Red Dead Redemption Official Thread

The damsel achievement was amusing but I feel like they forgot to add a satisfying "splat" sound effect. It's like they're just being churned to mist in an instant instead of actually being gibbed.

Guh, the more I play this game the more I feel the GTA IV influence creeping in. I can ignore it when it's just the aesthetics, but the characters seem a bit too familiar at times. In fact, give Marston an eastern european accent and I could just about mistake him for a certain slavic gentleman...

Also, when is Rockstar going to stop using money as such a big plot hindrance when you're always carting around thousands of dollars in disposable currency? "Oh well I would help you but I can't afford *impractical plot device* so go do a race for me or something." Or how about, uhh, HERE HAVE SOME MONEY. I'M PRETTY MUCH SHITTING GOLD BRICKS AT THIS POINT. Oh well I guess Marston just doesn't care that much about his family who are constantly emphasized as the sole reason for him doing everything ever (except all that flower picking and treasure hunting and gambling and... anyone else get the feeling he's treating this as more of a vacation than he's letting on? :P).

Edit: Oh god, tears of laughter.
That guys game must be broken. He seems to get those glitches way too often.
Those last two videos are great, they even animate like animals.
Haha. Anyone rescued the chinese guy in Mexico?

The guy in the barn who has to pay $10k if he leaves his contract to leave the country, and his owner demands the white Hungarian Half-Bred as payment

Well I completed it, the owner gets on the horse and rides off slowly, and I watch the Chinese guy walk toward a house away from the barn.

And on the way, he gets bitten by a snake and dies.

Thats my first completely unscripted ''lol'' moment.
So, where does RDR take place? Is it a faux sand-box world/spoof like GTA's Liberty City?
Is there anything on the hud or in the menu that tells you what horse you have? Can't tell the breeds apart ingame. In Mehico atm and I read the best horses are here and roaming freely, Hungarian half-breeds etc. What do they look like?
Hungarian Half-Bred is fully white/grey depending on the time of day you see it.

American Standardbred is fully black.

Kentucky Saddler is fully Golden, more of a camel colour.

Those are really the only ones you want to find as they're the superior ones. You cant even buy them until youve broken them in the wild.

Every other horse is just a case of ''I prefer that colour/pattern to the one my current horse has''.

Seriously surprised Rockstar didnt add a horse indicator of some kind so you can atleast KNOW what you're riding.

Dont know if this applies to all horses, but the 3 listed above prompted an autosave after breaking them each time. So if you find one as described, and it autosaves, youve got 1 of the 3 rare breeds.

But if that applies to every horse you break, then...I clearly need to break more horses.
I got the bucking awesome achivment. Had no idea what horses I was breaking, I just picked the ones that where cool. And bam. Bucking awesome.

minor spoilers.
I just got back home in the game. But I do feel that things won't stay happy for so long. I bet those suits will pay a visit soon.
Does having high honor impact the story in anyway?
The story? No.

Side quests and strangers? Yes.

The higher your honour, the more people come looking for you to help them. And the more duels you'll have. As your honour goes up, so does your fame usually.

There are certain perks like the law looking the other way if you steal someone's horse, but to be honest, they're not worth having as you tend to just stick to the horse you have anyway.
That's pretty cool actually. Once I pick this game up I'll probably play as a freeloading hero, saving distressed damsels and then riding off with their horses. No honour without theft!
So, where does RDR take place? Is it a faux sand-box world/spoof like GTA's Liberty City?

Takes place in three seperate areas.. the West(the starting area), Mexico, and a sort of semi-urbanized midwest.
They unlock as you progess, each area is blocked off by a bridge that suddenly gets repaired after specific missions.

Wonder where I've seen that done before...oh, right, of course.

Just finished the story, and in typical Rockstar graces you can carry on and finish stuff you left behind. All weapons, consumables, herbs, skins and gear etc intact.

Definitely one of the more...memorable ends to a game. Something that has definitely never been done before. I really felt quite emotional actually.
They unlock as you progess, each area is blocked off by a bridge that suddenly gets repaired after specific missions.

Wonder where I've seen that done before...oh, right, of course.

Just finished the story, and in typical Rockstar graces you can carry on and finish stuff you left behind. All weapons, consumables, herbs, skins and gear etc intact.

Definitely one of the more...memorable ends to a game. Something that has definitely never been done before. I really felt quite emotional actually.

Did you finish the extra mission? I hope so, cause the 'first' end isn't the true end.
****ing cougars man...

I was riding along, towards the last area a Wanted man was seen. I suddenly hear this cat growl and look around and then behind me. The cougar leaps up at the rear of my horse and mauls it to the ground, with me tumbling to the ground. I panic as I struggle to get to my feet and look around to see where the cougar ran off to. I quickly see it and dispatch the bastard.

Knowing full well that cougars tend to travel in pairs in this game, I am wandering around with no horse, scanning around me. The brush and cactus are obscuring my view, along with the rough uneven terrain. Without warning I get mauled from behind and tumble forward while the second cougar runs off and hides. I'm freaking out, because I don't know where he went and all is quiet. I know he must be looking at me from the bushes somewhere, crouched low. Sure enough, he lunges at me from behind again and takes me to the ground. I'm almost finished with the blow, but get back to my feet and manage to blast the bastard to hell.

