Religion:The stupidest thing invented by mankind?

I just don't understand why you hold science in such high regards. What has it done for us really? Soap, vacuum cleaners..yeah all great, but is that really progress?

Advances in science has also brought the worst wars in history, exploitation and the destruction of the environment. Thanks to the 'rational' and 'quanititative' values of the enlightenment, we have been systematically obliterating ourselves and everything around us with an efficiency never before seen through out our whole history. Sure there are some expections to this, But overall what has science really done for the progress of humanity?

True progress rests with moral and religious development. Yes, some religions, such as abrahmic religions have been used for violence, (just as nationalism, communism and democracy[or capitilism under the guise of democracy] have) but what about buhddism? toaism? to a certain extent hinduism? These religions have existed for thousands of years and have arguably lead to less violence and destruction. You don't seem to be commenting about these at all for such a logically informed person.
And church keeps our knowledge. Many library and university took place in churches at middle age.
Not to mention the mathematical and scientific discoveres made by the religious scholars in the ottoman empire.
Oh no, is Frenzy going into another one of his tirades against modernity?
Those discoveries all have nothing to do with any actual religion though.

That's like saying nazism was good because of the cinematic techniques developed by Leni Riefenstahl.

Oh no, is Frenzy going into another one of his tirades against modernity?

Using a computer...
Religion is illogical and unscientific.

Religious people are capable of ignoring religion for at least a few minutes per day. Most definitely do.
Some might even learn science in that time.

Wait... nazism wins?
Religion is illogical and unscientific.

Religious people are capable of ignoring religion for at least a few minutes per day. Most definitely do.
Some might even learn science in that time.
That's disprove what you are arguing, that is how illogical, how delusive religionists have been.

Wait... nazism wins?


This is utterly retarded.

Science and religion are not the same thing!
Do you understand this?!
Religious people can be smart about science and still be stupid about religion!

And that's the most apt analogy I think I have ever used.
Christianity has a long history of genocides and pseudoscientific beliefs fueling them.

Why am I even justifying myself here?
I could say that one plus one is two and you would all get confused.
This is utterly retarded.

Science and religion are not the same thing!
Do you understand this?!
Religious people can be smart about science and still be stupid about religion!

And that's the most apt analogy I think I have ever used.
Christianity has a long history of genocides and pseudoscientific beliefs fueling them.

Why am I even justifying myself here?
I could say that one plus one is two and you would all get confused.

Religion is not scientific, yes. but you have argued how BAD people will be if they join a religion. Eventually, I disproved it. People can still be logical and scientific after they have joined a religion. So religion can be good, jackass!

After all, you have make a nazism comparison.

G0dw|n'z lAw!
but you have argued how BAD people will be if they join a religion.

Brilliant summary of my entire argument.
Also, a brilliant rebuttal: at least two religious people weren't evil!

Well golly, too bad we are talking about the effects of organized religion as a whole.
Not what a handful of religious people did during their secular jobs.

You should probably know the second half of godwin's law says an idiot will then try to derail the topic with this nonsense like you're doing now. This is called Quirk's Exception.

The first half also makes it clear that the comparison mustn't be frivolous.
I am very serious when I say that religion has caused more damage than Hitler ever could.
Hitler was actually supported to some degree by churches at the time.
Antisemitism wasn't exclusive to nazis you know.

Also, as I have repeatedly stated, nazism and antisemitism are political religions.

How on earth can you halfways-understand Godwin's Law when the concept of secular activity baffles you?
Brilliant summary of my entire argument.
Also, a brilliant rebuttal: at least two religious people aren't evil!

Well golly, too bad we are talking about organized faith as a whole.

I mean the arguments against religious therapy.

Hitler was actually supported to some degree by churches at the time.

That is frivolous.

Since, Hitler is spported by most of the German as well!
What the hell is "religious therapy"??

"Hitler is spported by most of the German as well!"

...and the germans were wrong weren't they?

I'm talking about church indifference to the jews on an international scale.

Not even Poland.

Right now, christians want jews to take over the entire "holy" land.


So that The Tribulation can kill all the jews, along with all the other non-christians on Earth, and send them all to hell.
What the hell is "religious therapy"?
You can't it??? Okay, forrget about it.

I'm talking about church indifference to the jews on an international scale.
I thought you said church helps Hitler. Don't bluff. You're lost!

Right now, christians want jews to take over the entire "holy" land.


So that The Tribulation can kill all the jews, along with all the other non-christians on Earth, and send them all to hell.

So this make you compare Christianity with Nazi. lol
Mecha, why keep trying?

Just relegate him to mockery and let him live in his world of... whatever the hell it is he lives in.
What is wrong with you?
This is terrible.

You're right, absinthe.

Some people are beyond reason.

use word properly?
Not even meds can help hardcore delinquents like bbson.
bb, shut the **** up. Jesus Christ. Everything you've said has made no goddamn ****ing sense and its pissing me off. You haven't proven any of your points. You obviously don't understand what anyone's saying and your misinterperating everyone's words, its making everyone who comes into this thread more retarded than they already are. Stop. Immediately. Desist.
Yea really.

How about everyone just stop? D:
bb, shut the **** up. Jesus Christ. Everything you've said has made no goddamn ****ing sense and its pissing me off. You haven't proven any of your points. You obviously don't understand what anyone's saying and your misinterperating everyone's words, its making everyone who comes into this thread more retarded than they already are. Stop. Immediately. Desist.

You are retarded?

How about everyone just stop? D:

That's a communist's success.
Alright, it's time for a quarantine.

No more responding to bbson, anyone.

This was a good topic, and it can still be repaired.
But first we'll have to isolate the source of the problem.
ok, how about we rekindle the integrity of this forum by having someone explain to be how the modern advancments of science, law and social systems of control are not as bad (or worse) then relgious law/social systems.
You've got to be kidding me. Seriously?

How about that almost every genocide of (at least) the last 3000 years has been primarily religiously motivated.

Meanwhile, science has raised the average human lifespan by something like fifty years.

Edit: Don't worry tr0n. bbson might be done, but FreNdZy is just getting started!
I think my IQ went down a few points after reading most of john's arguement.
science also made the nuke possible, and the systematic extermination of the jews easier.

Also i dont agree with you beleif that fascism is a political religion. Facism is an ideal or a system of social control developed from modern principles. SO is nationalism, so is communism. How many people have died for these? The two greatest wars in human history were not caused by religion.
You've got to be kidding me. Seriously?

How about that almost every genocide of (at least) the last 3000 years has been primarily religiously motivated.

This is his only argument. :LOL:
Luckily, you are not going to reply this and bite my ass bit.
science also made the nuke possible, and the systematic extermination of the jews easier.

Let's see... Is this a problem with science or the political religions behind these inventions?

Oh shit! Looks like that cleared up your little argument right there. What lesson can we learn from this?
Blaming an inanimate concept like science that requires human utilization for human problems such as genocide is retarded.