Ruined, absolutely ruined..

What can you do about them? Chavs breed more chavs, all they do is have sex all the time with each other. There's more and more and more. :(
Hey all,

First of all, I'm sorry to hear about what happend, I hope they get the bastard :hmph:



So I'm 15 into computers, I have a lot of friends who are not chavs, we all hate them. Most of the population in my school are chavs, the girls are stupid sluts wearing silly thick fake gold ear rings while the male chavs are going around in bright track suits and caps hanging on their heads. Most of all, they are all really stupid and have no intention of learning in class.

They get a kick out of making feel bad, they are all basically bullies and I hate bullies. But I wish I could tell them how pathetic they are, how their life is so shit and they have a member of their family in prison 80% of the time. They are poor and are just going to be a big fail.

Crime would take a big steep down if there was no chavs, they were just normal people trying there best to make a good living.

Thanks for reading :cheers:

every single one of them deserves a good kick in the teeth.
talking of chavs, have a look at this . He's such a tw*t it's funny.
Jangle said:
every single one of them deserves a good kick in the teeth.
talking of chavs, have a look at this . He's such a tw*t it's funny.

My god... that site scares me :P
Jangle said:
every single one of them deserves a good kick in the teeth.
talking of chavs, have a look at this . He's such a tw*t it's funny.

Thank you for sharing that! haha!

Orcone101 said:
I don't know about Brits, but here in Australia, we have Chavs, but sort of different....and we treat them differently.
They are either Lebanese or drugged up Aussies we call "yobbo's", now, if they come over to my group of mates, we don't sit there and ignore them, as soon as one starts talking like they are from the ghetto, or come up to us with their chest and say "yo got a problem?", we just slap them.
I'm unfortunate enough to live in a town where lebs and yobbo's run free, and since my mates and I are pretty fun to be around with, we joke about everything, never once done anything illegal, we all try to have a good time. But when a group of lebs or yobbo's come up to us, it's time to teach these guys they don't run the place, hell, they call their cousins, but, for some odd reason, all my mates know some sort of martial arts, and we own. Myself, I don't know any martial art, but I can hold my own, I guess it comes from being a descendant of convicts from britain :P.
Our Police are Australian, and I know quite a few of them, in my area, we have a sort of honour system with the police. The police know we didn't start the problem, and we sort of have a community 'eye for eye' approach. Nothing too serious, just, if a group of lebs or yobbo's start a fight with us, we own them, the police nod their heads and we all go home.
I wish the Police system was like that were you are, but if you get along with the Police, they are really understanding.

If it happens again, I just say elbow him in the face and then just wait for the Police to show and tell them exactly what happened.

That is kinda the same here excpet fights do not occur as often as yours do

[Matt] said:
I hate chavs... we should ship em off to a far flung colony and leave them to fend for themselves...

Lol, that reminded me of Dr Breen saying "We'll see how long they last on the far side of a combine portal"

Imagine seeing the 'chavs' being sent to the combine world, we will watch them get ripped to shreds as they pulled out thier sharpened sticks and talk thier primitive language :cheers:

Then again, it will never happen.
Seriously, **** CHAVS! Thats awful dude. Hope everyone involved is ok.
RakuraiTenjin said:
Wow England youth sounds troubled. But I don't know hardly enough about it as far as that goes as to adopt a view of it from that :P

How are chavs spread out in the country? Is it like worse in certain areas, and in cities, or how is it?

what the hell it isnt that bad... the UK

and WHO came up with the word "CHAV"?

why dont they just call them thugs, rofl?

even tho there arent that many "chavs" here where i live
Infiltrate the "chav" sub-"culture"...and secretly call the police with a handheld long-range communication device, i.e. a "cell phone," whenever they do something illegal.

Then stand back and watch. :)
And guess who's paying their benefits, that's right your average hardworking citizen.
Above £26k and you will be taxed 40%, and you'll be glad to know a good proportion of this money goes to support inbred families of over 10 members.
In a benefit state, you should at least have to demonstrate that you deserve benefits.
I wish a charver would punch one of tony blair's kids then this issue might get some attention.

If things in this country don't sort out, I think I'd like to move to Asia or something, Pyongyang's better than this.
I tell you, If one more Charver asks me for 20 pence so he can get a train to the drug-rehab clinic I'm going to scream. I think Charvers have realised that us "normal" people think they are all druggies so they use it to their advantage now!

I haven't had much trouble from Charvers recently, which is surprising because I spend most days working in what must be one of the chavviest towns in the United Kingdom! Middlesbrough was named the 10th worst town to live in in the U.K. in fact!
mortiz said:
I spend most days working in what must be one of the chavviest towns in the United Kingdom! Middlesbrough was named the 10th worst town to live in in the U.K. in fact!

