[release date] Now taking bets!!

I say August - September we will be playing it.

And playing it. And over, and over ...
well i wish the game to be out in JUNE but i cant see it happening because june is close lol. So i would say LATE JUNE-early july. pushing it maybe august (but i dont think Valve will go too close to september again lol.
Dougy said:

2 months doesnt seam that long you know..... i have been waiting for over a year so far.
i been waiting longer then that :O DAM IT! lol come on june-july :D
DigiQ8 said:
It released
i got it and it sux :P
would be soooo crazy if at E3 they say

"Gone Gold today"
"release Next week"

MAN i know i shouldn't get peoples hypes up but i would so be like :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O
Voodoo_Chile said:
What was that from again.I think it was Futurama but not sure.

Yes, but they took from an episode of Star Trek. "Gamesters of Triskellion" as memory serves.

As for my date guess I would go with Confucious, and he say: "idle speculation does not bring game sooner"
I'm thinking Late June/Early July... I'll be ****ing stoked if it was released at E3 though (well, duh!)

*crosses fingers*
I would guess fall 2004 early holiday seasons maybe...
it's pure guess work...no offense to valve but when they say "summer" you should know not to take them to seriously, they are artists they will find more stuff to do as they go along :D a never ending cycle really.
There will always be something that could be done better.
i will bet you what ever your willing to bet, we'll find out in two days and 15 hours
i hope it comes out after jun4, b/c then i won't be in school anymore and have a better chance to get it earlier
as i stated in another thread i'm hopeing they announce a rediculously far out date do that instead of not meeting it they'll actually surprise us and finish it earlier......DECEMBER 2005!
they're gonna announce a summer release hopefully mid june but it would be a nice change of pace to actually meet a hl2 release date
My prediction

We find out valve is useing warez and is disbanded. The lisence to the source engine is bought by I.D. and destroyed. WIthout pressure from competetors Doom 3 is released 2007. Duke nukem forever is never released because the company making it began work on barbie dress up. Gameing as we know it is put on the shelf and only consists of preteen bomberman and mario titles. WoW has been shleved and so has everquest too, due to so many gamers leaving and the entire business falling to its knees. Computers and internet is used for pornography only. People just stupider and stupider until someone nukes a volcano MUHAHSHDa gvfuysa vfujsd a
august 17.

i really hope its sooner, like july-ish, so i can beat it a few times before school starts again.
I would actually be surprised if they stated a firm release date at E3. In fact, I'd bet on it. My prediction - no release date.
they're gonna announce a release date alright, i mean they kinda but not really announced a psuedo date when those dutch kids came to visit them
September 27th via Steam
September 29th via retail in north america
1st - 5th October via retail in Australia
Varsity said:

hmm it has made it longer than I thought it would have. Then again around this time is when all of the off beat posts are made. Most of the Mods are sleeping