Shortly after as I'm walking to the Wanted guy's place, which isn't far off... I get attacked by coyotes. ****ing coyotes attacking ME. I guess the little crying bastards thought I was weak because I lost my horse and almost succumbed to two cougars, but after suffering through one or two bites, I showed them they were wrong.

After I obliterate the gang members, and get the Wanted dude bound and up on one of their horses, I take off towards Armadillo. It isn't long of course before his posse comes looking for me, and in the hail of gunfire which almost takes me out, it appears my bounty got plugged in the head, because he's no longer on my horse and it's telling me to loot his body.

I guess they weren't too worried about rescuing their buddy.
I love the little references to Red Dead Revolver in the game. First time I popped in Redemption I sat at campfire with two old guys. One of them began talking about how several years ago a mysterious man named Red Harlow won a dueling competition in the town of Brimstone after killing a man named Mr. Kelley. This occurred close to the end of Revolver. Makes me wish they'd go back and do a western that isn't all grimdark and serious and go back to the comical spaghetti western roots of Revolver, complete with soundtrack made up of classic music by Bruno Nicolai and Ennio Morricone and whoever else they borrowed music from.
Red Harlow?

I think I heard the same convo but it sounded to me like they said Nate Harlow.
Nah. Nate was killed at the beginning of Revolver along with his wife Falling Star.
Did you finish the extra mission? I hope so, cause the 'first' end isn't the true end.

I dont see any other story missions on the map, just purple question marks from the 3 Ive yet to finish.
Sorry if this was posted somewhere in this big ass thread, but this sounds awesome:

This Saturday at midnight (ET), Fox will air a 30-minute short film made from Red Dead Redemption. That's right -- this film was created using in-game assets. And it's not just any old basement machinima -- it's been directed by John Hillcoat (The Road) and, according to Rockstar's description, "reimagines" protagonist John Marston's, uh, redemption, as he pursues that prickly Bill Williamson.


Nah. Nate was killed at the beginning of Revolver along with his wife Falling Star.

Ah, I never played the original so, but I'm sure I heard someone mention Nate Harlow in the game, and something about a governors mansion or something like that.
****ing hell, these challenges. Disarm 6 people without reloading? Sheeeeit.

Just ran into two people fist fighting in the middle of the snowy area in West Elizabeth. One of them stopped to pull a gun and the other guy took this opportunity to get in one last punch, luckily knocking him out. He started to walk away victoriously and was mauled by a bear.
John Marston is officially one of the most badass characters in video games. The other day I rode into Thieves Landing and as soon as I get into town a man wants to duel with me. I give him a hard stare and wait for the duel counter to expire, not wanting to waste my time or my bullets. The guy doesn't seem to get the hint though, because after he's done asking to duel, he decides he's just gonna take it upon himself to shoot me anyway. He runs behind a barrel, takes a shot at me and misses wide; I rope 'im, hogtie him and leave him lying in the street.

I go up to my apartment and go to sleep.

Wake up six hours later, head to the saloon for a drink, and who should be there but that same guy? He sees me, flips out, runs around the counter and draws his weapon. I ignore him and buy a drink. I don't reckon he liked being ignored, because he starts shooting up the place. People are screaming, he's firing wildly, and all the while I'm downing a shot. I ask for another. The bartender starts to oblige, but just at the moment he puts the glass down HE GETS SHOT IN THE HEAD.

The glass starts to roll away.

I pick up the glass and finish my shot.

The guy's still shooting when the game puts me back in control of Marston, still shooting everything but me. He aims a shot at me but hits the cash register instead; thing flips over and the tray spills out. I briefly consider just roping the guy again, but instead put two shots in his chest and leave him on the floor as I walk out, the few patrons left inside scared and cowering.

God damn, Marston is a badass.
Indeed. I am guessing you're playing the good guy then Darksied? I am too, but I just started my 2nd playthrough and I want to go more neutral this time, or switch a bit between good and bad. Anyone have any experience with that?
Indeed. I am guessing you're playing the good guy then Darksied? I am too, but I just started my 2nd playthrough and I want to go more neutral this time, or switch a bit between good and bad. Anyone have any experience with that?

Well... One time I was in thieves landing, I accidentally drew my weapon and this guy across the bridge pulled his gun because I was aiming at him... he started shooting at me. Realizing I was in thieves landing and no law enforcement was going to get me, I shot at him and killed him.

Turns out it was a shopkeeper. The very shopkeeper I came to thieves landing to buy from. So yes I was pissed. I had to wait around for five days and do other shit until he came back. Grrrr.

