Reactor explosion, survival, and Breen.

bbson_john said:
That is not anything odd. A fake has always be used in police's VIP transport mission in reality.

Breen didn’t need a fake double. He was always save in his office at the top of the Citadel. Besides, the Combine killed almost every human being. So it is pretty hard to find a similar looking double for Breen :)
(and there is no indication the Combine are able to clone)
xirow said:
Breen didn’t need a fake double. He was always save in his office at the top of the Citadel. Besides, the Combine killed almost every human being.

Huh? Almost every? The Combine need them for labor and assimilation. Why would they kill them?
DeusExMachina said:
Huh? Almost every? The Combine need them for labor and assimilation. Why would they kill them?
Well let's take a look at those survivors.


"Really doc, I think this one got your eyes, at a distance people might think it's you... no?"
DeusExMachina said:
Exactly. Assimilation.
Yes. I know. My point was that Xirow's point still remains valid. The survivors would hardly qualify for a stunt double.
AKIRA said:
Yea too bad you're gonna be playing for only about 5 hours. Then you're gonna have to wait another 8 months for another 5 hours and so on until these damn episodes are done and they finally release HL3 to finish things off.
It'll probably take more than 5 hours. More like 6+, in any case they're each around 1/3 the length of HL2, and there's 3 of them. Do the math. That means that the three episodes will pretty much be equal to one "Half Life 3", only because they're episodic and split between production teams, they're coming out a year and a half after Half Life 2, instead of 6 years in between Half Life 1 and 2, and the action is more dense than HL2. And episodes one and two will release a couple months apart, not the "8 months" you seem to think they will be. I'm pretty sure Episode 3 will be the end of this story arc/series, which would mean no "Half Life 3" per se. So sorry to burst your bubble, but these episodes aren't just a side-track by VALVe before they release the "real" Half Life 3, this is it.
Half-Life is a trilogy. They sure will make a HL3, but they will first close the *current* arc with the three episodes. The first arc was Black Mesa - HL1 + two expansions. The second arc is City17 - HL2 + three eps. Something for a fourth ep. And HL3 is going to be the ultimate ending of the story. They'll probably leave the doors open for expansions with other perspectives, or such, but HL3 would presumably finish the grand story.

That said, if HL3 comes out anytime before 2010, I'd be sad - not that I think it will.
xirow said:
Breen didn’t need a fake double. He was always save in his office at the top of the Citadel. Besides, the Combine killed almost every human being. So it is pretty hard to find a similar looking double for Breen :)
(and there is no indication the Combine are able to clone)
Nay, combine must have saved a person or a humanoid-robot for a fake double. The fake double is always stay within the citadel in order to prevent assassination. When Gordon Freeman come, the fake is utilized.
I doubt they would of made a fake. I don't think they would go this far into saving Breen. What importance is he now. He was un sucessful in stopping Freeman. And if he couldn't do that, what makes you think the Combine actually think Breen can bring the teleportation device?
ha ha - it's the classic 'accident' that turns the character from 'borderline evil' to 'da debil'. It comes complete with the character flaw/error in judgement that causes his downfall. Note the parallels:

Character starts as 'borderline evil'
Anakin Skywalker is a rambunctious Padawan toying with the dark side.
Dr. Breen is (benevolently?) trying to save the human race by destroying it.

They underestimate their opponent
Anakin Skywalker underestimates his master.
Dr. Breen underestimates Gordon.

An 'accident happens'
Anakin Skywalker gets owned by his teacher and is charred remains.
Dr. Breen becomes intimate (maybe) with a singularity implosion.

They get harassed by rebels
Darth Vader's mission is, among other things, to end the rebellion.
Dr. Breen's mission is, among other things, to end the rebellion.

SO... will this accident push Breen over the archetypal edge into something seriously evil? A real Combine tool? :borg:
Adabiviak said:
ha ha - it's the classic 'accident' that turns the character from 'borderline evil' to 'da debil'. It comes complete with the character flaw/error in judgement that causes his downfall. Note the parallels:

Character starts as 'borderline evil'
Anakin Skywalker is a rambunctious Padawan toying with the dark side.
Dr. Breen is (benevolently?) trying to save the human race by destroying it.

They underestimate their opponent
Anakin Skywalker underestimates his master.
Dr. Breen underestimates Gordon.

An 'accident happens'
Anakin Skywalker gets owned by his teacher and is charred remains.
Dr. Breen becomes intimate (maybe) with a singularity implosion.

They get harassed by rebels
Darth Vader's mission is, among other things, to end the rebellion.
Dr. Breen's mission is, among other things, to end the rebellion.

SO... will this accident push Breen over the archetypal edge into something seriously evil? A real Combine tool? :borg:

stfu. Half-life2 have nothing to do with Starwar. StarWar sucks, HL2 is not sucks. Stop listing up a series of coincidence.
Solver said:
Half-Life is a trilogy. They sure will make a HL3, but they will first close the *current* arc with the three episodes. The first arc was Black Mesa - HL1 + two expansions. The second arc is City17 - HL2 + three eps. Something for a fourth ep. And HL3 is going to be the ultimate ending of the story. They'll probably leave the doors open for expansions with other perspectives, or such, but HL3 would presumably finish the grand story.

That said, if HL3 comes out anytime before 2010, I'd be sad - not that I think it will.

