Real STALKYARD2 :D!!!!

Im getting feedback on the map, which is good, and a great number of people who also want the final version out beofr ethey download, so at 5pm i will remove the link to the map, and will begin working on it for the final release.

This could be later tonight, or tomorrow morning, it really depends on how things go. If you have comments about the map please make them known before then as I will not have time to check the forums after 5. Cheers...

I'd like to see you be more true to the weapon placement of the original. The bow needs to be next to the gun. A shotty on the boxs close to the RPG box. A shotty/357/rpg and nades needed added in the appropriate spots in the box room. Perhaps a pulse on top where the gauss was. The one little spot has a breakable box and its the only way out. If it's broken your stuck. It's a little short on weapons atm.
Okay, I have taken all notes and comments onboard, the link is now down and im working on the final release, which hopefully will be later tonight. See you in a server...=)
I put it on my linux box and it crashed. Looks awsome though.
Hmm im not sure why it does that and i have no access to linux server to test im afraid, sorry...
i dont see the link to download it, it says download unavialable
Yeah sorry dude, the beta is finished, I apologise if you missed it. but the final candidate is being released 2moro at midday GMT time probably everywhere I can get released, but SnarkPIT and HL2Files ar probably a sure bet. You didnt miss much, just a breaking wall test basically, I wasnt happy with it so its gone...
DM_Stalkyard Final Candidate is RELEASED!

Ive had a few hours of sleep due to recompiling this map over and over, dam me and my perfection! However, Im as done with it as I can, I hope that you all like it although I know I cant please everybody.
Get it over at Snarkpit,

Let me know what you think of it, although I seriously doubt any more ideas will be taken onboard, this is the FINAL release. Have fun, hopefully see it on a server somewhere...
i love this map its sweet and beatifull we need more mappers like boxy
GOOD JOB and plz make some more we need this kind of mapping :thumbs:
Good job! I love it... it seems like an official map. Perhaps you would be interested in having my children? Wait no... my brother's children.

In any event, excellent map, any plans for the next map?
Admins? Admins for what exactly? Im so confused...
You need to compile your map for linux so those of us on linux boxes can run it. :D

./srcds_run: line 423: 22782 Segmentation fault $HL_CMD
We posted at the same time, Boxy.

What I was saying is a couple of my server admins were going into my server to try out your map. It was an invite for others to join.

I can't run your map though since it isn't compiled for Linux. Compile for linux and it will run on both linux and windows severs.
also... found a glitch.. possible two... the second one might be because of my comp.

I took a demo... gonna upload then send you a pm.
Okay, tell me what commands I need to do at compile to make it run on linux boxes, and ill update the map, however, this could mess up the version that people have already downloaded, which could kinda suck. Anyone know an easy way around this?
Man, dam you re good, Im gonn have to get you on my future playtests. I tried to recreate what you did myself and failed miserably, so im not surprised that you are possibly the only person to this. Ill have a go at fixing it if I do the linux thing as well. This is so gonna screw up the versions though, and piss people off.
eh... first one was luck.. second just took some time to figure out.
I think the lift is a Valve thing, but once again I couldnt replicate it and no one else has said anything about it in any of the forums im frequenting at the moment.
Compile the map for Linux, HOW???

But to get back on track, how the hell do I recompile my map to work on Linux boxes???? Has any other mapper compiled their maps to work on Linux? I want to do this if possible as I know Linux makes for a better server...please help
I'm gonna get a linux guru in here to explain it.

I know this is the command.

./srcds_run: line 423: 22782 Segmentation fault $HL_CMD

I don't know anything about the SDK so the above is all I can do.
Oh, and Skie and bi0_gauss are the pHenyl's House official map testers. ;)
Good call, get that Linux man in here as soon as poss, I need anwsers if Im gonn amake this map Linux-able
My understanding is that in order for source maps to be playable on linux servers, you have to add the -linuxdata switch to vbsp.exe when you run it through that compiler.
Cool, so can u spell it out for me please, treat me like a complete retard, make it so I can just copy and paste the command into the vbsp please. Nice going too btw....
It seem that the compiler puts that -linuxdata flag on as standard if you have any entity even remotely multiplyer to play in. As far as I can see it does the lot, lighting, bsp, everything straight off the bat, so god knows why linux servers are not working. Does someone who hasnt tried already try downloading the map and getting it to go on a Linux box please...
I tried it with my Linux server last night and the server just restarted. It didin't like your map at all. :(
Im making a linux compatable version now(i hope if i got it right) can you give your email address so I can send the map to you to test on your linux box?

I will be glad to test it for you!
OKay top stuff, i hope it will work, i moved some direcotries around and forced the linux physics data string, and she is compilig now.. ill post to you asap. Even if it does work its still an arse for all those peopl eto download again(ihope you all will please)
You should start a new thread with the new release so people who think we are just rambling on in this thread will see the new info. Update your information at snarkpit as well.
Will do but im struggling to get it to compile, its so messed up...
I gonna reinstall SDK i ithink. Anyone have any idea exactly how to do this??
Ive posted it to prophet, heres to hoping kids...
It still crashes the server. Gringo the linux guy is gonna get on here when he gets a chance and give you some more info. He said when he gets home from work in a couple of hours.

You may be able to get some help at from Alba in the mean time. He is the head mapper over there and knows his stuff. I don't have SDK available to me right now or I would help ya.

Gringo knows how to do it from a DOS prompt. Here is what he told me real quick.

[16:28] gringo: tell him to use vbsp.exe in dos with the -linuxdata switcxh
[16:28] gringo: and that he has to use the source and destination paths in teh command line but that we can't remember those switches without usin the sdk
Dag nammit, I need that man on this forumas soon as poss or even better on MSN or sumat...only problem is due to this dam map I havent slept for three days and Im bloody knackered...its nealry 11pm here in the UK, isee its about 4 where u r(USA??)