worse than having ur head eaten by some weird alien?
Well, I'd say the crab numbs the flesh around the head with some kind of anesthetising(sp?) neurotoxin.

It wouldn't want the host to be struggling around all the time, would it? People who have just been crabbed seem to become unconscious before mutation... that period of unconsciousness would be a good time to begin the invasion of the nervous system and inject the neurotoxin.