Oh and a couple times while I was in places like Armadillo or thieves landing, when I lost horribly at games of poker and shit, I would pull a gun on my fellow players and give them hell. One time I lost really big at poker in the back poker room of armadillo... I got pissed off and pulled a shotgun on all three of the other players and blasted them. They were all crawling to try and get away in the corner of the room until they bled to death. Then of course the law was after me... for the only offense they would come after me with all the honor I had, murder. A triple homicide. So realizing the error of my ways, I had to blast my way out of town and rode off away from armadillo. It wasn't long though before a posse found me and I had to dispatch them, increasing my bounty even more. I'm lucky as hell that I had a pardon letter, because my bounty by the time I was finished amounted to over $1400 I think. Lesson learned... don't blow your cool during poker games, because the end result will be way more expensive than if you just lost your money like a man.
Shakermaker said:
I am guessing you're playing the good guy then Darksied?
Yeah, playing good guy first time through, then probably going to go full on outlaw next time. A friend of mine was telling me his sister has been playing a real mean outlaw, shooting up towns and killing everyone she meets, and she got a horse for it. A scarred up horse that's missing an eye. I want that horse.

Also I was playing a bad guy last night in multi; this guy invites me to join his posse and I'm thinking we're going to go do some missions, but instead we ride out to McFarlane Ranch and start shooting up the law. We holed up in the barn and shot at cops for like an hour.

Raziaar said:
I got pissed off and pulled a shotgun on all three of the other players and blasted them. They were all crawling to try and get away in the corner of the room until they bled to death.
This is why poker isn't in free roam. :laugh:
A friend of mine was telling me his sister has been playing a real mean outlaw, shooting up towns and killing everyone she meets, and she got a horse for it. A scarred up horse that's missing an eye. I want that horse.

Wow same. Do you need to do a mission for it, or does a deed for it pop up in your inventory after you have done enough outlaw-ish stuff?
He said she "just got it," so I'm assuming maybe after your honor gets way down it gives you that horse if you whistle for it. I really don't know.
He said she "just got it," so I'm assuming maybe after your honor gets way down it gives you that horse if you whistle for it. I really don't know.

When you get the lowest honor you get a Dark Stallion or some shit. It's pure black with bandaged ankles and bloody hooves, with red eyes I think. One of the best horses.

When your current horse dies, it gives you a message that you get it once you whistle for a new one.
When you get the lowest honor you get a Dark Stallion or some shit. It's pure black with bandaged ankles and bloody hooves, with red eyes I think. One of the best horses.

When your current horse dies, it gives you a message that you get it once you whistle for a new one.
Holy shit that's badass. I really need to quit being the goodie-goodie and start playing Falling Down style. ;)
Found this in the RDR Wikia:

The Dark Horse is a special mount gained by having the lowest honor level it seems to be a 2-star ranked horse. It appears when the character whistles while not having an alive horse saved. The Dark Horse is a black horse with a white face and scarred body. If the horse dies it will respawn after the in-game delay. If the player's honor becomes neutral or good the dark horse will not respond to the whistle, even if it was saved at a hitching post.
:laugh: One of the outfits requires beating everyone at poker in Armadillo, so naturally I killed all but one of the poker players there and just had to beat that one guy I left alive.

And that evil horse you get is probably equivalent to the duster coat you get as the good guy. Duster coat gives you huge discounts to all stores and better sell prices. After you tame an American standard-bred horse you'll have a really fast horse too. And it's black. And not all ****ed up and shit.

Being drunk in this game is funny as shit. I got drunk in that bar in Armadillo and walked out to try and get on my horse but I ended up stuck under the horse in a bent over position until I was sober again. :naughty:
So what do you get if your nice? I got my meter filled I think. I accidentely shot and killed some people, after I tied some girls up. First one by accident when I tried to laso my horse, then I had to tie them up before they alerted someone. But It was too late. I had to shoot my way out of there.
I also shot a guy who wanted to duel in the back. It was hilarious. It was a the mission when you are supposed to collect money for a pregnant girl, and a guy challenge you, I shrugged my shoulders and went out to join. But then he stod with his back against me, smoking a ciggarete. Dumb basterd.
So what do you get if your nice?

Honor Ranks and their respective Perks

  • Desperado: No eyewitness reports crimes below murder,but lawmen still respound to all crimes if seen (In addition to Rustler and Road Agent Perks)
  • Road Agent: All the Shops in Thieves' Landing charge you 50% less to buy and pay you 50% more to sell (In addition to Rustler perks). Special black horse responds to your whistles as long as you stay below Drifter Rank.
  • Rustler: The cost to bribe eyewitnesses is reduced 50%
  • Drifter: No Perks aka Neutral Honor.
  • Honest Joe: All jobs pay twice as much (including Bounty Hunting)
  • Peacemaker: Shops prices are reduced 50% when buying and increased 50% when selling in all areas except Thieves' Landing (In addition to Honest Joe perks) Worn Duster outfit is unlocked.
  • Hero: Lawmen and Eyewitnesses only report crimes after the first murder in cold blood (In addition to Honest Joe and Peacemaker perks)


Also, about the dark horse:

If you want to 'testdrive' this horse, you can join R* Social Club and get the cheats included as the joining bonus. One of these is a cheat that drops your Honor automatically to zero, at which point a message will pop up telling you about this horse. Since you're using cheats you can't save and ergo, your preexisting Honor level will remain intact.