Red Dead Redemption Official Thread

it was big but i thought it felt kinda emptyish =/ sorry :P

i've said it before, i really liked it but i'd say its the most overrated game of 2010, not even in my top 5 for the year =/

dont lynch me *prepares shield*

game is getting good now. just put out the barn fire and at the other side of the spectrum, aquired the ammo for the machine gun. i guess it's a bit like mass effect 2 with the having to do other folks missions and giving them help before they finally start giving back to you. it's cool.

one of the best features i've seen in the game so far is how alive the world feels. random strangers in GTA are just people talking, asking you to do such and such, whereas here things really ARE random. just earlier i booted up the game from a camp site, rode about 40 metres down the road and found a wagon being robbed at the side of a road. foolishly i died (first time, too), and when i loaded up the game from that it wasn't there this time around. another really atmospheric thing is how townsfolk are actually living lives - for the most part - from talking to getting drunk or just going about the day to day.

good game, this.
Ending comments/questions:
I actually quite liked the last few missions. They were a change of pace but still clearly foreboding of something else to come. They showed what John was striving for for the whole game and we got to see Bonnie again :D

The ending was very good and here's some serious commentary on it:
I think in the end John got what he deserved. He wasn't a good man. I think he wanted to be a good man and he wanted to want to settle down with his family but he wasn't and he didn't. For the most part he's a pretty unpleasant person and doesn't care who he steps on to get to his family. He does have good moments, like his sympathy for Isabella, but most of his good actions seem to be stemming from a sense of duty rather than a sense of what is right.

His dialogue with Jack also makes it pretty clear this wasn't the first time he went away, and it hasn't been the first time they had to start over. Why is this? Did he kill people everywhere else they went and they had to keep moving? He tries to settle down but his answer to everything is violence. Uncle may be an old drunk but still does work with and for John and John's only thanks is to threaten to shoot him in the head, repeatedly.

The game is called Red Dead Redemption and I think John is trying to redeem himself in his last few weeks of life. Whether or not he succeeds is up to the player. The player is given a blank slate at the start of the game, but John isn't. He has the horrible things he's done in the past and he cannot escape from them. In the end they catch up with him.

Like I said, the player gets a clean slate, but it isn't for John; it's for Jack. Whatever actions John takes in his last few weeks of life those values get passed on to Jack. This is how he can redeem himself. The final mark he leaves on the world isn't his legacy with his gang or the work he did for Ross, it's whatever values he passed onto his son. He was able to make his son better than he was (or worse, if the player just went around shooting nuns and punching horses). Through his son he also manages to get revenge on Ross, who got what he deserved (although his wife didn't but well things just aren't fair sometimes).

Less philosophically, I actually like Jack. He's not as cool as his father but from the general dialogue and stranger missions I've done for him he seems to be nicer, more gentlemanly and all round less of an asshole than his father (yet again on John being able to leave a legacy greater than he was).

Speaking of stranger missions, it's funny how you can start them with John and finish them with Jack. I did this for the glider mission and no one made any comment of the inventor being up on that cliff for three years other than "did that man send you?"

One question for ye lads. How many of the firing squad did ye try to shoot? I actually just shot into the air instead of at them.

Also, is it possible to take Williamson alive? I tried to but that **** revolutionary killed him.
i'm in mexico now, bit annoyed that with reckless abandon i'm killing innocent civilians and though my character claims to have no political ties whatsoever, here i am helping the army eradicate rebels when really, i'd rather it be the other way. there is only so many times i'd like john marston to say ''i'll only do your dirty work if you tell me where some guy is'' when i've already proven enough times in the game if i want my way, i can get it. just tie this prick captain up from the back of a horse and drag him about for a bit ferchristsakes.

