Red Dead Redemption Official Thread

I want my own Liar's Dice set. Wonder where I can buy like 30-35 dice for cheap. And I wonder where I can buy some cool cups. Would be awesome having a RDR set... but nope.

I find the game really fun and think it would be more awesome with real live people.
I want my own Liar's Dice set. Wonder where I can buy like 30-35 dice for cheap. And I wonder where I can buy some cool cups. Would be awesome having a RDR set... but nope.

I find the game really fun and think it would be more awesome with real live people.
Hahaha! I was thinking the exact same thing as I played in Thieves' Landing last night. Lots of fun.

Here's all you need to buy (and have each of your friends buy and bring their own).

Any more than 4 or 5 people playing though and you're gonna need Rain Man to help you win. :P

Actually, here's a pretty cheap set from Amazon so you can maybe even get a bunch of them. At $5.99 thats a pretty sweet deal. I think I may even have to get a few.
Hahaha! I was thinking the exact same thing as I played in Thieves' Landing last night. Lots of fun.

Here's all you need to buy (and have each of your friends buy and bring their own).

Any more than 4 or 5 people playing though and you're gonna need Rain Man to help you win. :P

Actually, here's a pretty cheap set from Amazon so you can maybe even get a bunch of them. At $5.99 thats a pretty sweet deal. I think I may even have to get a few.

Hmm... white dice though. Boring. I was checking out and they have some cool dice(which people say are the best). Was thinking about getting 35 of them, 5 each in different colors. Would just give my family another reason to get into it... since we always fight over colors and shit. "I GET TO BE BLUE! NO I GET TO BE BLUE!".

I was reading that the game plays best with 6 players, and potentially even more. I never played a game with that many in Red Dead Redemption... but then again they're AI too and aren't as interesting as real people.

Now if there was only a place I could buy some cheap, good quality dice cups, like the one in your link... just without the added expense of the dice and set as a whole.
Hmm... white dice though. Boring. I was checking out and they have some cool dice(which people say are the best). Was thinking about getting 35 of them, 5 each in different colors. Would just give my family another reason to get into it... since we always fight over colors and shit. "I GET TO BE BLUE! NO I GET TO BE BLUE!".

I was reading that the game plays best with 6 players, and potentially even more. I never played a game with that many in Red Dead Redemption... but then again they're AI too and aren't as interesting as real people.

Now if there was only a place I could buy some cheap, good quality dice cups, like the one in your link... just without the added expense of the dice and set as a whole.

Chessex are good, it's just they're EXPENSIVE AS ****. I just have one of their polyhedral sets for DnD.
Chessex are good, it's just they're EXPENSIVE AS ****. I just have one of their polyhedral sets for DnD.

Yeah man... 80 cents per six sided die. Their dice look so awesome though!

I may actually have to get 40 dice... enough for 8 people, depending on how many people at our family get together want to play :o

That's 32 bucks in dice, plus however much to find some nice dice cups. lol

I wish I could get together in person and play with you guys. :|
Haha... that's worth considering! I wonder what kind of shit I could do with 80-100 dice.

Play a Tyranid swarm-style army in Warhammer 40k. You might need more than that, actually.
I ****in hate poker man. No matter what hand I get the AI players will always have something better.
Poker against AI throws me for a loop because I can't use the same tactics on computers as I can with real people. At the poker table I can assess people and use mental tricks to boss them around; you can't do that against AI. The computer's set up to respond a certain way and I don't know what way that is. Frankly, it's off-putting and I stay well away from the poker tables in RDR.
Poker against AI throws me for a loop because I can't use the same tactics on computers as I can with real people. At the poker table I can assess people and use mental tricks to boss them around; you can't do that against AI. The computer's set up to respond a certain way and I don't know what way that is. Frankly, it's off-putting and I stay well away from the poker tables in RDR.

Sucks for you! I cleaned their clocks twice. And no it wasn't one of those times I blew them away... because of course I was winning!
I didn't actually. I just got to the part where I was given control of Jack by the graves. I rode around a bit, checked the map, saw that nothing new had popped up and called it quits. I'll have to check again when I'm off work.

