Red Dead Redemption Official Thread

Sounds awesome. Never had an issue with paying for a bit of DLC, even if it is a cheap cash grab.
in other words, things that should've been in the game in the first ****ing place.
in other words, things that should've been in the game in the first ****ing place.

My thoughts exactly.

I expected them to release something that was on par with GTA 4's DLC instead of crap like this.
Which is why this should be free, or at a significant discount.
I expected them to release something that was on par with GTA 4's DLC instead of crap like this.

Yeah, me too. This is crap really. Most of it seems to be for multiplayer and I really cba to play that.
Oh shut up. Red dead was in no way incomplete.

So, you rather pay extra for something that should have been in the game in the first place?
Go ahead and buy it then. They'll appreciate your gullibility.
What the **** are you talking about "should have been" Compare the price of read dead with other games at the same price. Red dead redemption had lots of stuff and a long singel player campaign. Now they are adding more content. Name one ****ing company who don't want to make money.

Yeah, me too. This is crap really. Most of it seems to be for multiplayer and I really cba to play that.
I really don't see how it will affect you then.
What the **** are you talking about "should have been" Compare the price of read dead with other games at the same price. Red dead redemption had lots of stuff and a long singel player campaign. Now they are adding more content. Name one ****ing company who don't want to make money.

I really don't see how it will affect you then.

I'm with you on this one.
Red Dead Redemption packed in a ton of content for $60
it's not like it's some crappy 7 or 8 hour single player only game at full price, with bullshit paid DLC tacked on a few weeks later
they've given us a fully fleshed out single and multi player experience, PLUS a co op pack

so now, if you want to, you can add on to an already great game
if not, that's fine, you're still going to have an enjoyable experience without
I disagree that the game is in no way incomplete. It was a very good game. But look at the stuff they're putting in these packs:

Legends and Killers Pack
New active map locations, characters and more:

• Release date: beginning of August 2010;
• 9 new multiplayer map locations — more than doubling the amount of territories in the multiplayer competitive modes;
• 8 new multiplayer characters — play as characters from Red Dead Revolver;
• Introducing a new projectile weapon: the Tomahawk, with corresponding challenges for single-player and multiplayer gameplay;
• New achievements and trophies;
• Pricing: $9.99 (PlayStation Network), 800 Microsoft Points (Xbox LIVE).

Sounds incredibly MEH. 9 new multiplayer maps? Aren't mp maps in RDR pulled straight from the overall map, which means they're already in the game? New weapon sounds just like the throwing knife. Don't need. New mp characters, eh.

Liars and Cheats Pack
New competitive modes, multiplayer mini-games in Free Roam, and more:

• Release date: TBC;
• Attack and Defend multiplayer competitive mode and challenges;
• New multiplayer horse races, complete with mounted combat;
• Play as the heroes and villains of Red Dead Redemption, as well as 8 additional multiplayer characters;
• Multiplayer versions of Liars Dice and Poker from the single-player game;
• Introducing a new weapon: the Explosive Rifle, with associated challenges available in single-player and multiplayer gameplay;
• New achievements and trophies;
• Pricing: $9.99 (PlayStation Network), 800 Microsoft Points (Xbox LIVE).

Attack/Defend mode, ok I guess. It should be part of the first pack instead. But multiplayer versions of horse races, liar's dice, and poker. Anyone wanna bet that they left these out intentionally to charge us for it later on?

Free Roam Pack
Delve deeper into the world of Red Dead Redemption with new modes, challenges and gang hideouts to discover:

• Release date: TBC;
• Additional Free Roam challenges;
• New action areas and defensive placements;
• Posse scoring and leaderboards;
• New anti-griefing measures in Free Roam;
• Pricing: TBC.

Undead Nightmare Pack
Ghost towns and cemeteries come alive in a West gone horribly wrong:

• Release date: TBC;
• Brand new single-player adventure, challenges and quests;
• 8 new multiplayer zombie characters;
• Additional animals unleashed in the world;
• New dynamic events and more;
• Pricing: $9.99 (PlayStation Network), 800 Microsoft Points (Xbox LIVE).
These last 2 are the only ones that make sense to me. More stuff to do in free roam, and completely new content in the undead pack. **** me if you'll end up having to pay for "new anti-griefing measures in free roam."
Yeah, it's crap becouse it's not a new singel player campaign like the Lost, and BoGT. Have anyone said that there won't be one further on?
I honestly don't want to hear anything about free roam until they actually make the world not barren... with more innocent souls abound to wreck havoc with. Having nearly just law enforcement and gangs at gang hideouts with pretty much nobody in towns and stuff really sucks.

All you ever see are the occasional guys on horseback.

I want to stroll into blackwater or armadillo with my posse and blow away everybody on the streets and in the bars and generally cause hell.

