Release Candidate Sent to Vivendi


Hey guys i'm new here.. been occasionally reading the headlines just curious when the game would come out.. just thought i'd give 2 cents from my experience with release candidates.

I have worked in testing (games) for a few years.. and in my experience whats gonna happen is they will send this RC and venveti is probably going to jump all over it.. you gotta remember its their cash cow.. its probably one of the biggest things they are waiting for. They are probably gonna toss 6 to 8 testers just dedicated to going through the game and finishing it multiple times.. Alot of the testers will also be begging to play the game and probably be offered overtime.. There are probably some testers who are still playing it now and haven't slept. they are getting paid good money and enjoying the game..

Venveti is going to have a checklist of MAJOR things that NEED to work.. any small bugs will be noted.. but if the game passes all major functionality it will be greenlit.. I'm a BIT skepetical of 2 days.. half life 2 is a bit bigger than half life 1 was at least in terms of hype and how much money they hope to make from it. I'd say they will probably hit it hard for 3 or 4 days, and send anything serious after that time to valve.. if there's nothign serious i'd say they'd continue for another 3 or 4 days and if it looks good they will gold it. But i suspect there will probably be 1 or 2 things found and there will need to be some fixes at least 1 time is my guess.. probably only once tho. You gotta remember venveti probably doesnt have microsoft level STE's (software test engineers) doing all the testing.. while the managers will have plans and stuff, venveti knows small things can be fixed with patches.. but again they aren't exactly squished for time right now either.. if this was mid/end october they'd be panicing becuase they NEED to get it out before the thanks giving shopping holiday.. So i'm gonna say they have the liberty of sending it back for even little bugs if they want.. but in my experience most companies aren't going to sweat the little things..

I'm surprised they made the 15th date, but honestly i bet if they HAD to they could have submitted by the beggining of sept, i think the extra 15 days they had was just kind of extra time and they were just squashing more stuff.. you also gotta know that valve knows right now there's bugs in the game, they know venveti will probably find them, but they are things they know the game can live with.. there's a point where you have to just say okay were done fixing bugs now and the ones that are in there must stay.. Becuase fixing bugs introduces new ones alot of the time.. so you have to draw a line... I'd be VERY surprised if it went gold by the weekend.. I'm expecting probably a week full of testing POSSIBLY two, then a gold announcement..

But who knows for sure! I just thought i'd give some insight here since i've worked with RC's before.. The rule of thumb is, the better the development company, the better quality the RC is.. most games never need more than an RC 3.. that is usually a pretty good one.. sometimes they go to a RC 4 and its worse, and they revert back to RC 3 becuase they know things are just going to get messier.. Fortunately valve and venveti still have time to do just do that if neccessary before the holiday shopping season starts.. WE may not like it, but i very seriously doubt thats gonna happen and i think the game will probably make it out by mid october, or early november.. The only thing they'd have to compete with really is halo 2, and thats a Console game so it hardly hurts them.. (tho for the kid who has all systems even pc, it can still be a factor of who's out during shopping time first!) enough babbling from me now :)

Enjoy the wait guys, cuz now i think the hard part is over! you can all relax in your chairs knowing its on its way now.
Coolness, I was sitting here with my nice chainsaw waiting for Valve to delay it another six months, now I probably wont have to go on that little pilgrimage. :D

*goes to party instead, leaves chainsaw at home*

I enjoyed reading that, Gave us a good insight into what acctualy happens.
I personaly think the guys at valve have had enough time to sort little bugs out just my thoughts.
Love to think that we could acctualy be playing the game this time next month.
Who would have thought that after the code theft that it was going to be nearly a full year till we get to play it.
lapapaz said:
George Dubya could kick your ass
I'd love him to try. Not because I'm a pugnacious moron with delusions of my own strength, just because I think that, in an obtuse way, it'd be absolutely hilarious -

"Where'd you get that black eye?"
"Got into a fight with George W. Bush. As you do."
"Really? Hmmm. Cup of tea?"
"Yeah cheers - milk and two sugars, thanks."

An interesting conversation piece, to be sure.
a) i could kick dubya's ass all the way from washington back to his daddy's house where he will crawl into a hole after he loses this election
b) ElectricView, thanks for posting all that stuff. i hope everyone reads it, so they won't get their hopes up...and i know it doesn't really matter, but the company is Vivendi, not Viveti :)
almost forgot
c) i don't know if i would have chose 'obtuse' in there el Chi, maybe sophomoric, or jejune.

also there's a leak in my dormroom cause ivan hit us....i don't know where it is.......ARRRRRRRRRRRGH
Had to put in my two cents/pence about this news:

I told myself I wouldn't get excited over Half Life 2 again until I held a copy in my hands. That I wouldn't anticipate an imminent release until... well ever. That having a physical copy or playing it myself would be the only time I'd think, "yeah, it's done now, the waiting’s over!"

But damn it if I'm not just a little over enthusiastic after this news.
Hehe replace all my venveti's with venvedi then :) It was late and i was tyipng fast and thinking even faster...!