
Which button to refresh?!

  • Ctrl-R fo' life!

    Votes: 3 3.9%
  • F5! :D

    Votes: 29 37.7%
  • ...I press the little arrow thingy.

    Votes: 40 51.9%
  • I right click and click 'refresh', which takes the most effort. [Effort? On MY internets?]

    Votes: 5 6.5%

  • Total voters


Sucked so much dick for this title
Aug 29, 2006
Reaction score
What button do you use to refresh? :0!

Edit; Poll up.
The little arrow thingy.

When it comes to effort, I feel like finding and pressing the F5 key takes more effort than clicking the arrow.
...I press the little arrow thingy.
I tend to use Thread Tools > Close Thread after a little while.
My F5 only gets its use in games. Oh little refresh button, I love you.
I just drank some hot cocoa. It was refreshing! Ooops...wrong forum. Firefox tabs ftw. :thumbs:
The button since most of the time I'm already using the mouse and the keyboard seem so far away...
the little twisted blue arrow that is next to that red circle with an "X" on it, you know, the one that's right beside the little house icon, just before the address bar with "" which takes you to this page that asks what method we use to refresh a page, you know, refresh, it actually has a cool twisted blue arrow in the navigation toolbar, just after the "next" button, which itself is after the "back" button, both these buttons are colored green, just like the green arrow that when you press it WOOCHIT!!!ONEEVELEN.

*Me gets slapped in face by whoever just read that till the end*
Click click > reload

My keyboard is below my desk on the keyboard tray, so F5 is not worth reaching for - same to the little blue arrow.
Urgh, you button noobs.

How is using your mouse quicker than a keyboard? Your mouse is analog, your keyboard borders on not being. Your F5 key will always be in the same place when you're typing, so you just move your hands up and pre-
The arrow thingy, cause I'm just too used to it by now.
OMG you button and F5 noobs. Ctrl-R is clearly the most intellectually stimulating was of refreshing a page. You ****in retards.
OMG you button and F5 noobs. Ctrl-R is clearly the most intellectually stimulating was of refreshing a page. You ****in retards.
Know what


(I tried once and it didn't work right away, I tried to navigate away from the page and it just refreshed...)
Urgh, you button noobs.

How is using your mouse quicker than a keyboard? Your mouse is analog, your keyboard borders on not being. Your F5 key will always be in the same place when you're typing, so you just move your hands up and pre-
Buttons rule. F5 sucks.:p It takes alot of effort to lift my hand and hit F5. To much wrist motion, which my wrists are tired at the end of the day from anyways. (I know that sounds perverted. Yeah. I mean from typing. Sickos.:E)
Buttons rule. F5 sucks.:p It takes alot of effort to lift my hand and hit F5. To much wrist motion, which my wrists are tired at the end of the day from anyways. (I know that sounds perverted. Yeah. I mean from typing. Sickos.:E)

You shouldn't even be using your mouse anyway. There's little you can do on it you can't do with anything else.

The only thing I really use it for is the scroll wheel. Because cursor down just doesn't cut it for me.
To refresh I usually highlight the address bar, right click > copy it, then I go to file > exit. Then I go to my desktop, double click the Firefox icon, then when a screen pops up, I highlight the address bar again, and press CTRL+V, then I press enter.

Works nice'n fast for me.
Can't press f5 because my other hand is always busy. If you know what I mean.:naughty:
You shouldn't even be using your mouse anyway. There's little you can do on it you can't do with anything else.

The only thing I really use it for is the scroll wheel. Because cursor down just doesn't cut it for me.
I think you missed my point. :p I can navigate my entire OS with just my keyboard too, it's just pointless though.
To refresh I usually highlight the address bar, right click > copy it, then I go to file > exit. Then I go to my desktop, double click the Firefox icon, then when a screen pops up, I highlight the address bar again, and press CTRL+V, then I press enter.

Works nice'n fast for me.

You're an idiot. Right click > paste when you reopen firefox. DUH.
No you're the idiot. Just go to the page on your laptop. DUH!

Only if you go through all the pages up til there on neighbour's computers one by one before getting to your laptop. Writing down each address on a bit of paper and typing it in by hand.

Hyuk hyuk.

Actual answer: I click the button.
I can navigate my entire OS with my mouse as well. Your point? :cool:
Your point is my point exactly. :) Druckles was basically saying the mouse is useless by saying:
You shouldn't even be using your mouse anyway. There's little you can do on it you can't do with anything else.

The only thing I really use it for is the scroll wheel. Because cursor down just doesn't cut it for me.
Sure, any computer scientist/technician worth his salt can navigate a browser/entire OS GUI with just a keyboard, or can fluently utilize a command prompt to do the same thing, but who cares? I use the refresh button/mouse because it's more convenient, and it works. I use my keyboard when the mouse/GUI/OS breaks. Capice?
F5 :)
Lol I didn't even realize Ctrl-R existed :p
Theres no option for opening up the on-screen keyboard then pressing f5 with your mouse. Best of both worlds. :D