If you can't do that... it's bullshit!

:| at everybody :|
It's bullshit that you can't if you ask me.

Im guessing it's some sort of performance issue. With lot's of players running around on different parts of the map, having all towns fully populated might make things lag I guess.
It's bullshit that you can't if you ask me.

Im guessing it's some sort of performance issue. With lot's of players running around on different parts of the map, having all towns fully populated might make things lag I guess.

They need to step up with their netcode then. GTA IV had way more densely populated cities... full of cars, tons of pedestrians(in comparison), police officers etc.
I've been meaning to post this since I got the game, but I kept forgetting, nevermind.

I love that you can pause cutscenes, I was very impressed with that.
RDR is getting a Zombie and Ghosts DLC pack along with 3 multiplayer DLCs, first available in a couple of months.

Oh yes. Zombies.

*Laughs uncontrollably*
A lot of that sounds like stuff that should have been there at launch. Multiplayer poker? I had assumed that was in there already, it's so bloody obvious. The only thing that looks like a proper expansion and not just withholding-content-with-intent-to-charge-later is the zombie one. Also, making people pay for anti-griefing measures? WTF. If anything that should be totally free to everyone. What are the anti-griefing measures anyway?
Actually didnt people ask if MP poker would be in at launch and R* said "no comment"??



Will be awesome to see the Revolver cast in Redemption, even if it is just for multiplayer.
We all knew it Willie. But it's still ****ing awesome. YA **** YOUR FACE!
Eurogamer made a sexy time lapse video of RDR.

How they managed to film all that without an NPC running up and saying "Mister, I need your help!!!" is beyond me.

It is explained in the accompanying article:

Getting a HUD-less, solid, first-person viewpoint is usually a challenge too. Red Dead Redemption made the job easier for us with its in-built "afk" mode. Leave the controller alone for a few minutes and the game pops up a pre-defined vista view. They don't seem to be random, giving the impression that these viewpoints were added, chosen by the creators, as the maps were put together. A lovely assist from the developers then, though the option to choose our own shots would've been helpful!

Great vid btw.
what's wrong with it?

Well, there's the broken matchmaking. It's impossible to get a co-op game going because the timer gets reset every time somebody joins or leaves the lobby. Then you have the broken missions that instantly end once the level is loaded. I have yet play a co op mission thanks to this shit.
I had those problems the first few days. Seems to work fine now. I think the servers were overloaded when they first came out.
finally got this, going to jump in soon and get started with it

bit excited
I have to admit, RDR had the most engrossing world.

Ive never played a game where I felt physically in the world. It just completely engrossed me. It all felt and looked so real. SO real.

Just riding out into the dust with the sun setting ahead, eeh gad they did a good job.
tis a beautiful game indeed
AND the best part is I'm still havin fun with it (MP)
first immediate impressions: flat, bland and unimaginative camera work in the cut-scenes compared to the well-shot video features of GTA4; a game centered around the wild west, taking obvious influences from all the great western films, should of at least taken a little notice of how to create a composition that isn't simply just two characters smack in the middle of the screen talking blandly to each other. not a big deal, just an irk.

not as compelled by the intro as i thought i would be, again going back to comparisons to GTA. from the offset of playing niko i felt like i was beginning life right from the moment i got off the boat, whereas this... i feel like i've jumped into the middle of something already on it's way, and whilst i'm prepared quite knowingly to find out why the start is like that, it really didn't sit right with me as a way to open up a game. who am i? why did i think pulling a gun on three people with rifles would be a smart idea and as such, is this really who i am - an idiot right from the get go?

big world is big. no so much as a problem as the other two as in fact i like open worlds, just feel a bit overwhelmed right now but that's always common in these games.

it's pretty fun. need to obviously spend more time with it which i'll do tomorrow.

the first area feels to be bigger than all of GTA4 combined [overexaggeration] and if not that, then from what i remember of the entire map posted a while back, yeah well that deffo is bigger than all of GTA4
yeah, but i'm saying it's more that GTA. call it what you want, it's a big game. i can't see how anyone could call it small personally. is there a higher bar of expectations in some unknown, under the radar free-roam GTA style story driven sandbox experience that i am missing? for it's style, this is the biggest game of it's genre i've played.
it was big but i thought it felt kinda emptyish =/ sorry :P

i've said it before, i really liked it but i'd say its the most overrated game of 2010, not even in my top 5 for the year =/

dont lynch me *prepares shield*
it was big but i thought it felt kinda emptyish =/ sorry :P

I think that comes with its desert setting. Liberty City appeared to full of goodies but 80% of the buildings were inaccessible.

RDR was a definite improvement over GTA4 but they really need to change up their stories. I can't remember a Rockstar game that didn't involve the main character being betrayed.