Religion And Common sense

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A2597, I beseech you to learn more about Darwin, for he was clearly against the Church of God at all turns. It was darwins will that the universe be explained without God, because he loathed God. Thus, he became the bride of the enemy, through his hatred of God.
A2597 said:
making up? What have I made up? A goat giving birth to a cow?

OK, you guys would say it would take a few million of years for a goat to slowly change into a cow. Fact is, a goat will give birth to a goat, not a cow. nor will a goat ever give birth to a slightly different goat. the physical proportions will change, the color might change, but if you looked at it's genetic code, identicle.

You guys are so ready to believe that given enough times, a lizard could suddenly become a warm blooded creature, but you act like I'm a moron for saying such.....for a lizard to become warm blooded it would have to give birth to a new species of lizard, maybe 4 billion sets of offpsring or whaever. but so long as it is true that a creature can only give birth to another of its own kind, evolution cannot happen. When you deny that two cows can give birth to a duck, you deny that evolution is possible, because that is what evolution says is possible, given enough time.

I wish i could say it differently in order to help you to understand what evolution is. evolution does not mean species A produces species B...rather some of species A BECOMES species B through genetic changes.

you keep saying that two of the same animal with different colors have the same genetic code. this is not true. your genetic code, your DNA, is different from that of your parent's. that's what makes you different and not a clone.

have you ever had a biology class? and if so did you sleep through it? i'm not trying to be insulting...seriously...but everyone i know who has had a biology class understands all this stuff already.

here's an example...there's a type of fruit fly where if you change ONE base pair (some chemicals) of its DNA it grows these leg-like antennae on its head. that kind of genetic mutation can be caused by ultraviolet light from the sun. so this very minute change in something's DNA can cause a huge difference in appearance or function.

so what happens if your mate gave birth to a child with a genetic mutation that caused it to have short legs. if you were living in the wild, your child would probably die because it could not run from predators. therefore short legged people decrease in population.

now, what happens if you lived near some caves? perhaps this short legged kid could live there and fit into smaller places and have an advantage in that environment. perhaps he finds a wife and gives birth to some short legged children. now, after many years of these short legged people living in caves, one is born with a mutation to his DNA. but this mutation lets him see in the dark. maybe that provides him an advantage because he can function in the caves more easily.

so after a million years or more, there are enough differences in these "cave people" from normal humans that they cannot mate with normal humans and reproduce offspring. therefore these cave people are now a new species.

nowhere in this process did a "cow give birth to a duck"

it all happens very gradually. enough random, but good, mutations take place over time so that a family of one species eventually changes to adapt to its new environment...and it becomes different enough from its original species that it cannot mate with its original species.
Science is a great tool if you keep your mind open and dont come to any sudden conclusions, unlike most physicists. some of the science today i feel isnt quite right like the rlationship between space and time., and that exites me,,... more unanswered questions.. and its plays a hudge chunk of importance in our understanding of our being, and what happens when we loose our body's if anything atall.
Yes I've had Biology, in both HIgh School and College, and at college I unwittingly took the most difficult instructer on campus, you know the ones...where you end the semester with 20% of the kids that started it, and I made a Solid B in the class, which would have been an A though any other instructor.

A Becomes B is the same thing as A births B.
Evolution is FALSE, plain as day. God ordained in the beginning that each tree reproduce after its kind, and each beast reproduce after its kind.

You could wait a million years, you could wait a billion, and a flock of sheep will not turn into a flock of seagulls. It's that simple.

The arguments of the enemy seem as wisdom to the blind and ignorant, but those whos eyes have been opened see it for the folly that it is.
clarky003 said:
its plays a hudge chunk of importance in our understanding of our being, and what happens when we loose our body's if anything atall.
Wait whoa, not trying to flame but what did you mean by that? You mean what happens when we die? Well there should be a knife in your kitchen, I suggest if your curious you find out yourself! :D
MorningStar said:
You could wait a million years, you could wait a billion, and a flock of sheep will not turn into a flock of seagulls. It's that simple.

The arguments of the enemy seem as wisdom to the blind and ignorant, but those whos eyes have been opened see it for the folly that it is.
Ofcourse you could wait that long and nothing could happen, but it wouldnt show that evolution was false only that that species didnt need to go under any adaptions to carry on the survival of that species.
OK, help me out here MChammer...

you stated before that you were raised being told that God thinks your worthless, that you arn't even allowed to look at a women, and you quoted a passage that isn't in any Bible I've ever seen, and I've seen ALOT of Bibles in my lifetime.

