Resident Evil Series general discussion

weskerQ8 said:
to be honest, the whole resident evil seriess was super fun
except the first Person ones

and to be honest again, re4 is not a resident evil game, its just a different game with the same atmosphere of resident evil seriess, for example see super smash, could we call it a mario game or a zelda game with more fun !!

thats what i mean by " THEY SCREWED THE WHOLE SERIESS "
Resident Evil 4 is as much a Resident Evil game as Snake Eater is an MGS game, They both had many changes compared to the previous version but are most definatly not a different series. And about them screwing it up, well the rest of the world disagrees with you and Samon on that:
RE4 is the highest ranking game of all the RE games.
DeusExMachina said:
I think the point here is Resident Evil 4 was the first Resident Evil that was fun to play.


To translate your post: You didn't like the Resident evil series. But you did enjoy 4. Which isn't actually a Resident evil game. So therefore, you've never played a fun RE game. You've simply played a fun action game.
RE4 is a joke of a Resident evil game. It is not Resident evil.

Grey Fox said:
well the rest of the world disagrees with you and Samon on that:
RE4 is the highest ranking game of all the RE games.

That's people on judging it as a game. To which it is a darn good one. But it isn't a Resident evil game, and therefore cannot be ranked as one. And the legions of fans out there, that weighed in heavily on Mikami's decision to leave disagree with you and that link.

weskerQ8 said:

I agree, but a minor improvement will make it all the more true.
I still don't get where your coming from by saying it isn't a Resident Evil game, ok it may not be what we're used to, it was a change, with some old faces and new ones appearing which can only open some of the story up further.
Well at least, RE4 still have Leon, Ada and Albert on the game. Well, which still supports the series.
Double_Blade said:
Well at least, RE4 still have Leon, Ada and Albert on the game. Well, which still supports the series.

It butchered the characters though. Was Leon ever as retarded as he is in RE4?

Drackard said:
I still don't get where your coming from by saying it isn't a Resident Evil game, ok it may not be what we're used to, it was a change, with some old faces and new ones appearing which can only open some of the story up further.

New faces? You mean Krauser? Or Saddler? Two characters, who bit the dust and we won't see again (thank god) - that's hardly opening up the story. At the end of Resident evil 4 we have learnt nothing. We'd gone from wondering what was going to happen after CVX, to finishing RE4, and knowing even less.

"Umbrella crashed due to the stock market!"
"What now?"

That's hardly taking the story in a new direction. Umbrella - gone. Everything - gone. Just gone.

What were used to? You mean Resident evil - survival horror. To Resident evil 4 - action game. They absolutely butchered the core gameplay mechanics and introduced a whole new idea. Which was fun, but it ain't Resident evil. It only takes one look at Remake, or Resi2 and then back to 4 to realise exactly what they've done.
Well, there is still hope for us, RE5 will be coming and there will be the Fog, The Hook Man and other creatures from the original resident evil games (hopefully yes.) and there will be a survival horror gameplay I hope.

But hey, don't get your hopes too high though. Maybe RE5 will turn out to be another failure. But hey, who knows?
Samon said:
It butchered the characters though. Was Leon ever as retarded as he is in RE4?

New faces? You mean Krauser? Or Saddler? Two characters, who bit the dust and we won't see again (thank god) - that's hardly opening up the story. At the end of Resident evil 4 we have learnt nothing. We'd gone from wondering what was going to happen after CVX, to finishing RE4, and knowing even less.

"Umbrella crashed due to the stock market!"
"What now?"

That's hardly taking the story in a new direction. Umbrella - gone. Everything - gone. Just gone.

What were used to? You mean Resident evil - survival horror. To Resident evil 4 - action game. They absolutely butchered the core gameplay mechanics and introduced a whole new idea. Which was fun, but it ain't Resident evil. It only takes one look at Remake, or Resi2 and then back to 4 to realise exactly what they've done.

Tough I do not agree to the extent you are critisizing RE4 and it's character I see your point. I considerd re4 just as much re as gunsurvivor because it was set in the RE universe. But then again Angel is also set in the Buffy universe. So fine RE is survival horror and RE4 is no true RE.
Still though, a lot of people enjoyed the spinoff, and the best you can hope for is that both will coexist together in the future, RE survival horror and a spinoff hat resebles RE4.
Double_Blade said:
But hey, don't get your hopes too high though. Maybe RE5 will turn out to be another failure. But hey, who knows?

