Red Dead Redemption Official Thread

So I'm thinking of finally picking this up - will I be happy with the purchase if I focus on the SP? For the record I loved GTA 4 (and all the other 3D GTAs for that matter), though I realize this a completely different setting.

Is the main story as long as GTA 4's and is there a lot to do just for shits and giggles? Cause I don't want to buy the game and stop playing it after 10 hours.

I realize there's this whole thread dedicated to the game, but I don't want to dig through it all.

I'm almost certain I'll like the game, but I remember that a few months ago everyone was hyped about Borderlands here and I gave in to the hype and bought it only to find out that there's not much to the game after completing it in a few days.

you will love it
hardcore free roam added today
me likey
all it needs now is the lasso . . .

Holy **** are you kidding me? Hardcore free roam? Wow... I'm impressed. It should have been there since the beginning, but I was worried they wouldn't add it for some reason.

Also I just beat the last mission guys. What I assume to be the last mission anyway.

How incredibly sad. I am very upset that John had to die!

Here I was before the last mission... just thinking how awesome it would be if the game ended with Marston getting his life back together and running the ranch. Would be cool if periodically you had(theoretically infinite) missions and stuff to go gather supplies by killing various animals, or herding cattle back to your ranch, or going out hunting with Jack.

When I got to this point in the game, I was thrilled to learn about Jack's family, and I felt even more connected to John Marston and it's like I had a complete change of character personality. I wanted to settle my character down. I know that sounds weird, but basically after all that killing and action, settling down and doing some hunting and other things really seemed appealing.

But now... John is dead, and I have Jack(though I loaded to get the last bits done before John dies). I can't exactly say I am thrilled to have Jack. I think doing that is great, but Jack's voice is really annoying, at least compared to John's.

Does anybody else feel the same way?

I've only heard a song with vocals in the game once, when I first got to mehico. I wish it was more often..

Yeah man... I wish I could turn that song on. That was one of my most memorable experiences in the game. I had just gotten into Mexico, and the song was playing and I felt all badass. It was dark and stormy outside, with lightning flashing through the clouds. Instead of speeding along on my horse, I was sauntering along feeling like a badass up a mountain trail.

Wish I could turn that song on whenever I wanted, to recapture that moment.

Random funny: I saw this guy being chased by a big ass grizzly bear, and he was screaming for me to help him. I had my pump action shotgun, and as I rode past the bear I shot him in the ass with all my rounds in deadeye. Turns out I not only blew away the bear's asshole, but in the process I also took out the poor sap being chased.

I've had many "oh ****" moments like that. One time a dog just literally ran out in front of me as I was riding fast through McFarlane's ranch... and I ran the poor thing over. I felt miserable!
Coop campaign is online now. Played the first 2 missions. They are over pretty quick but worth a play.
They are pretty buggy at the moment. I just played the herd one without a horse and no enemies spawned. We walked the herd throughout the entire map.

It's easy to get stuck in an endless loading screen as well.
They are pretty buggy at the moment. I just played the herd one without a horse and no enemies spawned. We walked the herd throughout the entire map.

It's easy to get stuck in an endless loading screen as well.

hahaha why am I not surprised

are they easy to get into? like can you just pop in and out of free roam with your posse and play them whenever you like? be nice to have them in the mix with gang hideouts for good xp and posse fun
Raz, you haven't truely beat the game if you haven't seen the credits roll.. [/vague]
Raz, you haven't truely beat the game if you haven't seen the credits roll.. [/vague]

I just did that.

95% completion.

I have some hunter things to do(gotta kill two cougars with my knife... ****. last time I tried it I got killed)... and I have to disarm 6 people without reloading. **** on that too. Need to get some moonshine and find a hideout or something.

Also wtf at not actually being able to go inside every building. They said we could but quite a few I can't go in at any time during the day. Do you have to shoot the doors or something?

The capital building or whatever it is in Blackwater... never seen the inside of that.

EDIT: Jesus Christ i've been chasing a cougar around for 5 minutes... trying to knife it... I keep lassoing it and shit but it keeps running. ****ing pansy ass bastard!

EDIT: OH **** YEAH! I knifed him from horseback. Ran alongside him and SLICE... It was my second cougar with the knife. Got the rank. WOO.
Is there a rediuclous amount of lag or is it just me
I did knife a bear from horseback, or I should say tried.

I shot him in the ass once with the buffalo rifle, then made a noble charge against him with my knife. He wasn't having any of that, and simply extended his paw into my horses face which caused it to explode violently as I flew through the air.

