Real football vs. American football

J_Tweedy said:
The reason people get their necks broken is BECAUSE they are wearing helmets. It increases the relative size of your head so that when your head gets turned, the neck cannot cope with the extra torque on it.
The reason the hits in american football are 'bigger' is because they are set up to be that way. I mean, you have two lines of guys running at each other full pelt, and guys who are being tackled who aren't even holding the ball- i mean, rugby tackles occur when a guy who is holding the ball (and expects to be tackled) tries to EVADE his tackler.

I just laugh when i see American Football on TV, because some of those guys aren't even atheletes (blockers or whatever they are)- yet because of the stop start nature of the game they are able to waddle from set to set and have time for a cuppa.
Have you actually ever played American Football? And not just as friends, but a league? I can guarantee you without protection you'd have a couple deaths a year. No, people aren't tackled who don't have the ball (Unless it's a fake that worked beautifully and they THINK he has the ball, but the real RB is striding for the endzone)

And to say linemen aren't athletes is a crock, I played the line for years, it takes someone who can train for it. Putting a flabby skuzzbucket out there is going to lose you the game, you need strength, weight training, etc. Someone out there is going to be flung out of the way immediately and the QB sacked pretty badly if they aren't up to the task.

EDIT: Here are some nice American Football HITS in a video. I'll post more when I come across some more videos. These are a little older it seems.
Top Secret said:
No, sorry. One of the main occurances in neck breaking is when a player is sent diving straight towards the ground. In many of these cases, the helmet is what keeps the head from twisting the most. Ofcourse, you're guessing logic is much more accurate than my known facts.

Are you trying to tell me there isn't always someone in American Football trying to evade the tackler? If so, you have no idea what the hell you're talking about.


Wow. I'd like for you to point to a group of people more in shape.

Ok- well spear tackles are outlawed in rugby- so that kind of thing wouldnt happen- if your argument is that AMerican Football is better cos more people die in it, then good luck to you.

There may well be someone trying to evade the tackler, but the structure of the game means that tackles are coming from outta nowhere, and surprise the ball carrier- hence why they look so much 'bigger.'

For a group of people more 'in shape' i could easily point to the All Blacks (NZ rugby team)- they encompass all sizes of players, but the props, for example (the ones who do the heavy work) are heavy because of their muscles, not because they just ate 3 super size combos from maccas.
You want to argue sprinters? Many rugby players such as Jonah Lomu in his prime were out sprinting PROFESSIONAL SPRINTERS. 10 second 100m we're talking here.
You want to argue wieght and strength? Props and Hookers in rugby are versatile machines of strength, not fat bastards whose job is to do one thing- run into someone 3 feet away from them.
Pesmerga said:
Huh? What?

Off Topic: Pes, for faking a racist claim to try and prove your point, i declare you are a nasty little piece of shite that should catch cancer and die.
(Unless he really did say that, in which case im a dick. But i doubt it:smoking: )

On Topic: I prefer "Soccer" more than "American Football". But i prefer Rugby most of all
Oh and Pes, Cricket is brilliant.
I watched an AF match before. So painful to watch. Start. Stop. Ad break. Start. Stop. Ad Break. Only americans could be lazy enough to have a game last 5 hours with 1 hour of play.
Real football fan and American football fan. :laugh:


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"football is football, unless its football"

anyway i perfer AMERICAN FOOTBALL (maybe because i play it) it just seems to be more fun then trying to hit people and get a "yellow card" or hitting people with no penalty what-so-ever.

Oh, I am absolutely fanatic about real football. I think it's just so great. I always go to the games here in Brazil to support my team(Flamengo). As for playing myself, I already have some good technical aspects, but there are other aspects I need to improve on.
Tight-ass Llama said:
Off Topic: Pes, for faking a racist claim to try and prove your point, i declare you are a nasty little piece of shite that should catch cancer and die.
(Unless he really did say that, in which case im a dick. But i doubt it:smoking: )

he did say that racist comment i can attest. :angel:
well the black men are taking everything over exept hockey...

i still cant believe that tiger took over golf...
ríomhaire said:
Only americans could be lazy enough to have a game last 5 hours with 1 hour of play.

you know stereotyping makes you look like a dumbass right? and why is it that all the stereotyping on this forum doesn't come from USA members? hmmm...grow up
poseyjmac said:
you know stereotyping makes you look like a dumbass right? and why is it that all the stereotyping on this forum doesn't come from USA members? hmmm...grow up
It was just a little joke.
PS: Is anyone else experiencing a very wide view for this thread?
ríomhaire said:
It was just a little joke.