I wouldn't really call it a failure ...
Ask alot of Command & Conquer fans and they'll say Generals isn't a C&C game. Samon is making the same point here and IMO it's justified.
Grey Fox said:
Tough I do not agree to the extent you are critisizing RE4 and it's character I see your point. I considerd re4 just as much re as gunsurvivor because it was set in the RE universe. But then again Angel is also set in the Buffy universe. So fine RE is survival horror and RE4 is no true RE.
Still though, a lot of people enjoyed the spinoff, and the best you can hope for is that both will coexist together in the future, RE survival horror and a spinoff hat resebles RE4.

I'm not criticizing RE4 as a game. I honestly thought it was great. I had alot of fun with it, because it was a fun action/adventure game that contained some immense, awesome bosses and interesting design choices. My only gripe is obviously the story and the dialogue because plainly put, it sucks. I don't think anyone can argue against that...unless your a person who can happily sit through lines such "Rain or shine, your going down!"...

I am however, criticizing it as a Resident evil game. Now I may be in the minority here (not may, am), but I for one loved the original Resident evil games and the survival horror gameplay. Fantastical fun. I waited 4 years for a true sequel to CVX (the best RE game out there), expecting some fixes to the gameplay here and there, and a true step forward in the story.

And I was severely letdown. The series I loved had taken a dramatic turn, it wasn't there anymore. Everything had changed. There was not a jot of resemblance. Shoot, shoot, shoot. Had alot of fun with it...but it wasn't Resident evil.

Honestly, if I'd seen Mikami that day I would have thumped him. Because he's an idiot.


I'm just a really disappointed fan.

But this man doesn't care about fans. Because like he said, he doesn't make games for his fans.
Especially the fans like us criticize the saving with ink ribbon. But Mikami defended and said that it has a lot of tension.
Samon said:
My only gripe is obviously the story and the dialogue because plainly put, it sucks. I don't think anyone can argue against that...unless your a person who can happily sit through lines such "Rain or shine, your going down!"...

Uh I'm fairly sure that the Resident Evil series hasn't exactly been a shining beacon of good dialogue......
So far all the anger toward Resident Evil 4 seems to stem from the way it simply disregarded the story from the old games. All I have to say about that is FINALLY!!!!!!!

Why exactly would the US government allow the Umbrella Corporation to continually build facilities only to "once again" have an outbreak that threatens to destroy the world.

Senator: "We are a little worried about this new underground facility your building in New York. Are you sure you have to research raising the dead again."

Umbrella CEO: "Of course, were only a few tests away from creating the ultimate bio-weapon. Sure, large portions of the country are now uninhabitable, but it will be worth it when we can finally turn other countries into zombie infested wastelands. I'm sure it wouldn't spread through the whole world and cause the Apocalypse."

Senator: "Oh thank heavens, I was worried there for a moment."

And the characters, yes I'm sure the old RE characters would have added so much to the story.

Chris: Hey Leon, I'm just here to hook you up with some info. Barry has proposed to Rebecca and their going to get married next tuesday. My sister is fine, she and I are going to go to an old lab full of zombies to shut Umbrella down.......somehow. Oh yeah, Wesker called, he said he's still going to kill us all once he gets around to it. Good luck buddy."

I guess my point is that if the only thing that makes Resident Evil "Resident Evil" is zombies that can barely walk three feet an hour and a storyline that would make a soap opera blush with shame, you can count me out for RE 5.
Grey Fox said:
Resident Evil 4 is as much a Resident Evil game as Snake Eater is an MGS game, They both had many changes compared to the previous version but are most definatly not a different series. And about them screwing it up, well the rest of the world disagrees with you and Samon on that:
RE4 is the highest ranking game of all the RE games.

man if you didn't understood me. then thats a problem
what i mean is re4 is a one of greatest games ever as its gameplay
but its not suppose to be named under " Resident Evil "
and you are wrong with metal gear , hideo kojima didn't change anything of the game, same story same characters and same gameplay as mgs 2 and 1 with a little improvements .
resident evil 4 should not be named as resident evil
and mikami should use the RE:CODE VERONICA's camera style and game play with a little improvements. not to change the whole story , gameplay and the puzzeles,
by the way, where is the hell is the puzzles in RE4
and where is the umberella's story.

so again , **** Mikami
esplin said:
Why exactly would the US government allow the Umbrella Corporation to continually build facilities only to "once again" have an outbreak that threatens to destroy the world.

I guess my point is that if the only thing that makes Resident Evil "Resident Evil" is zombies that can barely walk three feet an hour and a storyline that would make a soap opera blush with shame, you can count me out for RE 5.

Because they want an unstoppable army resulting in ultimate power of the world no matter the consequences ?
Venmoch said:
Uh I'm fairly sure that the Resident Evil series hasn't exactly been a shining beacon of good dialogue......

Absolutely right. But RE4 takes it to a whole new level of craptastic.

weskerQ8 said:
so again , **** Mikami
Samon said:
Absolutely right. But RE4 takes it to a whole new level of craptastic.