I havn't found anything yet, and I'm in the same spot. Weird.
lol. On PSN, if you check comparisons under the social club section of the pause menu and go to where it says global comparisons - combat, apparently I have the high score for horse tramples. I dont even remember trampling anyone, but it was lol.
Seth has got to be the weirdest character in a video game since playing Zeno Clash
Btw, is it possbile to get back into Cochinay after the mission where you haveto climb the mountain with Nastas. I managed to get back to the area by jumping off Nekoti Rock(and barely survving) and bypassing the place where you needed Nastas to boost you up for the story mission. However, I seem to automatically die after climbing up a bit. Unless a snake got me.

There is another entrance, but I don't know what it is like when you go there before ... well ... you know.

I'd also make a save right about now, or at least before you start doing the final assault on Cochinay.

Congrats on becoming a Legend of the West btw.
Haha yeah, go back inside when you finished it. Stuff gets, weirder.
Finished it. Probably the most solid open world game yet, and just a hell of a ride in general.

That said, some not-so-small nitpicks plot-wise (woooords).

First off, the things I liked: the setting, the characters, the missions. Save for the last few, which I'll talk about in a bit, I felt like they struck a really nice chord with the mission variety, and the way they fit into the world at large. The setting is beautiful, but I hardly need to tell that to anyone who's played it. The characters were, for the most part, pretty great. My only problem with some of them was that they weren't developed very well, particularly the 'villains,' which I'll also go into some more.

My biggest reservation as far as the story, however, is with Marston himself. He seems like an interesting and well wrought character on the surface, and he has some really great moments of bad-assery, and some more reserved moments that reveal his more pensive side. The problem is the way the narrative treats him. He's so one-note with some of the other characters that it drowns out a lot of what makes them - and the situations they land you in - interesting. "Where's my family." "I want my family." "Am I going to get my family yet?" Christ, change the ****ing record, will you? Don't get me wrong, I understand his motivations, I just feel like we were never really given a chance to care about them. As that crucial rule of film goes (which should apply to Rockstar games given how much they treat them like blockbuster movies): show, don't tell.

This isn't always true of Marston, though. There are some great characters, like Bonnie, who you'll be all too happy to help, regardless of whether it furthers your own goals. In equal measure, though, there seem to be times where he's very casual about his overarching goal and eager to help random people for little discernible reason beyond the fact that - when you really get down to it - he's your typical Rockstar errand boy protagonist. Sure, they like to dangle the carrot of Williamson/Escuella/Dutch in front of your nose a lot, but it all seems very wishy-washy at times, particular when Marston himself starts going hot and cold about his motivations. One minute he'll be threatening a compatriot's life if by god he doesn't help him find Bill right this second, the next he'll be confronted by one of the eeeeeevil federal agents about the very same thing and be all like, "maaaaaaan, do I have to?"

It became especially painful for me during the third act when he's sent after Dutch, his childhood mentor, and seems extremely resistant to the idea of finally ending things (despite mentioning to someone much earlier in Mexico that he would, inevitably, have to go after him, it now comes as this huge surprise to him for some reason). Sure, I understand his trepidation, but once again we're never shown a single reason why. Dutch is a murderous asshole. He shoots a woman in the back of the head the first time you run into him just to secure his own escape. He corrupts what seems like an entire reservation of young native americans and turns them to a life of crime (oh wait sorry that was THE WHITE MAN lol). And then when you finally catch up with him he talks about fighting for some imaginary "cause" which they never even attempt to extrapolate on. Are we supposed to feel sympathetic toward this character, or Marston's inability to bring him to justice? I honestly couldn't tell, but I was ****ing glad when he died, so maybe not. The same can't be said for Williamson or Escuella, who are about as developed as MY PENIS. :imu:

