RUMOR!!! HL2 already gold! RUMOR!!!


May 15, 2003
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This comes from the director of marketing from the largest computer games store in finland(dose).

Apparently he got a mail(not email) from vivendi containing release info for HL2. He also got a shirt and a hl2 hat. (My friend is his friend). Apparently, hl2 wen't gold 26.9, but they didn't make an announcement. And in the mail, they said the release date in Finland was 26.11. This co-incides with the other release date that was leaked from the UK.

Belive it or not! Don't flame the messenger, as I remain skeptical to this, but I still thought it was worth posting.
Its probably bullshit why go gold and release a month after? Valve would do something about it by now.
If HL2 went gold, you'd hear about it on the net from a major news source. had an article about halo 2 going gold, it will have one about HL2 as well.
Well, I personally think my friend confused release date with gold date when I asked him :p since he also told me it's released on the 26th november. And he didn't specifically tell me that it went gold on the 26th september. He told me that it wen't gold on the 26th.
So let your friend go here and tell us... anyway seems bogus for me until confirmation.

PD: I hate rumors from the friend of my friend etc...
no announcement from valve = no gold status yet.

wasn't there a statement by da gabe himself?
i have heard from MULTIPLE anonymous sources thats this rumor is in fact the truth...
KBharvester said:
i have heard from MULTIPLE anonymous sources thats this rumor is in fact the truth...
99% of the time anonymous sources on the internet = liars

It hasn't gone gold. Listen to Pi Mu Rho.
100% not true
we just saw a news this week said the fifth RC being Testing
Its probably bullshit why go gold and release a month after?
Halo 2 just went gold and comes out in 27 days. Games usually take this long to be manufactured and distributed.
That certainly is true. You are in denial. HL2 is not gold and your "friendly sources" are talking out their ass. Nuff' said, we don't need another thread like this there have been 10 already.
multiple anonymous sources have just told me that HL2 has, in fact, been cancelled.

They also told me where Elvis is.

And that Munro isn't a big girl.
I suspect KBharvester was being sarcastic... or maybe he really is mad.

The fact is that retaillers just don't know any better than we do, I still reckon we'll see HL2 on shelves within a month and a half. Or maybe a year. Bah, chickened out there.

In other news, if I see one more unfounded rumour I'm going to- what? TF2 to be released with a cuddly beany-baby spider?

*leaps out of window*
Unless i see Gabe with the smoking gun of gold i won't believe HL2 is gold. ;) :)
CloSe2InSaNitY said:
they should have built a fence around finland, and lock it from the outside world.

they sould not do that. that is evil.
MaxiKana said:
This comes from the director of marketing from the largest computer games store in finland(dose).

Apparently he got a mail(not email) from vivendi containing release info for HL2. He also got a shirt and a hl2 hat. (My friend is his friend). Apparently, hl2 wen't gold 26.9, but they didn't make an announcement. And in the mail, they said the release date in Finland was 26.11. This co-incides with the other release date that was leaked from the UK.

Belive it or not! Don't flame the messenger, as I remain skeptical to this, but I still thought it was worth posting.

now they come out of the woodwork!!!!!!!!!!!
valve officially stated we would know as soon as they knew.. and it would be all over the internet starting with (hell they even have it as a sticky)
My friend has a friend who knows a guy who met a woman whose boyfriend says he met Gabe Newell, who told him that Half Life 2 is going gold tonight.

And yes, all of the above, with the possible exception of the last person, are credible sources. :)
DigiQ8 said:
100% not true
we just saw a news this week said the fifth RC being Testing
Surely you recognize the irony of debunking one anonymous rumor with another.
You will know hl2 is coming when it's all over the internet cracked and ready for download. So I suppose you will not get a better heads up than that.
My friends friend, has a dog, whos owner has an aunt who has this friend who knows this guy that has a maid. well her friends friend had this cousin twice removed that knows this guy at her local store that has a mate in seattle that knows this pizza delivery boy that has this pet dog that was in gabes garden digging holes last week.

well, he said that she said that it said that she said her friend said the maid said her friends friend said her cousin said the boy had told her that his dog had said it saw gabe comming out of his front door with Lord Lucan and a box for HL2 in his hand and a big folder in his hand with "HL:2 GOLD 'TOP SECRET'" Written on the front of it, and that Gabe gave Lord Lucan the folder and Lord Lucan gave Gabe a big brown envelope and left on a plane to some secret location and that Gabe told the dog that HL:2 was canceled because the Gold copy had been "stolen"

But he said that she said that it said that she said her friend said the maid said her friends friend said her cousin said the boy had told her that his dog sometimes makes stuff up so it might not be true.