Red Dead Redemption Official Thread

anyone noticed:

that mysterious guy is also part of the shooting squad that kills John

Everyone says this but I checked a thousand times and I'm pretty it's all just one big troll. But when John shoots him he is standing where Johns grave is going to be.
Is it just me, or does this game start to drag on by the time you crossed the border to Mexico?
Is it just me, or does this game start to drag on by the time you crossed the border to Mexico?

No, it is not just you. While Nuevo Paraiso is my favorite region landscape-wise, the missions seemed very uninspired.
Well I'm finding this game is getting increasingly boring as it goes on, think it must be down to preference, I think I just prefer the GTA games.
Is it just me, or does this game start to drag on by the time you crossed the border to Mexico?

i think at some point you kinda take on Marston's line of thought. he just wants to do this/that and people keep tugging him around before they give him something.
Okay theres...not enough in this game anymore.

SP is finished, no incentive to go back now. Open world is amazing, but theres nothing in it anymore. I want to be rewarded for running around in the wild, finding caves etc and finding chests. MP is kinda fun but a bit quiet.

Trading in.
Lol--I gotta try that glitch too--looks awesome!!

I never noticed the place where that stranger was standing. I will definitely be taking not of all this for the next playthrough...where I also glitch my way to Blackwater right from the beginning. :-)

I am really liking playing after finishing the game, but I think once I get my Legend of the West title I will be left a little wanting. This will be one of the first titles where I think I will definitely be getting whatever DLC they offer. :)
I'm hoping they do some single-player DLCs, preferably some actual major expansions like the ones for GTAIV which added each over 10+ hours to the game.
I get this glitch if I press up on the D-pad while on my horse my horse throws me off and then Marston just starts running forward, occasionally changing direction very slightly (but never very much) until he decides to stop for no clear reason. I cannot get him to stop until he feels like it. Very annoying and made me fail a bounty before.
Okay theres...not enough in this game anymore.

SP is finished, no incentive to go back now. Open world is amazing, but theres nothing in it anymore. I want to be rewarded for running around in the wild, finding caves etc and finding chests. MP is kinda fun but a bit quiet.

Trading in.

Free Co-op DLC is coming out in 2 weeks.
I see some people in here have already 100%:ed it, so I feel like I should too.

Damn compulsive desires to compete with others.
I see some people in here have already 100%:ed it, so I feel like I should too.

Damn compulsive desires to compete with others.

pretty sure it's the first sandbox game that I've ever 100%'d
couldn't be bothered with GTAIV cause there was so much useless shit involved like finding all the pigeons etc
and in RDR I was already at like 96% when I completed the story missions, so I thought what the hell, why not? :laugh:
Mmm, it's a lot easier to keep track of what you need to do to reach 100% in RDR too, thanks to the Social Club and whatnot.

At the same time, I have such a huge backlog and if I keep spending time to get extra achievements etc in games, I will never start to shrink it.
Best game of its kind that ive played in ages :thumbs:

I'm hoping they do some single-player DLCs, preferably some actual major expansions like the ones for GTAIV which added each over 10+ hours to the game.

Me too
co-op should be a hoot and a half

I just hope they continue to support it . . .
I wanna see the lasso in free roam and/or its own mp mode
and more sp/co-op stuff is always welcome :P
Just got done unlocking all the outfits, really close to 100%, like 91% right now. I think I just have to do all the bounties and I'm done.
Oh **** I've nearly forgotten about RDR. Got distracted with work and other games like Trouble in Terrorist Town and stopped playing!

I still have quite a ways to go I think.
heh, just realized the 'Bollards' gang sounds like the 'Bloods' gang. Wonder if it's intentional.
You're gonna try to do all the MP achievements!?

You crazy, boyo!
Oh, I love the look of the horse you get for having complete negative honour. Shame it's slow as shit. Also, having a 4,500 bounty on your head ftw. John's comments to NPCs when in negative honour are way better, too, btw.
Got a 100% finally, letting it simmer for a while before I do another playthrough as a bad guy.
Actually, reaching max rank in RDR is easier than it was in GTAIV if you just get a decent posse and grind hideouts.

It's the "Win three public FFA games in a row" achievements that bother me, since I'm not all that good at MP.
Got 100% earlier today, amazing game, awesome ending.
I gave up on 100%i it, moved onto other games..

Guess that makes me a bad gamer.:(
I don't think so, I just get nit-pickey about these things. The fact that you moved onto even more games makes you a good gamer in my book.
Thanks, all my friends have 100% it so it makes me feel kinda like I'm weaker than them when it comes to sticking with a game.

Oh well, maybe in the future.:)
Some people don't need 100% to be satisfied with the game though, "finishing" a game means different things to different people.
Yeah, indeed, it's just easy for me to get into a competitive mindset, that I have to beat my peers and stuff.

But I guess I managed to beat it since I managed to move onto another game despite not having beaten them.:p
Yeah, indeed, it's just easy for me to get into a competitive mindset, that I have to beat my peers and stuff.

I smell an ex-WoW addict.

You must use the same antiperspirant as I get from Blizzard.
Interestingly enough, I've never gotten into MMOs, and actually never even tried WoW.

The only MMO which I've begun to get addicted to was EVE Online.
hardcore free roam added today
me likey
all it needs now is the lasso . . .
big spoilers follow:

I miss John Marston :( I almost don't really wanna replay the game because I don't want to see him die again.
Yeah, I know how you feel there, wolfy. I was so sad :(.

I havn't touched this game in SO long. After I beat the main story it lost most appeal. We need to get a group together to roam some time...
So I'm thinking of finally picking this up - will I be happy with the purchase if I focus on the SP? For the record I loved GTA 4 (and all the other 3D GTAs for that matter), though I realize this a completely different setting.

Is the main story as long as GTA 4's and is there a lot to do just for shits and giggles? Cause I don't want to buy the game and stop playing it after 10 hours.

I realize there's this whole thread dedicated to the game, but I don't want to dig through it all.

I'm almost certain I'll like the game, but I remember that a few months ago everyone was hyped about Borderlands here and I gave in to the hype and bought it only to find out that there's not much to the game after completing it in a few days.
Free co-op DLC coming Tuesday. That will get me playing the game again.