First off, If God thought I was worthless, I would be with you arguing against religion right now. But the very basis of Christianity is how much God LOVES us. "For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotton son, so that we may not perish, but have everlasting life". Sound familier?

Second, that whole not even able to look at women thing...rediculous. Definately not so. you happen to have that Bible/whatever it is handy? because I'd love to know what exactly it is...
your interpreting god as some kind of being (human reflection), MorningStar, if you could interpret anything as a 'God' it would be the fabric that creates energy that creates matter. that creates us.. not a being .. in light as person but a vast constituence of energy connecting everything. A quantum creative vaccum. seeing god as person is ignorant in satisfaction of the human ego.

'just because we cannot see where it comes from does not nessesarily mean it isnt there'
You could drop sheep out of a plane for a million years, and they still will not change into seagulls.
God is a person, for we are persons and we are an image of Him.
now, after many years of these short legged people living in caves, one is born with a mutation to his DNA. but this mutation lets him see in the dark. maybe that provides him an advantage because he can function in the caves more easily.

And that is where Evolution is flawed, because those mutations never occur in nature on a perminant basis. just as a human may be born with an extra chromosome, the next generation will lack that trait.
MorningStar said:
You could drop sheep out of a plane for a million years, and they still will not change into seagulls.

you sir, are right....because evolution does not happen suddenly. so if you start with sheep, every single one would die when dropped out of a plane.

you also do not understand what evolution really is. it doesn't mean that suddenly ZAP! a sheep is a seagull now! yay it can fly. that's absurd and you know it.
A2597 said:
now, after many years of these short legged people living in caves, one is born with a mutation to his DNA. but this mutation lets him see in the dark. maybe that provides him an advantage because he can function in the caves more easily.

And that is where Evolution is flawed, because those mutations never occur in nature on a perminant basis. just as a human may be born with an extra chromosome, the next generation will lack that trait.

you already said you understand the peppered moths thing. that's a permanent genetic mutation. the next generation maintains that trait because it helps them to not be seen by birds.
we are a redundant species, who's only cause is to exist. suggesting god is a person suggests. we are in some way at the center of the universe which is also a reflection of primitive survival instincts and ego,, but if you think for a second we are more important than a bird or another living creature. then you are clinically insane
Correction: We are created in God's image, meaning God in physical form looks like we do, however to say God is a person makes it sound like he has the same abilities as a human, and same restrictions, which is certainly not the case
Maskirovka said:
you sir, are right....because evolution does not happen suddenly. so if you start with sheep, every single one would die when dropped out of a plane.

I had that same image...LOL. Big red bloody mess on the ground fore miles.....

now, rephrasing what he WOULD be handy for goats to grow wings with their mountainous terrain, but they never will.
does a spark of reality and intelligent thinking and feel, 6th sense if you will. somehow tell you thats wrong.. and makes little sense. as to a much bigger picture that your missing out completely

but i guess things dont have to make sense in your world
A2597 said:
OK, help me out here MChammer...

you stated before that you were raised being told that God thinks your worthless, that you arn't even allowed to look at a women, and you quoted a passage that isn't in any Bible I've ever seen, and I've seen ALOT of Bibles in my lifetime.

First off, If God thought I was worthless, I would be with you arguing against religion right now. But the very basis of Christianity is how much God LOVES us. "For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotton son, so that we may not perish, but have everlasting life". Sound familier?

Second, that whole not even able to look at women thing...rediculous. Definately not so. you happen to have that Bible/whatever it is handy? because I'd love to know what exactly it is...
First of all you have it all twisted, I was raised to think of taking the Bible literally, so whenever it says in the Bible not to lust thats what it meant. I was taught to repent sin just like you, but obviously unlike your family I was taught to take sin much much more seriously. The idea I was brought up on was to avoid sinning as much as possible, so whenever I did I freaked. I didnt say "look" at a woman, I meant fantasize havin sex with her or loathing for sex in general. Im talkin about sex outside of marriage here. As far as the Berachot it comes from jewish text(google it), and since Christianity springs from Judaism...well you can figure that out cant you?
Maskirovka said:
you already said you understand the peppered moths thing. that's a permanent genetic mutation. the next generation maintains that trait because it helps them to not be seen by birds.

