Religion:The stupidest thing invented by mankind?

They were certainly political religions. Flawed concepts and doctrines with severe disconencts from reality requiring doublethink and willful ignorance to support. Because, in the end, the problem isn't with religion itself. It's with unreasonable, irrational thinking (and religion certainly qualifies).
Antisemitism is a political religion, which invalidates your poor nazi reference.
Communism is a political religion, because it believes workers will work without incentive. It's a cult of personality and nationalism.
Fascism is the same.
There has never been a fully realized communist state. It remains an unrealistic ideal that people have faith in.
Both use pseudoscience extensively.

Ever heard of lysenkoism? Or nazi mysticism?

World war two was caused by political religion.
World war one was ultimately instigated by a racial conflict between serbia and austria, combined with fierce nationalism amoung their allies.

What does science have to do with that?
This thread has gone from 'stupid' to 'absolutely batshit insane'. Comparing religion to science?

Please, point me to a widely acknowledged scientific document that dictates people what to do.

Until then, kindly STFU.

Science is a collection of studies that try to explain the world around us and put it into practical use. It has no motives of making people follow a certain lifestyle.
what about scientology?

further more, in order to be scientific, you need to adopt certain ways of thinking and viewing the world.

This is predominately a skeptical and materialistic view of the world. Hence scientifically, theres no such thing as tradgedy, millions of people dying is reduced to an unfortunate incident. When human life becomes a measurable statistic instead of something much more more valuable, how important does human life become?

Scientific thinking has been the predominating way of educating people in the western world, and because it encorages materialistic, unemotional and skeptical ways of viewing the world, it leads to a society of people who have an apathetic lifestyle.
"[W]hat about scientology?"

Scientology is quite probably the least scientific thing in the known universe.
One of the basic tenets of upper-level scientology is that all forms of fiction are actually historical documentation of events no-one can remember because they happened a gerjillion years ago.

"[F]urther more, in order to be scientific, you need to adopt certain ways of thinking and viewing the world."

No shit? I thought that you could only be scientific by shutting down all your senses and lying in a coma for a decade.

"This is predominately a skeptical and materialistic view of the world."

Yes. So?
Materialism and skepticism mean, essentially, a preference for anything other than ghosts and invisible moon creatures.
That's not negative.
You're being materialistic by using a forum on the internet on a computer in a house supplied with utilities.
You're being skeptical by not trying to beam the messages psychically instead.

"Hence scientifically, theres no such thing as tradgedy, millions of people dying is reduced to an unfortunate incident."
"When human life becomes a measurable statistic instead of something much more more valuable, how important does human life become?"

What the fuck? That's absolutely retarded. Let's check your logic behind that:

STRAW MAN: since when does materialism make anything, let alone human life, less valuable?
No-one is making that claim, so why are you refuting it?
The entire concept of carpe diem is based on materialism.
If there is no afterlife, and this is the only (finite) life we have, life becomes infinitely more valuable. Literally.

ERROR: Something immeasurable cannot be valuable, by definition.
Life is extremely valuable, and the supernatural adds nothing to that value, for the above reason.
In fact, your argument here indicates to me that the supernatural is more important than life to you.

Without the supernatural, you say, life is devalued to the point of being "no more than a statistic", as if the death of god would zap you into a cloud of random numbers.
Life is quantifiable, and its value is extremely high.
When your ill-defined supernatural supercedes life by too great a margin, we get suicide bombers.
Who are they dying for? Allah?
There is no Allah.

Better to die in some way that quantifiably benefits the lives of the next generation.
Or, preferably, not die of anything but old age and spend your time helping people instead.

"Scientific thinking [...] encorages materialistic, unemotional and skeptical ways of viewing the world [and thus] it leads to a society of people who have an apathetic lifestyle."

STRAW MAN: Since when are scientists devoid of emotion? Since when is emotion of any sort unquantifiable?
It's as easy as writing on a paper: "I am happy." and then showing it to someone else with a smile.
It's as easy of calling you FreNDzy and pointing out that Lemonking once outsmarted you in a battle of wits.
That's called comedy, and it works because we have emotions to laugh at you with.
Laughing at the stupid and absurd is a known human trait.

In your magic world, I guess, human expression is impossible without angels pulling on the corners of your mouth to give the illusion of a frown.
Or, even more disturbingly, that human emotions aren't genuine at all, stemming instead from an invisible god-force that plays us as puppets.

Doesn't that fictive worldview devalue emotional expression and empathy more than anything?
That without fear of hell or space ghosts or martians, you would be distrustful and uncompassionate?

Is that how tenuous a grasp you have on humanity?

That love and life only exist in fantasy, because you see no real-world value in them?
Sadly, yes.
FrenDzy said:
Gays shouldnt marry because real marraiges are about devotion and commitment
Lemonking said:
dont gays value eachother?

This also totally goes against FrEndZy's notion that belief in ghosts is the sole source of compassion.
Logically, there is no truly relevant difference between a gay man and a straight man. Logically, they should be allowed the same freedoms.

Frendzy uses his supernatural belief, that "commitment" is hetero-exclusive, to say that one life is worth less than another where religious freedoms and government regulation are concerned.
Even when there is no truly quantifiable difference.

Because emotion is supernatural and ephemeral to Frendzy, it is not an innate human trait.
Compassion and all emotion are instead things that only exist for the people he sympathizes with and, thus, gays and people who use science are less human because he believes they are.

This is, of course, in ignorance of everything we know about how emotion works.

So much for religion finding the true value of human life.

The result is always the same for the FreNdZies of the world: the voices in your head make you superior because the voices told you so.
In the end, you're only talking to yourself - and superior to no-one else.

If you want to be the winner, you have to actually participate in the contest.
You acheive nothing by awarding medals to yourself.
Religion is a stupid thing, but not the stupidest of things; the degraded state of idiocity which thinks that they have the only 'right and truthful' religion, is worse.
I think religion in all it's forms is bad.

Each person needs to develop his own belief system, find his own God (or lack of) but religion forces conformity.
blah blah blah blah bblah blah blah blah bblah blah blah blah bblah blah blah blah bblah blah blah blah bblah blah blah blah bblah blah blah blah bblah blah

Every religion has their benefits in their own way, we have to just digg deep to find it's profit untill we don't get salvation btw, it's sound like deist.
Sadly, yes.

This also totally goes against FrEndZy's notion that belief in ghosts is the sole source of compassion.
Logically, there is no truly relevant difference between a gay man and a straight man. Logically, they should be allowed the same freedoms.

Frendzy uses his supernatural belief, that "commitment" is hetero-exclusive, to say that one life is worth less than another where religious freedoms and government regulation are concerned.
Even when there is no truly quantifiable difference.

Because emotion is supernatural and ephemeral to Frendzy, it is not an innate human trait.
Compassion and all emotion are instead things that only exist for the people he sympathizes with and, thus, gays and people who use science are less human because he believes they are.

This is, of course, in ignorance of everything we know about how emotion works.

So much for religion finding the true value of human life.

The result is always the same for the FreNdZies of the world: the voices in your head make you superior because the voices told you so.
In the end, you're only talking to yourself - and superior to no-one else.

If you want to be the winner, you have to actually participate in the contest.
You acheive nothing by awarding medals to yourself.

Why do you say sadly? :(
hurts my feelings. :(