And then you finally get to see Marston's family and... settle down? I was honestly thrown for a loop by this. At first I actually thought it might be rather a nice variation on the typical open world ending... then I played the missions. What were they thinking? Narratively, these missions are relatively effective at building a sense of foreboding (if a little transparent about it), but they feel so very out of place in terms of plot placement and, more importantly, gameplay flow. The only way I can imagine these missions actually working are as tutorials, but by this point of the game you already know all this stuff, you've already done it a thousand times before. It's ****ing boring. Furthermore, the idea that we're meant to develop a connection to his family after the game's climax just seems so weird to me... and the more I think about all of this, the more I think: why couldn't these missions have gone at the beginning of the game? They would function much better as a prologue than an epilogue, setting up his family's characters so they actually have some weight and relevance in the story beyond vague descriptions (or, in Jack's case, barely even a mention). Then when you finally get to see them again you might actually feel glad, instead of just thinking "oh, they do exist," like I did (I seriously suspected they were going to throw a "they were dead all along" twist at us after that weird Lost-style "I Know You" stranger quest... which aptly enough ends right above your ranch).

Then there's the ending (the one before you morph into Jack). Honestly, I didn't have a huge problem with this, and it was pretty well done in and of itself, however it does raise a few questions. First of all, why did they wait like a week before sending in the troops? Marston could've easily uprooted and fled by then. He has the know-how from being a criminal on the run, and he most certainly has the means - by the end of the game I was carting around 12,000 ****ing dollars (which made the hunting and cattle herding seem even more like pointless busy work than it already was). Which leads to my next question: WHY DIDN'T HE?! Is Marston really that stupid? They live all of five minutes ride from Blackwater, you know, the place where the evil federal agents are. I realise this isn't a realistic expectation given the gameplay implications, but this just leads me back to my aforementioned suggestion - if the family quests took place at the beginning of the game, they could easily have had the army attack you soon after reuniting with them, giving you no time to escape. This has the added bonus of not subjecting us to these boring nana quests, instead giving us two strong climaxes back-to-back (that's what she said). I'm not saying it'd necessarily be perfect, but I'm really stumped as to why they chose to do it this way...

The other problem with all of this is that it often seems very counter-point to the gameplay, in that way JRPGs so often achieve with the discord between "real world" and "battle world" (whoops Aeris died lol phoenix down wuts dat). Cut scene Marston is a repentant ex-con, deperate to get his family back by any means necessary, but determined to retain his integrity and not return to his old ways. Game world Marston is a boozing, gambling, hunting, flower picking murderer who is more than happy to waste away the hours with whatever pursuit seems the most profitable - not to his end goal, but to that shiny new gun/steed/house he's had his eye on (or just to weigh down his wallet with more useless cash). In a strictly gameplay sense these diversions are remarkably well done, but it can be difficult to reconcile them with the plot - such an urgent goal just doesn't seem to mesh very well into an open world environment that so often encourages distraction.

Still, loved it. Solid 8 or 9 in my book (discounting the disappointing multiplayer).
Story really drags towards the end. Every character becomes an irritating, annoying douche. Even Marston got on my nerves.
God damn it I keep getting in trouble for whipping it out! The cop who shoots the two prisoners after you round them up? He got attacked by coyotes straight after so I shot about four of them in dead aim mode or whatever it's called and then realised I got a wanted level for pointing my gun at him while shooting the dogs around him!

I also failed the water and honesty mission because I pulled a gun in front of the home owned before talking to him (I didn't aim at him or even shoot). There was a rabbit on his lawn I was trying to shoot to get the next level in the sharpshooter challenge.
God damn it I keep getting in trouble for whipping it out! The cop who shoots the two prisoners after you round them up? He got attacked by coyotes straight after so I shot about four of them in dead aim mode or whatever it's called and then realised I got a wanted level for pointing my gun at him while shooting the dogs around him!

I also failed the water and honesty mission because I pulled a gun in front of the home owned before talking to him (I didn't aim at him or even shoot). There was a rabbit on his lawn I was trying to shoot to get the next level in the sharpshooter challenge.

Heh heh...

I have the worst luck with missions sometimes.

