Religion:The stupidest thing invented by mankind?


Sep 18, 2004
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I've been watching the news lately and there's been nothing but talk about Israel and Lebanon and the Middle East in general. Afghanistan, Iraq same shit, different pile. Anyways my point is that everyone of these conflicts are caused by different religious beliefs.
The Muslims, Christans, Jews, Palestinians and any other religion you can think of have been battling each other since the beginning of time and for what reason? Beliefs. Stupid simple religious believes. I can't believe how many people actually deeply belive in religions because everyone of them is so phoney. Allah said this Jesus said that. All I can say is who the hell cares? Does what you read in some ancient book give you the right to murder people? Personally I don't think so. It's pretty obvious as well that all religions are wrong. Many of the stories are scientifically impossible and if these stories were true why wouldn't we see this kind of stuff happening today? I have never seen or heard of anyone spread the ocean and walk across it and I've never heard of someone creating stuff from nothing. Simply put were told it's the all mighty lord or gods. But then I go "Hmmm, where did these god's come from and how did they get there all mighty powers." They had to have gotten there somehow and even then there is no way to prove there existance.
It also saddens me to hear stories of young people with a good life ahead of them blowing themselves up to be a part of the jihads that try to eliminate the infidels. Lots of these people have young kids and good jobs and they blow themselves to pieces because they will go to the holy land or whatever because they worked to try to rid the non-believers. That does not make any sense to me. How could you be willing to kill yourself if you weren't absolutely 100% sure that your sacrifice was for an actual usefull purpose?
I believe that everyone should have the right to freely believe in what they wish but, I believe that freedom should have limits. I don't think it's right to kill because of different beliefs and I realize most other people have the same view as I. But where do you draw the line? I think a perfect world would include no religion and that people would only believe in what can be proven by many people around the world, much like in the way modern science is. But I know this is impossible so I can safely say that religion is the stupidest thing invented by mankind.
I agree, killing in the name of a religion is stupid. Like Rufus said: "I'm not saying it's bad to have beliefs, I just think it's better to have Ideas." Also, here's something I've been thinking about: In many religions it's taught that everything is god's (whoever it is) will. If that is so, then "sin" cannot exist because it is god who wills you to commit sin and god's will can't be sin can it? If that is in fact the matter, then all the people who are killing sinners in the name of their god are ignoring their belief that everything is god's will. I'm sorry if that was confusing, but that's the best way I can describe it.
Religion is actually a good thing when not done stupidly. Doesn't have to necessarily be good for you. But it also shouldn't be bad for you.
There is a difference between religion and extremism. Extremism, in fact, can be a lot of things, but in the end is just extremism. If you cannot separate the two you are making a very fundamental and very small minded mistake.
What is beyond our death? What lies before our birth? What was the inception? What will be the termination? Seriously contemplate these questions tonight, and you will know how important beliefs have been.

Beliefs are born after the torture of anxiety and fear. The anxiety of anxieties for our final destiny. The fear of fears of our eternal death. That is:

That the dread of something after death,—
The undiscover'd country, from whose bourn
No traveller returns,—puzzles the will

- Hamlet
Religion is the most necessary thing invented by mankind.
I believe that Religion is the best thing to be invented by mankind. Better than fire. Why? The thing that separates humans from, say, Chimpanzees is that humans have greated stable societies that allow them to thrive. One aspect in doing this is having a strong leader that has control over people. The best way to do this, of course, is to brainwash the people into believing whatever the leader thinks is right. In order to do this, religion was invented. Since religions emphasize the difference between good and evil, all the leader has to do is define evil, and then define good in terms of evil. He then would force his ideas down the people's throats, causing a brainwashed, yet stable society that understood that, say, killing is bad. This understanding is key in seeing the meaning of religion.some of mine insane friends chooses only to look at the fact that Religion is untrue and brainwashes people, and thus must be abolished. What they doesn't realize is that Religion is key in maintaining a stable society, and that brainwashing people into understanding "good vs evil" is what separates us from the animals. Religion is what makes humans the dominant species.
If there was no fire, humanity wouldn't have lasted, so it's better then religion.

Fire > You.

Also what is good and evil? I for one do not have a problem with religion, I have a problem with extremism tho.
funny enough extremism comes from various angles, its a human trademark, often branded only on religion, but it incorporates:
"left-wingers,right-wingers,racists,star trek extremists, star wars extremists, counter-strike extremists, atheist extremists etc etc.
A section of humanity simply cant handle "stuff" in proportion.

Religion isnt the cause, though i'm starting to wonder if mankind simply "cant handle" such a thing "properly" :(
Since as an extremist tool, religion can do alot of damage.
i too have problem with extremism, but its better to accept religion & to be religioustic.

what is good and evil? Ying Yang
Extremism does not cause the damage, religion does.

Extremism is just a mindset, while religion is a tool.
it was just a joke, btw I get ur Q?

seriously I must say religioustic peoples don't ask these questions.
There's nothing wrong with religion itself. The individual can believe what he wants to believe, and submit himself to whatever religious body he so chooses.

It's when the practice of that religion becomes so warped and extreme that it becomes a problem, or if there is something inherently wrong in the religion in question.
There's nothing wrong with religion itself. The individual can believe what he wants to believe, and submit himself to whatever religious body he so chooses.

It's when the practice of that religion becomes so warped and extreme that it becomes a problem, or if there is something inherently wrong in the religion in question.

"I'm tethered to the logic of homo sapien, can't take my eyes off the great salvation of bull shit faith"

Everyone should have the right to believe whatever they want, no questions asked. But anyone who looks at religion with any amount of logic should realize it's all a sham.
I feel that I don't need religion. With all the advances in technology and medicine, anyone can take full control of their own life. The civilised societies are at a point now where there's no real benefit to devoting your life to a god. Whether I pray to a god or not, in the end it will ultimately be up to me to make decisions for myself. I find it so hard to believe that if I pray for good things, they will automatically happen.

In the olden days when mankind wasn't sure how the world worked, belief in a god provided some comfort. Nowadays, it's becoming more and more difficult to believe that the world was invented by some supreme being, who is looking down on each of us and will punish us in the afterlife if we are not devout or supportive of his cause.

And how come god doesn't punish anyone anymore? If we're to believe things like Noah's Ark and the mass flooding really happened, then it must mean that god does punish those that are not currently dead. But during two World Wars, and the unrest in the Middle East, god was nowhere to be found. He didn't help anyone. Why has he suddenly disappeared? Where's the god that would actually perform miracles or send prophets to aid those troubled souls? If he's not helping us now, why should we be supportive of him?

I've spoken to religious people before, but I still can't understand what religion has done to benefit. In fact I find that some aspects of religions are descriminatory and contradictory:

"Isn't it kind of gay for Christians to be worshipping a man?" - Larry David ;)
Judging religion is hard, I certainly believe it had it's place for thousands of years and provided stability and encouraged human culture.
However in this day and age I believbe it is very bad, not only do I not agree with the fundamental basis of most religion I also believe they bring out one of the worst qualities of mankind.

To begin with, we have the fact that all religions (atleast as far as I know) claim they are the word of god, this leaves very little room for interpetation and questioning and leads to extremism.

Lets take a moderate muslim for example, who believes strongly in the word of the Koran but believes that people of other religions or other beleives can behave contrary to a lot of his believes, like grant woman equal rights. Now if the Koran is the word of god and doing the word of god is good for the society and cannot be questioned.
Then logically if you think about it that same muslim, is comparable to a modern westerner who believes child pornography is wrong but lets people of other believes be if they feel that child porn is proper and doesn't mind if they do it.

Or lets take a less extreme example.
A modern westerner that believes in equal rights of men an women and yet doesn't mind of people of other believes threat women unequal.
I as a westerner cannot for the love of good condone that, I cannot say that, that moderate westerner is a good person for not minding something so bad. And if I was a muslim I would for the love of god not be able to tolerate it, not because I would be a bad or evil person, but because I believed you were the bad person, the one who's evil deeds are destorying my society. Now in the west rules are mostly not based on religion so there is room for interpetation where as if your rules are based on religion that breeds extremism by default.

Furthermore to hold faith in any religion in this day and age requires an incredible amount of stubbornes and plain idiocy, no matter in which country you life, offcourse the more modern the more I see you as an Idiot. Simply because of all the incredible paradoxes involved in, so many people believe one thing yet at the same time to the opposite.

Now as an athiest I can easly live with myself, a lot of my anwsers some from science, and that is an incredibly realible source, no cars has ever started out of magic, no pc has ever done so either, no rocket has gone to orbit because of some freaky godly power, no ,all of them only worked when properly built and under the conditions and with the use of the physical laws they were constructed to utilize. There is no middlegound and yet in the word of god there somehow is.