Terrible is'nt it?

I am from Stockton not Middledbrough though, but its still full of chavs on every bus stop and corner shop.
Jangle said:
every single one of them deserves a good kick in the teeth.
talking of chavs, have a look at this . He's such a tw*t it's funny.
so chavs are people on the streets that act like gangstas?

sorry but I dont know nothing about "chavs"
<RJMC> said:
so chavs are people on the streets that act like gangstas?

sorry but I dont know nothing about "chavs"

It is a really strange phenomena to explain...

Its like they want to be gangsters but dont have the brains or somthing... so they just annoy ordinary people in any way they can. Whether that be asking for change and insulting you when you dont give it them, to mugging and right up to completely random acts of violence.

There are two kinds as stated. There are those who are deprived, poor and badly brought up by their parents. And then there are the others which in my experience are rich kids who want to fit in so act deprived or somthing. They annoy me the most because they have things that most people in the world could never dream of having... and yet they waste it all.

In any case, its a growing problem. Young 'chavs' just turn into benifit taking useless lazy.... people. Or they turn to crime.

They are the lowest of the low. I don't know what else to say really. But they do annoy the hell out of me. :(
fuc|<ing chavs/pikeys/townies/charvers should all be shot. Up the ar se so they slowly bleed to death. Or at least all be neuted so they cant reproduce.

Want to see some pikeys? Go maidstone. I swear thats where they all come form. will explain exactly what chavs are.

WySiWyG said:
fuc|<ing chavs/pikeys/townies/charvers should all be shot. Up the ar se so they slowly bleed to death. Or at least all be neuted so they cant reproduce.

Want to see some pikeys? Go maidstone. I swear thats where they all come form. will explain exactly what chavs are.


Bahahahhahaha, Visit their shop right now!! Right now!

They have a T-Shit that says:

"Bobs your uncle and your dad!"


I want one. :cheers:
WySiWyG said:
fuc|<ing chavs/pikeys/townies/charvers should all be shot. Up the ar se so they slowly bleed to death. Or at least all be neuted so they cant reproduce.

Want to see some pikeys? Go maidstone. I swear thats where they all come form. will explain exactly what chavs are.

You're from Maidstone :O

You're near me :D
I would like to retract my statement saying its wrong to hit 14 year olds are replace it with: its fully acceptable to hit a 14 year old chav with a large metal object (or of other substances if you are picky) but only if the situation is nessicary (spelling), I mean some chavs dont do anything and just hang around with other chavs to be protected and to have "friends", you have to identify between scum chavs and the sheep chavs. Generally im lucky since I live in the middle of no where so dont generally get chav problems. I feel for you guys.
Illuminated dictatorship is the best political system of all, they'd just be lined up and shot.
ComradeBadger said:
I'd like to point my friends and I aren't exactly pushovers, we just don't throw the first punch (3 - 4 play rugby, and most of the lads go down the gym, 3 trained in martial arts etc) it's just we know EXACTLY what would happen if we started. We'd get the family on us, one by one.

Hey I know some martial arts...I'll hop across the pond and I got your back........

ok maybe not
yeah maidstone, chatham, gravesend, dartford, faversham... it's where it all started, so many years ago.. and it's spread completley now. :(

did anyone just see celebrity big brother tonight, that twat from blazin squad was giving it all lip bruv, like a proper gravesendian. big up him on national television acting like a complete cock. :cheers:
What was the 'restaurant' called? Greggs? I've noticed that chavs always hang around in large numbers outside Greggs ... Maybe it's the smell...
oldagerocker said:
yeah maidstone, chatham, gravesend, dartford, faversham... it's where it all started, so many years ago.. and it's spread completley now. :(

did anyone just see celebrity big brother tonight, that twat from blazin squad was giving it all lip bruv, like a proper gravesendian. big up him on national television acting like a complete cock. :cheers:
lol well the blazin squad boys went to my secondary school, i know them all well, which i can hardly say is an achievement. See what i mean about my investation around my area. Im sure if you look up where the blazin boys come from you'll find the small village in south-east London where this crap also happens.
mr. spammer said:
In this team multiplayer mod set in the UK for Hl2 you finally get your chance to kill hundreds of chavs in the most inhumane ways possible. Weapons range from baseball bats, kitchen knives and hammers to air rifles and chainsaws. Drive around the urban streets in your souped up Vauxhall Nova or Ford Fiesta, and stage massive Chav vs Chav (possibly Police in future) battles inside and outside your local Co-Op or Safeway supermarket.
Haha, I seriously hope this mod gets off the ground, i'd love to play.

Would make great training for the real human v chav war.