theres a huge difference between the color of a moths scales changing color, which would of course change back if the circumstances of the enviroment changed, and a human getting night vision....
A2597 said:
I had that same image...LOL. Big red bloody mess on the ground fore miles.....

now, rephrasing what he WOULD be handy for goats to grow wings with their mountainous terrain, but they never will.

it would be handy if i had wings instead of stitting in traffic, but that's not gonna happen either. that's because "handy" isn't part of evolution.

it has to be a small, possible mutation like color change or something. then after color change, something else occurs that gives the thing the ability to survive say another random mutation causes it to develop a chemical that makes the thing taste really bad to its prey, but that chemical also prevents it from having offspring with the original-colored moths. now you have a new type of moth.
mchammer75040 said:
First of all you have it all twisted, I was raised to think of taking the Bible literally, so whenever it says in the Bible not to lust thats what it meant. I was taught to repent sin just like you, but obviously unlike your family I was taught to take sin much much more seriously. The idea I was brought up on was to avoid sinning as much as possible, so whenever I did I freaked. I didnt say "look" at a woman, I meant fantasize havin sex with her or loathing for sex in general. Im talkin about sex outside of marriage here. As far as the Berachot it comes from jewish text(google it), and since Christianity springs from Judaism...well you can figure that out cant you?

I take the Bible literally as well...It's not like lusting after a women is a hard thing to avoid, but that changes from person to person.

The wonderful thing about Christianity is that when you sin, while yes it is serious, you have only to ask God's forgiveness, and continue to do your best to avoid it again.

OK, Sex outside of marraige = bad bad bad, and science backs me up with all the STD's out there. IMO you have to be more then a little nuts to want sex outside wedlock thesedays....fantasizing about sex is pretty much as bad, but being male, no ones perfect, which is why I'm glad that God forgives us so readily.

you skipped the part about got finding us meaningless...any reason for that?
A2597 said:
theres a huge difference between the color of a moths scales changing color, which would of course change back if the circumstances of the enviroment changed, and a human getting night vision....

of course i simplified the example, but some humans now DO have better night vision than other humans. if the sun went out and we somehow didn't die by freezing to death, don't you think that the humans with bad eyesight would die because they couldn't see?

and you're already admitting that you understand that species adapt to their environment. well what if that environment doesnt' change back? what if that change is permanent?

how is it impossible that a species could slowly change over time to a point where it is so unlike what it originally started as that it is unrecognizable as a member of the same species?
Maskirovka said:
it would be handy if i had wings instead of stitting in traffic, but that's not gonna happen either. that's because "handy" isn't part of evolution.

it has to be a small, possible mutation like color change or something. then after color change, something else occurs that gives the thing the ability to survive say another random mutation causes it to develop a chemical that makes the thing taste really bad to its prey, but that chemical also prevents it from having offspring with the original-colored moths. now you have a new type of moth.

and there is the same flaw again.
the scales on a moth change from generation to generation, while there may be a semi permanant change that makes them darker, it's not a major change.

the growing of a chemicle gland however, would be like a human being born with a third arm, or a second heart. It's a mutation, however it wasn't told to do that through the genetic code...and the genetic code of that being itself still has the correct genetic code saying it should only have two arms, so even if he married a three armed women (what are the chances?) they would have a two armed child.

now if he had dark hair and she had hard hair, we would expect that the child would have dart hair. thats because hair color, like the color of the scales, is a trait, not something that is etched in stone so to say like the rest of the genetic code.

and now, I bid audure, until morning. it's 2am here...meaning I get a whopping four hours sleep now. ;)
A2597 said:
and there is the same flaw again.
the scales on a moth change from generation to generation, while there may be a semi permanant change that makes them darker, it's not a major change.

now if he had dark hair and she had hard hair, we would expect that the child would have dart hair. thats because hair color, like the color of the scales, is a trait, not something that is etched in stone so to say like the rest of the genetic code.

no genetic code is "etched in stone" if you changed 1% of our DNA, we would be chimpanzees.

and i don't understand where you're getting this "temporary" change thing. hair color in humans is temporary because it is not a determining factor for our survival. but the color of the moths is. therefore they will change over a long time to be (huge percentage) black because birds have trouble seeing them.

you seem to think that all traits are temporary. they're not temporary if they're completely necessary to the survival of the animal.