A couple of swigs of medicine, a few less than lethal(lucky) maulings, and wild flailing with my knife in about six or so swings took the bastard down.
hahaha why am I not surprised

are they easy to get into? like can you just pop in and out of free roam with your posse and play them whenever you like? be nice to have them in the mix with gang hideouts for good xp and posse fun

Yeah it's just like any of the game modes. You can select it from the menu. I'm not sure how the XP in it works exactly. It seems like you don't get any XP if you're dead at the end.
Would just like to confirm there are a bunch of buildings you can't enter in Blackwater. They make it pretty obvious too since the buildings just have those "painted on" doors you always see in linear shooters. Can't say I was terribly disappointed, but it does mean R* went back on their word, so make of that what you will.
Would just like to confirm there are a bunch of buildings you can't enter in Blackwater. They make it pretty obvious too since the buildings just have those "painted on" doors you always see in linear shooters. Can't say I was terribly disappointed, but it does mean R* went back on their word, so make of that what you will.

Yeah. I was bummed, but it wasn't that big of a deal I guess. I expected to at least be able to enter that largest capital looking building in Blackwater... but alas no.
Have to consider they're doing a more realistic take. It's not like Final Fantasy or Zelda where you can just rush into someone's house and wreck up their shit and no one will bat an eyelash. :P
Have to consider they're doing a more realistic take. It's not like Final Fantasy or Zelda where you can just rush into someone's house and wreck up their shit and no one will bat an eyelash. :P

Well if I'm not mistaken they have crimes for vandalism, breaking and entering, destruction of property and other things.

I've busted out a window before and jumped through the rest of it to break into the Hotel in blackwater once... would be cool if you could do that to other buildings.

When I played this game, sometimes I would think of... Oregon Trail. Imagining an Oregon Trail type game built with an engine like this one, though vastly more complex.
Well if I'm not mistaken they have crimes for vandalism, breaking and entering, destruction of property and other things.

I've busted out a window before and jumped through the rest of it to break into the Hotel in blackwater once... would be cool if you could do that to other buildings.

When I played this game, sometimes I would think of... Oregon Trail. Imagining an Oregon Trail type game built with an engine like this one, though vastly more complex.

you'd still die of typhoid.
awesome free roam moment today:

joined the game and immediately noticed a posse of 5 or 6 camping out at the palace in Escalera (I think) with one of them being most wanted
after a couple of failed attempts to take him down by storming the gates, I decided to wait outside on the hill and try to pick him off
then I overheard them talking about the achievement in which the most wanted player must survive for 10 minutes and then escape the law unharmed
well, this made my mission even sweeter... I knew he had been there for quite a long time so I positioned myself on the hill outside the front gate and waited for him to inevitably emerge
by this time, they had totally forgotten about me and let their guard down... the most wanted guy made a run for his horse and as he approached, I took him down with a single shot to the back of the head with my scoped rifle
the guy fukin lost his mind! he screamed through the mic at me as if I had just murdered his first born child or something
needless to say, I was voted out

priceless. :)
I got lucky with the bear knifing, there was an npc shooting at the bear so i just came up behind him and knifed him in the ass, bam.
lol co op is so bugged
no enemies spawned around or inside the mine
and about 50 carts spawned where the 1 normally is

still, it's fun when it works!
I started playing this a few days ago, enjoying it, but right now I'm pissed that due to a glitch I missed the atmospheric music upon entry in Mexico. It started playing but stopped when I took a few steps back to loot a body.

My experience is spoiled now :( I'm going to basically have to do two quite long missions, since my quicksave got overwritten, if I want to listen to this.
I started playing this a few days ago, enjoying it, but right now I'm pissed that due to a glitch I missed the atmospheric music upon entry in Mexico. It started playing but stopped when I took a few steps back to loot a body.

My experience is spoiled now :( I'm going to basically have to do two quite long missions, since my quicksave got overwritten, if I want to listen to this.

It felt so epic. As I said earlier, I just trotted along feeling badass. Wished I could play it at will.
yeah that epic music stopped for me after

killing dutch

anyway i've finally finished RDR now woop! :D

i still feel like i've not fully experienced all this game has even though my completion rate is over 72% now. I really enjoyed but

*prepares flameshield*

i do kinda think the hype for this was overblown with some people saying things like its better than any gta game etc. Don't get me wrong its really good but not THAT good. Then again i aint a big fan of westerns so :|


HOLY **** THAT ENDING!! I had it partly spoiled for me :hmph: and it was still so shocking to see. I mean no dev has pretty much ever had the balls to do that. R* I saulte you! :D
Did anyone else feel bad about the stuff we're doing in Mexico? I mean killing rebels and all that? There's really not much choice if you want to proceed with the game. At first I didn't think about it, but then I did one-two submissions where you destroy rebels' houses etc. as you encounter a general with his men in the field and I felt bad about it.