i saw a lot of people praising the entrance to mexico and i gotta say it was singlehandidly the most immersion-breaking part of the game so far. who's bright idea was it to have a modern day track play over a different time era? i thought the guys at rockstar were aware of their praise for nailing soundtracks to their respective eras? let me say this: my biggest problem with the game so far is the music, again going back to my comments about composition relating to the western classics, and so what is this generic two-track soundtrack that is nothing at all akin to the ennio morricone tense atmospheric greats? maybe i'm comparing it too much to sergio's films, but on the other hand the game does a GREAT job of being a western, and then also a really bad job at it.

sadly, my xbox is now travelling with my folks to uni so i can't play it till i get back next week, but all complaints aside i'm enjoying it and look forward to continuing.
Yeah I dont really like any of the music choices. Like you say, theres about 3 tracks.

And I agree that the song was out of place. I was very surprised when I heard it, in a bad way.
Right. PS3 is updating and I plan on this game being the first console game ever I'm going to play online. Will post my PSN ID as soon as I have one. Hopefully I'll be playing within a half hour. Anyone in Europe want to see how badly I lag? (I'll be adding people off the RDR group)

Edit: ID is riomhaire but I won't be able to play for a little while longer.

Edit 2: Playing now.

Edit 3: I'm level 2. Just beat a level 43 and level 20 in a shootout. Feeling good.

Edit 4: How do you check the scoreboard mid game? I'm kicking ass but I want to see by how much. Also, does just running (holding down x) make you show up on people's maps or do you have to sprint/tap x?
Mid-game score board you check by holding down on the d-pad for a few seconds, and for the running, I think if you're doing anything besides just pushing the stick forward, you show up on the enemies map.
After my first two cake-walk games I ended up in some much trickier ones. Finished about mid-way in the table in them for the most part. Is there a matchmaking system that puts you in games with people of similar skill rating or some such?
I don't think so, I'm pretty sure that it just throws you in with anybody and any game that's available.
I've had this game for awhile now, I find it fun, but I think it might have been a little overrated. But I enjoy it regardless, the one thing I need help/tips with is duels. I just don't know how to duel properly, its either I pull the trigger too early or too late.

Anyone else have problems with duels?
It's about where you aim. When you set a place to shoot your bar fills up a bit. Aiming for the head or hand fills it up more. Who ever's bar is filled up more wins, so make sure to lock all your shots. Some duels for missions can only be one by killing the other guy, not disarming him.
It still looks odd to me. Spamming the shots until your bar is full enough and then watching John still unload rounds into the guy who is now dead on the ground.
it says a lot when i really can't even be bothered to finish this game. i will but... ****, it's such a drag. the john marston character is such a pushover, do the dirty-laundry whiney manipulated sap that i really have no motivation to care about his wife and kid and do the ****ing farming for them. **** off.
it says a lot when i really can't even be bothered to finish this game. i will but... ****, it's such a drag. the john marston character is such a pushover, do the dirty-laundry whiney manipulated sap that i really have no motivation to care about his wife and kid and do the ****ing farming for them. **** off.

Yeah, while that part is a little iffy, just drag through it.

Shit hits the fan.
I actually enjoyed the juxtaposition of ranch life in RDR
really made me feel like Marston was finally turning his life around . . . however short lived
plus the "end" was just plain awesome
i just think that on the whole, the gameplay is solid enough to be fun for the first few hours, and then it just becomes ''ride shotgun here, defend against WAVE of bandits here, do some bad deeds there'' and when you combine that with a ridiculous story involving characters i know nothing about or have any reason to care about then it just becomes a drag.

i'll complete it sometime later. i'm playing the GTA liberty city episodes now. why couldn't the rockstar who did the GTA games do red dead? story is much more cohesive and interesting. i actually KNOW who i'm going to meet/kill.
That might be intentional. Marston doesn't seem to really give a shit about anyone, except for the good people that help him, and Bill Williamson.
Just realized Outlaws to the End was downloadable for free. :P I dl'ed it, but I finished it in roughly 45 minutes with a bunch of randoms, well, that was underwhelming.
Just realized Outlaws to the End was downloadable for free. :P I dl'ed it, but I finished it in roughly 45 minutes with a bunch of randoms, well, that was underwhelming.

