restart steam people, half life 2 pre load

Unlocked? -_- Meh, it is more and more providing to buy the game on Steam. Valve keeps owning VU this way.
surely it means its gold now, and we're just getting the final files?
So i guess this is all of it ? if it is, doesnt that mean they are done with it now and gold date soon ?

edit: beat me to it :)
YES! Gold is within our grasp!

Anybody know what's in this preload?
Back too 69%.... :|

People, this IS the final preload, when I read 100%, I'll be at exactly 3,47 GB
Absinthe said:
It's just porn, guys. Chill.

But I'm already downloading porn!

It seems to me that this is just slowing my good porn.

axeil said:
YES! Gold is within our grasp!

Anybody know what's in this preload?

Well I'll just about jump out the window if it's the engine + all the code needed to run the game. Or the maps. Either way I'll be making a big mistake jumping out the window. No Half-Life 2 for me.
if the preload is the maps.. then whats left? just the dlls?
cadaveca said:
it's levels.
So what else is left, i mean we've downloaded textures etc. their cant be that much left, can their?
Edit:damn you guise!