Red Sox in the World Series

no, it could not. I hate the yankies with all my heart, but it is not gunna happen.
are u kidding?!??!
after tonight's 19-8 disaster i don't think so ;)
i was hoping the innevitable red sox defeat would be funnier.. but it's just sad now :(
/me isn't hiding anywhere....

but i coulda predicted somethin like that from the beginning of the season. lol

Maybe next year is the year....
they only need to win one more. that being said, they have to win the next one otherwise it doesn't matter.
Dr. Freeman said:
Yankees smacked the Red Sox around 19-8.
hmm...where are all the Red Sox fans hiding? :p
Hmm a little cocky are we? This is the biggest game (7) in the history of MLB. It all comes down to this.
I can't believe this. GAME 7. First time in history bitches!

Yankees.....prepare to die.
seinfeldrules said:
May the best team win! Lets play ball! (in 9 minutes).
by "the best team" you mean the red sox. if they lose ill be pretty pissed.
gh0st said:
by "the best team" you mean the red sox. if they lose ill be pretty pissed.

ya no shit, after last night with arod showing what a hack the yankees are, i hope the red sox beat them into the ground.
Hey guys just remember that it was 5-2 going into the 8th last year. We were 6 outs away. Lets not get ahead of ourselves, still a long way to go. One pitch at a time is how we are forced to live as Sox fans.
ok, now this is the perfect setup. going from 3-0 to 3-3 only to lose it in the last game would be the perfect way to crush the red sox fans hearts. let's see how good the comedy turns out!
Goddamn Yankees. Screwing up the first inning. ;(
Yankees are losing horribly...;(


I can't read numbers.
this is ****ing unbelievable, i've always though the day the sox win is the day all of new england sinks to the bottom of the ocean.......i cannot believe this is happening (i'm a sox fan btw)
Sai said:
this is ****ing unbelievable, i've always though the day the sox win is the day all of new england sinks to the bottom of the ocean.......i cannot believe this is happening (i'm a sox fan btw)

Me too. I'm just waiting for the inevitable screw up somewhere. Reminds me too much of another Game 7 not too long ago in a stadium very similar to the one we are currently playing in. ;(