Well the written stuff was at least interesting, especially the diaries of the victims.

"Itchy itchy Scott came ugly face so killed him. Tasty.

4 / / Itchy. Tasty.
I enjoyed RE4 but I am totally dissatisfied due to the fact that there are no zombies to increase the tension and bring back the story.

Mikami only creates games just because he wants to collect it as statues and creates games only for himself. That's selfish and ironic, if that's the case then why Mikami still have the cheek to sell the series to the whole universe?
Drackard said:
Because they want an unstoppable army resulting in ultimate power of the world no matter the consequences ?

Yes but they have consistantly done nothing but fail in this regard. Everytime they attempt to research the T-virus it leaks and kills everyone. Any government that allows this should be b****slapped across the face.

As far as everyone anger to the story, the whole series needed a reboot. If you didn't realize that you haven't been playing any other survival horror games.
esplin said:
Yes but they have consistantly done nothing but fail in this regard. Everytime they attempt to research the T-virus it leaks and kills everyone. Any government that allows this should be b****slapped across the face.

If they are power hungry enough they won't care.
I remember hiring Resi2 for PSX way back, had a friend over and we camped out infront of the telly, dad set the mood by turning out all the lights and lighting a bunch of candles.

We got as far as the police station :p

Good thing we hired Micro Machines aswell.
Of course, Power corrupts people, or so some say, so they'd put aside everything else to achieve their goal.
I loved the Resident evil series with the exception of RE4.

I can't believe Mikami could have done this. I had to agree with everything Samon had said.

Series-wise, I agree, this series need a reboot. RE1, 2 and 3 would need remakes too like change the graphics into a advanced one just like the remake of Resident Evil.
Double_Blade said:
I loved the Resident evil series with the exception of RE4.

I can't believe Mikami could have done this. I had to agree with everything Samon had said.

Series-wise, I agree, this series need a reboot. RE1, 2 and 3 would need remakes too like change the graphics into a advanced one just like the remake of Resident Evil.

Why didn't you said WeskerQ8 and Samon, I am the one who started this re4 thing.

The series needed a make over - it was getting boring.

RE4 may not be perfect, and has certainly strayed away from it's survival horror roots, but it's still a move in the right direction. If Capcom can up the scares and tension for no. 5 (they have promised this) and add a few more puzzles, all while keeping the combat from RE4, it could be the best RE ever :)

There's no reason why RE5 can't be as much a survial horror as the original, just without the clumsy and awkward gunplay.
Warbie said:
The series needed a make over - it was getting boring.

RE4 may not be perfect, and has certainly strayed away from it's survival horror roots, but it's still a move in the right direction. If Capcom can up the scares and tension for no. 5 (they have promised this) and add a few more puzzles, all while keeping the combat from RE4, it could be the best RE ever :)

There's no reason why RE5 can't be as much a survial horror as the original, just without the clumsy and awkward gunplay.

I agree with you, Warbie. This series seriously needs a reboot otherwise the series will be losing lots of fans of the series.

RE4 isn't part of the series, and I had finished RE4 and I am disappointed with it, the whole original concept was changed and it ruins what I like about the game. And the real problem is RE4 focuses only on action instead of puzzle solving.

Sure, I love RE4, and it is fun at its own right, but it disappoints when compared to the old series.
Warbie said:
The series needed a make over - it was getting boring.

RE4 may not be perfect, and has certainly strayed away from it's survival horror roots, but it's still a move in the right direction. If Capcom can up the scares and tension for no. 5 (they have promised this) and add a few more puzzles, all while keeping the combat from RE4, it could be the best RE ever :)

There's no reason why RE5 can't be as much a survial horror as the original, just without the clumsy and awkward gunplay.

Your my new hero :O .. thats what i would've liked to say but wasn't too sure how to word it efficiently :p
weskerQ8 said:
because the game wont be finished untill 2010

2010 ?? Hopefully your being sarcastic, last time i heard it was summer next year.
Drackard said:
2010 ?? Hopefully your being sarcastic, last time i heard it was summer next year.

are you serious !!!
man you are completely wrong, the game needs five year to be finished since the first news of it ( really can't find a word to fit it , my english is poor :p )

man the game will be released maybe 2010 or more
The game will probably be out in 2k7.. I quote wikipedia.

"According to Capcom's fiscal year report at Jeux-France, both Resident Evil 5 and Devil May Cry 4 are expected be released before March 31, 2007 which ends their current fiscal year for the PlayStation 3."

Keep in mind though that officially no dates have been given, but it is likely that RE5 will be in playable form at TGS this year.:)
There have also been several sources that've 'speculated' on a Q4 2k7 release in Japan..
We'll have to wait and see..