A2597 said:
the growing of a chemicle gland however, would be like a human being born with a third arm, or a second heart. It's a mutation, however it wasn't told to do that through the genetic code...and the genetic code of that being itself still has the correct genetic code saying it should only have two arms, so even if he married a three armed women (what are the chances?) they would have a two armed child.

i didn't say anything about chemical glands...just the taste of the chemical that makes up the color.

it wasn't told to do that through the genetic code.

you really took biology? didn't you learn that DNA is the instructions or blueprints for an animal? didn't you learn about dominant and recessive genes?

if your blueprints say "make 3 arms" then that's what happens. if you reproduce, and your "make 3 arms" gene is dominant, then that gene gets passed on to your kids and they have 3 arms too.

your genetic code, your DNA, is everything. it tells how long your fingers will become, what color your hair/eyes/skin is, everything. of course if you had 3 arms it would be because of your genetic code. and that genetic code would remain in any offspring you had.
A2597 said:
and there is the same flaw again.
the scales on a moth change from generation to generation, while there may be a semi permanant change that makes them darker, it's not a major change.

the growing of a chemicle gland however, would be like a human being born with a third arm, or a second heart. It's a mutation, however it wasn't told to do that through the genetic code...and the genetic code of that being itself still has the correct genetic code saying it should only have two arms, so even if he married a three armed women (what are the chances?) they would have a two armed child.
yeeeikes! i hope you're not planning on becoming a medical doctor!

if a genetic mutation occurs in an individual that causes that individual to have 3 arms.. it's most definitely in their genetic code to have 3 arms. period. don't believe me? read a book.
A2597 said:
now if he had dark hair and she had hard hair, we would expect that the child would have dart hair. thats because hair color, like the color of the scales, is a trait, not something that is etched in stone so to say like the rest of the genetic code.
ow.. ouch dude!! help us all! .. hard hair???? :( dart hair??!??! :O dude.. ok, maybe you're insanely tired.. but seriously..WTF!?!? :bonce:

yes man.. hair color is a genetic character.. all "traits" are.. ok..

oh and.. "semi-temporary"??? explain?
well adieu, get LOTS of sleep.
A2597 said:
OK, Sex outside of marraige = bad bad bad, and science backs me up with all the STD's out there. IMO you have to be more then a little nuts to want sex outside wedlock thesedays....fantasizing about sex is pretty much as bad, but being male, no ones perfect, which is why I'm glad that God forgives us so readily.

I agree with the STDs but your takin safe sex out of the equation. 2nd of all I dont see how fantasizing about having sex is bad, and if you tell me you dont masterbate, think about having sex or havent seen a porno then I dont know what to say to you, other than your a liar. I used to see this as bad, but sex is one of the most amazing pleasures one can experience, but then again Im atheist so call me crazy.

3rd I dont see how you can say Im crazy for not waiting for marriage to have sex. For one I dont plan on getting married, now let me clarify before you mislead this one. I mean I dont need a ring on my finger to tell the woman I love her, theres no need for marriage and no Im not scared of commitment I want someone to commit myself too but bowing before a church or the government isnt neccessary for it.

A2597 said:
you skipped the part about got finding us meaningless...any reason for that?
opps I hit submit reply and I got the "cant display page" and had to type it up and just left it out. Ok my point on the meaninglessness is this: We are told we have original sin correct? And inless we repent sin we are fuel for the fire in hell right? Put the 2 together. Christianity uses original sin as a way to show how one would need salvation, to motivate by guilt that at our heart we are evil and we most atone for the sins passed down by adam otherwise we are worthless to God.
everyone, please understand.. natural selection is a mechansim that acts upon individuals primarily and populations secondarily, ala the agreed upon moth example.

evolution is a product of this mechanism as it affects populations of individuals by determining (naturally selecting) those members of the population that, for whatever reasons, reproduce most successfully. evrything about the physiology of an organsim is coded into it's genes.

i'm not trying to disprove god, and there are real problems within evolutionary theroy.. but these are not hard concepts.. why would anyone have trouble with this?
i found what they've been reading:

that article has absolutely no backup in research or anything. it simply says things like "they haven't" and "it can't" and provides no evidence whatsoever...just like the people in this thread.