its not a joke if i don't perceive it as one. theres nothing funny to me about people constantly bashing the USA and stereotyping in this forum. i don't come on this forum so i can read that. thats not my idea of fun. i know there are many here who genuinely hate america, but mask it behind jokes. yes you said it was a joke, but you only said that because someone stood up to you and you have no spine. talk about why you think american football sucks the big one, but don't stereotype americans.
poseyjmac said:
its not a joke if i don't perceive it as one. theres nothing funny to me about people constantly bashing the USA and stereotyping in this forum. i don't come on this forum so i can read that. thats not my idea of fun. i know there are many here who genuinely hate america, but mask it behind jokes. yes you said it was a joke, but you only said that because someone stood up to you and you have no spine. talk about why you think american football sucks the big one, but don't stereotype americans.
You're right, I'm sorry.
Post more US Football Hits or Rugby Hits or whatever hits videos. I posted that sweet one on page 6. I want more hits videos and don't care what sport, it can be NASCAR for all I care.
J_Tweedy said:
Ok- well spear tackles are outlawed in rugby- so that kind of thing wouldnt happen- if your argument is that AMerican Football is better cos more people die in it, then good luck to you.

There may well be someone trying to evade the tackler, but the structure of the game means that tackles are coming from outta nowhere, and surprise the ball carrier- hence why they look so much 'bigger.'

For a group of people more 'in shape' i could easily point to the All Blacks (NZ rugby team)- they encompass all sizes of players, but the props, for example (the ones who do the heavy work) are heavy because of their muscles, not because they just ate 3 super size combos from maccas.
You want to argue sprinters? Many rugby players such as Jonah Lomu in his prime were out sprinting PROFESSIONAL SPRINTERS. 10 second 100m we're talking here.
You want to argue wieght and strength? Props and Hookers in rugby are versatile machines of strength, not fat bastards whose job is to do one thing- run into someone 3 feet away from them.

You're a ****ing idiot. Anyone else want to see this kid get absolutely demolished in American football? You just have no idea about life in general do you.
J_Tweedy said:
Ok- well spear tackles are outlawed in rugby- so that kind of thing wouldnt happen- if your argument is that AMerican Football is better cos more people die in it, then good luck to you.
"Spear tackles" don't happen all that often in US football, the only situation I can see them happening in is a kick return or a poorly defended pass play.

J_Tweedy said:
There may well be someone trying to evade the tackler, but the structure of the game means that tackles are coming from outta nowhere, and surprise the ball carrier- hence why they look so much 'bigger.'
If the ball carrier doesn't know where they're getting hit from they're not doing all too well on that play. Generally they do, the defense just overwhelms them so completely they begin to setup to take the hit as best as possible and gain as much yardage, hence rather than a guy being at the same point jumping you see more head on collisions where the runner will just plow into the defense to gain as many yards as possible.

J_Tweedy said:
For a group of people more 'in shape' i could easily point to the All Blacks (NZ rugby team)- they encompass all sizes of players, but the props, for example (the ones who do the heavy work) are heavy because of their muscles, not because they just ate 3 super size combos from maccas.
You want to argue sprinters? Many rugby players such as Jonah Lomu in his prime were out sprinting PROFESSIONAL SPRINTERS. 10 second 100m we're talking here.
You want to argue wieght and strength? Props and Hookers in rugby are versatile machines of strength, not fat bastards whose job is to do one thing- run into someone 3 feet away from them.
Linemen, line backers, tight ends, etc are versatile machines of strength just the same. You really shouldn't go off on a rant about the sport if you don't know much about it. I'm not a huge fan of rugby or soccer and I don't know a whole lot about them, but I definately know it takes an athletic person to do well in it, just as it does US Football.
RakuraiTenjin said:
Linemen, line backers, tight ends, etc are versatile machines of strength just the same. You really shouldn't go off on a rant about the sport if you don't know much about it. I'm not a huge fan of rugby or soccer and I don't know a whole lot about them, but I definately know it takes an athletic person to do well in it, just as it does US Football.

im a linebacker and i have to say that im pretty small compared to the rest of the backers... 6'2" 205
Kamikazie said:
im a linebacker and i have to say that im pretty small compared to the rest of the backers... 6'2" 205
Lucky! I wanted to play as a backer for a long time. When I played they wanted to put me as a backer but couldn't afford the weakened line. (sounds braggart but not really ;p we had a lot of weaker people on the team.. yet we were undefeated :P )
RakuraiTenjin said:
Lucky! I wanted to play as a backer for a long time. When I played they wanted to put me as a backer but couldn't afford the weakened line. (sounds braggart but not really ;p we had a lot of weaker people on the team.. yet we were undefeated :P )

right now im playing for my high school and i have to say that we suck ass, the qb cant throw 20 yds (the only thing that he can do is run, and not that fast), our rb (the only guy that brought the team together on the field) is out with a broken collar bone, our wr cant catch, our line cant block or penitrate (offense / defense) the only healthy people that we have is the linebackers on defense...we are ****in screwed this season...
Real football. American "foot"ball is just too stop-start. I'd even take rugby over American football, and I don't even like rugby. The NHL is just as boring as NFL, you can't see the puck half the time.