Resident Evil Series general discussion

Samon said:
Mmm, hasn't gaming moved on? I'm pretty sure RE4's cheesy oneliners contradict it's atmosphere, rather than add to it...

However, he did make one of the most tense and action pack shooters ever. And to me at least it still felt similar to Resident Evil. Theres nothing wrong with a franchise trying something different.
Grey Fox said:
I tought you were egotistical because your beginning comment served nothing more then just to bring me to lower level then you.
And disagree that the onliners counters the atmosphere, since this wasn't an surivial horror game, but more of an lean kick a lot of ass type of game, with all the shooting and jumping out of windows and all the martial arts moves.

As far as the rest go's. If that is true then I am mistaken and you are right to have expected what you did. Although what did he think of the movie RE, cause if he taught that was great, that might have givin you a hint, since a lot of people and I assume you do not like.

Mikami decided he'd make several references to the movie in Resident evil 4. The laser guarded corridor for one, and perhaps the axe-dragging Ganado - kinda mimicks the zombie dragging the ice-axe type thing. I went in, as a Resident evil fan, expecting Resident evil gameplay - survival horror. I expected improvements to the core mechanics. Not an overhaul. I expected a sequel to CVX, not a completely different story wherein Resi's core cast - zombies and Umbrella, were removed. One due to a stock market crash.

Trust me, I wasn't being condecsending. I was merely responding to your comment about the peasants. What about Del ago? It's not like you see a fish that size every day.

Venmoch said:
However, he did make one of the most tense and action pack shooters ever. And to me at least it still felt similar to Resident Evil. Theres nothing wrong with a franchise trying something different.

Mikami knows what he's doing gameplay wise. He did make an excellent third person shooter (There's the rest of the team as well, don't forget...I doubt it was all Mikami's work). But he isn't a great director, and he certainly isn't a great writer. And from RE4 onwards he has no idea what Resident evil needs. The reason Resident evil changed it's pace is because Mikami couldn't figure out how to fix and adapt Resi's core gameplay. So he scrapped it, and started again. That's just lame. That's simply destroying whatever Resident evil stood for.

And yeah, there is. He could have easily given it different character names and a different title. Seriously, we waited years for Resi 4. What did we get? A game that barely resembled the original series. And countless, countless broken promises. That isn't quite fair.

jimbo118 said:
hmm you musta been a pretty awesome shot. The were numerous times when i got surrounded by ganados with just my shitty pistol, i really thought they did the combat excellently, there was a real sense of fear in the individual fights, the camera angle added alot to the sense of panic. It was only after i completed the game a few times that the ganados never really had me afraid and the combat became easy. Eurogamer's ps2 review summed it up well i thought

I used the pistol throughout the game. Shot to the head, spin kick - takes out a group, shoot them on the floor, rinse repeat. There was a real sense of 'Muahaha, I'm kickass!"

And yeah, the movies sucked. Paul Anderson, go away. Alice is not a Resident evil character.
Samon said:
I expected a sequel to CVX, not a completely different story wherein Resi's core cast - zombies and Umbrella, were removed. One due to a stock market crash.

Ah, I think theres the problem. Its something that always happens though. :(

Damn you Deus Ex.
You'd think, by logic, you'd follow on from what the last game developed. Not leave it hanging.
Yeah, well, I liked Invisible War. It's quite obviously inferior to Deus ex, but it's still a good game with an interesting cyberpunk plot. But, ultimately - this isn't about Deus ex, so we won't continue. We've had that thread before, it didn't go well. :p

I've enjoyed the RE discussion though. :p
You know what points in RE2 scared the shit out of me nomatter how many times I played?
1: Licker running past window
2: Crows bursting through window
3: Trenchcoat mutant guy busting threw the wall when you do that puzzle with the gears (and then bursts threw again when you go into the corridor) BTW, could that guy be killed? I always ran. I'm like that in games. I ran from him, Nemisis (when I could) and all the HL Gargs (except the last). I think too much like real-life, I never think "I wonder can I kill this guy? I just saved after all, I'll give it a shot", I think "SHIT SHIT SHIT RUN!". But now I'm going way off-topic.
The guy in the trenchcoat, nicknamed 'Mr X' by Claire, was the alternate big bad guy to the William Birkin G-Virus tyrant that followed Leon around RE2. He was killed at the end.

EDIT: I think he was, anyway.
I love the Resident Evil series although I haven't played the forth yet. I've played 1, 2 and 3 along with the remake for the GameCube which I thought was excellent. Since I was young when I played the first I could never remember/follow the storyline so playing this new one was enlightening. The addition of Crimson heads was good too and the extra story about Lisa Trevor. The scariest part was the zombie sharks (not sure if they were actually zombified, but hey) attacking me in the aquarium. I don't think that was in the original, really can't remember.