Has evolutionary theory really explained evolution? No. Have they discovered any mechanism or process of genetics which can evolve anything really new. No, they have not. [no backup for these statements.]
Prof. Stephen Stanley of Johns Hopkins University wrote in 1979 that the known fossil record provides not a single example of a series of fossils which prove that a process of evolution really took place to produce a new kind of creature. [first "evidence"... from 25 years ago]
These systematic gaps in the fossil record mean that every basic type of plant or animal seems to appear suddenly in the fossil-bearing rocks. The fossils speak of sudden appearance of the kinds, not the slow, gradual change of one kind into another kind. [untrue..the fossil record is filled with the exact information this guy says isn't there.]
Evidences for Evolution. The standard evidences adduced for evolution can either be shown to be invalid or be reinterpreted within the framework of the creation model of origins. [if we apply the bible, evolution is wrong, so it's wrong since we go by the bible! nice logic]
Evolutionary scientists have not the slightest idea how this complex assembly of complex, interdependent parts could have evolved. Yet, they believe it happened. They have faith in dumb atoms. Faith in the Creator God is far superior.[Translation: you admit you don't have an explanation for something, therefore you're weak. Your faith is dumb. We are better than you.]
And we should work to stop the dogmatic teaching of evolution and the persecution of Christians in the tax-funded public schools and universities. [a nice, blunt, political motivation is revealed at the end..."don't teach my kids this because then i can't brainwash them]

this entire thing is just insulting and full of lies. the website also contains a section entitled "Darwin's Agenda for Science."

lol...yeah...darwin hated the church and his father was (probably, it says!!!!) an atheist, so therefore he can only do the work of the devil atheist devil satan devil hell. that means all of his creations are invalid and wrong because devil satan darwin devil hell hell bad.
Lil' Timmy said:
everyone, please understand.. natural selection is a mechansim that acts upon individuals primarily and populations secondarily, ala the agreed upon moth example.

evolution is a product of this mechanism as it affects populations of individuals by determining (naturally selecting) those members of the population that, for whatever reasons, reproduce most successfully. evrything about the physiology of an organsim is coded into it's genes.

i'm not trying to disprove god, and there are real problems within evolutionary theroy.. but these are not hard concepts.. why would anyone have trouble with this?

your big words don't seem to work...and my simple ones don't work either. and A2957 says he's even taken several biology classes...yet he still doesn't understand genetics or evolution? it doesn't make sense to me either.
Maskirovka said:
wow. that reads like an article from The Onion or something..

Maskirovka said:
your big words don't seem to work...and my simple ones don't work either. and A2957 says he's even taken several biology classes...yet he still doesn't understand genetics or evolution? it doesn't make sense to me either.
think of how his/her teachers must feel :( if i were they, i imagine i'd feel like i failed a2597. at some point you have to let people take responisbility for themselves though. luckily, i'm not trying to teach a2597 anything on the forums, just using his/her posts to easily illustrate my points to intellectually curious folks who wonder by :)
i have a theory for why religion discussions never go anywhere...

it's because the best way to be convincing is to boost someone else's self-esteem while making your point. talking down to them and telling them they're stupid just makes them more defensive.

yet in the case of creation vs. evolution, arguments directly attack one's source of self-esteem...that being your faith in God or science.

we agnostics/atheists feel good when we know a lot of things and we want to share that knowledge with everyone. in this case the knowledge is evolution, and we are trying to defend our reasons for not wanting to believe in God.

you religious people feel good when you know God and you feel accepted by your fellow believers. you defend your reasons for believing in God.

so therefore, the best methods of persuasion are thrown out the window because every bit of evidence directly attacks one's source of self-esteem. this makes each side even less likely to belive the other.

does that make sense?
Lil' Timmy said:
wow. that reads like an article from The Onion or something..

lol..yes it does...i thought it was a joke at first. and it's called "basics". i don't even want to know what the advanced stuff is.