Half-life was never planned as a trilogy, if thats what you were getting at. But its possible it will end there, but I'd hope not.
i believe its going to be crazy combine life support keeping breen's head alive. I think valve toyed with the idea too much to completely forget about it
You don't see the parallels? I just used Star Wars because more people know about that archetype than, say, an obscure comic book character.
stfu. Half-life2 have nothing to do with Starwar. StarWar sucks, HL2 is not sucks. Stop listing up a series of coincidence.
That's the best argument I've ever read. :upstare:
lol, me too. HL2 IS NOT SUCKS!! that's going right in the signiture.

adabiviak, please stop listing up a series of coincidence. GOD! i hate it when people start listing up a series of coincidence.

and i have to agree with A J Rimmer, breen was not a fake. I also asked holly, the cat, lister and criton and they all agree. as for mecha breen, i dont think he's gonna appear in a big mech type thing, but maybe as a weird deformed cybogy thing. it's possible.

it's possible that breen is just dead of course, they said you'de find out what happened to him, but it could be that he died. anyway, i doubt that too. maybe he's going to take control of a small elite group of overwatch and hide out in the city.

that's the other thing, people keep referring to the human part of the combine as, well.. just that. 'the human combine', but it's actually named the overwatch by breen.
rambler said:
and i have to agree with A J Rimmer, breen was not a fake. I also asked holly, the cat, lister and criton and they all agree. as for mecha breen, i dont think he's gonna appear in a big mech type thing, but maybe as a weird deformed cybogy thing.
While I'm glad you referenced Red Dwarf, you deserve nothing else but to be crushed into a cube and used as a dice for misspelling the name of Mechanoid Kryten 2X4B 523P
hey! look over there at that window! did you see that?? what was that flying out of it? oh wait, it was my respect for you.. yah....
rambler said:
hey! look over there at that window! did you see that?? what was that flying out of it? oh wait, it was my respect for you.. yah....
I'll try not to stay up too late crying...
bbson_john said:
stfu. Half-life2 have nothing to do with Starwar. StarWar sucks, HL2 is not sucks. Stop listing up a series of coincidence.

Sorry I don't speak 1337, what was that?
UltimaApocalyspe said:
Sorry I don't speak 1337, what was that?

Let me translate for you

bbson_john said:
stfu. Half-life2 has nothing to do with Star Wars. Star Wars sucks, HL2 does not suck. Stop listing up a series of coincidences.

i hope you meet breen when hes hurt somewhere in the destroyed citadel and you talk to him, er he talks to you. Than you have the choice wheather you execute him or not. If you do or dont, the story line changes.
I think Breen was just lucky. If it were not for that bubble I'm sure he would've kicked the bucket.
JDark said:
I think Breen was just lucky. If it were not for that bubble I'm sure he would've kicked the bucket.
That's a duh, if it weren't for the bubble, I'd have thrown about ninety of those energy balls at him and he'd have disentrigated ninety times over.
Probably the Tunneling teleporter was destroyed in the explosion, and the Dark Reactor went into meltdown. No major damage to the citadel's lower levels.

Breen probably wont be back for Ep1, but we may see him later as a Cyborg or AI. An AI sounds interesting...
Hmm. Could what happend to Gordon at the start of the game (where he's teleported all around the place) have happend to Breen?
Alyx stood as close to the reactor as Breen. So, Alyx survived, Breen survived. that's it!
Zaffino said:
i hope you meet breen when hes hurt somewhere in the destroyed citadel and you talk to him, er he talks to you. Than you have the choice wheather you execute him or not. If you do or dont, the story line changes.
This aint jedi acedaemy but that coould be nice...
Iamthemonkey said:
But didnt Breen say that that area was going to be "bathed in deadly particals"?

Breen said that he was bathing in deadly particles yet Gordon staying with Breen all the time during the journal without having any damage or radiation poisoning. Breen was just trying to exaggerate the fatality of the particles and they were not really that deadly.

Perhaps Breen has cancers all over his body in the time he had escaped. Or the teleportation system had been deactivated while it was collapsing. The deadly particles was diluted with air at that moment.
bbson_john said:
Breen said that he was bathing in deadly particles yet Gordon staying with Breen all the time during the journal without having any damage or radiation poisoning. Breen was just trying to exaggerate the fatality of the particles and they were not really that deadly.

Perhaps Breen has cancers all over his body in the time he had escaped. Or the teleportation system had been deactivated while it was collapsing. The deadly particles was diluted with air at that moment.

Breen said when the singularity collapsed (when he teleports off Earth) the chamber would be filled with deadly particles.
Anyone consider that Breen might have been bluffing about the "deadly particles"??
No, he was definately telling the truth. Your in a chamber that contains a massive Dark fusion reactor and teleporter...he certainly wasn't bluffing. For instance, Breen said "You don't know what you'll could bring down this whole Citadel, think man, think! Of the people below!"

You went ahead and destroyed the thing anyway. And now look, in Episode 1 the reactor is meltdown and about to wipe out the City. Woo!
Hmm, I wonder if Breen will side with the rebels? I wonder if he will get a clue as to what the combine are really all about
I dont think it is a question of what Breen chooses, but what the resistance decides to do to him ;)
Well obviously he is alive, in some form or another. As the beginning of Episode 1 is about escaping the Citadel, you are obviously going to bump into him. With the possibility of only the Overwatch troops on his side - he really has no where to turn to. Would the resistance accept him? Would Eli? Probably not, no.
Thats another point... I wonder how Eli & Mossman get out the Citadel...
Maybe Alyx and Gordon wake up a couple of hours after the explosion. If the Citadel defences are down, Mossman could have helped Eli out. Also, Barney's troops can enter the Citadel to rescue Mossman and Eli.
Well, Valve said Episode 1 begins "the very instant HL2 ended.", so I guess it's straight after. I doubt the resistance would enter the Citadel - they'd want to be getting away from it.
The aftermath trailer shows Eli separated from Gordon and alyx, so I dont think escapes the citadel with them. I dont see why Eli and Mossman would not try to search for Alyx and Gordon.