The guy in the trenchcoat, nicknamed 'Mr X' by Claire, was the alternate big bad guy to the William Birkin G-Virus tyrant that followed Leon around RE2. He was killed at the end.

Yeah, he falls into a furnace or something then comes out in his true form. You fight him just before Birkin.
VirusType2 said:
I don't remember RE3.. but I used to always be high on pot, so I may have owned it.. it sounds familiar. .. what systems was this for I wonder...

You must've been to miss the fact that Nemesis was 3! Nemesis to me was the best out of the series. It's on the original playstation, dreamcast, gamecube, and pc. I don't care what anyone else says, RE3 is the best damnit! I think it actually has the most features out of the series up to RE4 as well.

RE4 I really couldn't stand to play for more then 15 minutes. I don't see how it's as good as everyone says it is.
Samon said:
OH man thats just wrong.
Haha yeah, there were some incredibly cheesy lines in RE4 such as "An insect's life can't compare to a human's life!" (not doesn't that feel disjointed?). The absence of Wesker apart from his brief cameo was disappointing as he was my favourite character out of the whole series (how can such a bland 2-D character be so interesting?). RE4 was an incredibly atmospheric romp, but I sorely want a zombie related game with those mechanics D:

About that, is RE5 coming to the Cube.
(edit: Doh!!! I actually meant for the Wii, cause like sabre said that would be awsome.)
Grey Fox said:
About that, is RE5 coming to the Cube.

I didn't think they'd announced it specifically as RE5. They've just said one will be coming.

Also, am I the only one thinking that if they can pull off something similar to Dead Rising (As in a massive horde of undead onscreen at once) RE5 would be awesome?
Wahey a RE thread :D been a fan since the original was released on ps1, anyway:

Completed RE1 (GC) with Jill only, RE2 (GC) Leon (I think), RE3 (Not completed), RE: Code Veronica (Started a while back), RE4 (Loved it, probably my favourite one out the lot, still playing through it now :D)

Seen the trailer for the new one, where you apparently play as Chris Redfield again, cannot wait for it, Chris is easily one of my favourite characters of all time and if it's anything like the 4th one then it'll easily be one of my most favourite games ever !
Drackard said:
And if it's anything like the 4th one then it'll easily be one of my most favourite games ever !

Thankfully Capcom confirmed it won't be another RE4. Thank the lord.
RE0 is set before RE1. It isn't anything great, but it's still a cut above RE4 in terms of what makes a Resident evil game good. I'm pretty sure there's a few plot holes in there too, but hey, that's always a problem with prequels.
Bah i don't know what you got against RE4 Samon, i preferred it to the very original style as it was a lot more fast and action paced, made the game quite more enjoyable, i'm not denying i love the original style from 0 - Veronica, as the puzzles were an enjoyment and it did add more of a fear factor, however i prefered the change in 4 where there was a lot lot more savaged people due to the pace of the game etc
Sanada said:
I love the Resident Evil series although I haven't played the forth yet. I've played 1, 2 and 3 along with the remake for the GameCube which I thought was excellent. Since I was young when I played the first I could never remember/follow the storyline so playing this new one was enlightening. The addition of Crimson heads was good too and the extra story about Lisa Trevor. The scariest part was the zombie sharks (not sure if they were actually zombified, but hey) attacking me in the aquarium. I don't think that was in the original, really can't remember.

Man, Lisa Trevor was easily the scariest part for me. Hearing that... thing scraming when you enter the woods, going inside the hut then having her walk into the hut as you're about to leave. Christ, I was terrified. But yeah, the sharks in the RE remake were excellent. In the original, its just a basement with a shark, but in the remake, you're in this huuuuuggge frickin' domed room with pipes and apparatus attached to the walls and suspended from the ceiling. Then when you went to the control room that looked into the tank... well, it was obvious what was going to happen, what with there being a huge glass window and all, but it was still scary.

I gotta play this game again.

Sanada said:
Yeah, he falls into a furnace or something then comes out in his true form. You fight him just before Birkin.

Yeah, thought so. I never really enjoyd Claires part of the game, though. Heartzzz for Leon.