The thing is, the morality system does not punish you for this in any way and it is encouraged, if you want to complete parts of the map. The rebels are not even presented in a bad way, so that it could justify this, if both sides were doing horrible things, but the Army clearly takes the cake here.

It just doesn't seem right and congruent with the rest of Marston's actions if you're taking the good guy route, because the game pushes you into fighting for both sides.
Yeah, that was weird. Especially further on when you sorta switch sides and get treated as if nothing has happened. I thought the Mexican missions were the worst of the bunch.
Spoilers here and there:

Even if you were playing Marston as a "good" guy ... he was still pretty ruthless and made it very clear that everyone he met in the game was a means to an end. This was a man that, prior to the events of the game, had run in a gang that had taken part in the murder of many innocent people.

This was particularly clear when, after Dutch murdered an innocent woman right in front of him - he still expressed reservations about killing him, regarded him still as a good man, and stated he would rather kill any of the lawmen than take Dutch's life. Marston clearly has a perverted since of morality.

While it did seem a bit out of his character, I don't find it too hard to believe that he would be willing to do some pretty morally atrocious things to get his job done faster and get back home.

I kind of liked those missions as it drove home the point that there are no "good guys" in this game. To have the protagonist be a flawless beacon of righteousness in a world where morality and ethics are at best relative would have been incongruous with the theme.

And yes, I felt pretty bad doing it.
At the end of one of the missions for the mexican army they take away all the women from the town. You're left with a soldier who says something about getting to them before they're spoiled or something. Did anyone else immediately shoot him dead when the mission was over? I didn't even get a bounty for it, though I did lose honour.
yeah the mexican missions was strange in that regard and the morality system itself was undeveloped really :|
If anyone hasn't been playing recently, this might perk you up:

Legends and Killers Pack
New active map locations, characters and more:

• Release date: beginning of August 2010;
• 9 new multiplayer map locations — more than doubling the amount of territories in the multiplayer competitive modes;
• 8 new multiplayer characters — play as characters from Red Dead Revolver;
• Introducing a new projectile weapon: the Tomahawk, with corresponding challenges for single-player and multiplayer gameplay;
• New achievements and trophies;
• Pricing: $9.99 (PlayStation Network), 800 Microsoft Points (Xbox LIVE).

Liars and Cheats Pack
New competitive modes, multiplayer mini-games in Free Roam, and more:

• Release date: TBC;
• Attack and Defend multiplayer competitive mode and challenges;
• New multiplayer horse races, complete with mounted combat;
• Play as the heroes and villains of Red Dead Redemption, as well as 8 additional multiplayer characters;
• Multiplayer versions of Liars Dice and Poker from the single-player game;
• Introducing a new weapon: the Explosive Rifle, with associated challenges available in single-player and multiplayer gameplay;
• New achievements and trophies;
• Pricing: $9.99 (PlayStation Network), 800 Microsoft Points (Xbox LIVE).

Free Roam Pack
Delve deeper into the world of Red Dead Redemption with new modes, challenges and gang hideouts to discover:

• Release date: TBC;
• Additional Free Roam challenges;
• New action areas and defensive placements;
• Posse scoring and leaderboards;
• New anti-griefing measures in Free Roam;
• Pricing: TBC.

Undead Nightmare Pack
Ghost towns and cemeteries come alive in a West gone horribly wrong:

• Release date: TBC;
• Brand new single-player adventure, challenges and quests;
• 8 new multiplayer zombie characters;
• Additional animals unleashed in the world;
• New dynamic events and more;
• Pricing: $9.99 (PlayStation Network), 800 Microsoft Points (Xbox LIVE).

Yeah, on some of thse missions I felt a little spooked like there was a supernatural element at play. The Undead Nightmare pack should make this real and I could not be more excited!!!
10 bucks is a tad pricey
but I suspect the free roam pack will actually be free (hopefully)

still, I'm one of the few people, it would seem, that actually enjoys the multiplayer in this game, so I'll almost definitely be picking these up
Undead Nightmare sounds good, though I am kinda hoping its like a zombie apocalypse in the west.

Never could get into the game, travelling around in SP to get to missions seemed worse then the driving in Farcry 2.
maybe only the last 2 packs for me, i haven't bothered with the games MP yet

800 points seems a bit expensive mindwhen things like alan wake dlc is 560 points =/
Here's comes the nickel and diming. They should focus on fixing the co-op missions pack first before putting out this cash grab crap.