I was getting back this stolen single horse wagon for this dude... and I come back and drop it off and get on my horse. I hear a roar of a cougar and then see it rushing the dude... The cougar is between me and the horse/guy... and I blast the cougar so it doesn't maul him to death. Sure enough, he hasn't gotten on the horse yet, and the mission isn't complete... and I fail the mission for threatening the guy. Threatening him? How about saving his good for nothing hide.

I was also on a night patrol mission with the dog in chuparosa, and I do the first one fine... but the second one I enter dead eye mode and am aiming at his gun with my semi auto shotgun... my favorite weapon. I know there won't be much of him left, but I'm fine with it and still aim at his gun. Turns out I not only blasted through him, but also the watch dog behind him that I did not see. Failed the mission and lost honor because the dog died.

Woe is me.

I had a hilarious moment where I was stealing this wagon for some dude to make a quick buck. I was barreling down this increasingly narrow road and these four guys on horse are riding through. There's a canyon wall on one side, a cliff on the other side... and not enough room for me and all of them to pass through. So what do I do? Nothing... I keep going and three of the dudes get flung off their horse as I charge through, one of them falling down the cliff along with his ride.
TV show in a couple minutes here on the west coast. Woo.

Okay this is pretty bad it's just a bunch of the cut scenes strung together.
Welcome to any game advertising on TV, Ace. Nobody cares about real footage anymore.

Every advertisement I see for a game, it's just CGI sequences, or just random cut scenes.
God damn it I keep getting in trouble for whipping it out!

I just did one of those single horse carriage missions. I was on my way back with it and some wolves killed him. The mission then ended because I "failed to prevent the crime." Uhh... no I didn't, I got his damn carriage. Whatchu want me do, hogtie the ****in wolf and haul him in for questioning? :|
I've spent all day trying to buy this ****ing game. From Game to Gamestation, then on to PC world and Blockbuster no one had it and they told me I wouldn't find anywhere with it as there was a list for back orders.
Went to Tesco on my last stop for food shopping and **** me if they didn't have a shelf full of it. How the **** can Tesco get stock when dedicated game stores can't?

Doesn't matter, got it now. Hope it's good.
If you're from Europe there is a huge shortage over there. Surprised you got it at all.
Oh god I hate the auto-tagging in Dead-Eye mode. There's five guys to aim and I want to kill them with one blast from my six-shooter. Dead-Eye automatically waists two bullets on the first guy's shoulders and the rest on his horse. Is there a way to use Dead-Eye without it picking stupid shots for me (other than having to constantly pull up from guys' heads to stop it from wasting bullets).
Oh god I hate the auto-tagging in Dead-Eye mode. There's five guys to aim and I want to kill them with one blast from my six-shooter. Dead-Eye automatically waists two bullets on the first guy's shoulders and the rest on his horse. Is there a way to use Dead-Eye without it picking stupid shots for me (other than having to constantly pull up from guys' heads to stop it from wasting bullets).

Wait till you get to mexico.
Because people buy games from dedicated games sources?

Funny that.

They don't from Tesco? Fact is that Tesco seems to be able to get hold of stock when Game/Station etc can't. Not really good enough is it?
Oh god I hate the auto-tagging in Dead-Eye mode. There's five guys to aim and I want to kill them with one blast from my six-shooter. Dead-Eye automatically waists two bullets on the first guy's shoulders and the rest on his horse. Is there a way to use Dead-Eye without it picking stupid shots for me (other than having to constantly pull up from guys' heads to stop it from wasting bullets).

Yeah when I had that mode, I wish I knew how to switch back to the first one... which I'd find far better. I now have the latest one, but still. I want to play with just the first one!

Is there a way to switch?
Unfortunately not Raz.

Damn. That really... really... REALLY sucks.

I like the first one... I know the third one can be used like the first one... but I find it cooler if it automatically cuts it off for me, instead of me having to do it.
Got the game today and played free roam with a buddy online. Shits really fun, surprisingly.

Took a loving to the Winchester and the Colt 1911, just sitting around for hours hunting deer and rabbits is immensely fun.