Lil' Timmy said:
luckily, i'm not trying to teach a2597 anything on the forums, just using his/her posts to easily illustrate my points to intellectually curious folks who wonder by :)

lol...same here.
Makes perfect sense, infact I read a book on influencing people and winning arguments, and thats one of the principles. The idea the book proposes is to avoid being prideful of whatever it is your arguing over. For example, "well I may not be right but I believe...". this will allow the other person to feel more comfortable about questioning his/her position, but if you attack them with a " you ****ing retard your wrong!" they wont back down at all because that was a attack on their self-esteem/pride.
been fun guys...3AM is late enough for me...i'll be back to keep posting as long as the filthy believers do!!!111 (lol j/k)

i seriously want to believe, i just need another reason other than "you're going to hell if you don't"
Maskirovka said:
been fun guys...3AM is late enough for me...i'll be back to keep posting as long as the filthy believers do!!!111 (lol j/k)

i seriously want to believe, i just need another reason other than "you're going to hell if you don't"
... you'll go to heaven if you do. does that work?

to bed as well :sleep:
posted here before but I think it deserves another shot since the thread is getting huge and most ppl aren't reading it.


The physical meaning of life is to procreate and spread one's genes. You only have the ability to question those primal instincts because the homo sapiens species advanced to such a point that our brains were finally capable of true self awareness and self analysis. There are many examples in human history where this ability has gone awry, however. Less than a thousand years ago the Aztecs considered human sacrifice a crucial element to their very survival. They would sacrifice their own children, kicking and screaming all the way, in an attempt to make it rain again.

It is quite clear that we as a species are in the middle of a confusion period. We aren't really sure what the heck is going on, what we're supposed to be doing, or where the heck we're supposed to go. Look no further than the incredibly diverse range of religions and ideals from which to choose and you can see we really just have no clue. This is why certain people can be led to believe that an alien spacecraft is trailing a comet and that if they drink some funky Kool Aid they'll be able to travel to their homeland again. Cleanse the gene pool, thank you very much.

Most people are given religion as the panacea and are thus able to effectively participate in a large society and (in general) obey their respective morals and ethics. When a new member of our species joins this world, their physical location and culture determine the particular panacea they are given and will (most likely) follow for the rest of their lives. Some people are capable of breaking out of this brain-washing and attempt to search for their own meanings. You might be one of them, however you are still clinging to some of the notions instilled in you by other people when you were younger. I can't help you there other than to suggest that you release everything you were taught and look for your own answers. If indeed you're looking to discover on your own rather than be told by someone else...

Now, there are people that are simply incapable of breaking free from this programming and will just blissfully live their lives until their bodies no longer function. For them, the meaning of life was planted long ago and is quite simple. Any affront to their ideals is just so completely bizarre and foreign to them that they won't ever understand what you're trying to say. This is what we called closed-minded. The brain is a blank sheet of paper as a newborn child. It fills with knowledge along the way. For some people, the process of learning and discovery ends at some point and they just move through life like the programmed robots they are. "I am a product of God/Allah/Satan/insert_your_god_here. I will obey what my elders told me our god wants me to do. I will procreate. I will teach my children to be just like me. Then I will die, and I will go to heaven/insert_your_everlasting_playground_here."

For a select group of others, the entire life cycle is a process of learning and dicovery, and they just keep searching. For those people, life is trying to understand the meaning of life. Einstein was one such person. For him, his meaning of life was to try and reveal his god. His god happened to be the set of laws that define all of the physical world, and not the kind of god Christians or Jews or any other monotheistic religion believes in. IE, a religion whereby the divine creator of all things has a penchant for displaying a biased interest in homo sapiens and that we were crafted in his image. Einstein's god was not a single invisible entity but rather purely scientific in nature: understand how all forces in the universe work and you will have discovered god. His god would be revealed through the Unified Field Theory. Unfortunately that has yet to come to fruition.

"From the viewpoint of a Jesuit priest I am, of course, and have always been an atheist.... I have repeatedly said that in my opinion the idea of a personal God is a childlike one. You may call me an agnostic, but I do not share the crusading spirit of the professional atheist whose fervor is mostly due to a painful act of liberation from the fetters of religious indoctrination received in youth. I prefer an attitude of humility corresponding to the weakness of our intellectual understanding of nature and of our being." - Albert Einstein

Now, where do you fit in all of this? Understand that, and you will have found your meaning of life. Still not sure? If you're young... and my guess is that you are since it sounds like you're a little confused... my suggestion to you is just to keep an open mind. When you do find that meaning, remember to be considerate to alternate views, especially those of people you respect (IE, your family.) You have the right to do as you want, however some people in your life will take offense no matter what it is you decide to do. Just note that they may not be capable of understanding, and that is okay. Love them for who they are and what they mean to you, but do not alter your beliefs purely to assuage them.
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