Now this kind of mental state bothers me the most when I see the poverty and famine that it has caused in africa, modern medice combined with stubbornly holding on to old values and tradition of shitting out as many kids has caused the overpopulation and is the main reason for the famines and poverty, along with corruption and war which are again manly created by religion.

In that case what does logic matter, what do facts matter to a religius person, I maybe an extrimist to hold this view, but I see no point in talking with a religius person, whats the point, if you can't be swayed by logic and facts then there is hardly a point in talking to you, and that you cannot be swayed by logic and facts is proofed by your faith in religion.
I see religius people as the pinnacle of the stupidity and stubbornes that everyday holds the development of our society back and in some cases even reverse it. There is nothing that rewards stupidty and ignorance as much as religion do. Relligion is not the search for anwsers it's making them up yourself. How hard is it to get that.
I was an athiest (ok, well, agnostic, whatever) until this summer until I heard some stories from some relatives that just made it seem like this whole religion thing was actually possible. Ya know, those stories you hear from random crackpots? Yeah, they told those kind of stories, except they were told by people whom I was really close to, and who wouldn't lie to me.

*Shrug* I'm open-minded. I'm believe that there's some sort of higher power. I also really don't care if someone is Catholic, Wiccan, or an Athiest, it's all your choice.
I've been watching the news lately and there's been nothing but talk about Israel and Lebanon and the Middle East in general. Afghanistan, Iraq same shit, different pile. Anyways my point is that everyone of these conflicts are caused by different religious beliefs.
The Muslims, Christans, Jews, Palestinians and any other religion you can think of have been battling each other since the beginning of time and for what reason? Beliefs. Stupid simple religious believes. I can't believe how many people actually deeply belive in religions because everyone of them is so phoney. Allah said this Jesus said that. All I can say is who the hell cares? Does what you read in some ancient book give you the right to murder people? Personally I don't think so. It's pretty obvious as well that all religions are wrong. Many of the stories are scientifically impossible and if these stories were true why wouldn't we see this kind of stuff happening today? I have never seen or heard of anyone spread the ocean and walk across it and I've never heard of someone creating stuff from nothing. Simply put were told it's the all mighty lord or gods. But then I go "Hmmm, where did these god's come from and how did they get there all mighty powers." They had to have gotten there somehow and even then there is no way to prove there existance.
It also saddens me to hear stories of young people with a good life ahead of them blowing themselves up to be a part of the jihads that try to eliminate the infidels. Lots of these people have young kids and good jobs and they blow themselves to pieces because they will go to the holy land or whatever because they worked to try to rid the non-believers. That does not make any sense to me. How could you be willing to kill yourself if you weren't absolutely 100% sure that your sacrifice was for an actual usefull purpose?
I believe that everyone should have the right to freely believe in what they wish but, I believe that freedom should have limits. I don't think it's right to kill because of different beliefs and I realize most other people have the same view as I. But where do you draw the line? I think a perfect world would include no religion and that people would only believe in what can be proven by many people around the world, much like in the way modern science is. But I know this is impossible so I can safely say that religion is the stupidest thing invented by mankind.

religous jews dont cause trouble,Its Jews that see them selfs as a race,"gods ancient people" That cause problems.
Problems begin when people try to impose their particular religion's point of view on others and try to remake the world according to their individual percept/images.

i hate all religions which say that salvation ( whatever that means!!!) can be acheived only by praying to THEIR god, not to gods of other religions.

As Vivekananda once said, all religions are rivers which flow along different courses but end in the same sea.
The choice to be retarded maybe.
Many people close to me believe they have seen UFOes, but I won't be joining Scientology any time soon.

If you believe in the bible, you should kill me.
Under god's law you must kill me.

If you're a religious 'moderate', then you are breaking god's law and should kill yourself.
The bible says in no uncertain terms that I, along with the majority of society, must die.
There's no halfways about it.

People love the ten commandments, but forget that most most of them (plus a few others) are to be enforced under penalty of death.

So why aren't you killing me?

The ten commandments are clear and unequivocal:

1 - No beliefs save for christianity. That means you should kill around a 80% of the earth's population.

2a - No idols (reproductions) of anything in space, in the sky, on the ground, in the water and what may be supernatural. In other words, non-abstract art is not allowed.
God says this is because he is jealous of idols.
Anyone who has painted a picture or built a sculpture, even if it is a picture of jesus, must die. God also says that the maker's entire extended family must also be killed.