Did any of you read the original script for Resident Evil: Apocolypse? I think it was written by Romeo at first, not sure. It was awesome though. And I think theres a script for the first RE film kicking around somewhere, but I didn't think that film was too bad. The only part that really annoyed me was the fact that the security device took out 4 members of the team. Would of preferred them to meet more grizzly deaths from zombies or the Licker, really.
I have played most of them and finished a few. I am a huge survival/horror fan but could never get into the RE games. I really only enjoyed RE4 though and not until the harder difficulty was unlocked. I didn't pay much attention to the plot, the little I did at the start made me want to cut off my ears though so I can see why you would dislike it.
Sebastian said:
speaking of resident evil 4 when is it coming to the pc?
If the control scheme is the same, it will be far too easy on the PC. Pointing and clicking is just plain easier/faster/more accurate that with a gamepad. Not worth it imho unless you haven't ever played it and don't have a console.
TheBleeding said:
Did any of you read the original script for Resident Evil: Apocolypse? I think it was written by Romeo at first, not sure. It was awesome though. And I think theres a script for the first RE film kicking around somewhere, but I didn't think that film was too bad. The only part that really annoyed me was the fact that the security device took out 4 members of the team. Would of preferred them to meet more grizzly deaths from zombies or the Licker, really.
I do not feel so alone anymore.
God I HATED Resident Evil: Apocolypse. It pissed me off to no end.
1: The entire story regarding Alice (and the stupid shit she does like running down a bloody building)
2: Umbrella scientist turning out to be so nice and just wanting to save his daughter
3: STARS put in for no reason but to connect to the game
4: Jill being absolutly usless
5: The entire story regarding Nemisis
6: The entire end (from the confrontation to the credits)

Aye i was a bit disappointed but i loved it none the less, hopefully the 3rd one will be better :p
Apocolypse is horrible. Horrible. Just like the first one. Horrible.
ríomhaire said:
2: Umbrella scientist turning out to be so nice and just wanting to save his daughter

I don't see whats wrong with that. Umbrella weren't a big bad company of evil men who plotted and schemed every day to take over the world. Most of their work was to introduce new ways of biological warfare into the battlefields as part of their market for defence. The Tyrants were meant to be super soldiers, for example, but things went wrong and all hell ran broke loose.

Most the scientists working for Umbrella were just doing their job. It was 'White Umbrella' that grew impatient of the work on the G-Virus so they sent in the U.B.C.S's to retrieve it from Birkin. (all of which are killed, so Ada is then sent)

I'm a little hazy as I haven't read the books in a while. The Wikipedia entry for Umbrella contains bucket loads of information though.
TheBleeding said:
I don't see whats wrong with that. Umbrella weren't a big bad company of evil men who plotted and schemed every day to take over the world. Most of their work was to introduce new ways of biological warfare into the battlefields as part of their market for defence. The Tyrants were meant to be super soldiers, for example, but things went wrong and all hell ran broke loose.

Tell that to Lisa Trevor. Though, the blame can rest on the Spencers for that one. Though Umbrella were a big bad company :p
Well, yes, a good portion of them were set for evil deeds, mainly the higher board members and such. Its believed Umbrella did do quite a few 'guinea pig' trails using viruses', Trevor being one. And going by her outcome, it looks like quite a few experiments.
Samon said:
Apocolypse is horrible. Horrible. Just like the first one. Horrible.
I didn't mind the first one so much except for the Red Queen and the horrible looking liker.
The story? ALICE? Dialouge? Spencer mansion?....:(

VictimOfScience said:
If the control scheme is the same, it will be far too easy on the PC. Pointing and clicking is just plain easier/faster/more accurate that with a gamepad. Not worth it imho unless you haven't ever played it and don't have a console.
Someone else said that as well. I don't see having good contol in a game as ever being a bad thing. Regardless, you can always use a gamepad on the PC.

The PC version is the top-dog graphically, allowing extremely high resolution.
I actually don't think it would be all THAT much easier on the PC. Sure, it will be more accurate, but (at least on the gamecube) the controls in RE4 were so spot-on that the controller felt like an extension of my hands. The sensitivity, resistance, everything... it was all perfect. Obviously a keyboard will make it easier, but not as much as, say, Halo.
VirusType2 said:
Someone else said that as well. I don't see having good contol in a game as ever being a bad thing. Regardless, you can always use a gamepad on the PC.

The PC version is the top-dog graphically, allowing extremely high resolution.
To counter that expect villagers shooting ray's out if their eyes. And stealth ninja garradors, chaingun El Gigante. You think I am joking right, you don't know Shinji Mikami!
I was reading the wiki, found this:
During the ensuing chaos, Wesker injected himself with a serum (colloquially known as the "Plot Device Virus"), given to him by his partner, William Birkin, that would place him in a state of suspended animation.
Made be burst out laughing.