[release date] Now taking bets!!

Lucifer Crass

Aug 18, 2003
Reaction score
Now it is time to take preditctions and see who is right in the end!!

The people that predict correctly will get +200 post count added to their account!! [not really :P ]
I will bet 5 Internet cookies that it will be released early June
An excellent plan sir with just two minor flaws, 1. the same thing has been posted before, 2. the same thing has been posted before.

Now granted that is technicaly only one flaw, but i felt it was such a big one, it was worth mentioning twice!

But anyway, I guess id go for August.
Lobster said:
An excellent plan sir with just two minor flaws, 1. the same thing has been posted before, 2. the same thing has been posted before.

Now granted that is technicaly only one flaw, but i felt it was such a big one, it was worth mentioning twice!
:laugh: :laugh:
blahblahblah said:
I'll wager 1 locked thread. Put me down for mid-November

I bet this website that it will be out in June.

Technically, this isn't my website, but winner takes all, right!?.

Will a Mod challenge
I should see if Cesear's palace is taking bets about the HL2 release date. I could make some serious money.
blahblahblah said:
I should see if Cesear's palace is taking bets about the HL2 release date. I could make some serious money.

Bout to post a question like that.i wonder would they take bets on game release dates.You'd make a killing if you guessed the release date for DNF.
Valve is currently aiming for Summer x Valve = Mid Fall
Voodoo_Chile said:
True but you might just get lucky :cheese: Though it is unlikely.

Time to roll out my random date/year generator :bounce:
I will bet 5 Internet cookies that it will be released early June
Are these the sextracker cookies :p

I'm betting on 26/7/04 \o/

My birthday :E

2 months doesnt seam that long you know..... i have been waiting for over a year so far.
I don't see why everyone is fussing about the release date. Nostradamus forsaw the release of Half-Life 2 hundreds of years ago.
wayne white said:
is the single player version cheaper?

Ha! Yeah, but where did that come from? Anyway, I think it'll come about mid-July. Who knows, so long as it comes.