2b -Also, anyone who "worships" art should be killed. Arguably that's anyone who has seen art and enjoyed it.
If you have seen The Passion of the Christ, kill yourself.

3 - You cannot wrongfully use the name of god (AKA Jehovah the Cocksucker?).
No mercy should be shown to anyone who uses the name "wrongfully" In other words, depending on what you think is "wrong", you should kill at least 50% of all remaining christians.

4 - NO WORKING ON SUNDAYS. If you do any work on a sunday, you are to be put to death.
Likewise if you make your male or female slaves work on sundays.
Kill anyone working on a sunday. This includes the president of the united states.

(there is no rule against owning slaves)

5 - Honour your father and mother. Then, I guess, kill them and yourself for honouring something that isn't god.

6 - No murder!

7 - No sex outside of marriage. Kill anyone who has sex with anything that isn't a female wife. This includes around 95% of the male population (no joke; they masturbated).

8 - No theft whatsoever. Kill all north americans, besides native americans. Then kill all the native americans who aren't christian.

9 - Jealousy is not allowed. Kill God.
Surely, something thats been around for that long can't have so many contradictions Mecha:rolling: ;)
I love the deadpan in Mechagodzilla's post. :LOL:

Imagine what the world would be like if the Ten Commandments were followed properly. No one would be spared. Not even God! :p
I am absolutely serious.

If you claim you are christian and you aren't killing as many people as humanly possible, you have failed to be a proper christian. Which means you are a false christian.

Unless you start killing random people right now, you will burn in hell for eternity after the real christians justifyably slaughter you and your family for worshiping false idols and listening to false prophets.

Being a 'religious moderate' means you might as well be raping jesus.
There is no such thing, and god hates you for bastardizing his teachings.

(God specifically tells you not to interpret his teachings. They are 100% literal or you are a blasphemer, so when he says to kill the entire planet you had better step up to the challenge.)
Then the whole list is a conundrum since the 6th comandment states that you're not allowed to murder anyone.
Religion, like the Government is nothing more than another form of control.
Those who aware of that are usually the ones that exploit and use it for their own personal gain.Coming from three different religious backgrounds,i have yet to be convinced by any of em.
Jesus,Muhamed,Moses etc are nothing more then myths and bed times stories you tell yer kids and other gullible beings to keep em in line.
Hey,you might as well believe in an evil extraterrastial overlord who sent his people to earth to stack them around volcanoes and blew them up with hydrogen bombs.Wait a sec...
religous jews dont cause trouble,Its Jews that see them selfs as a race,"gods ancient people" That cause problems.

You prove my point exactly. What I am trying to say is that religion and weak-minded people equals trouble. Sure some Jews aren't extremists but if there was no Jewish religion in the first place you wouldn't have to worry about people interpreting the holy rules or whatever in an extremist way. Simply said: If religion didn't exist extremists would never exist.
Religion, like the Government is nothing more than another form of control.
Those who aware of that are usually the ones that exploit and use it for their own personal gain.Coming from three different religious backgrounds,i have yet to be convinced by any of em.

Who's controlling me eh? And what benefit are they getting from the things I practice? Nobody, and noone, that's who.
You prove my point exactly. What I am trying to say is that religion and weak-minded people equals trouble. Sure some Jews aren't extremists but if there was no Jewish religion in the first place you wouldn't have to worry about people interpreting the holy rules or whatever in an extremist way. Simply said: If religion didn't exist extremists would never exist.

Well you are right to a certain extent.but most Jews and Muslims use religion as something to lean on when hard times come around.its just not fair that some people ruin everything for everyone.

people like:Binladen,Bush,The Pope,ans all other super religous goofballs.
Then the whole list is a conundrum since the 6th comandment states that you're not allowed to murder anyone.
It's only murder if God doesn't want you to do it.
For example:

If you are burning the wrong incense as an offering to god, you can be murdered.

If you are burning the correct incense as an offering to god, you can't be murdered.

Of course, the bible doesn't clarify which incense is holy and which will have you burnt alive for your evil.
So to be safe, if you see someone burning incense, kill them (because they might be evil) and then kill yourself (because you might be a murderer).
It's the only way to make sure.
If you don't do what god wants, you will be killed.
If you were to do what god wants, you will be killed.

How depressing.
Mecha...I think that's the most retarded interpretation of the 10 commandments...ever.