try advanced.. more fun

speaking of which, anyone wanna play some advanced co op and/or hardcore gang matches sometime?
add me on 360

That might be intentional. Marston doesn't seem to really give a shit about anyone, except for the good people that help him, and Bill Williamson.

on more than one occasion he asks or comments on the bad things he's doing, but yet he still goes on to do. i'm a little hazy on the intro to the game but if i recall, you spend a dull train journey listening to people on the train talk about good and evil, bad and good people and how bad folk are ruining this country. why doesn't any of that actually relate to how you play the game?

i dunno, maybe i've been oversaturated by games with outcome choices. i was expecting a little more freedom in what i could do.
It does affect how you play, but doesnt do it strongly enough.

If youre bad, people run away from you, shout at you etc, and the law will be on you quickly of course.

But in terms of the missions, nothing changes.

And I know what you mean, nothing actually changes as a result of your actions in the world. Like getting more run-down, trade prices going up etc.
Yesterday I got my golden double action revolvers in multiplayer at level 36. When the game goes to save, it freezes.

Log back in and I'm back to level 1.


Turns out the multiplayer data is stored CLIENT SIDE. Make backups of that shit. ****in' stupid of Rockstar.
Yesterday I got my golden double action revolvers in multiplayer at level 36. When the game goes to save, it freezes.

Log back in and I'm back to level 1.


Turns out the multiplayer data is stored CLIENT SIDE. Make backups of that shit. ****in' stupid of Rockstar.

oh shit!
thanks for the info
I've had it freeze on me a couple of times but not when saving thankfully . . .
It amazes me that developers don't seem to put in a single failsafe for writing save files. Is it really so hard to make a copy of a <10MB file before overwriting it?
Seriously, this^

I didn't play RDR MP, but I would be pissed if that happened to me. Level 36 - how many play hours is that?
Not sure. I'm a slow leveler, and I didn't do any of the hideout grinding stuff. It's all exp from pvp games from half an hour to an hour of playing at a time. Guess I could still play, but I can't care about the levels anymore. Big whoop!
I got votekicked today for dominating a capture the bag game. I think only one other guy got one capture while I was playing. Also in a game of team deathmatch it was me versus two other guys and I beat them with almost double the score just by sneaking around behind them (I wish you could use the knife). For some reason Dead Eye seems ten times more useful in capture the bag than shootout (probably because everyone is so distracted by the bag).

Other than that I had pretty shitty day. Most of my team games went against me (except for one really competitive game of capture the bag) and I think I only won one shootout.

I think from now on I'll join hardcore games. Annoying when you're trying to roll around an enemy at point blank and you're struggling to keep your aim on them but they're just locked on to you.
Tried MW2 multiplayer today. I find RDR's MP to be just more fun. Not sure if it's anything to do with being so strange to play FPSs on consoles or just RDR being more fun. Probably the latter.
Tried MW2 multiplayer today. I find RDR's MP to be just more fun. Not sure if it's anything to do with being so strange to play FPSs on consoles or just RDR being more fun. Probably the latter.

RDR mp is great fun
the weapons are just so satisfying to use... shooting someone point blank causing them to do a backflip or taking out someones legs and watching as they tumble off a rooftop just never gets old!
So what's up with Tumbleweed? Its wiki page is riddled with possible ghost sightings and paranormal activity(including a ghost barman who gives you a fatal drink:|) Is there any truth to this? Or have Rockstar fans learned nothing from San Andreas?
there's some true stuff that happens which is quite eerie, such as the lights in the church and the unseen dog barking, but other than that i think most of it's bullshit. cool though.
maybe the second, third, and fourth one. hopefully i can find someone to game share this first one with.