Rome: Total War anyone?


Aug 7, 2004
Reaction score
People where screaming about this game and now that its out: nothing. Who here got it? Is it good? I was thinking about getting it but the silence about it has made me think twice.
It's great mate. I'm just too busy playing DoW.
Give it a week for the Europeans to get it, as well.
Axyon said:
Give it a week for the Europeans to get it, as well.

yeah, I mean, unless you want to force us to download the damn thing.
I know nearly everyone who has got it is to busy playing to be posting on the forums... i must get it... mustttt.... *Walks like a zombie into the store*
The demo was great, I'll probably get it based on the demo alone, never mind the scores.
Sprafa said:
yeah, I mean, unless you want to force us to download the damn thing.
As much as I'm so tempted to, I think I can resist the week long wait. I hope :/
Dont admit to such things.... Its bad... lol....

But rome total war, the reason people arent posting it, is becuase if they are anything like me you have been stuck in the game for the past 8 hours and relize you need to have a life so you take a brake.

This is my brake before i go to work... That game ROCKS!!
Ahhh, I forgot that we get it a little earlier. Anyway, I got it a few hours ago and have been immersed in it completely. Its amazing. Everyone who considers themselves a strategy gamer should have this on there list. Now, off to conquer those effing barbarians who sieged my port!
I can't wait for the game to be released.. Played the demo over and over, I'm trying out a few mods, but I reckon this is nothing compared to the real deal.

i got it as well. and unfortunatly it sucks. assuming sucks means kicks ass :D it really is very good, get it asap.
mayro said:
Dont admit to such things.... Its bad... lol....
Nah, I wouldn't download a masterpiece like this. Had the game preordered for a while now!
StardogChampion said:
I hope someone will mod those stupid green arrows from under the unit's feet...
I like them, shows who is and who isnt would you have it?
B.Calhoun said:
I like them, shows who is and who isnt would you have it?

I haven't played the earlier games in a while, but i'm pretty sure they didn't have them. I think the flags flashed or something. It shows how they're trying to make it more streamlined... or... Xbox'ized.
the game is totally leet-tastic like a giant pile of applesauce. i like applesauce, by the way.
gh0st said:
i got it as well. and unfortunatly it sucks. assuming sucks means kicks ass :D it really is very good, get it asap.
LOL. Hell yes.
Yeah this game is addicting! I'm pretty bad at managing my towns so I put them all on automanage. :eek: One time I had a gladiator riot in one of my towns. Damn those guys are tough! I'm pretty good at battles so far though.
StardogChampion said:
I hope someone will mod those stupid green arrows from under the unit's feet...

u can do that already i think.

atleast u could in the demo its not that hard in some ini file or something u had to change greenmarkers from true to false (or somehing like that i dont remember correctly)

if u go to the offical forum u could problably find it
The game rocks! Its so darn addictive, you just start playing and it becomes..OK take that city...OK kill that faction...OK got them I'll kill another one now....relieve sieges.. then before you know it it's dinnertime! The battles look cool too in 3D.
InsaneCow said:
The game rocks! Its so darn addictive, you just start playing and it becomes..OK take that city...OK kill that faction...OK got them I'll kill another one now....relieve sieges.. then before you know it it's dinnertime! The battles look cool too in 3D.

Thats exactly what happens to me. I mean exactly. I started playing yesterday at around 5 and didn't stop until 11, and I'm not nearly done yet.
Great game. Must buy for everyone that likes an intelligent, broad game.
I loved this game, but it is very hard, takes alot of thinking on the campaign mode for expanding, because you can lose alot if your not gaurded, but great game, i would give it a 9 out of 10.
Rochet said:
I loved this game, but it is very hard, takes alot of thinking on the campaign mode for expanding, because you can lose alot if your not gaurded, but great game, i would give it a 9 out of 10.

I don't find it hard at all, you just can't make stupid, fast decisions without thinking about the consequences (not that you ever did that).
Just got it in the mail, installing now!
i hate ordering from amazon...

they make all these promises...'pre-order with us today, get it the day it's released'....

total crap.

i'm tempted to just go out and buy it from the shops, but i know it'll be at least a tenner more expensive :(

*shakes fist at amazon*
^never had a prob with amazon lol. rome:tw hasnt been released in the uk as of yet i believe, neither has DoW....damn u americans and your early release dates....and damn the idea of hl2 being released 3 days before!!!
ok ignore me r:tw IS out!! omg im going shopping tomorrow then
dart321 said:
People where screaming about this game and now that its out: nothing. Who here got it? Is it good? I was thinking about getting it but the silence about it has made me think twice.

Silence because they're too busy playing this wonderful game... I installed at 10 am this morning and the next time i looked at my watch it was 6 PM! Beware... this game is a time swallower! :E
I got it today! Ive been fighting gauls all day! It has some great moments, like when my semi small force (500 men) managed to occupy a gaul city I suddenly got swarmed by a force three times as large! I where barely able to any strategical manovering and the battle was total chaos :rolling: ! Through a stroke of luck I managed to slay the enemys general and routed there entire force!!! See screenshot of the chaotic battle.

Btw, was it normal for roman men to marry 12 year olds?
I'm speechless... it's just... astonishing. I can't say anything more really, because it just takes up valuable time that could be spent playing it. See you in a few weeks.
Axyon said:
I'm speechless... it's just... astonishing. I can't say anything more really, because it just takes up valuable time that could be spent playing it. See you in a few weeks.
i agree with this, started playing and havent bothered eating and cleaning for what seems like months
Anyone ever watch the show on the History channel (im not sure if the UK gets it) called Desicive Battles? They use Rome Total war to reenact the anciet battles. Its pretty cool because they talk about tactics and stuff.
Fear Manius the Mighty! Pontifex Maximus of Rome!

Game rocks!

Never been fan of "live battle" and turn base, used to real time game with combat resolution table, but this is great.

And for those who might wonder, no stability issue yet,
graphics are nice on an old 4200TI 64mb :bounce

ps-dont worry for me,
money for HL2 n a new card is already stash :cheese:
B.Calhoun said:
Anyone ever watch the show on the History channel (im not sure if the UK gets it) called Desicive Battles? They use Rome Total war to reenact the anciet battles. Its pretty cool because they talk about tactics and stuff.
yeah, with matthew settle. its a good show
You play the game how you want to play it, thats whats great about it. It's very liner IMO, yet you have one goal the entire campaign. I mean I just had an alliance with the Carthaginians for about 25-35 turns. Hannibal , for god's sake, was leading an attack on the greek capital (and last greek settlement) in the campaign and I got a small army from a close fort to give them some reinforcements.

When my small army finally arrived, the Carthaginians already occupied the settlement and there was only like 200 men due to the fighting that took place to take the city in the first place (there was a 2000+ before). I took my small little army and took the city, thus defeating the greek faction , killing Hannibal and passing a senate mission that gave me $3000 (or whatever the currency is in the game). It was classic.

Fast forward about 10 hours later, I have the Carthaginians all enslaved and shipped to the settlement. Life is cruel.
my god, it still hasn't arrived!!

bloody amazon :flame: